Watch, Hell on Earth: Fall of Syria

This documentary, done by Sebastian Junger, gives a clear picture of why refugees are fleeing Syria. It's on National Geographic.
Remember when The US was whining about how Brutal Syrian leader Assad was how he supposedly used Sarin gas is the US as it really is

'Staggering' civilian deaths from U.S.-led air strikes in Raqqa Syria - U.N.
Source: Reuters

United Nations war crimes investigators said on Wednesday that intensified coalition air strikes supporting an assault by U.S.-backed forces on Islamic State's stronghold of Raqqa in Syria were causing a "staggering loss of civilian life".

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a group of Kurdish and Arab militias supported by a U.S.-led coalition, began to attack Raqqa a week ago with the aim of taking it from the jihadists. The SDF, supported by heavy coalition air strikes, have taken territory to the west, east and north of the city.

Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry also told the Human Rights Council that 10 agreements between the Syrian government and armed groups to evacuate fighters and civilians from besieged areas, including eastern Aleppo, "in some cases amount to war crimes" as civilians had "no choice".

Read more: "Staggering" civilian deaths from U.S.-led air strikes in Raqqa - U.N.
This documentary, done by Sebastian Junger, gives a clear picture of why refugees are fleeing Syria. It's on National Geographic.
Remember when The US was whining about how Brutal Syrian leader Assad was how he supposedly used Sarin gas is the US as it really is

'Staggering' civilian deaths from U.S.-led air strikes in Raqqa Syria - U.N.
Source: Reuters

United Nations war crimes investigators said on Wednesday that intensified coalition air strikes supporting an assault by U.S.-backed forces on Islamic State's stronghold of Raqqa in Syria were causing a "staggering loss of civilian life".

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a group of Kurdish and Arab militias supported by a U.S.-led coalition, began to attack Raqqa a week ago with the aim of taking it from the jihadists. The SDF, supported by heavy coalition air strikes, have taken territory to the west, east and north of the city.

Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry also told the Human Rights Council that 10 agreements between the Syrian government and armed groups to evacuate fighters and civilians from besieged areas, including eastern Aleppo, "in some cases amount to war crimes" as civilians had "no choice".

Read more: "Staggering" civilian deaths from U.S.-led air strikes in Raqqa - U.N.

It is time to discredit the entire idea of war crimes in principle as well as in practice. The US has done a good job for a step forward in this direction. Good news.

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