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WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Chant ‘We’re Ready for War’

Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time., Now you are accusing liberals of colluding with Blacks to blame EVERYTHING on white racism. Make up your mind... even the Minotaur couldn't find his way though your chaotic political labyrinth of misnomers and conjecture!

Not really.

IN the context of what sealy was implying, no it was bullshit, and false accusations of racism.

For example she mentions Trevon Martin. There was nothing racist about that. Thug attacks armed man, gets his ass shot.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

John McNeil Freed After Being Convicted Of Shooting Home Intruder News One

"McNeil and Epp had a long-running feud that intensified as Epp was wrapping up construction of the house for the McNeils. The McNeils moved in and planned to spend their first night in their new home on Dec. 5, even though Epp had a few items still on his to-do list.

McNeil never denied he shot Epp in the driveway of his new home. He said he was rushing home because his 19-year-old son had called him to report a strange man in their back yard had threatened to cut him with a box cutter.

McNeil was on the telephone with the 911 when he pulled into his neighborhood. He told the 911 operator to send someone quickly because he intended to confront Epp, according to a recording played in court.

The operator urged him to stay in his car and wait for police.

“When you get a call from your kids that somebody’s got a knife pulled on them, threatening them, the first thing you want to do is get home and protect your kid, ” John McNeil testified. “So I said I was going to whip his ass.”

McNeil got out of his car with a gun and confronted Epp as the contractor walked over from the house next door. Witnesses said Epp didn’t stop even after McNeil fired a shot into the ground. The second time he fired, McNeil shot the contractor in the face with a hollow-point bullet.

Because Epp had a knife in his front pants pocket McNeil’s lawyer argued then and now that the shooting was justified."

So McNeil went there looking for a fight (can't say I blame him too much for that frankly) and Epp basically said you want a piece lets go "whoop my ass" and then McNeil, despite the fact that Epp's knife was in his pocket, shot him in the face.

... It's not stand your ground if you go in looking for a fight, it's not defending yourself if you go in looking for a fight. THAT is why McNeil went to jail...
Then why didn't Zimmerman? He was told to stay put too.
Give them what they want. Might last 5 minutes.
Especially considering what lousy shots they are.

Doesn't mean they want be shooting, look how many innocents get hit by stray gun fire now, much less in a situation like that.

Why have any of the law / innocent suffer from stray lead??

They make gases and water canons, none of which has been used.

The military also posses a non lethal beam weapon that uses microwaves.(ADS)

Snipers are required.

The Obama legacy. Whom do you think they are going to war with? The democrat party that has subjugated them for 300 years? I wouldn't blame them, they have been lied to so much by the democrat party the rage was bound to boil to the surface.

WATCH Ferguson Protesters Chant We re Ready for War Mediaite

During Sunday night’s protest on the anniversary of the shooting death of African-American man Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters chanted that they were “ready for war.”

When the rest of the blacks and minorities around the country start chanting that shit, than lets talk.....a few hundred sellout n***** from Fergie, does not a movement make.
NOt really.
youOh, sure, libs and blacks like to BLAME everything on white racism, but in reality, no.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time., Now you are accusing liberals of colluding with Blacks to blame EVERYTHING on white racism. Make up your mind... even the Minotaur couldn't find his way though your chaotic political labyrinth of misnomers and conjecture!

Not really.

IN the context of what sealy was implying, no it was bullshit, and false accusations of racism.

For example she mentions Trevon Martin. There was nothing racist about that. Thug attacks armed man, gets his ass shot.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

Can't tell from that article, which contains no information about what happened after the police determined self defense.

If I had to guess, I would guess an asshole/lib DA who does not believe in self defense.

If the facts of the case are as presented, then I would agree that that man should be released.

See how I keep coming down on the side of the victim, regardless of skin color?
You going back 350 years?

Well, at that time, I guess you could blame the Spanish.

NOt sure what that has to do with anything today....

Well, sure the Brits and the Dutch were assholes by modern standards, the Spanish though were the ones really building whole nations of slaves were the real action was, the Caribbean.

I don't really feel any ownership of the actions of the 15th century brits or dutch.

I'm not really sure of your point here.

The Brits and the Dutch have not interfered in US society for quite some time, unless you have an issue with the Beatles.

