Watch: CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden's Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech

The subject of this thread is the color backdrop.

I have never seen an American political speech that looked like that. I have never seen an historical American speech look like that. It was very strange, and the accompanying report appears that the visual editors at CNN thought it was detrimental; and Laura Ingram, and I am confident that conservative commentators will spend all weekend criticizing it.
This kind of thing happens frequently, and few people notice.

During one of the 2020 Democrat presidential debates, NBC used different color backdrops behind the various candidates in a subtle way to influence. These colors did not change throughout the whole debate and most of the time, the background shot of any given candidate was full of the assigned color while they spoke (exception below just to show that Kamala got Blue, while Andrew Yang got Communist Red, LOL).



Tulsi Gabbard also got red, presumably to make her look like a Republican. Check out this screen shot from NBC...

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The moment before Biden took the state, the lighting was normal...

View attachment 690564

So why would they choose red, as opposed to blue, or red/white/blue?

Was it to subliminally bring up thoughts of Nazis and Hitler?

Or was it to instill a feeling of fear and urgency in everyone watching?

I think it is the latter. Blue is a calming, peaceful color - can't have that, after all "American Democracy is under threat from Ultra MAGA," LOL.

Red indicates "Danger" and "Warning."

Just looking at the color red, subjects experience elevated heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and metabolism. It can also induce feelings of aggression.

When red is used by authorities, it is used to convey dominance and demands to comply (e.g. big red letters or red signs).

What a choice of stage. I get the message. The question is, are things about to get really ugly?
That would be my guess. Not a very smart battle tactic, telegraphing your intentions, but it'll make the image very memorable in my mind.
What a choice of stage. I get the message. The question is, are things about to get really ugly?
Yes. The Trump raid was based on false evidence, and was truly a "fishing expedition." There is nothing to prosecute. Trump knows how to dupe the moles - remember the "N"-word tape???

Not a very smart battle tactic, telegraphing your intentions, but it'll make the image very memorable in my mind.
The Biden Administration is in big trouble, and they are not going to admit guilt, and they want to lead the narrative that MAGA is the guilty insurrection. - imperfect_Constitution.png

Uncle Joe is losing more cognitive ability. His speaking was littered with stumbling and coughing. Uncle Joe is going to take the heat for the good of the Party. Their tactic is probably on the cusp of elder abuse.
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I was watching it live, and I was struck by it. It seemed so deliberate to me.
It was deliberate. I am an art school drop-out, and I can assure you, that there are visual experts out in the production truck controlling the background with the camera(s); and did that on purpose.

You seem to be a visual expert.

I know I pay more attention to the visuals than before I went to art school, and knowing how easy it is to manipulate the visual, now than before, because of the computer assistance.
They sure caught a lot of fish, including an large Orange Roughy
It's been three weeks
They just announced that they are not going to announce any charges until after the election that Trump is not running in! They do not have anything. Trump is running around accusing the FBI and the Administration of corruption!!! I heard he was going to have another MAGA rally this weekend - is that true?

Do you think the Democrats and brilliant liberal thinkers want that rather than putting him in jail, if they could have???

Wake the Fuck Up! Do you need to hear Uncle Joe telling you that they do not have any evidence of a crime??? - Trump_derangement.png
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You snowflakes just don't like the fact that he is calling you out on your bullshit!

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards ― backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love,” Biden said.
Poke the bear too many times...

There are a lot of people in the country that just want to be left alone, but that doesn't fit with the left's paradigm, so they just keep poking. Not going to end well.
Poke the bear too many times...

There are a lot of people in the country that just want to be left alone, but that doesn't fit with the left's paradigm, so they just keep poking. Not going to end well.
Not going to end well at all, and it's gonna be a shitload of fun.
Poke the bear too many times...

There are a lot of people in the country that just want to be left alone, but that doesn't fit with the left's paradigm, so they just keep poking. Not going to end well.
There are a lot of women, gay and transpeople in this country who just want to be left alone but that does not fit with the rights paradigm, so they just keep poking. Not going to end well.
You snowflakes just don't like the fact that he is calling you out on your bullshit!

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards ― backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love,” Biden said.
The whole world saw Goebbels joe last night. No normal rational person could defend that attack on millions.

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