Watch Trump surrogate Newt Gingrich go off the rails with Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly was on the rag big time and was in total loon mode! Newt pwnd her though!
Megyn Kelly was on the rag big time and was in total loon mode! Newt pwnd her though!
On the rag? I hope he didn't garb her by the pussy as he usually does?

Did he settle for a rapist kiss instead?
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.

That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.

What's not to believe? the Clintons spent YEARS preparing the field for her run. Had the money to shell out to put folks into place. Billy Jeff has been running a shadow State Dept with the CGI stuff for 16 years. That's a lot of chess pieces and players and the reason why the Dems chose to promote a DYNASTY instead of great leadership..

It's all about winning dude. Ask this guy...



So ethics and issues take a back seat to the antics and the whore wrangling and the dirty tricks. Ask the Newt.. Or that "sex obsessed" Megyn Kelly.. If even Fox news can't keep it's pants on this election -- then we got BIG problems..

Somebody should take all those conspiracy theories and make a movie I'll bet it would be hilarious. It would have to be a comedy. No sane person would see it as realistic enough for a drama.

What part of the Number2 guy at FBI getting $600K and encouragement from the Clintons to run his wife into office is a "conspiracy theory"? This is the SAME dude that conspired with Kennedy at State Dept to change the classification of emails to advantage Hilldebeast.
And so goes the Republican civil war: blind partisans against Republicans of good conscience who can’t support the likes of Trump.

Telling how conservatives always resort to the lame Bill Clinton red herring fallacy.
I was really surprised, even shocked, to see Gingrich become so unhinged this close to the election.

That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.

What's not to believe? the Clintons spent YEARS preparing the field for her run. Had the money to shell out to put folks into place. Billy Jeff has been running a shadow State Dept with the CGI stuff for 16 years. That's a lot of chess pieces and players and the reason why the Dems chose to promote a DYNASTY instead of great leadership..

It's all about winning dude. Ask this guy...



So ethics and issues take a back seat to the antics and the whore wrangling and the dirty tricks. Ask the Newt.. Or that "sex obsessed" Megyn Kelly.. If even Fox news can't keep it's pants on this election -- then we got BIG problems..

Somebody should take all those conspiracy theories and make a movie I'll bet it would be hilarious. It would have to be a comedy. No sane person would see it as realistic enough for a drama.

What part of the Number2 guy at FBI getting $600K and encouragement from the Clintons to run his wife into office is a "conspiracy theory"? This is the SAME dude that conspired with Kennedy at State Dept to change the classification of emails to advantage Hilldebeast.
that's just bull flacal....

at least a half a year to a year ago, it was mentioned on this site that kerry's state dept was arguing with the IC, intelligence community,over the classification standings before releasing them, and that this was COMMON PRACTICE, when emails were being released on FOIA requests...

AS IT SHOULD BE....on behalf of ''we the people''.....

Keeping things classified and from us is NOT what ''we the people'' want,

we want SUNSHINE,

NOT the over classification of govt details, but the DECLASSIFICATION.

Kennedy arguing with the FBI over certain clinton email chain's classification was well known and reported on a year ago

This is not some bombshell, it was discussed in the open public and in the news last year while kennedy and the FBI were going back and forth on it...there was no quid pro quo....

I can give you a link to where I discussed it at least 6 months ago...just need to search for it, if you would like.
That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.

What's not to believe? the Clintons spent YEARS preparing the field for her run. Had the money to shell out to put folks into place. Billy Jeff has been running a shadow State Dept with the CGI stuff for 16 years. That's a lot of chess pieces and players and the reason why the Dems chose to promote a DYNASTY instead of great leadership..

It's all about winning dude. Ask this guy...



So ethics and issues take a back seat to the antics and the whore wrangling and the dirty tricks. Ask the Newt.. Or that "sex obsessed" Megyn Kelly.. If even Fox news can't keep it's pants on this election -- then we got BIG problems..

Somebody should take all those conspiracy theories and make a movie I'll bet it would be hilarious. It would have to be a comedy. No sane person would see it as realistic enough for a drama.

What part of the Number2 guy at FBI getting $600K and encouragement from the Clintons to run his wife into office is a "conspiracy theory"? This is the SAME dude that conspired with Kennedy at State Dept to change the classification of emails to advantage Hilldebeast.
that's just bull flacal....

at least a half a year to a year ago, it was mentioned on this site that kerry's state dept was arguing with the IC, intelligence community,over the classification standings before releasing them, and that this was COMMON PRACTICE, when emails were being released on FOIA requests...

AS IT SHOULD BE....on behalf of ''we the people''.....

Keeping things classified and from us is NOT what ''we the people'' want,

we want SUNSHINE,

NOT the over classification of govt details, but the DECLASSIFICATION.

