Watch the back door.

this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

Sure, understand that but conservative speakers that have been challenged at universities include ones that blame the Holocaust on homosexuality or deny it all.

You want to defend that?
anyone that blames the Holocaust on anyone but the Nazis [a left wing socialist party] is wrong .

The NAZI's were facists. And Fascism is a disease of the right.

Actually, Fascism isn't that bad when it keeps Capitalism in check. Franco did a good job doing that. He used Capitalism to keep Spain running all the way from 1939 to 1974. Rather than have Social Programs like they had before the Spanish Revolution, he allowed Capitalism and Corporations to do the same services with the Government overseeing. What got other Fascist Governments in trouble was when they allowed the Capitalists to completely take control and then the one strongest would surface and take over everything and take it into a Dictatorship. At that point, the Capitalists would want more and the easiest way to get more would be to take it from the countries around them with a nice War. I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist. But he used it to save Spain from Marxism. He also learned from Mussolinis mistakes and never went that far. Franco was a great General, not a real Politician and no matter what government he set up, the common people would follow him. But I remember a TDY to Madrid in 1971 where I got to see firsthand the heavy handedness of the Gendarmes who literally had the power of life and death over everyone in Spain. It worked out of fear in the end when Franco became too old to effectively govern. By 1971, the day of the Fascist Government had already passed.

The Francoist dictatorship in Spain was hardly a good thing for the country. His rise to power murdered 500,000 people in country and as many as 400,000 during thru labor camps.

Welcome to any police state regardless of what the underlying political method used to justify it.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

When I see a US politician beholden to a foreign dictator, I worry the backdoor is letting in the swamp.

It is when you're robbing me blind to pay for it and giving it to illegals for free who havent paid shit into the system.

Nobody is robbing you blind or giving free stuff to illegals.

Giving free healthcare to illegals isnt ripping me and other American taxpayers off?
So how did you come to this conclusion genius ?

If illegals are paying payroll taxes thru employment they're paying into Medicare, right?

Also, if you're referring to California offering HC to illegals under 26 year old, they have to purchase HC on the HC exchanges.

Al your pathetic candidates raised their hands for free healthcare for illegals.
A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

When I see a US politician beholden to a foreign dictator, I worry the backdoor is letting in the swamp.

It is when you're robbing me blind to pay for it and giving it to illegals for free who havent paid shit into the system.

Nobody is robbing you blind or giving free stuff to illegals.

Giving free healthcare to illegals isnt ripping me and other American taxpayers off?
So how did you come to this conclusion genius ?

If illegals are paying payroll taxes thru employment they're paying into Medicare, right?

Also, if you're referring to California offering HC to illegals under 26 year old, they have to purchase HC on the HC exchanges.

Or we can keep things like they are and have Illegals to continue to use the Emergency Wards like Health Clinics for which the rest of us have to pay for as well. The Illegals are going to get health care no matter what. The only question is, what's the best way for them to get it.

How about we just send em back where they came from?
That way we avoid the free healthcare debacle and all the money they recieve in gov handouts.
I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist.

That's because the famed Spanish Caudillo really wasn't a fascist.

He was Spanish patriot and devout Roman Catholic who saved his beloved Hispanic people from Communist Tyranny.

He was a very frustrating acquaintance of Hitler who refused the German socialist access to Spanish territory to wage war on Gibraltar. Indeed, Mr. Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled out one by one rather than speak with and deal with "that impossible hombre" Franco again after a 1941 meeting.

Francisco Franco was very much a fascist.

He also wasn't a patriot, but rather typical of every other in thrust of power. His rise to power cost 500,000 million lives and his regime took another 400,000 before it ended.

So, so much for his love of the "Hispanic" people.
Quit being afraid of a future you will have no part in. Freedom is first thing that will have to die to turn back the clock to some magical time when America was great.
Commie bastard. The problem with America is the commie left.
I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist.

That's because the famed Spanish Caudillo really wasn't a fascist.

He was Spanish patriot and devout Roman Catholic who saved his beloved Hispanic people from Communist Tyranny.

He was a very frustrating acquaintance of Hitler who refused the German socialist access to Spanish territory to wage war on Gibraltar. Indeed, Mr. Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled out one by one rather than speak with and deal with "that impossible hombre" Franco again after a 1941 meeting.

Francisco Franco was very much a fascist.

He also wasn't a patriot, but rather typical of every other in thrust of power. His rise to power cost 500,000 million lives and his regime took another 400,000 before it ended.

So, so much for his love of the "Hispanic" people.

Generalissimo Franco was stationed in the Canary Islands and saw what pain the Communists were bringing to his beloved Land of Tacos. What should he have done or could he have done to eliminate this scourge? Franco was hardly the perfect leader, however he did return Spain to peace and kept the beloved country out of WWII- which may have cost Spain a lot more than 900,000 lives. Millions died in Poland, you know.
I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist.

That's because the famed Spanish Caudillo really wasn't a fascist.

He was Spanish patriot and devout Roman Catholic who saved his beloved Hispanic people from Communist Tyranny.

