WATCH: Prosecution Appears to Fall Apart as Rittenhouse ‘Victim’ Admits He Pulled Gun First

Now you know that's not what I said.

A quick explanation without providing specific numbers, which I'll leave to you to pursue if you're interested.
Black people voted for Obama and other non-whites did too. Add to that half of white voters and that leaves about half or more that didn't vote for Obama.
Thusly, I'm thinking that about 75% of white voters having racist feelings would be about right.

Then could in the white voters who didn't vote and on top of that, the huge number of white voters who have become racists at Trump's urging on account of non-whites supposedly taking jobs from white Americans.

Now you can do the number crunching to disprove all that!
I'm amused at your belief that a vote for someone other than Obama correlates to "racist feelings", Donald! Was it "racism" that cause people to vote for the other candidate or was it simply the belief that a Freshman Senator with very little experience would make a good President?

Quite frankly I voted for Romney not because I dislike blacks...I voted for him because I thought he would make a better President for the country. If Condi Rice had run against Hillary...I would have voted for her. Skin pigmentation has little to do with that decision.

Your notion that we're teetering on going back to "whites only" drinking fountains is laughable to be honest with you! We're not that country anymore nor have we been for quite some time.
I'm amused at your belief that a vote for someone other than Obama correlates to "racist feelings", Donald!
And, as we saw, he cannot demonstrate a rational basis for this statement.
As such, his statement is unsupportable nonsense and unworty of discussion.

TLDR: He's trolling

I'm amused at your belief that a vote for someone other than Obama correlates to "racist feelings", Donald!
That's not what I said. I was simply trying to estimate the per centage of Americans who have had, or have adpoted racist feelings. In large part the latter due to Trump's urging.
Quite frankly I voted for Romney not because I dislike blacks...I voted for him because I thought he would make a better President for the country. If Condi Rice had run against Hillary...I would have voted for her. Skin pigmentation has little to do with that decision.
Rice was a lying warmonger as bad as Powell.
Romney maybe but the ridiculous religion nonsense could have caused fatal results.
Your notion that we're teetering on going back to "whites only" drinking fountains is laughable to be honest with you! We're not that country anymore nor have we been for quite some time.
Allow me a bit of poetic license with the 'drinking fountain' comment.
For the straight goods on my opinion, the results of the increased amount of racism could have more serious effects on your entire country than the 60's in which the effects were more confined to the south.

IMO the old feelings have returned because the south still hasn't accepted losing the civil war and the loss of it's slave labour. They still feel they have that right.

And fwiw, their bibles affirm that right, in their minds at least.
That's not what I said. I was simply trying to estimate the per centage of Americans who have had, or have adpoted racist feelings. In large part the latter due to Trump's urging.
And, as you admit, you have no rational basis for that estimate.
That is, you made it up.
As such, it is unsupportable nonsense, unworthy of discussion.
That's not what I said. I was simply trying to estimate the per centage of Americans who have had, or have adpoted racist feelings. In large part the latter due to Trump's urging.

Rice was a lying warmonger as bad as Powell.
Romney maybe but the ridiculous religion nonsense could have caused fatal results.

Allow me a bit of poetic license with the 'drinking fountain' comment.
For the straight goods on my opinion, the results of the increased amount of racism could have more serious effects on your entire country than the 60's in which the effects were more confined to the south.

IMO the old feelings have returned because the south still hasn't accepted losing the civil war and the loss of it's slave labour. They still feel they have that right.

And fwiw, their bibles affirm that right, in their minds at least.
When did Trump ever urge racist feelings, Donald? That's absurd.
Poetic license is how you describe something that not only untrue but foments racial tension? Whites Only drinking fountains were something that USED to define parts of this country, Donald but claiming they still do is simply race baiting! You can do better.
That's not what I said. I was simply trying to estimate the per centage of Americans who have had, or have adpoted racist feelings. In large part the latter due to Trump's urging.

Rice was a lying warmonger as bad as Powell.
Romney maybe but the ridiculous religion nonsense could have caused fatal results.

Allow me a bit of poetic license with the 'drinking fountain' comment.
For the straight goods on my opinion, the results of the increased amount of racism could have more serious effects on your entire country than the 60's in which the effects were more confined to the south.

IMO the old feelings have returned because the south still hasn't accepted losing the civil war and the loss of it's slave labour. They still feel they have that right.

And fwiw, their bibles affirm that right, in their minds at least.
I've lived in the "South" for well over twenty years now, Donald and it's not in any way shape or form the way that it used to be. Blacks have real power in the modern day South. They represent districts in Congress and the Senate. They hold positions of authority as Chiefs of Police. Are there a few inbred idiots that want a return to slavery? Of course but let's be honest about how miniscule that number really is! I think you're describing something you obviously know little about. I think you base your impressions on the beliefs of others who know little about the South.
Another White Supremacists Everywhere Fake Feelings Thread. Every accounting of irresponsible behavior is initiated by a White Supremicist-Lib 101
We live in fear that WS who are everywhere may respond with force against our aggressions-Lib 101
More attempts to excuse and deflect irresponsible liberal behavior.
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Kyle's type is only a threat with a gun in his hands.
But the question could be: Was the judge staging a demonstration or was he completely unconcerned about some danger.

