Watch And Learn: This Is How You Combat Democrat Fake News And Corrupt Democrats...

CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and NY Times are all partisan and should have passes pulled.
Which news outlets do you currently trust?
I go by program. I like Baier, O'reilly, the Five,and sometimes Morning Joe. Washington Times, Houston Chronicle, and as an off network Dana of the Blaze.
You do realize that half, if not more than your list are known conservative opinion and not straight-up news right?
CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and NY Times are all partisan and should have passes pulled.
Which news outlets do you currently trust?
I go by program. I like Baier, O'reilly, the Five,and sometimes Morning Joe. Washington Times, Houston Chronicle, and as an off network Dana of the Blaze.
You do realize that half, if not more than your list are known conservative opinion and not straight-up news right?
They are the most balanced. Unlike Maddow, Matthews, Cooper, Poppy, Cuomo...and on and on.
CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and NY Times are all partisan and should have passes pulled.
Which news outlets do you currently trust?
I go by program. I like Baier, O'reilly, the Five,and sometimes Morning Joe. Washington Times, Houston Chronicle, and as an off network Dana of the Blaze.
Do you watch Tucker?

Tucker's show is the best I have ever seen.
Shit...can't leave out Tucker!
I hope Trump winnows the MSM after fake news stories by pulling credentials until all that's left are real news outlets.
Better yet, arrest them if they ask un-adoring questions.
I personally love how he also called out the BBC.

I bet those pricks are even more pissed than CNN is right now.

I hope he starts favoring the Dailymail and other UK mediums just to really piss off the lunatics over there.
I have no love of the BBC, but I seem to have missed what he said to them?
WTG President Trump! Finally a Republican with guts. He's starting to remind me of Ronald Reagan.

You "combat Democrat fake news" by whining and crying?

CNN and 'BuzzFeed' are disgusting Fake News shite. I think it's fantastic that Donald Trump called em out on that. A Republican with balls. We haven't seen that in a long time.
Dschrute3 - Thanks for the full video link I've been waiting all day to watch it!


In other news, holy shit he's totally castrating his "business(es)." I sure hope the people of America can appreciate what he's doing for them... No foreign business deals, an ethics agent to sign off on every deal, and no communication regarding the business with his boys; that's a shit ton more than I expected him to do. I'm honestly not sure his "business empire" is going to pull through his presidency... Bastard just shot up a number of notches on my respect scale that's for damn sure. I'm... stunned, and if I'm being completely honest with myself, I wouldn't have been willing to do all that just to ally future claims of conflict of interest from haters that his supporters ignore. I am humbled. I don't think Trump is fucking around; he's going to do his best to make America great again, even if it costs him everything he's gained over his lifetime. That's fucking astounding. I gave him a standing ovation that he'll never see or know about. Thank you President Trump, you haven't even gotten started and I'm already fawning a bit heh
Dschrute3 - Thanks for the full video link I've been waiting all day to watch it!


In other news, holy shit he's totally castrating his "business(es)." I sure hope the people of America can appreciate what he's doing for them... No foreign business deals, an ethics agent to sign off on every deal, and no communication regarding the business with his boys; that's a shit ton more than I expected him to do. I'm honestly not sure his "business empire" is going to pull through his presidency... Bastard just shot up a number of notches on my respect scale that's for damn sure. I'm... stunned, and if I'm being completely honest with myself, I wouldn't have been willing to do all that just to ally future claims of conflict of interest from haters that his supporters ignore. I am humbled. I don't think Trump is fucking around; he's going to do his best to make America great again, even if it costs him everything he's gained over his lifetime. That's fucking astounding. I gave him a standing ovation that he'll never see or know about. Thank you President Trump, you haven't even gotten started and I'm already fawning a bit heh
But it STILL won't be enough.
They will not last at MSNBC...although MSBC has moved toward the middle and put CNN in the position of being the far left Colored News Network.
Dude...are you high right now?!? MSNBC hasn't moved anywhere but further left. CNN has some work to do, but they are a zillion times more centrist and fair than MSNBC.
CNN has always been the American BBC(despite PBS technically being the American BBC) that caters towards the non-white fascists.

MSNBC is just a bunch of lunatics who occasionally get someone in government that is as crazy and dumb as they are, but CNN is pure evil masquerading as a fictional middle between MSNBC and Fox News, and even conservative Republican politicians and news people have been successfully tricked into thinking CNN has some credibility.

The non-cable version of CNN is ABC btw, which is every bit as evil as CNN.
You people have clearly never tuned into MSNBC - even for a few moments. To call CNN "pure evil" over them is a special kind of insanity that I can't even begin to wrap my head around.
They will not last at MSNBC...although MSBC has moved toward the middle and put CNN in the position of being the far left Colored News Network.
Dude...are you high right now?!? MSNBC hasn't moved anywhere but further left. CNN has some work to do, but they are a zillion times more centrist and fair than MSNBC.
You have been duped.

CNN is SJW central. They were the first news channel to give kooks like Tim Wise a voice on a national level.

Other than Chris Matthews, MSNBC was actually tolerable until 2008.
They will not last at MSNBC...although MSBC has moved toward the middle and put CNN in the position of being the far left Colored News Network.
Dude...are you high right now?!? MSNBC hasn't moved anywhere but further left. CNN has some work to do, but they are a zillion times more centrist and fair than MSNBC.
You have been duped. CNN is SJW central. They were the first news channel to give kooks like Tim Wise a voice on a national level.

Other than Chris Matthews, MSNBC was actually tolerable until 2008. was nearly a decade ago. MSNBC is radical left-wing as it gets on the air. With the exception of Van Jones - CNN is a zillion times better option.
CNN has always been the American BBC(despite PBS technically being the American BBC) that caters towards the non-white fascists.

MSNBC is just a bunch of lunatics who occasionally get someone in government that is as crazy and dumb as they are, but CNN is pure evil masquerading as a fictional middle between MSNBC and Fox News, and even conservative Republican politicians and news people have been successfully tricked into thinking CNN has some credibility.

The non-cable version of CNN is ABC btw, which is every bit as evil as CNN.
You people have clearly never tuned into MSNBC - even for a few moments. To call CNN "pure evil" over them is a special kind of insanity that I can't even begin to wrap my head around.
I watched MSNBC for years because my naive grandmother had it on and would not talk to me until the program she was watching ended. I know MSNBC better than anyone.

BTW I could kill Chris Matthews right now and smile while I am doing it.

You are so wrapped up in MSNBC's unprofessionalism and blatant, radical pronouncements that you don't see that CNN fired Lou Dobbs before MSNBC dumped Pat Buchanan at the behest of their viewers(not their staff), and started the SJW narrative WAY before MSNBC did.

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