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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

Ted Cruz signed off on an objection to Arizona's electoral vote and the two houses are now in adjournment to discuss the issue. I believe the rules give them two hours to waste taxpayer dollars pissing and moaning, and then they will come back and tell Pence that Arizona's electoral votes will go to Biden and Harris.

I believe there are at least two other states whose electoral votes will be challenged and we will go through this rigamarole two more times, and then Trump will finally be kicked to the curb.

Pence will deliver the final kick to Trump's head.
I thought McConnell gave a very good speech. Chuck Schumer's s speech was also fine.

Now the idiot Cruz is speaking.
Harvard should revoke Cruz's law degree. What an incredibly stupid argument. Ignore the courts, ignore all the investigations and vote not to certify the results because some people think there is fraud. What a maroon.
Harvard should revoke Cruz's law degree. What an incredibly stupid argument. Ignore the courts, ignore all the investigations and vote not to certify the results because some people think there is fraud. What a maroon.
The Congressman from Ohio (I forget his name) argued that Trump had bigger rallies, therefore he won. :lol:
This posturing may backfire on the Republicans. The American people may decide all this business about the electoral vote needs to go and presidents should be elected by popular vote.
The OP link has the House debate.

The Senate debate is here:

A horde of Trumpsters have stormed the Capitol.
Looks like the Trumpsters are getting aggressive.
They have shut down Congress and locked the media in the press room.
Harvard should revoke Cruz's law degree. What an incredibly stupid argument. Ignore the courts, ignore all the investigations and vote not to certify the results because some people think there is fraud. What a maroon.
The Congressman from Ohio (I forget his name) argued that Trump had bigger rallies, therefore he won. :lol:
That is correct.

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