Watch trump Run Away When Reporter Busts Him For Lying About Veterans

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He’s answered that question 100 times
And yet, you and other Trump defenders keep giving excuses and evasions for not providing evidence and or links for days and page after page in this thread for backing up your claim.
Does anyone remember another President sulking out of the room after being exposed as a degenerate liar?
Obama and Clinton did it every day.
Prove it, liar. Show us video comparable to the Trump embarrassing cowardly retreat.
That's easy.
I dare you to show me a video of Biden trying to shout down a room full of yelling assholes.
Here is an example. No link, only an evasion.
Does anyone remember another President sulking out of the room after being exposed as a degenerate liar?
Obama and Clinton did it every day.
Prove it, liar. Show us video comparable to the Trump embarrassing cowardly retreat.
That's easy.
I dare you to show me a video of Biden trying to shout down a room full of yelling assholes.
Here is an example. No link, only an evasion.
Sorry bitch, you can't show me anything because it never happens to Biden, Hillary, or Obama. Trump, or any representative of his administration, gets the same exact nonsense. I RECLAIM MY TIME!!!!
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.

"Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say."

Huh, the irony that sentence proves you are what you say you aren't

Ok, I will talk to you in a fashion that your appreciate. I am a stable genius.

Doubtful. But you're certainly not as funny as Trump. He's really funny

Well, when he mocks the disabled, he isn't funny, but it is even sadder that you laugh at Trump, who is, after all, feeble minded and uneducated. That is cruel of you.

big difference between mocking a person who happens to be disabled, and mocking disabled people.

that you conflate the two, is you lying.

When the very thing you mock about the man is his disability, there isn’t a single shred of difference.

except, he didn't mock that guy's disability. you know that. so, why are you lying?

oh, right. you know that telling the truth, makes your side look bad and trump's side look good.

You sure about that:

Lol this is so stupid. So Trump has done vaguely similar hand gestures like a child so that means he didn’t mock the reporter’s handicap? He even said before the mock “you should have seen this guy”. How stupid are you and Fox for trying to explain this away?

OK, he mocked the reporter. But this is politics. Why are you such a blathering whining simp? Grow a pair, it's embarrassing to watch you idiots who keep calling people racists and sexists whining on and on about something so trivial compared to your daily crap.

I don't see the point in defending a fallacy. Trump cut the press conference short because the Deep State pays those Maskdebaters to turn briefings into a shouting match.
The ONLY one doing the ignoring is you clown,the entire board has seen that as well,not just me,you have this arrogant attitude your right and everybody else is wrong so everybody here is laughing at your stupidity and obvious bias on the dems how you cowardly ignore their corruption,as someone said so well to you earlier,had that been Obama you would not be saying HE owardly ran off and lied,you would be cheering him like the obvious biased non objective democrat lover you sadly are.
You seem to have a vivid imagination. A few clowns do not make an entire board. Your appeal to popularity is another in a long line of your logical fallacies.

Obama would have never pulled a stunt like that retarded dumpster fire Drumpf pulled with the reporter. So "if" could mean anything.

For example. If a cow had balls it would be a bull.
Obama prosecuted reporters. More than all other Presidents combined.

Now you get to explain why Trump not kissing a rude reporter's ass is worse than Obama prosecuting them.
You have been granted the privileged of showing me what reporters Obama prosecuted. Go.
only an ignorant fool would not already know them,,,
Zero. Zero reporters were prosecuted.
Zero. Zero reporters were prosecuted.
Under Trump? That's true
He’s answered that question 100 times
And yet, you and other Trump defenders keep giving excuses and evasions for not providing evidence and or links for days and page after page in this thread for backing up your claim.
He answered the question in the press briefing. You just don’t like it. Troll
No, he didn't. If he did someone would post it Hell, use the video posted a bunch of times in this thread and just point out the time in the video to watch.
He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.
Why do you can ignore it sense it proves you wrong.? That would be a waste of time on you as we both know so why should he bother with a clown like
How can you ignore something someone never presented? If you make a claim or support a claim then youre a clown if you cant prove it. Like you.
The ONLY one doing the ignoring is you clown,the entire board has seen that as well,not just me,you have this arrogant attitude your right and everybody else is wrong so everybody here is laughing at your stupidity and obvious bias on the dems how you cowardly ignore their corruption,as someone said so well to you earlier,had that been Obama you would not be saying HE owardly ran off and lied,you would be cheering him like the obvious biased non objective democrat lover you sadly are.
You seem to have a vivid imagination. A few clowns do not make an entire board. Your appeal to popularity is another in a long line of your logical fallacies.

