Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

Yeah, we hate cops.
Jan 6th is going to end up being a God's send for any Capitol Police officer who wants to retire early with a full pension. They'll claim "mental trauma" and "emotional distress" and ride off into the sunset with full benefits. I watched them bawling like babies when they testified in front of Congress and knew right then and there that they'd never work another day in their lives.
Oh horse shot. You LOVE edited clips.

Would you expect the state to post 40,000 hours of nothing?

Of course not. The put up the evidence showing crimes

You dolt
I would expect the state to turn over ALL of the video footage from that day to defense attorneys! The fact that they didn't...disgusts me. Those people didn't get a fair trial because you on the left were busy painting them as something they never were because they're conservatives!
Oh horse shot. You LOVE edited clips.

Would you expect the state to post 40,000 hours of nothing?

Of course not. The put up the evidence showing crimes

You dolt
39,998 hours protest
00002 hours violence

Can we go home now?
If she'd been a black lives matter protester killed by a white police officer...he'd be in prison and you on the left would STILL be conducting violent riots in the streets, Candy! Babbit was assassinated. That's something that Lt. Byrd will have to live with for the rest of his life. He's the ONLY law enforcement official to fire a gun that day and he did so against an unarmed female who wasn't a threat to him.
Meanwhile back in reality, the cop who killed Breonna Taylor just got a new job in a neighboring county.

She wasn't armed either. She wasn't taking part in a riot. She wasn't refusing police orders.

Are you outraged? Of course you aren't. Why? We all know the reason. She's black and her murderer was white.

Anyway, the cop just got a new job. You said he'd still be in prison. Explain why you just lied.
What was the average sentence for protesters that assaulted Police, Candy? It wasn't six months. It was YEARS!
This is true. The average for all of the insurrectionist was 6 months. Some were longer; some were shorter. That is the definition of average. Assaulters should be in jail for longer amounts of time. You said people got long prison sentences for "parading". This, of course, is a lie.
Jan 6th is going to end up being a God's send for any Capitol Police officer who wants to retire early with a full pension. They'll claim "mental trauma" and "emotional distress" and ride off into the sunset with full benefits. I watched them bawling like babies when they testified in front of Congress and knew right then and there that they'd never work another day in their lives.
Yeah, we hate cops.
You back the blue… until they get in your way

Nope. I told you when we stop. According to your twisted logic Derek Chauvin is a hero who should be set free.

Meanwhile back in reality, the cop who killed Breonna Taylor just got a new job in a neighboring county.

She wasn't armed either. She wasn't taking part in a riot. She wasn't refusing police orders.

Are you outraged? Of course you aren't. Why? We all know the reason. She's black and her murderer was white.

Anyway, the cop just got a new job. You said he'd still be in prison. Explain why you just lied.
How did we go from talking about Ashli Babbitt and Jan. 6th to Breonna Taylor?
This is true. The average for all of the insurrectionist was 6 months. Some were longer; some were shorter. That is the definition of average. Assaulters should be in jail for longer amounts of time. You said people got long prison sentences for "parading". This, of course, is a lie.
Dudmuck is the one who claimed protesters should be prosecuted for "parading"...I simply pointed out how ridiculous that is.
So tell me, Candy...what was the average sentence for someone who was simply in the building and never assaulted anyone? Then give me a single example of ANYONE else being given a sentence even close to that for "parading"!
Dudmuck is the one who claimed protesters should be prosecuted for "parading"...I simply pointed out how ridiculous that is.
So tell me, Candy...what was the average sentence for someone who was simply in the building and never assaulted anyone? Then give me a single example of ANYONE else being given a sentence even close to that for "parading"!
They KNOW this persecution of the Jan 6 protesters is only a story they concocted to vanquish their 'Orange Man Bad' they are not above using lawfare and outright lying toward their political aspirations..What they are doing is unconstitutional and illegal but they control the corrupt 'new' legal system and the media.
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How did we go from talking about Ashli Babbitt and Jan. 6th to Breonna Taylor?
You were outraged when an unarmed woman (who was breaking the law by taking part in a riot) was shot and killed. But Breonna Taylor--who was not committing a crime and was sleeping was shot during a don't seem so upset. You even called her a "so called" victim.

Here is where you're just fine with a woman getting killed...
Dudmuck is the one who claimed protesters should be prosecuted for "parading"...I simply pointed out how ridiculous that is.
So tell me, Candy...what was the average sentence for someone who was simply in the building and never assaulted anyone? Then give me a single example of ANYONE else being given a sentence even close to that for "parading"!

Here is your quote:

So we're putting people in prison for long sentences for "parading"?
Perhaps you can tell us who got a long sentence for parading since you made the allegation.

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