Are you just lumping all whites together and holding modern US whites responsible for the actions of whites from other countries centuries before there was even a US?
Aw cut the BS, that highlighted slave transaction was the first to take place in the American colonies and the buyers were YOUR white American forefathers . That's when they got a taste of Black slavery and liked it. The rest is truly American History!

So, you want to judge 21st century American whites, not by our actions of the last 50 years, but by the actions of people that sort of looked like us, 400 years ago?

Based on what? That we share skin color?


Can I pick some black people and judge you by their actions? Would that be cool?

I am not only judging white America for what happened 350 years ago, I am judging you for every thing you did in between leading up to NOW.
Your sordid history is the object of my ire. Oh, I am not talking about the few white abolitionists who surfaced along the way and the few real Christian altruists with power enough to finally legislate manumission for Black slaves. I am talking about the general mass of white people who conspired, cheated, killed , and did anything possible to prevent Black equality.. People like you are still trying to do the same thing your ancestors did. You are "conservatives" alright,,,you want to conserve the past where Blacks were docile and meek and could be used or abused at a whim!

No, you are not.

You are ignoring the fact that Civil Rights for Blacks have been the consensus in White America, since the dems gave up the fight back in the 60s.

You are ignoring the last 40-50 years, where "the general masses of white people" has been bending over backwards supporting black equality.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time., Now you are accusing liberals of colluding with Blacks to blame EVERYTHING on white racism. Make up your mind... even the Minotaur couldn't find his way though your chaotic political labyrinth of misnomers and conjecture!

Not really.

IN the context of what sealy was implying, no it was bullshit, and false accusations of racism.

For example she mentions Trevon Martin. There was nothing racist about that. Thug attacks armed man, gets his ass shot.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

John McNeil Freed After Being Convicted Of Shooting Home Intruder News One

"McNeil and Epp had a long-running feud that intensified as Epp was wrapping up construction of the house for the McNeils. The McNeils moved in and planned to spend their first night in their new home on Dec. 5, even though Epp had a few items still on his to-do list.

McNeil never denied he shot Epp in the driveway of his new home. He said he was rushing home because his 19-year-old son had called him to report a strange man in their back yard had threatened to cut him with a box cutter.

McNeil was on the telephone with the 911 when he pulled into his neighborhood. He told the 911 operator to send someone quickly because he intended to confront Epp, according to a recording played in court.

The operator urged him to stay in his car and wait for police.

“When you get a call from your kids that somebody’s got a knife pulled on them, threatening them, the first thing you want to do is get home and protect your kid, ” John McNeil testified. “So I said I was going to whip his ass.”

McNeil got out of his car with a gun and confronted Epp as the contractor walked over from the house next door. Witnesses said Epp didn’t stop even after McNeil fired a shot into the ground. The second time he fired, McNeil shot the contractor in the face with a hollow-point bullet.

Because Epp had a knife in his front pants pocket McNeil’s lawyer argued then and now that the shooting was justified."

So McNeil went there looking for a fight (can't say I blame him too much for that frankly) and Epp basically said you want a piece lets go "whoop my ass" and then McNeil, despite the fact that Epp's knife was in his pocket, shot him in the face.

... It's not stand your ground if you go in looking for a fight, it's not defending yourself if you go in looking for a fight. THAT is why McNeil went to jail...

I agree, asking a man to stay in the car when he family is threatened was not reasonable.

If the witness is credible and Epp kept advancing after the shot was fired, I am still leaning towards McNeil.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.
Screw that. If you did the exact same thing to a white kid the cops would arrest you a prosecutor would charge you a jury would convict you and a prisoner would rape you. So don't try it.

If some white thug was witnessed sitting on my chest beating me "MMA style" and I ended up shooting him in self defense?

Nope, not if the local Judge and Prosecutor aren't completely corrupt.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

THat is what self defense is.

Then I expect you will be willing to throw your support behind
He thinks liking Ben carson or Herman Cain more than hillary means he's not racist.

No, I think not judging people by their skin color makes me not racist.
Not really.

IN the context of what sealy was implying, no it was bullshit, and false accusations of racism.

