Watch the back door.

“Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge. Whether it is obscuring state language or the faux-language of mindless media; whether it is the proud but calcified language of the academy or the commodity-driven language of science; whether it is the malign language of law-without-ethics, or language designed for the estrangement of minorities, hiding its racist plunder in its literary cheek – it must be rejected, altered and exposed. It is the language that drinks blood, laps vulnerabilities, tucks its fascist boots under crinolines of respectability and patriotism as it moves relentlessly toward the bottom line and the bottomed-out mind. Sexist language, racist language, theistic language ― all are typical of the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.”
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

The I suggest they stop doing hate speech. They might be invited and at least tolerated. Your bunch has done this hate speech for so long you think it's normal. And then you find it odd when society starts calling you on it. Then you cry like little babies, wah, wah.
“Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge. Whether it is obscuring state language or the faux-language of mindless media; whether it is the proud but calcified language of the academy or the commodity-driven language of science; whether it is the malign language of law-without-ethics, or language designed for the estrangement of minorities, hiding its racist plunder in its literary cheek – it must be rejected, altered and exposed. It is the language that drinks blood, laps vulnerabilities, tucks its fascist boots under crinolines of respectability and patriotism as it moves relentlessly toward the bottom line and the bottomed-out mind. Sexist language, racist language, theistic language ― all are typical of the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.”
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

Sure, understand that but conservative speakers that have been challenged at universities include ones that blame the Holocaust on homosexuality or deny it all.

You want to defend that?
Why, man, he [Caesar] doth bestride the narrow world
Like a colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates;
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

Shakespeare said it all and we are watching it unfold in front of us as they go after Trump with a jaded sense of some greater good that could burn down the house to evict an unwanted occupant.
Why, man, he [Caesar] doth bestride the narrow world
Like a colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates;
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

Shakespeare said it all and we are watching it unfold in front of us as they go after Trump with a jaded sense of some greater good that could burn down the house to evict an unwanted occupant.

When that unwanted occupant is busy burning down the house, what do you have to lose.
Why, man, he [Caesar] doth bestride the narrow world
Like a colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates;
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

Shakespeare said it all and we are watching it unfold in front of us as they go after Trump with a jaded sense of some greater good that could burn down the house to evict an unwanted occupant.

For a person to quote Shakespeare and that would include trump....means that you need to go to a local memory care unit at a nursing home now.
Why, man, he [Caesar] doth bestride the narrow world
Like a colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates;
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

Shakespeare said it all and we are watching it unfold in front of us as they go after Trump with a jaded sense of some greater good that could burn down the house to evict an unwanted occupant.

For a person to quote Shakespeare and that would include trump....means that you need to go to a local memory care unit at a nursing home now.

Just because I quoted him doesn't mean I grew up with him.
Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.

Your Progressive fantasies are just marginally amusing.

It amuses the hell for me. Except, it might come to pass. If Trump loses, he's going to make the claim that the election was rigged. He's not going to show even the remote class that Hillary did when she conceded. His rabid follows are going to be a real problem for America. The only thing I can say is, get out and vote. Let's get this over and done with and try and rebuild America.

No I don't think so. Only Democrats like Al Bore, John "Lurch" Francoise Kerry, and Hillary Cankles Clinton Democrats all have made that complaint.... If it comes to Trump's loss in 2020 (which I doubt) DJT will walk away and go back to making billions in real estate.

Strump already was saying the election in 2016 was rigged. All the way to the end. Imagine the surprise to him that he actually won. So the same routine will be going on in 2020. Strump doesn't change his spots. And if he loses, there are enough sickos out there that they are going to react if Strump makes the claim the election was rigged. He may not leave the WH wearing steel bracelets but he's not going to go quietly.; Strump doesn't do anything quietly. And people are going to get killed.

The Republican Party is dead. It's the Party of Trump. It's going to take at least a decade to get the GOP back to a decent party.

Come on Daryl, each time Democrats have lost they've pulled the same thing. Sure Trump said that the 2016 presidential election was rigged. Look at what the DNC and Hillary did to Bernie. Look at what Hillary and the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have done to Trump with the Russia, Russia theme. Now that they've lost the Russian lie, they've gone to Racism and Oh! Hunting 'Deplorables' the movie.
BTW first we had the Gilroy Garlic Festival Mass shooting, then El Paso, then Dayton, and then Orange County knifings.
Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.

Your Progressive fantasies are just marginally amusing.

It amuses the hell for me. Except, it might come to pass. If Trump loses, he's going to make the claim that the election was rigged. He's not going to show even the remote class that Hillary did when she conceded. His rabid follows are going to be a real problem for America. The only thing I can say is, get out and vote. Let's get this over and done with and try and rebuild America.

