Watch quickly before it disappears

It is impossible to tell at this time, though #17 can look like the horse's rear-end in front of the other readers when taking on the credibility of Johns Hopkins:

Aug 2020 John Hopkins / Ann Arbor
'....At this time, the scientific consensus is that the virus emerged as a zoonosis whereby it jumped from an animal host, probably bats, or pangolins, to humans, and arguments about a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2 are more akin to a conspiracy theory than to a scientifically credible hypothesis. In the very unlikely event that SARS-Cov-2 had emerged by accidental escape from a lab, however, that would be a great cause for concern because the Wuhan facility was state of the art and presumably operating with a high degree of care.'
. . . hmmmm. . . doing science by consensus?

Where have we all heard this before?

Chinese Virologist Flees Communist Country…Claims She Has Evidence COVID-19 Was Manmade In Wuhan Lab [VIDEO]

12 Sep 2020 ~~ By Patty McMurray
China’s only biosafety level-4 super laboratory is only a few miles away from the Wuhan wet market, where Chinese officials claim the coronavirus emanated. Human infectious diseases are researched in the lab, including the novel coronavirus.
In mid-February, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) began sounding the alarm about the origination of the coronavirus in the Wuhan super lab:
On April 30, President Trump was mocked by the media and by his opponents in the Democrat Party for suggesting the Wuhan lab was where the coronavirus pandemic originated.
Yahoo News – US President Donald Trump threatened new tariffs against Beijing after claiming there is evidence linking the coronavirus to a lab in China’s ground-zero city of Wuhan.

“We’ll be able to get a very powerful definition of what happened,” he said, adding that a report would be made to him “in the not too distant future.”
“They could have stopped it,” he said, attacking China for not canceling international flights out of the country in time.
100 Percent Fed Up – A respected Chinese virologist has fled from Communist China to Hong Kong and is now reportedly in the U.S., is claiming that she will provide evidence that the SARS-Cov-2 virus was man-made and that it was developed by scientists in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She’s also accusing the Chinese government of a cover-up.
Daily Mail – Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, claimed that Beijing knew about the coronavirus well before reports began to emerge.
She has since been forced to flee Hong Kong, fearing her life is in danger, and appeared today on Loose Women from a secret location, revealing that the Chinese government had ‘removed all her information’ from government databases.
‘The genome sequence is like a human finger-print’, she said. ‘And based on this you can identify these things. I will [use this] evidence to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the ones who made it.​
‘Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, will be able to read it, and check and identify and verify it yourself.​

Watch her interview on Friday from a secret location on the Loose Women program here:
Just The News – Virologist Li-Meng Yan claims to have done some of the earliest work on COVID-19 when it first emerged in China last year. She has said she left China in April and that she is currently in hiding in the U.S.

Worse than that. Dr Fauci under the auspices of Obama helped fund the program with $3.7 million taxpayer cash despite being told to drop the testing as it was too dangerous.
This will be coming out when Dr. Li-Meng Yan, the Chinese whistleblower speaks. Shifty Schiff is about to get a lesson in what a REAL whistleblower looks like.
The Chines didn't steal anything with this virus. Overdale was right that they were told to discontinue the development of the virus, but only here in the US at the two universities. After Congress slapped their hands they packed up everything in the labs and shipped it all to the Wuhan lab. At the same time all the development on virus was going on, we were also paying Fauci to find a treatment. This is documented in the congressional record.
In the meantime, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, MSM, and Globalists will do anything, including creating more "False Flags" and disinformation to keep the knowledge that Obama, China, et al are behind their "Biological terrorist" attack to our countryand the world.
Watch quickly before it disappears

Sent to me by a fellow concerned American...
"There have been WAY too many coincidences for me. All those marching immigrants from Central America did not do the trick. Impeachment did not do it either. Look at us NOW, and ask yourself how all this could come about; just before the most important election in our history.​
We either need to wake up; or bend over.​
Watch this while you can - Youtube is already trying to censor this video.​
This is a well done Trump campaign ad...I see why Youtube is trying to discourage people from watching. It is controversial, but powerful. You'll have to confirm that you're about to see "questionable content" before you watch it. (It begins with Covid 19.) Almost 600,000 views the first day - watch before they take it down."​

Already deemed "inappropriate or offensive to some audiences" by our overlords at YouTube....Will have to get a downloader and save it.

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