For example she mentions Trevon Martin. There was nothing racist about that. Thug attacks armed man, gets his ass shot.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

John McNeil Freed After Being Convicted Of Shooting Home Intruder News One

"McNeil and Epp had a long-running feud that intensified as Epp was wrapping up construction of the house for the McNeils. The McNeils moved in and planned to spend their first night in their new home on Dec. 5, even though Epp had a few items still on his to-do list.

McNeil never denied he shot Epp in the driveway of his new home. He said he was rushing home because his 19-year-old son had called him to report a strange man in their back yard had threatened to cut him with a box cutter.

McNeil was on the telephone with the 911 when he pulled into his neighborhood. He told the 911 operator to send someone quickly because he intended to confront Epp, according to a recording played in court.

The operator urged him to stay in his car and wait for police.

“When you get a call from your kids that somebody’s got a knife pulled on them, threatening them, the first thing you want to do is get home and protect your kid, ” John McNeil testified. “So I said I was going to whip his ass.”

McNeil got out of his car with a gun and confronted Epp as the contractor walked over from the house next door. Witnesses said Epp didn’t stop even after McNeil fired a shot into the ground. The second time he fired, McNeil shot the contractor in the face with a hollow-point bullet.

Because Epp had a knife in his front pants pocket McNeil’s lawyer argued then and now that the shooting was justified."

So McNeil went there looking for a fight (can't say I blame him too much for that frankly) and Epp basically said you want a piece lets go "whoop my ass" and then McNeil, despite the fact that Epp's knife was in his pocket, shot him in the face.

... It's not stand your ground if you go in looking for a fight, it's not defending yourself if you go in looking for a fight. THAT is why McNeil went to jail...
Then why didn't Zimmerman? He was told to stay put too.

1. No he wasn't.

2. In neither case was the dispatcher in a position to order the men to do anything.
Strange! I've seen your buddies (RW?,conservative? republicans? Big Guts?) accuse Democrats of being racists and liberal at the same time., Now you are accusing liberals of colluding with Blacks to blame EVERYTHING on white racism. Make up your mind... even the Minotaur couldn't find his way though your chaotic political labyrinth of misnomers and conjecture!

Not really.

IN the context of what sealy was implying, no it was bullshit, and false accusations of racism.

For example she mentions Trevon Martin. There was nothing racist about that. Thug attacks armed man, gets his ass shot.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

Can't tell from that article, which contains no information about what happened after the police determined self defense.

If I had to guess, I would guess an asshole/lib DA who does not believe in self defense.

If the facts of the case are as presented, then I would agree that that man should be released.

See how I keep coming down on the side of the victim, regardless of skin color?
Sure you do but what you don't do is see the hypocrisy of the racist system in which you live under. That makes you ignorant at a minimum.

If a white kid gets killed by a black guy, they usually see the white kid as the victim. But if a black kid gets killed by a white, he was a thug.
Not really.

IN the context of what sealy was implying, no it was bullshit, and false accusations of racism.

For example she mentions Trevon Martin. There was nothing racist about that. Thug attacks armed man, gets his ass shot.
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

Can't tell from that article, which contains no information about what happened after the police determined self defense.

If I had to guess, I would guess an asshole/lib DA who does not believe in self defense.

If the facts of the case are as presented, then I would agree that that man should be released.

See how I keep coming down on the side of the victim, regardless of skin color?
Sure you do but what you don't do is see the hypocrisy of the racist system in which you live under. That makes you ignorant at a minimum.

If a white kid gets killed by a black guy, they usually see the white kid as the victim. But if a black kid gets killed by a white, he was a thug.

You act as though our cops were all recruited though a time warp to the Jim Crow Deep South.

They grew up in the same Pro-Civil Rights environment that produced you and me.

And are generally working under politicians who are terrified of being called racist in the media.
Each year in the US more negro cops are being hired to work in inner city shitholes than White cops.
Soon negro cops will outnumber White cops.
What are the race whores going to say then?

Well, sure the Brits and the Dutch were assholes by modern standards, the Spanish though were the ones really building whole nations of slaves were the real action was, the Caribbean.

I don't really feel any ownership of the actions of the 15th century brits or dutch.

I'm not really sure of your point here.

The Brits and the Dutch have not interfered in US society for quite some time, unless you have an issue with the Beatles.