Obama would have never pulled a stunt like that retarded dumpster fire Drumpf pulled with the reporter. So "if" could mean anything.

For example. If a cow had balls it would be a bull.
Obama prosecuted reporters. More than all other Presidents combined.

Now you get to explain why Trump not kissing a rude reporter's ass is worse than Obama prosecuting them.
You have been granted the privileged of showing me what reporters Obama prosecuted. Go.
only an ignorant fool would not already know them,,,
Zero. Zero reporters were prosecuted.
Does James Rosen ring a bell?
It does! He was never prosecuted.
Obama didn't prosecute them! He pretended that they broke the law so that he could get warrants to spy on them! You they pretended the Steele dossiers weren't fabricated so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Does that ring a bell?
Did the Obama administration lie about anyone in their warrant?
Did they tell the FISA Court judge that the Steele dossiers were paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Did they tell the FISA Court judge that the information in those dossiers had already been discounted as unreliable? I guess one would call it a lie of omission! It's when someone hasn't technically told a lie but they've deliberately held back the truth!
FISA warrants don’t name citizens who aren’t under investigation. The FBI told the court the dossier was from an opposing campaign which is all the information the court would need.

The FBI told the court the dossier was from an opposing campaign which is all the information the court would need

I call bull shit to that. You made that up
Does anyone remember another President sulking out of the room after being exposed as a degenerate liar?
Obama and Clinton did it every day.
Prove it, liar. Show us video comparable to the Trump embarrassing cowardly retreat.

President extended funding and made the program permanent....but don’t let facts get in the way of your bullshit lies.
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.

"Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say."

Huh, the irony that sentence proves you are what you say you aren't

Ok, I will talk to you in a fashion that your appreciate. I am a stable genius.

Doubtful. But you're certainly not as funny as Trump. He's really funny

Well, when he mocks the disabled, he isn't funny, but it is even sadder that you laugh at Trump, who is, after all, feeble minded and uneducated. That is cruel of you.

big difference between mocking a person who happens to be disabled, and mocking disabled people.

that you conflate the two, is you lying.

When the very thing you mock about the man is his disability, there isn’t a single shred of difference.

except, he didn't mock that guy's disability. you know that. so, why are you lying?

oh, right. you know that telling the truth, makes your side look bad and trump's side look good.

You sure about that:

Lol this is so stupid. So Trump has done vaguely similar hand gestures like a child so that means he didn’t mock the reporter’s handicap? He even said before the mock “you should have seen this guy”. How stupid are you and Fox for trying to explain this away?

Your the only one being stupid saying he mocked

Drumpfs fat ass did mock the reporter and there are millions of people who say so.

All his supporters thought the mocking was hilarious. They’re just pretending Trump didn’t mean it to save face.

Thats par for the course. Drumpf supporters are the biggest suckers I have ever seen. :laughing0301:

As always you prove what a clueless babbling liar And idiot you are to the entire board the fact I have stated many times here I am not even a Trump supporter,I have been critical of him MANY times in the past as a matter of fact,plus I have gotten into arguments before with A troll poster I just mentioned earlier Who kisses his ass all the time no matter What kind of bad stuff he does,he insults me when I critisize him cause unlike him,I DONT kiss his ass,and it’s you stupid supporters that dodge his corruption are the only big suckers.

Unlike others here,I am critical of him,but in this case,he wa not doing anything wrong as I and others have taken you to school on and you just ignore sense you hate being proven wrong and would kill yourself first before doing so,

" I have stated many times here I am not even a Trump supporter "

Are you feeling guilty or something? I didnt mention your name.

Uh you have never mentioned my name here but you were addressing my post replying to,what I MYSELF said lumping me in there with others not critical of him as I am so by addressing MY post,you labeled ME. Trump supporter. Obama lovers Re the most stupid people iin the world as you just proved in spades as always.

No I was addressing Drumpf supporters which is why I specified Drumpf supporters. Its ok that you are a Drumpf supporter. You used to be cutting edge but Drumpf has turned you into a bleating sheep.

