Watch Trump surrogate Newt Gingrich go off the rails with Megyn Kelly

It was wild - even shocking! I first learned about it from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Then, Brian Williams was talking about it a few minutes ago. I'll post a link when I find one.


She told him to take his “anger issues and spend some time working on them.”

VIDEO: Newt Gingrich Defends Donald Trump By Accusing Megyn Kelly Of Being Obsessed With Sex

She is no fan of Donald Trump. She still seethes over his getting after her when she moderated a debate.

Trump started that feud. Megyn Kelly has handled it all very professionally. She's a very classy and smart lady.
Bill Clinton is not running for president.

Thank you captain obvious.

Well, that is apparently not "obvious" to many NaziCons - including Trump, Gingrich, and the rest of the merry band of liars and spinners.
before you even saw the video you based your whole agrument on what was said by hacks at MSNBC.
And those of us who actually saw the interview and heard Gingrich bring up Bill's predatory practices you're calling liars.

No, dumbass, I based my OP on the fact that they SHOWED portions of the video.
You just incriminated yourself by saying "portions"
Which is exactly what I said msnbc would do

So, you wanted them to drop their scheduled programming to play the entire fucking video? Funny...

BTW, the full video is in the OP link.
Go over to and see their opinions.

It's polar opposite of yours
Poor Megan, she just couldn't bring herself to calling Bill Clinton a sexual predator after inferring Trump was one.
MSNBC ya I'm sure Trump or Gingrich would get a fair shake over at that hole.
Bill Clinton is not running for president.

Thank you captain obvious.

Well, that is apparently not "obvious" to many NaziCons - including Trump, Gingrich, and the rest of the merry band of liars and spinners.

It's you dicks that keep bringing up sex.

Is that why Trump can't stop talking about Bill Clinton? Funny...
In the video it was Megyn Kelly
You're hijacking your own thread.
So, Trump is facing 11 sexual assault accusers AND has an upcoming rape trial.
.....and everyone in America knows it is total 100% horse shit, especially the liberals that continue to push that horse shit story.

How do they know that? How do you know that? Just more NaziCon gas...
Because if any of these gold digging whores ever were actually molested by a billlionaire they would be going after them in court ASAP, not waiting 30 years for him to run for President.

You dont even realize that the Democrats have recruited these women over the past 9 months to tell these lies, do you?

You fucking wind bag, go get some more fire water, doofus.
Newt Gingrich also knows that Adolf Trump is circling the drain. The end is near and they are scared. They all face disgrace, embarrassment, and failure.
It was wild - even shocking! I first learned about it from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Then, Brian Williams was talking about it a few minutes ago. I'll post a link when I find one.


She told him to take his “anger issues and spend some time working on them.”

VIDEO: Newt Gingrich Defends Donald Trump By Accusing Megyn Kelly Of Being Obsessed With Sex

She is no fan of Donald Trump. She still seethes over his getting after her when she moderated a debate.

Trump started that feud. Megyn Kelly has handled it all very professionally. She's a very classy and smart lady.
Thank you captain obvious.

Well, that is apparently not "obvious" to many NaziCons - including Trump, Gingrich, and the rest of the merry band of liars and spinners.
before you even saw the video you based your whole agrument on what was said by hacks at MSNBC.
And those of us who actually saw the interview and heard Gingrich bring up Bill's predatory practices you're calling liars.

No, dumbass, I based my OP on the fact that they SHOWED portions of the video.
You just incriminated yourself by saying "portions"
Which is exactly what I said msnbc would do

So, you wanted them to drop their scheduled programming to play the entire fucking video? Funny...

BTW, the full video is in the OP link.
My my now we're getting angry. You're becoming hilarious.
It was wild - even shocking! I first learned about it from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Then, Brian Williams was talking about it a few minutes ago. I'll post a link when I find one.


She told him to take his “anger issues and spend some time working on them.”

VIDEO: Newt Gingrich Defends Donald Trump By Accusing Megyn Kelly Of Being Obsessed With Sex

She is no fan of Donald Trump. She still seethes over his getting after her when she moderated a debate.