He was a very frustrating acquaintance of Hitler who refused the German socialist access to Spanish territory to wage war on Gibraltar. Indeed, Mr. Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled out one by one rather than speak with and deal with "that impossible hombre" Franco again after a 1941 meeting.

Francisco Franco was very much a fascist.

He also wasn't a patriot, but rather typical of every other in thrust of power. His rise to power cost 500,000 million lives and his regime took another 400,000 before it ended.

So, so much for his love of the "Hispanic" people.

Generalissimo Franco was stationed in the Canary Islands and saw what pain the Communists were bringing to his beloved Land of Tacos. What should he have done or could he have done to eliminate this scourge? Franco was hardly the perfect leader, however he did return Spain to peace and kept the beloved country out of WWII- which may have cost Spain a lot more than 900,000 lives. Millions died in Poland, you know.

General Franco also turned over lists of Jews in Spain to the Germans.
I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist.

That's because the famed Spanish Caudillo really wasn't a fascist.

He was Spanish patriot and devout Roman Catholic who saved his beloved Hispanic people from Communist Tyranny.

He was a very frustrating acquaintance of Hitler who refused the German socialist access to Spanish territory to wage war on Gibraltar. Indeed, Mr. Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled out one by one rather than speak with and deal with "that impossible hombre" Franco again after a 1941 meeting.

Francisco Franco was very much a fascist.

He also wasn't a patriot, but rather typical of every other in thrust of power. His rise to power cost 500,000 million lives and his regime took another 400,000 before it ended.

So, so much for his love of the "Hispanic" people.

Generalissimo Franco was stationed in the Canary Islands and saw what pain the Communists were bringing to his beloved Land of Tacos. What should he have done or could he have done to eliminate this scourge? Franco was hardly the perfect leader, however he did return Spain to peace and kept the beloved country out of WWII- which may have cost Spain a lot more than 900,000 lives. Millions died in Poland, you know.

General Franco also turned over lists of Jews in Spain to the Germans.

That allegation came out many years after the generalissimo was lain to rest as well as his allies in life, and was unable to answer the charges. Smells like bullshit to me, socialist revisionism.
I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist.

That's because the famed Spanish Caudillo really wasn't a fascist.

He was Spanish patriot and devout Roman Catholic who saved his beloved Hispanic people from Communist Tyranny.

He was a very frustrating acquaintance of Hitler who refused the German socialist access to Spanish territory to wage war on Gibraltar. Indeed, Mr. Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled out one by one rather than speak with and deal with "that impossible hombre" Franco again after a 1941 meeting.

Francisco Franco was very much a fascist.

He also wasn't a patriot, but rather typical of every other in thrust of power. His rise to power cost 500,000 million lives and his regime took another 400,000 before it ended.

So, so much for his love of the "Hispanic" people.

Generalissimo Franco was stationed in the Canary Islands and saw what pain the Communists were bringing to his beloved Land of Tacos. What should he have done or could he have done to eliminate this scourge? Franco was hardly the perfect leader, however he did return Spain to peace and kept the beloved country out of WWII- which may have cost Spain a lot more than 900,000 lives. Millions died in Poland, you know.

General Franco also turned over lists of Jews in Spain to the Germans.

That allegation came out many years after the generalissimo was lain to rest as well as his allies in life, and was unable to answer the charges. Smells like bullshit to me, socialist revisionism.

While I didn't care for the way Spain was governed, it beat the way that the Marxists were governing. Both were more than a bit of a Police State. But under Franco, the common person did have more rights.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.
When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country.

I agree. Fuck trump
I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist.

That's because the famed Spanish Caudillo really wasn't a fascist.

He was Spanish patriot and devout Roman Catholic who saved his beloved Hispanic people from Communist Tyranny.

He was a very frustrating acquaintance of Hitler who refused the German socialist access to Spanish territory to wage war on Gibraltar. Indeed, Mr. Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled out one by one rather than speak with and deal with "that impossible hombre" Franco again after a 1941 meeting.

Francisco Franco was very much a fascist.

He also wasn't a patriot, but rather typical of every other in thrust of power. His rise to power cost 500,000 million lives and his regime took another 400,000 before it ended.

So, so much for his love of the "Hispanic" people.

Generalissimo Franco was stationed in the Canary Islands and saw what pain the Communists were bringing to his beloved Land of Tacos. What should he have done or could he have done to eliminate this scourge? Franco was hardly the perfect leader, however he did return Spain to peace and kept the beloved country out of WWII- which may have cost Spain a lot more than 900,000 lives. Millions died in Poland, you know.

General Franco also turned over lists of Jews in Spain to the Germans.

That allegation came out many years after the generalissimo was lain to rest as well as his allies in life, and was unable to answer the charges. Smells like bullshit to me, socialist revisionism.

Actually General Franco held parades in the late 1930's vilifying the Jewish people and then when Hitler was defeated he destroyed the evidence.