Whatever liar,your the one that is the bleating sheep ignoring Obama’s corruption even though myself and so many Others have handed your ass to you on a platter and checkmated you on that on himrunning the most corrupt administration ever worse than any president ever which is incredible considering how evil and corrupt Clinton and reagan and bush were considering how corrupt their administrations

Obama isn't the President. He isn't running this pandemic, and as for running the most corrupt administration every, it's YOU who continually gets your ass handed to you when you post such bullshit. No arrests of ANYONE, no charges, no convictions. All investigations and House oversight said Obama and his staffers did nothing illegal. No House or Senate Committee recommended FBI investigations, except for Hillary emails, and that was a total witch hunt since the House and the Senate knew she was using a private server in 2008, and actually passed a law against it after she left office in 2013.

No, Obama's not President. But Biden wants to replace Trump, and he told us he'd be worse. He attacked Trump for restricting travel from China then again when he did it from Europe. Yet he's saying put me in coach! That's the choice. It's a fools choice
He’s answered that question 100 times
And yet, you and other Trump defenders keep giving excuses and evasions for not providing evidence and or links for days and page after page in this thread for backing up your claim.
He answered the question in the press briefing. You just don’t like it. Troll
No, he didn't. If he did would post it Hell, use the video posted a bunch of times in this thread and just point out the time in the video to watch.
We find you entertaining we like seeing your tds grasp for air haha. Your drowning haha
Dude, you've been avoiding backing up your lying ass for days now. You've had literally days to prove your claims and instead are still evading and deflecting from doing so.
Hey stupid, I posted earlier my goal was for fools like you to keep bumping this thread. The story is old news and your side has already lost any defensive argument for your bunker boy. The thread title on page one is only a reminder and a branding tool now.
And your argument doesn't hold water.
On Saturday, August 8, 2020, President Donald J. Trump made American history when he ran away and left a press conference after being caught and challenged for telling a lie he has actually repeated over 140 times. Trump was once again, trying to take credit for legislation passed by President Obama.

Future President Joe Biden has full ammo boxes as will his VP choice for exposing Donald J's incompetence and endless lies. How much running away and whining can one Trump do?

Donald J., when the truth comes out, he will run away.
Joe Biden is hiding in his basement and you have the stones to come here and accuse President Trump of running away from questions? Trump gets up there in front of those assholes from the White House Press Corps and spars with them time after time. They loath him...he loathes them right back but at least he's THERE and not hiding somewhere! Come out and play, Joe! I don't think you have the mental capacity to handle tough questions anymore! Prove me wrong...

No he is out of his basement and has been for a long time, you just listen to Fox and they say he is still in his basement, but its a lie.
He can stay in the basement for all I care. Trump is the danger, not Biden’s lack of in-person campaigning.
He hasn't been in his basement. That talking point lie was developed for countering Trump's "Bunker Boy" problem from when he hid in his own secure basement during BLM protest around the WH. Biden has two homes and both are surrounded by large yards and wooded areas. Both are in secluded neighborhoods.

So if secret service told Obama to go into the WH bunker, it's your contention he would have refused? You're so full of shit. His skinny little black butt would have been tearing down the steps. And you'd be demanding the demonstrators be arrested and charged with threatening the President
The reporter wasn't asking a question she was holding a press conference for the left rudely talking over the POTUS and spewing her talking points. President Trump sensing his press conference was over left so the reporter could continue on with her's.
You took these trolls t0 school.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Obama didn’t have thousands of people demonstrating against his policies or because 100,000 people died in the pandemic so I guess we’ll never know how he’d react.

There’s a real contrast in how these two Presidencies that Republicans fail to comprehend.

republicans did not refuse to respect the peaceful balance of power, as you lefties have done.

that does not reflect poorly on us, but on you.

and still, plenty of examples of obama being a shit, far worse than walking out of a press conference.

such as talking sides against the cop that arrested the professor, based on race and insulting him.
Obama did indeed walk out of press conferences -- when reporters were asking about his ties to Iraqi Oil for Food corruption.

"Reporters, however, had a different idea of what was pertinent, and the questions about Rezko, NAFTA and other unpleasant subjects continued to come. An aide called out ‘last question,' and Obama made his move for the exit -- only for reporters to shout after him in protest. ‘C'mon, guys,' he pleaded. ‘I just answered, like, eight questions.'"​

The press loved, loved, loved Obama and hates, hates, hates Trump. They are consistently rude and disrespectful. But Trump will stay for a long time and answer all their bitter, hateful questions.