Trump started that feud. Megyn Kelly has handled it all very professionally. She's a very classy and smart lady.
Well, that is apparently not "obvious" to many NaziCons - including Trump, Gingrich, and the rest of the merry band of liars and spinners.
before you even saw the video you based your whole agrument on what was said by hacks at MSNBC.
And those of us who actually saw the interview and heard Gingrich bring up Bill's predatory practices you're calling liars.

No, dumbass, I based my OP on the fact that they SHOWED portions of the video.
You just incriminated yourself by saying "portions"
Which is exactly what I said msnbc would do

So, you wanted them to drop their scheduled programming to play the entire fucking video? Funny...

BTW, the full video is in the OP link.
My my now we're getting angry. You're becoming hilarious.
View attachment 95296

Are you trying to light my rockets? You don't have enough matches.
She is no fan of Donald Trump. She still seethes over his getting after her when she moderated a debate.

Trump started that feud. Megyn Kelly has handled it all very professionally. She's a very classy and smart lady.
before you even saw the video you based your whole agrument on what was said by hacks at MSNBC.
And those of us who actually saw the interview and heard Gingrich bring up Bill's predatory practices you're calling liars.

No, dumbass, I based my OP on the fact that they SHOWED portions of the video.
You just incriminated yourself by saying "portions"
Which is exactly what I said msnbc would do

So, you wanted them to drop their scheduled programming to play the entire fucking video? Funny...

BTW, the full video is in the OP link.
My my now we're getting angry. You're becoming hilarious.
View attachment 95296

Are you trying to light my rockets? You don't have enough matches.
You've already left the pad, why would I need matches.
Looks to me like flint would do anywho
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.
She is no fan of Donald Trump. She still seethes over his getting after her when she moderated a debate.

Trump started that feud. Megyn Kelly has handled it all very professionally. She's a very classy and smart lady.
before you even saw the video you based your whole agrument on what was said by hacks at MSNBC.
And those of us who actually saw the interview and heard Gingrich bring up Bill's predatory practices you're calling liars.

No, dumbass, I based my OP on the fact that they SHOWED portions of the video.
You just incriminated yourself by saying "portions"
Which is exactly what I said msnbc would do

So, you wanted them to drop their scheduled programming to play the entire fucking video? Funny...

BTW, the full video is in the OP link.
My my now we're getting angry. You're becoming hilarious.
View attachment 95296

Are you trying to light my rockets? You don't have enough matches.

Why do we care if you light your rockets, dumbass?

I read Megyn's Ex-husband was quoting as saying reason why he and Megyn divorced, he said "I wanted a Wife...
and she did too!"
It was wild - even shocking! I first learned about it from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Then, Brian Williams was talking about it a few minutes ago. Both Lawrence and Brian showed portions of the video. I'll post a link when I find one.


She told him to take his “anger issues and spend some time working on them.”

VIDEO: Newt Gingrich Defends Donald Trump By Accusing Megyn Kelly Of Being Obsessed With Sex

What you're seeing here, is Newt Gingrich in total melt--down. He knows his political commentary is OVER, and who is going to come out the hero in all of this will be Megyn Kelly.

She has been repeatedly attacked by the Reich wing--starting from the very 1st debate, when she brought up Trump's issues with women. They ignored her warnings, like they did everyone else's, and now they're going to pay for it, including Newt Gingrich.

Megyn Kelly is one NASTY woman--LOL And she will rise to the cream of the crop, top of the hill journalist, and she'll have her pick of wherever she wants to go.

Any right wing talk show host, their guests, any politician who has endorsed, supported or even defended Donald Trump will end up as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.

The First Trump casualty is sitting Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte--that endorsed Trump, and just now un endorsed him. Too late!
IT'S A STAMPEDE! Republicans flee Trump in unprecedented fashion month before election

"Steve Berman at The Resurgent has dire news about the Senate race in New Hampshire — and I don’t want to say it’s all Donald Trump’s fault . . . but it’s all Donald Trump’s fault:

[Democrat challenger and sitting Governor Maggie] Hassan is now up between 1 and 7 points in the last two polls. FiveThirtyEight gives Hassan a 65.8 percent chance of winning what should have been a safe senate seat from a popular Republican.

