Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

Wow, one whole video compared to MONTHS of you loonies rioting and murdering.
Jan 6 has nothing to do with the Floyd demonstrations. One does not excuse the other.

They are as different as dogs and cows

And that cop being crushed by Trump’s minions is a dispute of the stupid claim that the minions were non-violent
?? you asked for examples of democrats that encouraged riots and I gave you the example of Kamala advocating for a group that would pay for their bail. As I said, I believe this encourages riots. It seem you don't agree, but didn't articulated why .

The purpose of bail is not to encourage crime.

So advocating for a group that posts bail does not encourage crime.

No. Their name is Minnesota Freedom Fund and all they do is provide criminal bail

Yeah. You're right. I was sure there was one she actually donated too, not just advocated for but it's been a long time since this has come up so I must have remembered wrong.

My bad.
Doesn't seem you'd ever be convinced of something that makes a Democrat look bad.
I could. I have...but not a lot in the last few years.
The purpose of bail is not to encourage crime.

So advocating for a group that posts bail does not encourage crime.

Some convoluted logic you have there, but at least you tried.

If you tell your buddy when going into a bar "You get into a fight tonight, don't worry, I got your back" Is that encouraging him to fight?

Yeah. You're right. I was sure there was one she actually donated too, not just advocated for but it's been a long time since this has come up so I must have remembered wrong.

My bad.

I could. I have...but not a lot in the last few years.
Some convoluted logic you have there, but at least you tried.

Doesn't seem that convoluted to me.

If you tell your buddy when going into a bar "You get into a fight tonight, don't worry, I got your back" Is that encouraging him to fight?
Possibly. It depends on the person.

If I tell my buddy, if you get into a fight while I am I am not there and you get arrested, I will post bail...probably not, unless the guy is an idiot.

He will still have to go to court and ultimately suffer the consequences of his actions.
He thinks memes are real-life evidence.
They sure trigger you

140 cops were injured on 1/6 by Trump’s insurrectionists. I’m happy that they have been (and will continue to be) hunted down like dogs.
140 DC cops took the opportunity to claim injury and sit on their asses collecting full pay, Candy. It's what the Public Sector DOES every chance they get because they know they'll always get away with it!
140 DC cops took the opportunity to claim injury and sit on their asses collecting full pay, Candy. It's what the Public Sector DOES every chance they get because they know they'll always get away with it!
So much for backing the blue

You people are despicable
I wonder what time of the day this took place? Before Trump's speech on the Ellipse ended or before? There is no security time stamp on the video, for some reason it was removed?

Did these people enter at the visitor center entrance on the other side of the Capitol building from where the riot took place? The video shows them walking the halls, but I didn't see video of what entrance they came in to the Capitol from, or if they were stopped or not???? I'm presuming they came in freely thru the Visitor center???

The time this took place.... is important to finding out what was going on in the vid.... Imo

And that video sure looks different than this one below, so the where and when of both videos will help discern the whole picture....imo.

You know what's sad about that video montage, Care? It's cut to show violent protesters. It doesn't show violent law enforcement. It doesn't show peaceful protesters inside of the Capitol building. That's the video that the J6th committee put out in their sham hearings to push the narrative that there was an armed insurrection that took place on Jan. 6th. The truth wasn't as violent as they portrayed it and the protesters were anything but violent once they were inside of the Capitol. So why wasn't the video that showed police allowing protesters into the Capitol provided to defense attorney's of the people on trial?
So much for backing the blue

You people are despicable
Hard to "back" a Police force that assassinates unarmed female protesters, Lesh! I'm amused by how you on the left see the Police as the enemy of Democracy calling to defund them...but when "backing" them means hundreds of conservatives go to prison for long sentences...all of a sudden you're all law and order STALWARTS! (eye roll)
You know what's sad about that video montage, Care? It's cut to show violent protesters. It doesn't show violent law enforcement. It doesn't show peaceful protesters inside of the Capitol building. That's the video that the J6th committee put out in their sham hearings to push the narrative that there was an armed insurrection that took place on Jan. 6th. The truth wasn't as violent as they portrayed it and the protesters were anything but violent once they were inside of the Capitol. So why wasn't the video that showed police allowing protesters into the Capitol provided to defense attorney's of the people on trial?
What the fuck.

So you have a bank robbery and you want to focus on the few minutes when the robbers are standing around rather than when they’re pistol whipping tellers?

Fuck you
You know what's sad about that video montage, Care? It's cut to show violent protesters. It doesn't show violent law enforcement. It doesn't show peaceful protesters inside of the Capitol building. That's the video that the J6th committee put out in their sham hearings to push the narrative that there was an armed insurrection that took place on Jan. 6th. The truth wasn't as violent as they portrayed it and the protesters were anything but violent once they were inside of the Capitol. So why wasn't the video that showed police allowing protesters into the Capitol provided to defense attorney's of the people on trial?
"In general, ignorance of the law is not an excuse for criminal behavior," said Taryn Merkl, senior counsel in the Justice Program at the Brennan Center for Justice and a former federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York.

Many accused rioters also face multiple charges for crimes they allegedly committed once inside the building, which experts say would render their claims of legal entry meaningless.

"Whether or not people knew that it was not lawful to enter the grounds as they did, many are charged with parading, demonstrating, or picketing -- and that is prohibited, and no intent is required," Merkl said.

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