Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

You were outraged when an unarmed woman (who was breaking the law by taking part in a riot) was shot and killed. But Breonna Taylor--who was not committing a crime and was sleeping was shot during a don't seem so upset. You even called her a "so called" victim.

Here is where you're just fine with a woman getting killed...

Taylor was involved in the drug trade and it was proven her boyfriend shot at the cops first.

Try not lying.
You know what's sad about that video montage, Care? It's cut to show violent protesters. It doesn't show violent law enforcement. It doesn't show peaceful protesters inside of the Capitol building. That's the video that the J6th committee put out in their sham hearings to push the narrative that there was an armed insurrection that took place on Jan. 6th. The truth wasn't as violent as they portrayed it and the protesters were anything but violent once they were inside of the Capitol. So why wasn't the video that showed police allowing protesters into the Capitol provided to defense attorney's of the people on trial?
The video of the peaceful "tourists" was earlier in the day is my guess, and that video has been available in the public since the beginning.... I think it was mud whistle that posted it here on USMB right after 1/6.... There were peaceful protesters outside too, that stayed back and did NOT participate in the violence!

Correct, once inside it was not hand to hand combat everywhere, as right outside.... But it was still ugly.....smashing of door windows, killing of ashley, feces smearing, office and chamber break ins, famous portraits destroyed and damaged, marching and chants of hang mike pence and searching for Nancy, Nancy, oh Nancy.... enough chaos to stop the 1/6 constitutional joint session of congress.
I watched them bawling like babies when they testified in front of Congress and knew right then and there that they'd never work another day...........They'll claim "mental trauma" and "emotional distress"
Well, as far as poster Oldestyle's "trauma" might inform the discussion to recognize that over 140 police were injured in just a few short hours of hand-to-hand physical combat against thousands of attackers using missiles, repellant sprays, clubs and cudgels. And 4 officers shortly after their "trauma".....died by suicide. Another got sprayed full-on to the face with a heavy load of uber-strength MACE....and died the next day.

Now, to be sure, none of that merde' has ever happened to me, but........but I could be persuaded that it was a traumatic experience.
Oldestyle, I presume, watched the live action of January 6th, and seemingly believes it was a only a scheme for early


I would expect the state to turn over ALL of the video footage from that day to defense attorneys! The fact that they didn't...disgusts me.
The video was released months ago. 40,000+ hours of video. Speaker Kevin McCarthy released it. He released it to Tucker Carlson, then with FOX. Carlson edited it to show only the calm periods and empty corridors.....and then presented it on TV as if it was the whole event.

Remember the pics of Mohammed Atta?
That is an operative paradigm for these 40,000+ hours of video.


"What they are doing is unconstitutional and illegal but they control the corrupt 'new' legal system and the media."

Show us.
Explain to us.
Demonstrate that you are informed, knowledgeably, and insightful.

Any J6 Jackass can make assertions, allegations, accusations, on the internet while posting anonymously.
But you, poster Leo, can fight back against that perception......and fully explain your sentiments quoted above.
The video of the peaceful "tourists" was earlier in the day is my guess, and that video has been available in the public since the beginning.... I think it was mud whistle that posted it here on USMB right after 1/6.... There were peaceful protesters outside too, that stayed back and did NOT participate in the violence!

Correct, once inside it was not hand to hand combat everywhere, as right outside.... But it was still ugly.....smashing of door windows, killing of ashley, feces smearing, office and chamber break ins, famous portraits destroyed and damaged, marching and chants of hang mike pence and searching for Nancy, Nancy, oh Nancy.... enough chaos to stop the 1/6 constitutional joint session of congress.
The killing of Ashley was done by Capitol Police and it WAS "ugly"! That's not on protesters...that's on Lt. Byrd who took it upon himself to assassinate an unarmed woman for breaking a window.
You're trying so hard to pretend that there was violence by protesters inside of the Capitol and you know what, Care? It just didn't happen. Those protesters were there to stop the certification of an election that they felt was illegal...they were not violent inside of the Capitol because that wasn't why they were there!
The killing of Ashley was done by Capitol Police and it WAS "ugly"! That's not on protesters...that's on Lt. Byrd who took it upon himself to assassinate an unarmed woman for breaking a window.
You're trying so hard to pretend that there was violence by protesters inside of the Capitol and you know what, Care? It just didn't happen. Those protesters were there to stop the certification of an election that they felt was illegal...they were not violent inside of the Capitol because that wasn't why they were there!
If she was “assassinated for breaking a window” she would not have been IN that window in act of climbing through it when she was shot.