No I don't think so. Only Democrats like Al Bore, John "Lurch" Francoise Kerry, and Hillary Cankles Clinton Democrats all have made that complaint.... If it comes to Trump's loss in 2020 (which I doubt) DJT will walk away and go back to making billions in real estate.

Strump already was saying the election in 2016 was rigged. All the way to the end. Imagine the surprise to him that he actually won. So the same routine will be going on in 2020. Strump doesn't change his spots. And if he loses, there are enough sickos out there that they are going to react if Strump makes the claim the election was rigged. He may not leave the WH wearing steel bracelets but he's not going to go quietly.; Strump doesn't do anything quietly. And people are going to get killed.

The Republican Party is dead. It's the Party of Trump. It's going to take at least a decade to get the GOP back to a decent party.

Come on Daryl, each time Democrats have lost they've pulled the same thing. Sure Trump said that the 2016 presidential election was rigged. Look at what the DNC and Hillary did to Bernie. Look at what Hillary and the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have done to Trump with the Russia, Russia theme. Now that they've lost the Russian lie, they've gone to Racism and Oh! Hunting 'Deplorables' the movie.
BTW first we had the Gilroy Garlic Festival Mass shooting, then El Paso, then Dayton, and then Orange County knifings.

Your so called "Russian Lie" has been confirmed. Only the party of Trump denies it. And it continues unchecked due to Moscow Mitch refusing any bills to get past his desk on to the Senate floor. As it stands now, Moscow Mitch is a goner. He's only able to run interference for Trump 2 more years. Trump hopes that is enough. But in the meantime, more and more voters are seeing the truth and your denial is no longer working.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!
“Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge. Whether it is obscuring state language or the faux-language of mindless media; whether it is the proud but calcified language of the academy or the commodity-driven language of science; whether it is the malign language of law-without-ethics, or language designed for the estrangement of minorities, hiding its racist plunder in its literary cheek – it must be rejected, altered and exposed. It is the language that drinks blood, laps vulnerabilities, tucks its fascist boots under crinolines of respectability and patriotism as it moves relentlessly toward the bottom line and the bottomed-out mind. Sexist language, racist language, theistic language ― all are typical of the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.”
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

The I suggest they stop doing hate speech. They might be invited and at least tolerated. Your bunch has done this hate speech for so long you think it's normal. And then you find it odd when society starts calling you on it. Then you cry like little babies, wah, wah.
i consider the shit spewed from left wingers like you hate speech .
Your Progressive fantasies are just marginally amusing.

It amuses the hell for me. Except, it might come to pass. If Trump loses, he's going to make the claim that the election was rigged. He's not going to show even the remote class that Hillary did when she conceded. His rabid follows are going to be a real problem for America. The only thing I can say is, get out and vote. Let's get this over and done with and try and rebuild America.

No I don't think so. Only Democrats like Al Bore, John "Lurch" Francoise Kerry, and Hillary Cankles Clinton Democrats all have made that complaint.... If it comes to Trump's loss in 2020 (which I doubt) DJT will walk away and go back to making billions in real estate.

Strump already was saying the election in 2016 was rigged. All the way to the end. Imagine the surprise to him that he actually won. So the same routine will be going on in 2020. Strump doesn't change his spots. And if he loses, there are enough sickos out there that they are going to react if Strump makes the claim the election was rigged. He may not leave the WH wearing steel bracelets but he's not going to go quietly.; Strump doesn't do anything quietly. And people are going to get killed.

The Republican Party is dead. It's the Party of Trump. It's going to take at least a decade to get the GOP back to a decent party.

Come on Daryl, each time Democrats have lost they've pulled the same thing. Sure Trump said that the 2016 presidential election was rigged. Look at what the DNC and Hillary did to Bernie. Look at what Hillary and the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have done to Trump with the Russia, Russia theme. Now that they've lost the Russian lie, they've gone to Racism and Oh! Hunting 'Deplorables' the movie.
BTW first we had the Gilroy Garlic Festival Mass shooting, then El Paso, then Dayton, and then Orange County knifings.

Your so called "Russian Lie" has been confirmed. Only the party of Trump denies it. And it continues unchecked due to Moscow Mitch refusing any bills to get past his desk on to the Senate floor. As it stands now, Moscow Mitch is a goner. He's only able to run interference for Trump 2 more years. Trump hopes that is enough. But in the meantime, more and more voters are seeing the truth and your denial is no longer working.
very soon some of the people that created the lie that trump colluded with Russia are going to be indited ...
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!
and when not if but when your left wing commie joke of a candidate loses the left is going to scream and riot is the left that will not accept the outcome of an election when their candidate loses.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!