Are you just lumping all whites together and holding modern US whites responsible for the actions of whites from other countries centuries before there was even a US?
Aw cut the BS, that highlighted slave transaction was the first to take place in the American colonies and the buyers were YOUR white American forefathers . That's when they got a taste of Black slavery and liked it. The rest is truly American History!

So, you want to judge 21st century American whites, not by our actions of the last 50 years, but by the actions of people that sort of looked like us, 400 years ago?

Based on what? That we share skin color?


Can I pick some black people and judge you by their actions? Would that be cool?

I am not only judging white America for what happened 350 years ago, I am judging you for every thing you did in between leading up to NOW.
Your sordid history is the object of my ire. Oh, I am not talking about the few white abolitionists who surfaced along the way and the few real Christian altruists with power enough to finally legislate manumission for Black slaves. I am talking about the general mass of white people who conspired, cheated, killed , and did anything possible to prevent Black equality.. People like you are still trying to do the same thing your ancestors did. You are "conservatives" alright,,,you want to conserve the past where Blacks were docile and meek and could be used or abused at a whim!

No, you are not.

You are ignoring the fact that Civil Rights for Blacks have been the consensus in White America, since the dems gave up the fight back in the 60s.

You are ignoring the last 40-50 years, where "the general masses of white people" has been bending over backwards supporting black equality.
No, I am not what? Which part of my narrative are you addressing with that quip?

No, there has NEVER been a consensus among the general White populace in America to embrace civil rights for Blacks. That is especially true among White males. Any progress in that regard has been advanced by a relatively few Whites with enough political clout to make a difference; often in the wake of deadly riots.
One of the most important catalysts was Martin Luther King's strategy designed to pimp the media whores into televising the plight of Black America across the world. It worked.

Kennedy and LBJ didn't just become concerned over Civil Rights in a vacuum. It was becoming increasingly clear that a national crisis was developing that could affect the standing of the US in the world at large.

The general white male populace was not concerned about that. All they saw was the "encroaching" masses of Blacks competing with them for jobs and competing with their sons for education.

The Democrats, being in ower at the time and seeing the big picture on a world stage, had little choice but to pass Civil Right's legislation. After all they diid not want Blacks looking at or thinking about Communism!
And they couldn't kill em all, not while the world was watching!
If a white kid gets killed by a black guy, they usually see the white kid as the victim.

That is most often the fact of the case.

But if a black kid gets killed by a white, he was a thug.

That is most often the fact of the case.

You can't prove that! McNeil's case may be only one of hundreds of similar cases where Blacks were justified in killing white thugs but sent to prison anyway!
Bullshit. It's why stand your ground is racist and we all know it.

Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

John McNeil Freed After Being Convicted Of Shooting Home Intruder News One

"McNeil and Epp had a long-running feud that intensified as Epp was wrapping up construction of the house for the McNeils. The McNeils moved in and planned to spend their first night in their new home on Dec. 5, even though Epp had a few items still on his to-do list.

McNeil never denied he shot Epp in the driveway of his new home. He said he was rushing home because his 19-year-old son had called him to report a strange man in their back yard had threatened to cut him with a box cutter.

McNeil was on the telephone with the 911 when he pulled into his neighborhood. He told the 911 operator to send someone quickly because he intended to confront Epp, according to a recording played in court.

The operator urged him to stay in his car and wait for police.

“When you get a call from your kids that somebody’s got a knife pulled on them, threatening them, the first thing you want to do is get home and protect your kid, ” John McNeil testified. “So I said I was going to whip his ass.”

McNeil got out of his car with a gun and confronted Epp as the contractor walked over from the house next door. Witnesses said Epp didn’t stop even after McNeil fired a shot into the ground. The second time he fired, McNeil shot the contractor in the face with a hollow-point bullet.

Because Epp had a knife in his front pants pocket McNeil’s lawyer argued then and now that the shooting was justified."

So McNeil went there looking for a fight (can't say I blame him too much for that frankly) and Epp basically said you want a piece lets go "whoop my ass" and then McNeil, despite the fact that Epp's knife was in his pocket, shot him in the face.

