WATCH: Trump Attorney Turns the Tables and Obliterates Sniveling Clinton Crony George Stephanopoulos During Interview on Sham Trump Indictment

Did you forget Hillary did that and got numerous agents/spy's lives in jeopardy in China.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton’s e-mails included the names of CIA officers serving overseas and foreigners who are on the spy agency’s payroll — potentially endangering their lives, it was reported Monday.

“It’s a death sentence,” a senior intelligence-community official told the Observer. “If we’re lucky, only [foreign] agents, not our officers, will gled because of this.”

Amazing how the MSM swept all that under the rug. In fact, they could have cared less about Hillary's perfidy, and that includes Comey.
Durham proved that Russian collusion was a lie, which also can be used if Trump goes to trial. As proof you loons will make up crimes to do away with your political opponent.

Yep, lies on affidavits to the FISA court among them. Lies from 51 or whatever the number is about Hunter's laptop. And oh so many more deep state lies.
No, she didn't..

Don't bother posting the crap from breitbart.

The State Department has released e-mails from the server under a court order, but said on Friday that it would withhold 22 of them because they contained “top secret” information.

Observer columnist John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst, said some of those e-mails contained spy names.

Clinton — whose front-running presidential campaign has been dogged by questions over her use of the unsecured home server — deleted some 30,000 e-mails she deemed personal before handing over another 30,000 to the State Department for release.

“I’ll spend the rest of my career trying to figure out what classified information was in those [deleted e-mails],” said a Pentagon counterintelligence official. “Everybody is mad as hell.

“The worst part is that Moscow and Beijing have that information, but the intelligence community maybe never will.”

How does that translate into "the chinese saw it"?

The State Department has released e-mails from the server under a court order, but said on Friday that it would withhold 22 of them because they contained “top secret” information.

Observer columnist John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst, said some of those e-mails contained spy names.

Clinton — whose front-running presidential campaign has been dogged by questions over her use of the unsecured home server — deleted some 30,000 e-mails she deemed personal before handing over another 30,000 to the State Department for release.

“I’ll spend the rest of my career trying to figure out what classified information was in those [deleted e-mails],” said a Pentagon counterintelligence official. “Everybody is mad as hell.

“The worst part is that Moscow and Beijing have that information, but the intelligence community maybe never will.”
He was immune for 4...
Not from impeachment and a Senate trial. Twice.

And, beyond that, rhe Congressional hearings were also Dim run clowns shows, which all also blew up in the faces of you libturds.

But now! This time!

Get the fuck out of here. You’re a stupid ass gasbag sucking wind and dicks.

You’ve got nothing. 👍
The State Department has released e-mails from the server under a court order, but said on Friday that it would withhold 22 of them because they contained “top secret” information.​
Observer columnist John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst, said some of those e-mails contained spy names.​
Clinton — whose front-running presidential campaign has been dogged by questions over her use of the unsecured home server — deleted some 30,000 e-mails she deemed personal before handing over another 30,000 to the State Department for release.​
“I’ll spend the rest of my career trying to figure out what classified information was in those [deleted e-mails],” said a Pentagon counterintelligence official. “Everybody is mad as hell.​
“The worst part is that Moscow and Beijing have that information, but the intelligence community maybe never will.”
So, given that information, what do you KNOW they have?
Not from impeachment and a Senate trial. Twice.

And, beyond that, rhe Congressional hearings were also Dim run clowns shows, which all also blew up in the faces of you libturds.

But now! This time!

Get the fuck out of here. You’re a stupid ass gasbag sucking wind and dicks.

You’ve got nothing. 👍
Would that be the impeachment triggered by the testimony of a decorated counter intelligence officer? The impeachment the Senate majority "procedured" away?

Or the second, from which Mitch emerged to declare Grifty liable?

Why don't you save your dumb ass hack breath to blow your Yam God's dick, dead end loser.
Let's not pretend - runts are easy to kick around. That goes back to caveman days. Georgie would have been flung off the ridge to the predators below so the healthy part of the tribe could escape.

But it looks it was good practice.

It seems they actually enjoy looking like fucking fools.... and who are we to take away that pleasure?

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