Much like the new right wing Polish government is doing to it's past.
the whole raid started because there was identity theft being committed by some of the workers .......when the raid happened they swept up the fraudsters and anyone who was here without a green card [illegal] and over 300 of those have been released back to their families .the rest are being looked into for other crimes committed !

Yea and the fact that the company had been sexually abusing those same workers and gotten caught at it had nothing to do with the dime being dropped to ICE....right?
dont know have not heard that anywhere yet .... if its true the company should be held into account also.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Gee, having the government fund and manage my healthcare gives me maximum personal freedom to live my best life, knowing that when I get sick, I have the right to treatment.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Gee, having the government fund and manage my healthcare gives me maximum personal freedom to live my best life, knowing that when I get sick, I have the right to treatment.

Spoken like an honorable citizen of North Korea.
and the only people qualified to decide what is and isnt allowed when it comes to free speech and what is or isnt racist or sexist of course are racist leftwing militant communist like you .....:right:

Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

Sure, understand that but conservative speakers that have been challenged at universities include ones that blame the Holocaust on homosexuality or deny it all.

You want to defend that?
anyone that blames the Holocaust on anyone but the Nazis [a left wing socialist party] is wrong .

The NAZI's were facists. And Fascism is a disease of the right.
there are plenty of hate and blame whitey and anti semites on the left ......and they are socialist calling for more government entervention and control ....the right is not for government stepping on freedom of speech,religion,or the right to bear arms it is the left that assaults Christianity at every turn,it is the left that labels conservative voters as racist,it is the left that wants to take away gun rights,it is the left that promotes violent mobs attacks on people who believe differently like [ANTIFA]
Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

Sure, understand that but conservative speakers that have been challenged at universities include ones that blame the Holocaust on homosexuality or deny it all.

You want to defend that?
anyone that blames the Holocaust on anyone but the Nazis [a left wing socialist party] is wrong .

The NAZI's were facists. And Fascism is a disease of the right.
there are plenty of hate and blame whitey and anti semites fascist on the left ......and they are socialist calling for more government entervention and control ....the right is not for government stepping on freedom of speech,religion,or the right to bear arms it is the left that assaults Christianity at every turn,it is the left that labels conservative voters as racist,it is the that wants to take away gun rights,it is the left that promotes violent mobs attacks on people who believe differently like [ANTIFA]
Again, pull head out, breathe on your own before trying to stand up.

So, the conservative history in regards to free speech and pornography is to be disregarded?
this is not a yeah but answer the left is labeling political speech as hate speech and trying to silence it !! look at all the conservative speakers who have been barred or shouted down and assaulted when trying to speak at universities !

Sure, understand that but conservative speakers that have been challenged at universities include ones that blame the Holocaust on homosexuality or deny it all.

You want to defend that?
anyone that blames the Holocaust on anyone but the Nazis [a left wing socialist party] is wrong .

The NAZI's were facists. And Fascism is a disease of the right.

Actually, Fascism isn't that bad when it keeps Capitalism in check. Franco did a good job doing that. He used Capitalism to keep Spain running all the way from 1939 to 1974. Rather than have Social Programs like they had before the Spanish Revolution, he allowed Capitalism and Corporations to do the same services with the Government overseeing. What got other Fascist Governments in trouble was when they allowed the Capitalists to completely take control and then the one strongest would surface and take over everything and take it into a Dictatorship. At that point, the Capitalists would want more and the easiest way to get more would be to take it from the countries around them with a nice War. I don't believe Franco really was a Fascist. But he used it to save Spain from Marxism. He also learned from Mussolinis mistakes and never went that far. Franco was a great General, not a real Politician and no matter what government he set up, the common people would follow him. But I remember a TDY to Madrid in 1971 where I got to see firsthand the heavy handedness of the Gendarmes who literally had the power of life and death over everyone in Spain. It worked out of fear in the end when Franco became too old to effectively govern. By 1971, the day of the Fascist Government had already passed.
are you out of your freaking mind ?????? any type of government control has a tendency to become more controlling ... fuck fascism in any form !!yep your a lefitst .
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

What you are describing is the current Democrat Party strategy of blaming and shaming, supported by their captive media.

I give my fellow Americans credit to be able to see through the Orwell nightmare that they have concocted!
'Secret' Trump voters, do your job in 2020.
A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

When I see a US politician beholden to a foreign dictator, I worry the backdoor is letting in the swamp.

It is when you're robbing me blind to pay for it and giving it to illegals for free who havent paid shit into the system.

Nobody is robbing you blind or giving free stuff to illegals.

Giving free healthcare to illegals isnt ripping me and other American taxpayers off?
So how did you come to this conclusion genius ?

If illegals are paying payroll taxes thru employment they're paying into Medicare, right?

Also, if you're referring to California offering HC to illegals under 26 year old, they have to purchase HC on the HC exchanges.

Or we can keep things like they are and have Illegals to continue to use the Emergency Wards like Health Clinics for which the rest of us have to pay for as well. The Illegals are going to get health care no matter what. The only question is, what's the best way for them to get it.
no !! we follow the laws and get them the hell out of this country !

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