In fact she was not even the person who broke that window. The guy who smashed that window stood on the other side of that police barrier and watched her die
Well, as far as poster Oldestyle's "trauma" might inform the discussion to recognize that over 140 police were injured in just a few short hours of hand-to-hand physical combat against thousands of attackers using missiles, repellant sprays, clubs and cudgels. And 4 officers shortly after their "trauma".....died by suicide. Another got sprayed full-on to the face with a heavy load of uber-strength MACE....and died the next day.

Now, to be sure, none of that merde' has ever happened to me, but........but I could be persuaded that it was a traumatic experience.
Oldestyle, I presume, watched the live action of January 6th, and seemingly believes it was a only a scheme for early



The video was released months ago. 40,000+ hours of video. Speaker Kevin McCarthy released it. He released it to Tucker Carlson, then with FOX. Carlson edited it to show only the calm periods and empty corridors.....and then presented it on TV as if it was the whole event.

Remember the pics of Mohammed Atta?
That is an operative paradigm for these 40,000+ hours of video.


Show us.
Explain to us.
Demonstrate that you are informed, knowledgeably, and insightful.

Any J6 Jackass can make assertions, allegations, accusations, on the internet while posting anonymously.
But you, poster Leo, can fight back against that perception......and fully explain your sentiments quoted above.
You just proved my point. The video WAS released just months ago! It wasn't however released to the very people who could have used it to defend themselves from charges that they were part of a violent "insurrection"! Why wasn't that video given to the defense attorney's of the people charged because of Jan. 6th? Why wasn't it released until TWO YEARS after the riot occurred?
That most certainly was NOT what Ashes Babbitt was doing
Protesting was EXACTLY what Ashley Babbitt was doing...and Lt. Byrd shot her without warning for doing so! So let's see an example of a Black Lives Matter protester that was shot by the Police for protesting!
Protesting was EXACTLY what Ashley Babbitt was doing...and Lt. Byrd shot her without warning for doing so! So let's see an example of a Black Lives Matter protester that was shot by the Police for protesting!
When you breach a police barricade you have gone well beyond “protesting”

And that’s what she was doing… breaching a police barricade.

Also that gun was visible and commands to stop were heard by her compatriots

Stop lying
If she was “assassinated for breaking a window” she would not have been IN that window in act of climbing through it when she was shot.

In fact she was not even the person who broke that window. The guy who smashed that window stood on the other side of that police barrier and watched her die
So the act of breaching that door was what earned Ashley Babbitt a bullet? Why? Why did Lt. Byrd feel the need to do something that no other law enforcement official did that day? Why did he feel the need to shoot an unarmed female without warning?
So the act of breaching that door was what earned Ashley Babbitt a bullet? Why? Why did Lt. Byrd feel the need to do something that no other law enforcement official did that day? Why did he feel the need to shoot an unarmed female without warning?
She was warned. Stop lying
When you breach a police barricade you have gone well beyond “protesting”

And that’s what she was doing… breaching a police barricade.

Also that gun was visible and commands to stop were heard by her compatriots

Stop lying
Lying? Byrd hid out of sight...then stepped out without saying a word and shot Babbitt at point blank range. There was no "command" given! Claiming there was IS a lie!
Horrific what they had to go through.
I bet they have PTSD now.
I can see why AOC was terrified for her life.

The killing of Ashley was done by Capitol Police and it WAS "ugly"! That's not on protesters...that's on Lt. Byrd who took it upon himself to assassinate an unarmed woman for breaking a window.
You're trying so hard to pretend that there was violence by protesters inside of the Capitol and you know what, Care? It just didn't happen. Those protesters were there to stop the certification of an election that they felt was illegal...they were not violent inside of the Capitol because that wasn't why they were there!
Yeah, he should have blew her away before breaking the window and taken some of the fellow insurrectionists with her.

PS: Thanks for admitting it was an insurrection.
The guy right behind her heard the warning from Byrd. Stop lying
Oh bullshit! You can listen to numerous audio recordings from that day and there is ZERO warnings from Byrd on any of them! Byrd claims that he issued a warning but THAT is a lie concocted by a man who realized that he shot an unarmed woman without giving a warning!

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