As New Hampshire goes, so goes the nation. If the highly elastic presidential polling has moved the down ballot race in the Granite State, imagine what it’s doing in other key senate races that are more positively correlated to the top of the ticket.

The highest probability event based on FiveThirtyEight’s model is that Democrats take control 51 to 49.

All you have to do, as this video effectively does, is take Sen. Ayotte’s claim that she would “absolutely” see Donald Trump as a role model, and contrast that with his own piggish statements over the years. Voila! A seat the GOP should keep is in severe jeopardy.

Donald Trump is the greatest gift the GOP could give the Democrats. We told you this. We told you, over and over. Some of you didn’t listen — and your “reward” may well be worse than losing the presidency.

If you’re a fervent Trump supporter, please: go into a closet and don’t come out again until never.

This ends the public service announcement".
Ayotte Set to Lose Senate Race for Saying Donald Trump is a Good Role Model | RedState


Your rat infested barn is going to burn down to the ground.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen
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I read Megyn's Ex-husband was quoting as saying reason why he and Megyn divorced, he said "I wanted a Wife...
and she did too!"

Great job, Newt Gingrich!!!

Megan Kelly has just shown herself as a slimy feminist Anti-American leftist -- as has FOX News by her promotion. I hope, after Trump wins the presidency and the Alt-Right Internet continues to rise.
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.

That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...
Go over to and see their opinions.

It's polar opposite of yours
Poor Megan, she just couldn't bring herself to calling Bill Clinton a sexual predator after inferring Trump was one.
MSNBC ya I'm sure Trump or Gingrich would get a fair shake over at that hole.

Really? A bunch of hillbilly gun nuts support Trump and don't care how many pussies he bragged about grabbing. Why am I not surprised?
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.

That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.

That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.

What's not to believe? the Clintons spent YEARS preparing the field for her run. Had the money to shell out to put folks into place. Billy Jeff has been running a shadow State Dept with the CGI stuff for 16 years. That's a lot of chess pieces and players and the reason why the Dems chose to promote a DYNASTY instead of great leadership..

It's all about winning dude. Ask this guy...



So ethics and issues take a back seat to the antics and the whore wrangling and the dirty tricks. Ask the Newt.. Or that "sex obsessed" Megyn Kelly.. If even Fox news can't keep it's pants on this election -- then we got BIG problems..
It was wild - even shocking! I first learned about it from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Then, Brian Williams was talking about it a few minutes ago. Both Lawrence and Brian showed portions of the video. I'll post a link when I find one.


She told him to take his “anger issues and spend some time working on them.”

VIDEO: Newt Gingrich Defends Donald Trump By Accusing Megyn Kelly Of Being Obsessed With Sex

If you watch all of Escroto Trump's supporters all they do is deflect. They cannot defend HIS behavior so they do their best to change the subject.

Gingrich and Guiliani, isn't it was past bedtime for these two ancient grandpas and it's time they shuffle off and play some shuffle board. How are these derps still relevant to conservatives?
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.

That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.

What's not to believe? the Clintons spent YEARS preparing the field for her run. Had the money to shell out to put folks into place. Billy Jeff has been running a shadow State Dept with the CGI stuff for 16 years. That's a lot of chess pieces and players and the reason why the Dems chose to promote a DYNASTY instead of great leadership..

It's all about winning dude. Ask this guy...



So ethics and issues take a back seat to the antics and the whore wrangling and the dirty tricks. Ask the Newt.. Or that "sex obsessed" Megyn Kelly.. If even Fox news can't keep it's pants on this election -- then we got BIG problems..

Somebody should take all those conspiracy theories and make a movie I'll bet it would be hilarious. It would have to be a comedy. No sane person would see it as realistic enough for a drama.

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