But for anyone who's been watching the press conferences, he's set a consistent standard they won't talk over him and continue to talk when he moves on. The bitch report did that. She kept yelling when he tried to move to the next reporter and wouldn't stop.

As a clear pattern, anyone trying to say it's because she was female or it was the question is full of shit.

Overall, he's so consistent on that the press has gotten a lot better about it. They hate it, but they know if they do it he'll thank them and leave. I bet she got a few STFU's from other reporters who wanted to ask questions on the side after she did it

Prove it...

Sorry but the Press gave Trump a free ride initially... They gave him free press...

They then asked him questions, he gave false information. He kept digging holes for himself...

Look at this one... Trump is taking credit for an Obama bill. He gets asked why he is doing that and he runs off stage. Do you think that question won't be asked again.

Difference is Obama was asked difficult questions but handled them far better. First he told the truth a lot more and he did a lot less running. Also Obama had a team, Trump is so fixated with the limelight he feels he needs to micromanage the press..

This why the WH has been such a mess of mixed messages during the pandemic... Let us be clear, this is a pandemic, Fauci and Birx has been consistent in their statements, if and when Trump diverges from what they are saying, he is wrong, no opinion or any other bullshit, he is wrong.

If he was right he could discuss it with Fauci and Birx in the Oval office and they could confirm he is right. But he knows he is out of his depth discussing science with them. When you hire experts especially in an area which you have no background, listen to there advice and discuss with them before acting or saying.
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.

"Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say."

Huh, the irony that sentence proves you are what you say you aren't

Ok, I will talk to you in a fashion that your appreciate. I am a stable genius.

Doubtful. But you're certainly not as funny as Trump. He's really funny

Well, when he mocks the disabled, he isn't funny, but it is even sadder that you laugh at Trump, who is, after all, feeble minded and uneducated. That is cruel of you.

big difference between mocking a person who happens to be disabled, and mocking disabled people.

that you conflate the two, is you lying.

When the very thing you mock about the man is his disability, there isn’t a single shred of difference.

except, he didn't mock that guy's disability. you know that. so, why are you lying?

oh, right. you know that telling the truth, makes your side look bad and trump's side look good.

You sure about that:

yes, completely. are you really pretending to not know what the reporter's disability was?

my god, how ignorant are you?

What does it matter what the reporter's disability is? Trump's mocking portrayal of the reporter was a disgrace.

I don't know where you're from, but it's time you learned good manners and developed a sense of decency. Normal human beings are taught from an early age not to mock, or ape other's disabilities for laughs. Not only did Trump mock the reporter, he lied about what the guy said. Mary Trump says that Donald learned from his father to denigrate, mock and humiliate "losers". Trump was raised by a monster, to be a monster.

What a guy!
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.

"Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say."

Huh, the irony that sentence proves you are what you say you aren't

Ok, I will talk to you in a fashion that your appreciate. I am a stable genius.

Doubtful. But you're certainly not as funny as Trump. He's really funny

Well, when he mocks the disabled, he isn't funny, but it is even sadder that you laugh at Trump, who is, after all, feeble minded and uneducated. That is cruel of you.

big difference between mocking a person who happens to be disabled, and mocking disabled people.

that you conflate the two, is you lying.

When the very thing you mock about the man is his disability, there isn’t a single shred of difference.

except, he didn't mock that guy's disability. you know that. so, why are you lying?

oh, right. you know that telling the truth, makes your side look bad and trump's side look good.

You sure about that:

Lol this is so stupid. So Trump has done vaguely similar hand gestures like a child so that means he didn’t mock the reporter’s handicap? He even said before the mock “you should have seen this guy”. How stupid are you and Fox for trying to explain this away?

Your the only one being stupid saying he mocked

Drumpfs fat ass did mock the reporter and there are millions of people who say so.

All his supporters thought the mocking was hilarious. They’re just pretending Trump didn’t mean it to save face.

Thats par for the course. Drumpf supporters are the biggest suckers I have ever seen. :laughing0301:

As always you prove what a clueless babbling liar And idiot you are to the entire board the fact I have stated many times here I am not even a Trump supporter,I have been critical of him MANY times in the past as a matter of fact,plus I have gotten into arguments before with A troll poster I just mentioned earlier Who kisses his ass all the time no matter What kind of bad stuff he does,he insults me when I critisize him cause unlike him,I DONT kiss his ass,and it’s you stupid supporters that dodge his corruption are the only big suckers.