Do you mean, me being an indie voter that I am required by law to vote for Trump? Is that a new EO I wasn't made aware of? Are you going to require that at gun point?
“Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge. Whether it is obscuring state language or the faux-language of mindless media; whether it is the proud but calcified language of the academy or the commodity-driven language of science; whether it is the malign language of law-without-ethics, or language designed for the estrangement of minorities, hiding its racist plunder in its literary cheek – it must be rejected, altered and exposed. It is the language that drinks blood, laps vulnerabilities, tucks its fascist boots under crinolines of respectability and patriotism as it moves relentlessly toward the bottom line and the bottomed-out mind. Sexist language, racist language, theistic language ― all are typical of the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.”
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

Sure, understand that but conservative speakers that have been challenged at universities include ones that blame the Holocaust on homosexuality or deny it all.

You want to defend that?
anyone that blames the Holocaust on anyone but the Nazis [a left wing socialist party] is wrong .
“Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge. Whether it is obscuring state language or the faux-language of mindless media; whether it is the proud but calcified language of the academy or the commodity-driven language of science; whether it is the malign language of law-without-ethics, or language designed for the estrangement of minorities, hiding its racist plunder in its literary cheek – it must be rejected, altered and exposed. It is the language that drinks blood, laps vulnerabilities, tucks its fascist boots under crinolines of respectability and patriotism as it moves relentlessly toward the bottom line and the bottomed-out mind. Sexist language, racist language, theistic language ― all are typical of the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.”
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

The I suggest they stop doing hate speech. They might be invited and at least tolerated. Your bunch has done this hate speech for so long you think it's normal. And then you find it odd when society starts calling you on it. Then you cry like little babies, wah, wah.
i consider the shit spewed from left wingers like you hate speech .

Do you mean if I point out that your incite riots and violence and say it's wrong, I am spewing hate speech? Or is it that I disagree with your and that is your version of hate speech.
Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!

Do you mean, me being an indie voter that I am required by law to vote for Trump? Is that a new EO I wasn't made aware of? Are you going to require that at gun point?
i could be wrong but i doubt you are an independent if you are you probably lean to the left and most of all
youre not the only independent voter .......
Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!
and when not if but when your left wing commie joke of a candidate loses the left is going to scream and riot is the left that will not accept the outcome of an election when their candidate loses.

Hmm, didn't happen when Hillary lost. Just because your group would react a way doesnt' mean that everyone else will react that way. Sort of reminds me of why a Con Man doesn't feel bad about the Con . His reasoning is that if He wasn't conning you, you would be conning him.
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

The I suggest they stop doing hate speech. They might be invited and at least tolerated. Your bunch has done this hate speech for so long you think it's normal. And then you find it odd when society starts calling you on it. Then you cry like little babies, wah, wah.
i consider the shit spewed from left wingers like you hate speech .

Do you mean if I point out that your incite riots and violence and say it's wrong, I am spewing hate speech? Or is it that I disagree with your and that is your version of hate speech.
what riots are going on today with hoards of republican looting assaulting and burning ??? sounds like antifa a leftist mob to me
Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!
and when not if but when your left wing commie joke of a candidate loses the left is going to scream and riot is the left that will not accept the outcome of an election when their candidate loses.

Hmm, didn't happen when Hillary lost. Just because your group would react a way doesnt' mean that everyone else will react that way. Sort of reminds me of why a Con Man doesn't feel bad about the Con . His reasoning is that if He wasn't conning you, you would be conning him.
we shall see we shall see....
Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
republicans have never contested a presidential election ......... that is leftist practice.

Nope, it's happened only once in my lifetime. Not a bad thing. But I don't look for Trump to Legally contest the election if he loses. Instead, he's going to claim it was rigged and that He won. You aren't aware of what the outcome of that will be. But Trump wont care. It will be his last hurrah in the Sun and he's going to milk it all the way nearly to the end. Unfortunately, some people will take it all the way to the end.
if Trump loses he will step down .....but let me tell you and take this to the bank the left has pissed off a lot of people with their hate whitey white privilege,open borders ,socialist bullshit !!! and we are coming out to vote in the largest numbers this country has ever seen before.... Trump will not only win the electoral college vote he will get more votes from individual voters from both republican,blue dog democrats and independents amounting to the most votes ever for president !!

Do you mean, me being an indie voter that I am required by law to vote for Trump? Is that a new EO I wasn't made aware of? Are you going to require that at gun point?
i could be wrong but i doubt you are an independent if you are you probably lean to the left and most of all
youre not the only independent voter .......

Let's take a head count. I voted for Nixon twice. I voted for Reagan twice. I voted for Bush Sr twice, I voted for Bush Jr twice. I have voted Republican more times than Democrat. Until now. The ones I listed as Republicans at least had redeeming qualities and actually tried to be Republicans. Trump has NO redeeming qualities and only tries to be the Party of Trump. There are many lifelong Republicans that will NEVER vote for Trump. Does that make them Democrats? No, it makes them sane.

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