Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

What the fuck.

So you have a bank robbery and you want to focus on the few minutes when the robbers are standing around rather than when they’re pistol whipping tellers?

Fuck you
You might be right if it was a bank robbery, but it wasn't. Fuck you
Hard to "back" a Police force that assassinates unarmed female protesters, Lesh! I'm amused by how you on the left see the Police as the enemy of Democracy calling to defund them...but when "backing" them means hundreds of conservatives go to prison for long sentences...all of a sudden you're all law and order STALWARTS! (eye roll)
I'm amused at your "argument" given Travvon Martin wasn't armed:

Martin wasn't an "innocent" no matter how the Main Stream Media and his family tried to portray him!
But I'm sure that's different. Somehow.
You might be right if it was a bank robbery, but it wasn't. Fuck you
How was it different? They were in the process of committing a violent crime.

Attacking LEOs… smashing their way into a government building… threatening lawmakers
A. Boyland was murdered by that violent crowd

B. Ashes committed suicide by cop
A. Video shows boyland being beaten while she was down.
B. Video shows Ashley being murdered from the side.

Dishonest Vermin Democrat communist
What the fuck.

So you have a bank robbery and you want to focus on the few minutes when the robbers are standing around rather than when they’re pistol whipping tellers?

Fuck you
Anytime someone starts showing edited clips I'm immediately suspicious, Lesh. What the Jan. 6th committee did wasn't an was a Hollywood production with the sole goal of "proving" that an armed insurrection took place that day rather than a protest that got out of hand because security for the march was handled so poorly! Some of your fellow Americans are sitting in prison right now because they entered the Capitol building and did nothing violent. If the Jan. 6th committee had shared the video of what they did inside of the Capitol it's highly unlikely they would have been given the draconian sentences they were. So fuck you right back!
"In general, ignorance of the law is not an excuse for criminal behavior," said Taryn Merkl, senior counsel in the Justice Program at the Brennan Center for Justice and a former federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York.

Many accused rioters also face multiple charges for crimes they allegedly committed once inside the building, which experts say would render their claims of legal entry meaningless.

"Whether or not people knew that it was not lawful to enter the grounds as they did, many are charged with parading, demonstrating, or picketing -- and that is prohibited, and no intent is required," Merkl said.
So we're putting people in prison for long sentences for "parading"? Really, Dudmuck?
Anytime someone starts showing edited clips I'm immediately suspicious, Lesh. What the Jan. 6th committee did wasn't an was a Hollywood production with the sole goal of "proving" that an armed insurrection took place that day rather than a protest that got out of hand because security for the march was handled so poorly! Some of your fellow Americans are sitting in prison right now because they entered the Capitol building and did nothing violent. If the Jan. 6th committee had shared the video of what they did inside of the Capitol it's highly unlikely they would have been given the draconian sentences they were. So fuck you right back!
Well, the juries...a great many juries...saw it differently and sentenced the blobbers to years in jail.

Sucks to be them (and you).
Nah, she was killed during the commission of a crime. Had it been a black guy walking home, they wouldn't have said anything about it except "good job"
You're wrong again! She was a trump supporter so the crooked cop got away with it. You Vermin sure have a stink to you.

Nah, she was killed during the commission of a crime. Had it been a black guy walking home, they wouldn't have said anything about it except "good job"
If she'd been a black lives matter protester killed by a white police officer...he'd be in prison and you on the left would STILL be conducting violent riots in the streets, Candy! Babbit was assassinated. That's something that Lt. Byrd will have to live with for the rest of his life. He's the ONLY law enforcement official to fire a gun that day and he did so against an unarmed female who wasn't a threat to him.
So much for backing the blue

You people are despicable

We back the blue, until they become corrupt, dishonest pieces of shit who violate peoples civil rights.

You fascists are scum.
Anytime someone starts showing edited clips I'm immediately suspicious, Lesh. What the Jan. 6th committee did wasn't an was a Hollywood production with the sole goal of "proving" that an armed insurrection took place that day rather than a protest that got out of hand because security for the march was handled so poorly! Some of your fellow Americans are sitting in prison right now because they entered the Capitol building and did nothing violent. If the Jan. 6th committee had shared the video of what they did inside of the Capitol it's highly unlikely they would have been given the draconian sentences they were. So fuck you right back!
Oh horse shot. You LOVE edited clips.

Would you expect the state to post 40,000 hours of nothing?

Of course not. The put up the evidence showing crimes

You dolt

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