Unlike others here,I am critical of him,but in this case,he wa not doing anything wrong as I and others have taken you to school on and you just ignore sense you hate being proven wrong and would kill yourself first before doing so,

" I have stated many times here I am not even a Trump supporter "

Are you feeling guilty or something? I didnt mention your name.

Uh you have never mentioned my name here but you were addressing my post replying to,what I MYSELF said lumping me in there with others not critical of him as I am so by addressing MY post,you labeled ME. Trump supporter. Obama lovers Re the most stupid people iin the world as you just proved in spades as always.

No I was addressing Drumpf supporters which is why I specified Drumpf supporters. Its ok that you are a Drumpf supporter. You used to be cutting edge but Drumpf has turned you into a bleating sheep.

Whatever liar,your the one that is the bleating sheep ignoring Obama’s corruption even though myself and so many Others have handed your ass to you on a platter and checkmated you on that on himrunning the most corrupt administration ever worse than any president ever which is incredible considering how evil and corrupt Clinton and reagan and bush were considering how corrupt their administrations

Obama isn't the President. He isn't running this pandemic, and as for running the most corrupt administration every, it's YOU who continually gets your ass handed to you when you post such bullshit. No arrests of ANYONE, no charges, no convictions. All investigations and House oversight said Obama and his staffers did nothing illegal. No House or Senate Committee recommended FBI investigations, except for Hillary emails, and that was a total witch hunt since the House and the Senate knew she was using a private server in 2008, and actually passed a law against it after she left office in 2013.

No, Obama's not President. But Biden wants to replace Trump, and he told us he'd be worse. He attacked Trump for restricting travel from China then again when he did it from Europe. Yet he's saying put me in coach! That's the choice. It's a fools choice

You have been told this a number of times...

So you are wrong about this... So since you are making opinion on wrong information, it makes your opinion worthless...

So did you know you were informed wrong?
Could you please tell us where you sourced this information?
Are you going to use that information source again considering they made a fool of you here among your peers?

Could you tell us what other information you got from this tainted source?

Understand that we get the truthful source, international sources and Trump has handled the pandemic poorly by international standards. Trump has taken US from revered global leader to pitied incompetent mess in three years. Europe pities US under Trump, not anger or ridicule, mainly pity.
He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.
Why do you can ignore it sense it proves you wrong.? That would be a waste of time on you as we both know so why should he bother with a clown like
How can you ignore something someone never presented? If you make a claim or support a claim then youre a clown if you cant prove it. Like you.
The ONLY one doing the ignoring is you clown,the entire board has seen that as well,not just me,you have this arrogant attitude your right and everybody else is wrong so everybody here is laughing at your stupidity and obvious bias on the dems how you cowardly ignore their corruption,as someone said so well to you earlier,had that been Obama you would not be saying HE owardly ran off and lied,you would be cheering him like the obvious biased non objective democrat lover you sadly are.
You seem to have a vivid imagination. A few clowns do not make an entire board. Your appeal to popularity is another in a long line of your logical fallacies.

Obama would have never pulled a stunt like that retarded dumpster fire Drumpf pulled with the reporter. So "if" could mean anything.

For example. If a cow had balls it would be a bull.
Obama prosecuted reporters. More than all other Presidents combined.

Now you get to explain why Trump not kissing a rude reporter's ass is worse than Obama prosecuting them.
You have been granted the privileged of showing me what reporters Obama prosecuted. Go.
only an ignorant fool would not already know them,,,
Zero. Zero reporters were prosecuted.
Does James Rosen ring a bell?
It does! He was never prosecuted.
Obama didn't prosecute them! He pretended that they broke the law so that he could get warrants to spy on them! You they pretended the Steele dossiers weren't fabricated so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Does that ring a bell?
Did the Obama administration lie about anyone in their warrant?
Did they tell the FISA Court judge that the Steele dossiers were paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Did they tell the FISA Court judge that the information in those dossiers had already been discounted as unreliable? I guess one would call it a lie of omission! It's when someone hasn't technically told a lie but they've deliberately held back the truth!
FISA warrants don’t name citizens who aren’t under investigation. The FBI told the court the dossier was from an opposing campaign which is all the information the court would need.

Did the FBI tell the FISA Court that they'd already established that the information in those dossiers couldn't be verified and that they'd fired the man who provided them for being unreliable? Admit it, Colfax...the Obama Justice Department deliberately misled a FISA Court to get wire taps so they could spy on the opposing party's campaign! It's Watergate on steroids! Not only are they spying on the other political party...they're using the power and prestige of the FBI to do so!
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.

"Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say."

Huh, the irony that sentence proves you are what you say you aren't

Ok, I will talk to you in a fashion that your appreciate. I am a stable genius.

Doubtful. But you're certainly not as funny as Trump. He's really funny

Well, when he mocks the disabled, he isn't funny, but it is even sadder that you laugh at Trump, who is, after all, feeble minded and uneducated. That is cruel of you.

big difference between mocking a person who happens to be disabled, and mocking disabled people.

that you conflate the two, is you lying.

When the very thing you mock about the man is his disability, there isn’t a single shred of difference.

except, he didn't mock that guy's disability. you know that. so, why are you lying?

oh, right. you know that telling the truth, makes your side look bad and trump's side look good.

You sure about that:

Lol this is so stupid. So Trump has done vaguely similar hand gestures like a child so that means he didn’t mock the reporter’s handicap? He even said before the mock “you should have seen this guy”. How stupid are you and Fox for trying to explain this away?

Your the only one being stupid saying he mocked

Drumpfs fat ass did mock the reporter and there are millions of people who say so.

All his supporters thought the mocking was hilarious. They’re just pretending Trump didn’t mean it to save face.

Thats par for the course. Drumpf supporters are the biggest suckers I have ever seen. :laughing0301:

As always you prove what a clueless babbling liar And idiot you are to the entire board the fact I have stated many times here I am not even a Trump supporter,I have been critical of him MANY times in the past as a matter of fact,plus I have gotten into arguments before with A troll poster I just mentioned earlier Who kisses his ass all the time no matter What kind of bad stuff he does,he insults me when I critisize him cause unlike him,I DONT kiss his ass,and it’s you stupid supporters that dodge his corruption are the only big suckers.

Unlike others here,I am critical of him,but in this case,he wa not doing anything wrong as I and others have taken you to school on and you just ignore sense you hate being proven wrong and would kill yourself first before doing so,

" I have stated many times here I am not even a Trump supporter "

Are you feeling guilty or something? I didnt mention your name.

Uh you have never mentioned my name here but you were addressing my post replying to,what I MYSELF said lumping me in there with others not critical of him as I am so by addressing MY post,you labeled ME. Trump supporter. Obama lovers Re the most stupid people iin the world as you just proved in spades as always.

No I was addressing Drumpf supporters which is why I specified Drumpf supporters. Its ok that you are a Drumpf supporter. You used to be cutting edge but Drumpf has turned you into a bleating sheep.

Whatever liar,your the one that is the bleating sheep ignoring Obama’s corruption even though myself and so many Others have handed your ass to you on a platter and checkmated you on that on himrunning the most corrupt administration ever worse than any president ever which is incredible considering how evil and corrupt Clinton and reagan and bush were considering how corrupt their administrations

Obama isn't the President. He isn't running this pandemic, and as for running the most corrupt administration every, it's YOU who continually gets your ass handed to you when you post such bullshit. No arrests of ANYONE, no charges, no convictions. All investigations and House oversight said Obama and his staffers did nothing illegal. No House or Senate Committee recommended FBI investigations, except for Hillary emails, and that was a total witch hunt since the House and the Senate knew she was using a private server in 2008, and actually passed a law against it after she left office in 2013.

No, Obama's not President. But Biden wants to replace Trump, and he told us he'd be worse. He attacked Trump for restricting travel from China then again when he did it from Europe. Yet he's saying put me in coach! That's the choice. It's a fools choice

You have been told this a number of times...

So you are wrong about this... So since you are making opinion on wrong information, it makes your opinion worthless...

So did you know you were informed wrong?
Could you please tell us where you sourced this information?
Are you going to use that information source again considering they made a fool of you here among your peers?

Could you tell us what other information you got from this tainted source?

Understand that we get the truthful source, international sources and Trump has handled the pandemic poorly by international standards. Trump has taken US from revered global leader to pitied incompetent mess in three years. Europe pities US under Trump, not anger or ridicule, mainly pity.

Yes, I've seen it a number of times and rejected it as the stupid crap that it is.

The subject was the lockdown. The leftist spin is that he didn't say the subject in that sentence, and we're all supposed to pretend that means he could have been talking about anything.