... It's not stand your ground if you go in looking for a fight, it's not defending yourself if you go in looking for a fight. THAT is why McNeil went to jail...
Then why didn't Zimmerman? He was told to stay put too.

1. No he wasn't.

2. In neither case was the dispatcher in a position to order the men to do anything.

GZ's behavior was certainly erratic and suspicious in and of itself. Any sane hue-man would have been alarmed by his actions. The dispatcher tried to diffuse the vigilante's, GZ's, spoken intent to interact with TM.
He had already slowly passed by his victim , then stopped and got out of the truck and stood near the path of the oncoming Martin. If I remember correctly, Martin decided to avoid the dangerous acting thug, GZ, and trotted off his path into the darkness where GZ freaked out and gave chase; all the while disregarding the dispatcher's warnings to leave the man alone.

A credit to the courage of Trayon Martin was his decision to confront a stalker who was larger than him and could be armed with anything. Unfortunately, it did not end well for TM. too bad he was unarmed. He should have shot GZ in his fat face without hesitation or mental reservation when the fool found him.
Each year in the US more negro cops are being hired to work in inner city shitholes than White cops.
Soon negro cops will outnumber White cops.
What are the race whores going to say then?
Don't you think it's a good idea blacks police blacks so they can't say it is a racist cop? Picking on them can still be racist. Policies can still be racist even if the cops are black. They got Jews to work in the concentration camps too. Doesn't mean killing jews wasn't anti semetic just because they got a handful of Jews to go along.
Well, sure the Brits and the Dutch were assholes by modern standards, the Spanish though were the ones really building whole nations of slaves were the real action was, the Caribbean.

I don't really feel any ownership of the actions of the 15th century brits or dutch.

I'm not really sure of your point here.

The Brits and the Dutch have not interfered in US society for quite some time, unless you have an issue with the Beatles.

Are you just lumping all whites together and holding modern US whites responsible for the actions of whites from other countries centuries before there was even a US?
Aw cut the BS, that highlighted slave transaction was the first to take place in the American colonies and the buyers were YOUR white American forefathers . That's when they got a taste of Black slavery and liked it. The rest is truly American History!

So, you want to judge 21st century American whites, not by our actions of the last 50 years, but by the actions of people that sort of looked like us, 400 years ago?

Based on what? That we share skin color?


Can I pick some black people and judge you by their actions? Would that be cool?

I am not only judging white America for what happened 350 years ago, I am judging you for every thing you did in between leading up to NOW.
Your sordid history is the object of my ire. Oh, I am not talking about the few white abolitionists who surfaced along the way and the few real Christian altruists with power enough to finally legislate manumission for Black slaves. I am talking about the general mass of white people who conspired, cheated, killed , and did anything possible to prevent Black equality.. People like you are still trying to do the same thing your ancestors did. You are "conservatives" alright,,,you want to conserve the past where Blacks were docile and meek and could be used or abused at a whim!

No, you are not.

You are ignoring the fact that Civil Rights for Blacks have been the consensus in White America, since the dems gave up the fight back in the 60s.

You are ignoring the last 40-50 years, where "the general masses of white people" has been bending over backwards supporting black equality.
No, I am not what? Which part of my narrative are you addressing with that quip?

No, there has NEVER been a consensus among the general White populace in America to embrace civil rights for Blacks. That is especially true among White males. Any progress in that regard has been advanced by a relatively few Whites with enough political clout to make a difference; often in the wake of deadly riots.
One of the most important catalysts was Martin Luther King's strategy designed to pimp the media whores into televising the plight of Black America across the world. It worked.

Kennedy and LBJ didn't just become concerned over Civil Rights in a vacuum. It was becoming increasingly clear that a national crisis was developing that could affect the standing of the US in the world at large.

The general white male populace was not concerned about that. All they saw was the "encroaching" masses of Blacks competing with them for jobs and competing with their sons for education.

The Democrats, being in ower at the time and seeing the big picture on a world stage, had little choice but to pass Civil Right's legislation. After all they diid not want Blacks looking at or thinking about Communism!
And they couldn't kill em all, not while the world was watching!
They won't hear a word of what you just said.
Bullshit yourself.

Thugs don't have the right to beat their victims.

Their victims have the right to defend themselves.

Stand your ground is about you libs always taking the side of the criminal.

