Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Israel ... yes

Sweden ... yes


And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.

How’d your education go, dummy?

Cuba would be much better without the American embargo .

If socialism is so greate, then why does Cuba need America? America wouldn't even notice the economic impact if Cuba disappeared from the face of the Earth. Socialists are always blaming capitalism for the failure of their utopias. Don't you understand that the public has gotten wise to your scams?
That’s too stupid a question to respond to.


it was a rhetorical question.

It practices socialism because there is no shortage of scumbag politicians who will convince the vast mass of envious dumbasses like you that you can loot the wealthy without killing the golden goose.
You didn't comment on whether you'd forsworn use of socialist interstates. Have you?
I thought I made it clear that I wouldn't since I've paid for them.
No. So now are you lobbying for them to be sold to private interests? After all, the state has no business running a transport network, right? The money received for the roads should reduce your taxes while you pay tolls on the roads for their maintenance. That's the capitalist way, Shirley.
We do business with corrupt Russia. Why is Cuba’s economic paradigm our business? We deal with far worse autocrats and dictators.
I reckon it's residual humiliation from the Bay of Pigs.
I’d hope that’s not it.

When I was there they were so thrilled the US embassy is open. Maybe if they gave Donald a place for a hotel.

And one has to ask how they provide free health care and education through college but we can’t.

We did not have an enormous capital investment in Russia either.
Not Russia, not China...our one percent was EXTREMELY leveraged in Cuba when Castro nationalized all of it.

The real reason is that all the property owners that Castro looted escaped to Florida, and they became a powerfull constituency. The condition for lifting the trade embargo is the restoration of this property to its former owners. It has nothing to do with the US 1%.
I suspect the Thread Starter is annoyed that us "LIBTARDS" didn't start flopping around and bleeding from our ears. We should all be careful, I sure don't want anyone to drop that radioactive CUCK bomb.

Always love it when know it all sacks of arrogant shit make hypocritical posts.

Still have not seen a fucking pathetic American socialist (dumbest fucks on earth) list any socialist country that has a high density of brown people that can in any way be considered successful.

In fact the only so called socialist paradises listed all have a higher density of whites than here.

Which is the fucking point. Amazing to me how peple don't get it.

You have any more unoriginal thoughts that you pawn off as original from your fucking brain?

You pathetic hypocrites are all fucking deranged.
Still have not seen fucking pathetic American socialist (dumbest fucks on earth) list any socialist country that has a high density of brown people that can in any way be considered successful.
Ah, the real agenda emerges. So that was your point. You should have said.
So, when it comes to the maintenance of roads, it seems capitalism loses its lustre. Funny that.

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