No, he was talking about the China travel restrictions and called Trump a racist. He also said he wouldn't do it. You can't word parse your way out of that
He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.
Why do you can ignore it sense it proves you wrong.? That would be a waste of time on you as we both know so why should he bother with a clown like
How can you ignore something someone never presented? If you make a claim or support a claim then youre a clown if you cant prove it. Like you.
The ONLY one doing the ignoring is you clown,the entire board has seen that as well,not just me,you have this arrogant attitude your right and everybody else is wrong so everybody here is laughing at your stupidity and obvious bias on the dems how you cowardly ignore their corruption,as someone said so well to you earlier,had that been Obama you would not be saying HE owardly ran off and lied,you would be cheering him like the obvious biased non objective democrat lover you sadly are.
You seem to have a vivid imagination. A few clowns do not make an entire board. Your appeal to popularity is another in a long line of your logical fallacies.

Obama would have never pulled a stunt like that retarded dumpster fire Drumpf pulled with the reporter. So "if" could mean anything.

For example. If a cow had balls it would be a bull.
Obama prosecuted reporters. More than all other Presidents combined.

Now you get to explain why Trump not kissing a rude reporter's ass is worse than Obama prosecuting them.
You have been granted the privileged of showing me what reporters Obama prosecuted. Go.
only an ignorant fool would not already know them,,,
Zero. Zero reporters were prosecuted.
Does James Rosen ring a bell?
It does! He was never prosecuted.
Obama didn't prosecute them! He pretended that they broke the law so that he could get warrants to spy on them! You they pretended the Steele dossiers weren't fabricated so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Does that ring a bell?
Did the Obama administration lie about anyone in their warrant?
Did they tell the FISA Court judge that the Steele dossiers were paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Did they tell the FISA Court judge that the information in those dossiers had already been discounted as unreliable? I guess one would call it a lie of omission! It's when someone hasn't technically told a lie but they've deliberately held back the truth!
FISA warrants don’t name citizens who aren’t under investigation. The FBI told the court the dossier was from an opposing campaign which is all the information the court would need.
If I was the FISA Court judge who wrote that order to allow wire taps based on the report that Peter Strozk gave me...I'd have his smirking ass brought before me and I'd have him explain why it is that I shouldn't throw him in jail for contempt of court!
He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.
Why do you can ignore it sense it proves you wrong.? That would be a waste of time on you as we both know so why should he bother with a clown like
How can you ignore something someone never presented? If you make a claim or support a claim then youre a clown if you cant prove it. Like you.
The ONLY one doing the ignoring is you clown,the entire board has seen that as well,not just me,you have this arrogant attitude your right and everybody else is wrong so everybody here is laughing at your stupidity and obvious bias on the dems how you cowardly ignore their corruption,as someone said so well to you earlier,had that been Obama you would not be saying HE owardly ran off and lied,you would be cheering him like the obvious biased non objective democrat lover you sadly are.
You seem to have a vivid imagination. A few clowns do not make an entire board. Your appeal to popularity is another in a long line of your logical fallacies.

Obama would have never pulled a stunt like that retarded dumpster fire Drumpf pulled with the reporter. So "if" could mean anything.

For example. If a cow had balls it would be a bull.
Obama prosecuted reporters. More than all other Presidents combined.

Now you get to explain why Trump not kissing a rude reporter's ass is worse than Obama prosecuting them.
You have been granted the privileged of showing me what reporters Obama prosecuted. Go.
only an ignorant fool would not already know them,,,
Zero. Zero reporters were prosecuted.
Does James Rosen ring a bell?
It does! He was never prosecuted.
Obama didn't prosecute them! He pretended that they broke the law so that he could get warrants to spy on them! You they pretended the Steele dossiers weren't fabricated so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Does that ring a bell?
Did the Obama administration lie about anyone in their warrant?
Wow you’re really getting desperate in your babble,Obama falsely put sherrrif arapio behind bars for telling the truth about him being born in Kenyon which thankfully trump got him out of jail which never would have happened under hitlery, wow you are indeed clueless about Obama running the most corrupt administration ever even worse than bush which is saying a
Sheriff Joe was trying to unseat a duly elected president with a lie about him being born in Kenya.

He was attempting a coup on the president of the United States and deserves to be tried for treason.

so, lying to unseat a duly elected president is treason?

mmm, interesting standard.

does that go both ways, or only when it is against a president you like?

I guess you're not a fan of irony...

i know it is not an excuse for the way you leftis want to have it both ways, so often.
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