Kennedy arguing with the FBI over certain clinton email chain's classification was well known and reported on a year ago

This is not some bombshell, it was discussed in the open public and in the news last year while kennedy and the FBI were going back and forth on it...there was no quid pro quo....

I can give you a link to where I discussed it at least 6 months ago...just need to search for it, if you would like.

Damn Care. You've got to realize that he's a right winger. He can't remember past his last Hannity or OReilley broadcast. You can't expect him to remember back that far, and you certainly can't expect him to accept anything different than what he has been told recently.
That's not unhinged. You get points for attacking the media. And how they prioritize their stories. In fact, somebody ought to take your lonely friends at MSNBC and hit them up the sides of their heads for running stories about what's gonna on at Fox News. Instead of how the Clinton's paid off the wife of the 2nd in Command at the FBI.

Only problem is -- poor old Newt IS the media nowadays. He's on the A-list of talking heads I'd like to exile to Antarctica...

You don't think Alex Jones is covering that story enough? After all, his followers are the only ones who might believe it.

What's not to believe? the Clintons spent YEARS preparing the field for her run. Had the money to shell out to put folks into place. Billy Jeff has been running a shadow State Dept with the CGI stuff for 16 years. That's a lot of chess pieces and players and the reason why the Dems chose to promote a DYNASTY instead of great leadership..

It's all about winning dude. Ask this guy...



So ethics and issues take a back seat to the antics and the whore wrangling and the dirty tricks. Ask the Newt.. Or that "sex obsessed" Megyn Kelly.. If even Fox news can't keep it's pants on this election -- then we got BIG problems..

Somebody should take all those conspiracy theories and make a movie I'll bet it would be hilarious. It would have to be a comedy. No sane person would see it as realistic enough for a drama.

What part of the Number2 guy at FBI getting $600K and encouragement from the Clintons to run his wife into office is a "conspiracy theory"? This is the SAME dude that conspired with Kennedy at State Dept to change the classification of emails to advantage Hilldebeast.
that's just bull flacal....

at least a half a year to a year ago, it was mentioned on this site that kerry's state dept was arguing with the IC, intelligence community,over the classification standings before releasing them, and that this was COMMON PRACTICE, when emails were being released on FOIA requests...

AS IT SHOULD BE....on behalf of ''we the people''.....

Keeping things classified and from us is NOT what ''we the people'' want,

we want SUNSHINE,

NOT the over classification of govt details, but the DECLASSIFICATION.

Kennedy arguing with the FBI over certain clinton email chain's classification was well known and reported on a year ago

This is not some bombshell, it was discussed in the open public and in the news last year while kennedy and the FBI were going back and forth on it...there was no quid pro quo....

I can give you a link to where I discussed it at least 6 months ago...just need to search for it, if you would like.

NONE of that was neccessary once the server and the scam were evidence in the scandal. No purpose at all in changing classifications of material that was already compromised by being "pawed over" by unauthorized Clinton legal aides and unauthorized sketchy IT people at places that SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAD classified information on their premises in the 1st place.

And all of your whining is a distraction from the fact that the Clintons' had prepared the field by tossing money and influence to folks at the very top of the agencies that would be handling any fall-out from her arrogant and reckless abuse of security protocols. There's $600K on the table. To the #2 at justice. And a LIFE-LONG family dynasty in Kennedy as the #2 at State. Smells to high heaven like "we the people" got screwed again..
Kelly tried to take Trump out in debate 1, question 1 and it blew up in her face. Trump smacked her around and made her look foolish and she's been gunning for him ever since. Some women are that way, they will never let something like that go until they get their revenge.

For the record women engage in the very same behaviors they have no room to talk. Do women engage in locker room talk about men? Do women objectify men? Do women chase after men? Hell yes. So pardon me if I don't buy Kelly's BS.
Go over to and see their opinions.

It's polar opposite of yours
Poor Megan, she just couldn't bring herself to calling Bill Clinton a sexual predator after inferring Trump was one.
MSNBC ya I'm sure Trump or Gingrich would get a fair shake over at that hole.

It's not about Bill Clinton - it's about Donald Trump. BTW, Trump has a court date on December 16 for raping a 13-year-old girl.
And a court date on Nov 28th for Fraud and Racketeering.
Another proud Three Wife Republican who was screwing around on his wife while he was impeaching Bill Clinton for the same thing.
This one was supposed "to have legs" for a several days.

Have not heard a word.

This thread slipped so far under I needed special gear to find it.
This one was supposed "to have legs" for a several days.

Have not heard a word.

This thread slipped so far under I needed special gear to find it.

REALLY? All I have seen on the news is how Newt made an ass out of himself last night. And Comrade Trump just got to talk about "blood coming out of her...,,whatever again.
lol......90% of men were choking on their popcorn after Newt pwned the c**t.:popcorn: Then you have the Generation Snowflake men............. :gay:

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