Perhaps a clue: Who would be afraid of Kyle as portrayed there? A little girl?
Kyle was not seeking to be a threat nor are 99% of armed people. They are seeking protection from instigation and attacks you drooling dolt of misguided feelings,
I've lived in the "South" for well over twenty years now, Donald and it's not in any way shape or form the way that it used to be. Blacks have real power in the modern day South. They represent districts in Congress and the Senate. They hold positions of authority as Chiefs of Police. Are there a few inbred idiots that want a return to slavery? Of course but let's be honest about how miniscule that number really is! I think you're describing something you obviously know little about. I think you base your impressions on the beliefs of others who know little about the South.
The rest of the world sees the shoddy treatment of black people in America, but we do understand the 'race' problem that America has created for itself.

In all honesty, much of the criticism of the black population in America has some validity.

I've tried repeatedly to persuade at least some Americans to acknowledge same, but that calls for white people to condemn themselves for creating the problem.

And so the racism problem has developed out of that, as opposed to other modern democracies such as Canada for example, where we have treated our black people as equals.

So sure, I'll take your personal word for how you feel, but I have to point out that you're not the majority.

And then too, we can't exclude the Trump factor if we are to talk about racism.

How about a new thread for the express purpose of examining racism in America?
The rest of the world sees the shoddy treatment of black people in America, but we do understand the 'race' problem that America has created for itself.

In all honesty, much of the criticism of the black population in America has some validity.

I've tried repeatedly to persuade at least some Americans to acknowledge same, but that calls for white people to condemn themselves for creating the problem.

And so the racism problem has developed out of that, as opposed to other modern democracies such as Canada for example, where we have treated our black people as equals.

So sure, I'll take your personal word for how you feel, but I have to point out that you're not the majority.

And then too, we can't exclude the Trump factor if we are to talk about racism.

How about a new thread for the express purpose of examining racism in America?
The only shoddy treatment of blacks in the USA is by blacks on blacks but it escapes responsibility for that by blaming others.
I’m pretty sure now libs blame at a 10X rate compared to accepting responsibility and changing their own behavior.
Bla Bla - That dude wanted to stop the Boy Wonder from killing anyone else after his first kill.
Why did Baby Kyle punch a girl in the head multiple times?
Go to 3:20

Bla Bla - That dude wanted to stop the Boy Wonder from killing anyone else after his first kill.
As such, he tried to take the law into his own hands - vigilantism.
And in doing so, he created justification for Rittenhouse to shoot him.
Bla Bla - That dude wanted to stop the Boy Wonder from killing anyone else after his first kill.
Why does Baby Kyle punch a girl in the head multiple times?

I'm hoping Kyle's treatment of little girls can make it into evidence for the purpose of showing the judge and jury Kyle's lack of decent character.

The 'fix' was in with the jury selection.
I'm hoping Kyle's treatment of little girls can make it into evidence for the purpose of showing the judge and jury Kyle's lack of decent character.

The 'fix' was in with the jury selection.
There is SOOO much evidence of problematic behavior that this asshole judge (who has not ONCE admonished the defense) has barred. Dude needs to be disrobed. He even led applause for a defense witness yesterday who happened to be a Vet. New trial, new judge please!
I'm hoping Kyle's treatment of little girls can make it into evidence for the purpose of showing the judge and jury Kyle's lack of decent character.
And in doing so you demonstrate your ignorance of both American law, and the case.
Not that anyone is surprised.
The 'fix' was in with the jury selection.
Please demonstrate the rational basis for this statement.
I'm hoping Kyle's treatment of little girls can make it into evidence for the purpose of showing the judge and jury Kyle's lack of decent character.

The 'fix' was in with the jury selection.

Typical leftist projection. Rittenhouse capped a convicted pedophile, so in lefty world, he becomes one.

You people are fucking disgusting.
There is SOOO much evidence of problematic behavior that this asshole judge (who has not ONCE admonished the defense) has barred.
Because it was not relevant to the case.
This is the norm in crininal trials.
How do you not know this?
Dude needs to be disrobed. He even led applause for a defense witness yesterday who happened to be a Vet. New trial, new judge please!
Unsupportable nonsense.
Grosskreutz could not have drawn his gun "first" because Rittenhouse already had his gun out, obviously. Grosskreutz already knew that Rittenhouse was dangerous and had already shot someone. The right-wingers always maintain that carrying a gun in public is necessary to protect self and others. You can't ignore the videos of Rittenhouse stalking the streets with his gun before the shooting started. These efforts to turn him into some sort of hero are absurd. It was obvious that he was up to no good. You can't hide a gun the size of the one he was carrying. Would the right-wingers defend Rittenhouse with such fervor if Rittenhouse was black and doing what exactly what he did? I seriously doubt it.
Its not about "drawing a gun first", its about who pointed their gun first.

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