Watch Joe Biden’s Illegal Alien Flood at the U.S./Mexico Border

All we have to do is kill a few dozen of the little bastards and the rest would get the message and run back to Taco Land.

Of course we wouldn't have to shoot anybody if that moron Joe Potataohead hadn't stole the election and ended the deal with Mexico, would we?
The Worthless Negro told us to never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck things up.

Was Potatohead ending the deal with Mexico and allow millions and million of the little shits to flood across the border and sign up for welfare the kind of fuck up he was talking about?
How much money was paid for this land?

You can argue all you like pal, but the FACT of the matter is, the United States is a country, and has been a country for 247 years. I'm a citizen, the people flooding in are not. The ones who have tried to get by our laws ARE illegals.
You can argue all you like pal, but the FACT of the matter is, the United States is a country, and has been a country for 247 years. I'm a citizen, the people flooding in are not. The ones who have tried to get by our laws ARE illegals.
Let me help you. This is how you acquired this land.

How much money was paid for this land?
Louisiana purchase for 18 dollars a square mile for the "preemptive" right to obtain "Indian" lands by treaty or by conquest, to the exclusion of other colonial powers. According to wikkip.....

We paid the French for the right to steal more native land by hook or crook!

Sneaky bastards we were.
All we have to do is kill a few dozen of the little bastards and the rest would get the message and run back to Taco Land.

Of course we wouldn't have to shoot anybody if that moron Joe Potataohead hadn't stole the election and ended the deal with Mexico, would we?
Calm down Lester.
Calm down Lester.
An Illegal asshole killed several people in Central Florida this week. The sonofabitch should never have been in the country in the first place.

Letting these millions of filthy ass welfare queens flood into this country may boost the goddamn Democrat voter roles but it will fuck up this country big time.

We have no sovereignty as a country any more. The Traitorous Democrats sold us out.

Why is Potatohead allowing it to happen since Trump had it under control?
Are you liberals for this? Look at the trash they're leaving everywhere. Under the Usurper's watch, this is going to get American citizens of White European heritage killed. This is an invasion of epic proportions. Biden is committing treason by allowing this. He and Mayorkas are violating their oath to the Constitution.

Let me help you. This is how you acquired this land.

View attachment 784490

The European superior technology allowed them to easily conquer your ancestors.

None of that changes the reality today. The United States is a country WITH LAWS. The people flooding in much of the time VIOLATE those laws, and many will be sent packing.
I'm a citizen, and I have rights in this country, that they do not have.
They are piled up on the Mexican side....I thought the border was keep saying the border is open.

It's open to the millions that have already snuck in, thanks to Joe Biden's invitation.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

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