Watch Trump Bashers Accuse Trump of Stealing Documents Without Any Evidence

This is what they are doing every day now,. Every day now we hear Democrats accusing Trump of stealing evidence, violating the Espionage Act, "knowingly mishandled classified material., as the host of this show, referring to another guest (Mike Schmidt), boldly states (without presenting a shred of evidence).

Watch Frank Figliuzzi (author of "The FBI Way") say >> "there's been a reporting that Trump himself, actually, at one point, went through the documents......see what they are....Let's talk about this. Let's look at it himself. Here's what that does.
It takes away this defense that you know, the movers did it. I didn't know anything about this. I have no knowledge of this. They were told repeatedly how significant these documents were for national security, um, and he knows it, so again were getting into that statute now for the espionage. People saying Gee why espionage ? Willfullness, intent. I know it's here. I know it's highly classified. I'm being told I need to return it, and by God, I'm not doing it. ...and by the way, I'm probably lying to you about whether I've turned it all over.
So that gets us to that statutory element of willfulness, and intent, that's required for the espionage statute."

Notice that at no point in this almost 10 minute video, is there a specific SOURCE mentioned, upon which to base all this Trump bad, Trump did this, trump did that, stuff.

The host claims, and one guest say that Trump "knowingly" mishandled classified material. Yeah ? And upon what do they base the notion that classified material was mishandled by Trump, and knowingly ?

Then we have Frank Figliuzzi, former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, rambling on about criminal intent. Well, good going Frank, by bringing that subject up, it shows you learned something in law school to justify the JD you got. But maybe Frank had better go back to the courtroom, where he does good work, instead of appearing on this TV show, and trying to be an impromptu journalist. Yammering on and on, and basing it all on what he calls "a reporting", doesnt cut it.
Look at Figliuzzi actually put himself in Trump's shoes, and then purport to speak Trumps words, but entirely concocted on the spur, by Figliuzzi.
No mystery as to why Trump calls MSNBC shows like this, "Fake News". :rolleyes:

Trump is definitely guilty of violating the Espionage Act, the Patriot Act has enhanced penalties, he himself signed the increase in penalties for mishandled government documents - doesn't have to be classified - so he is in trouble criminally for that as well as his election interference in Georgia, along with his criminal liability for Jan 6, as well as the civil suits brought by the Capitol Police, as well as the criminal and civil suits brought against Trump Org, as well as the sexual assault civil litigation brought in NY, as well as the criminal investigation into the missing Inauguration Fund ($144 Million?), as well as . . . .

This write-up appears reliable on the surface. I suspect (not having seen or heard any or the proceedings), however, that the media accounts I’ve skimmed from the likes of MSNBC are projecting their own biases.

Here’s my quick take. I suspect this judge is considering sending the entire new pleadings affair back to the magistrate judge (Reinhardt). I also think that the judge seems to be trying to compel the Trump legal team to flesh out their arguments but also giving the government legal team a chance to reconsider its own approach.

I am a little curious why the Trump legal team isn’t moving to controvert the search warrant; but I assume it’s because they need the affidavit and supporting papers to do that.

Legally, this isn’t open and shit for either side. But this pot is starting to boil.
This hearing opened up pandoras box. I doubt it goes back to the lower court. The improper warrant and constitutional issues will keep this in the superior court IMHO.
Trump is definitely guilty of violating the Espionage Act, the Patriot Act has enhanced penalties, he himself signed the increase in penalties for mishandled government documents - doesn't have to be classified - so he is in trouble criminally for that as well as his election interference in Georgia, along with his criminal liability for Jan 6, as well as the civil suits brought by the Capitol Police, as well as the criminal and civil suits brought against Trump Org, as well as the sexual assault civil litigation brought in NY, as well as the criminal investigation into the missing Inauguration Fund ($144 Million?), as well as . . . .
Nope... The Presidential Records act lays these arguments and laws inert. Its looking real bleak for the Feds. The abrupt recess tells the tale. The feds have no answer, and the judge is allowing them to get their shit together. Not only was the judge asking more of the trump attorney he was also holding the DOJ attorneys feet to the fire.
Trump is definitely guilty of violating the Espionage Act,
It is not definite at all. Synthia is being a gibbering chimp again. Very clearly, if the documents had been declassified, then the Espionage Act is a non starter.
the Patriot Act has enhanced penalties,
Irrelevant, of course.
he himself signed the increase in penalties for mishandled government documents -

Nope. For mishandling classified documents.
doesn't have to be classified

Yeah. It does.
so he is in trouble criminally for that as well
Nonsense and unsupported Synthia shit.
as his election interference in Georgia,
Alleged. But not credible.
along with his criminal liability for Jan 6,

Which is exactly and precisely zero.
as well as the civil suits brought by the Capitol Police,

That’s not criminal and he couldn’t be liable.
as well as the criminal and civil suits brought against Trump Org,
Those are against the company, not the person. You dope.
as well as the sexual assault civil litigation brought in NY,
See? Pure gibberish.
as well as the criminal investigation into the missing Inauguration Fund ($144 Million?), as well as . . . .
Yawn. Not even a viable allegation much less a charge.
What facts, super duper, looper? I'll wait as you recover and make up shit...or quote MSNBC...same thing
what kind of evidence are you idiots waiting for for crying out loud? Unbelievable. You have one TV channel in the entire world we have hundreds. You have like 3 newspapers and we have thousands period snap out of it.... .
It is not definite at all. Synthia is being a gibbering chimp again. Very clearly, if the documents had been declassified, then the Espionage Act is a non starter.

Irrelevant, of course.

Nope. For mishandling classified documents.

Yeah. It does.