There is nothing racist about it.

Martin was judged by his actions and he got what he deserved.

That it is about his skin color to you, says something about your internal landscape, not mine.

How do you explain why John McNeil, a successful Black business man, was sent to prison for killing a white man under even more compelling circumstances than those faed by GZ? Does Stand Your Ground only apply to White people?

When police investigated the death of Brian Epp, they determined that John McNeil was merely acting in self-defense when he shot Epp for allegedly loitering on his property, threatening him and his 19-year-old son with a knife. They didn’t charge him with any crime. But 274 days later, McNeil was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison,

You see, here is a black man who didn't have a criminal record at all and was a college graduate.

HIs crime: Killing a no account white man who attacked him. A year after the police cleared him, a racist DA and probably an all white jury collaborated to destroy a good black family. Double standards seem to abound in Florida.

John McNeil Freed After Being Convicted Of Shooting Home Intruder News One

"McNeil and Epp had a long-running feud that intensified as Epp was wrapping up construction of the house for the McNeils. The McNeils moved in and planned to spend their first night in their new home on Dec. 5, even though Epp had a few items still on his to-do list.

McNeil never denied he shot Epp in the driveway of his new home. He said he was rushing home because his 19-year-old son had called him to report a strange man in their back yard had threatened to cut him with a box cutter.

McNeil was on the telephone with the 911 when he pulled into his neighborhood. He told the 911 operator to send someone quickly because he intended to confront Epp, according to a recording played in court.

The operator urged him to stay in his car and wait for police.

“When you get a call from your kids that somebody’s got a knife pulled on them, threatening them, the first thing you want to do is get home and protect your kid, ” John McNeil testified. “So I said I was going to whip his ass.”

McNeil got out of his car with a gun and confronted Epp as the contractor walked over from the house next door. Witnesses said Epp didn’t stop even after McNeil fired a shot into the ground. The second time he fired, McNeil shot the contractor in the face with a hollow-point bullet.

Because Epp had a knife in his front pants pocket McNeil’s lawyer argued then and now that the shooting was justified."

So McNeil went there looking for a fight (can't say I blame him too much for that frankly) and Epp basically said you want a piece lets go "whoop my ass" and then McNeil, despite the fact that Epp's knife was in his pocket, shot him in the face.

... It's not stand your ground if you go in looking for a fight, it's not defending yourself if you go in looking for a fight. THAT is why McNeil went to jail...
Then why didn't Zimmerman? He was told to stay put too.

1. No he wasn't.

2. In neither case was the dispatcher in a position to order the men to do anything.

GZ's behavior was certainly erratic and suspicious in and of itself. Any sane hue-man would have been alarmed by his actions. The dispatcher tried to diffuse the vigilante's, GZ's, spoken intent to interact with TM.
He had already slowly passed by his victim , then stopped and got out of the truck and stood near the path of the oncoming Martin. If I remember correctly, Martin decided to avoid the dangerous acting thug, GZ, and trotted off his path into the darkness where GZ freaked out and gave chase; all the while disregarding the dispatcher's warnings to leave the man alone.

A credit to the courage of Trayon Martin was his decision to confront a stalker who was larger than him and could be armed with anything. Unfortunately, it did not end well for TM. too bad he was unarmed. He should have shot GZ in his fat face without hesitation or mental reservation when the fool found him.

Blacks rightfully don't like being unfairly picked on by official officers of the law. So I can completely understand a black guy wanting to kick the shit out of a pussy like George Zimmerman for disrespecting him and questioning him.

Ever notice whites want to talk about freedom in this country yet a young black man with a hoody isn't free to walk the streets without being stopped by some cracker loser. Oh, and whites will say, "he's not white he's hispanic". That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. He's white. He enjoys white privilage. And so will every other hispanic and arab as soon as they lose the accents. This is why blacks are so pissed. It's easier to be a 2nd generation mexican or muslim than it is to be a black who's family has been in this country for hundreds of years.

Anyways, I don't approve of ghetto young black men who come into a gated community, one that's probably had burglaries, and beat up the neighborhood watch guy either. This isn't all black and white. But I would have thrown George Zimmerman in jail for 10 years. I mean 20 years out in 10 for good behavior.

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