Nonsense and unsupported Synthia shit.

Alleged. But not credible.

Which is exactly and precisely zero.

That’s not criminal and he couldn’t be liable.

Those are against the company, not the person. You dope.

See? Pure gibberish.

Yawn. Not even a viable allegation much less a charge.
You will have better luck counseling a rock. Just say'in
what kind of evidence are you idiots waiting for for crying out loud? Unbelievable. You have one TV channel in the entire world we have hundreds. You have like 3 newspapers and we have thousands period snap out of it.... .

I asked for facts. Produce them or take your super duper ass and sit down, hater duper

Getting it yet, dupe of soup? I'm mocking you
Nope... The Presidential Records act lays these arguments and laws inert. Its looking real bleak for the Feds. The abrupt recess tells the tale. The feds have no answer, and the judge is allowing them to get their shit together. Not only was the judge asking more of the trump attorney he was also holding the DOJ attorneys feet to the fire.
Holy fuck, you're all delusional.
what kind of evidence are you idiots waiting for for crying out loud? Unbelievable. You have one TV channel in the entire world we have hundreds. You have like 3 newspapers and we have thousands period snap out of it.... .
You moron... ITs called the law. It's called the Presidential Records Act. I know, Facts are something you just don't do...
It is not definite at all. Synthia is being a gibbering chimp again. Very clearly, if the documents had been declassified, then the Espionage Act is a non starter.

Irrelevant, of course.

Nope. For mishandling classified documents.

Yeah. It does.

Nonsense and unsupported Synthia shit.

Alleged. But not credible.

Which is exactly and precisely zero.

That’s not criminal and he couldn’t be liable.

Those are against the company, not the person. You dope.

See? Pure gibberish.

Yawn. Not even a viable allegation much less a charge.
Those are all real and ongoing criminal and civil cases currently active. They are going to prove espionage, with proof that Trump sold classified information.
You might want to try reading the Presidential Records Act. Trump can possess those records legally.
Which records?
All of them?
Any he declares?

I guess the courts will tell.
You will call it FAKE NEWS when trump is indicted.
You might want to try reading the Presidential Records Act. Trump can possess those records legally.
You are talking to a rock.

If the purpose of the Presidential records act is to make sure that it’s understood that the records are no longer the property of Presidents but are instead the property of the United States, it’s clear enough.

I believe the intent is also to have the former President allow the National Archive to take physical possession. But, there are twists and turns. And the law was not very clearly written, anyway.

I’m fine with the notion of not having ex-Presidents take and keep the records like it’s their own personal property (like it was in the olden days).

One question that arises however is this: if the government really believed that they were entitled to have immediate physical possession, why were they engaged in “negotiations” with the Trump legal team?
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Front page WaPo, right now.

Yeah....they're telling everyone that Trump supporters are planning a civil war.
I saw the pictures of the two people that caused trouble for Democrats recently. I am certain one of them was born with a brain disorder. He looks like a classic FAS survivor or had his DNA compromised by common substance abuse by either or both parents. One other problem occurs every hundred or so babies, caused by the birth cord getting wrapped around the baby's neck, to the tightness of stopping the blood flow to the brain, which often causes brain damages, from lifelong headaches to brain damage that causes a person the lifelong extreme debilitation of needing someone to care for him from birth to death. Some umbilical cord wraps result in stillborn babies who died at some point due to oxygen deprivation in the brain. Others may be a constant discipline problem followed by behaviors that are so unacceptable they result in a life sentence to jail. Others may be bound into a wheelchair for life. Some become fearful as paranoia/schizophrenia sets in and need constant care if they frequently forget to take their medicines prescribed for their condition. Most cord wraps do not kill the child, nor produce lifelong problems with the law due to fetal brain injury. Some people do not show obvious signs. Both of the men got in trouble, and they need to be placed in the care of those who prevent them from hurting themselves or others. If the brain damaged person engages in assassination events, they may never be able to control anger even with the best of psychotherapies. I'm not sure how one judges that medically. A lot of people with various problematic behaviors also are forgetful and incapable of taking medicine due to other kinds of brain injuries.

Most people are not born with sociopathic disorders, but when they are, I wouldn't want to be a doctor who gave them a get out of jail free card that resulted in a mass murdering of children in a school with cops who can't tell if the shooter is putting holes in the roof or in innocent childrens bodies as occurred in Uvalde Texas where obeying the team supervisor resulted in too many deaths and misery for the cops that will hound them for the rest of their lives unless they get therapy for trauma, ptsd, etc. The cops were dealing with a severely mentally disordered shooter.

In my book, their error doesn't hold a candle to those who defunded and dismissed police for politically unwise decisions that were made from people who are disassociated from troublemakers as needing more freedom when actually, they will kill as many as the Uvalde school if not stopped with the police who are trained in all excellence and had to leave policework to raise their families. It was a HUGE error to defund the police and will result in people living on the edge of mental illness fall into the worst behavior pattern that becomes a given in life to become serial killers just because there was nobody there to stop them from repeat killings of other people. When a society pretends public protectors deserve the worst of all worlds, it gets kicked in the ass by serial felons, and many die or are debilitated into the wheelchair category for life if the weapon severed part of the spinal cord. That's what all this defund the police crap will do--assist criminally inclined minds to do their thing to the loss of hundreds of innocent people who've never faced a sociopath down in real life.

The Democrats have weighed down the good people on the right in order to consolidate their power to pick pockets freely and avoid paying for the extortions and other secretive deeds like maintaining a numbered offshore account to put ill-gotten gains in to the exclusion of police who have a nose for criminal acts that is lethal to public officials on the take for more, more, and some more.

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