WATCH: Trump Warns Obama Can be Charged For Drone Strikes if Court Rules Against Immunity Claims

He's a con man.
A swindler.
A pathological liar as well.
And like P.T. Barnum once said "there's a sucker born every minute."
He was talking about people like YOU.

Anymore dumb questions SUCKER?
You are talking about Biden and Pelosi?
How about throwing the president who LIED us into a war to the jackels?

Got WMD's?

That was Trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives, tens of thousands of American wounded.

And you're complaining about under a dozen causalities.

You're like the Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, and don't care about who dropped the ball before 9-11 which killed thousands.
You're illustrating my point.
OBL didn't have Constitutional due process rights.
Was BinLaden a "person"?

Fifth Amendment
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;

And maybe both were subject to the war or public danger exception to due process.
George Bush tried the same thing.
And stopped it before Americans died. At any rate, if you went after him you would also have to go after the other guy. This is why we have the tradition of looking the other way in regards to former presidents.
Then explain how Trump LOST $1 billion in one year.
Using that as a write off to zero out his federal income taxes for the next 10 years.
Trump followed the rules written by congress, that is how
Was BinLaden a "person"?

Fifth Amendment
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;

And maybe both were subject to the war or public danger exception to due process.

Does or did OBL also have the right to vote in our elections?
And stopped it before Americans died. At any rate, if you went after him you would also have to go after the other guy. This is why we have the tradition of looking the other way in regards to former presidents.
It's a matter of sovereign immunity, which makes the sovereign immune for his decisions (good and bad) as sovereign.
Does or did OBL also have the right to vote in our elections?
People don't have the right to vote in federal elections. Citizens (except felons) over 18 have the right to vote in federal elections.

The constitution gives rights to citizens, and rights to people.

And everybody is people.
People don't have the right to vote in federal elections. Citizens (except felons) over 18 have the right to vote in federal elections.

The constitution gives rights to citizens, and rights to people.

And everybody is people.

Those Obama targeted were US citizens.
“The lowest moment, I think, in the history of our country was Afghanistan – the way we withdrew. With shame.
So Benedict Donald can be charged for his bungling the Doha Accords and allowing the Taliban to not comply with 6 out of 7 of the conditions of that agreement while forcing our military to comply with all 8 of our conditions? Recall the Accords timeline was 135 days after the signing. Somewhere in the middle of July 2020. His terms force the Afghans into a 5 to 1 prisoner swap and they had to release 5,000 Taliban fighter. Benedict Donald contiued the withdrawal all throughout 2020 and in November, after flip flopping on a complete withdrawal, he ordered our troop level be cut to 2500 by Jan 15th 2021 just days before the Biden term began.
Ha! Jack Smith wasn't expecting this. Remember when Obama had an American citizen assassinated by a drone in 2011? Yea, that's what I thought. Nevertheless Trump and his lawyers did though.

Biden can also be prosecuted for his botched Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in the death of 13 US service members.

“The lowest moment, I think, in the history of our country was Afghanistan – the way we withdrew. With shame. We surrendered. People were killed, 13 great soldiers killed…[Biden] could be prosecuted for that. So you can’t have a president without immunity,” Trump said.

One of Trump’s lawyers said as soon as they argued that Obama could be prosecuted for drone strikes, all of a sudden Jack Smith pivoted and said that Obama should be protected from criminal prosecution because of presidential immunity.

WATCH in link.

Only in Trump's wildest fantasies. Trump keeps making wild claims that hobbling his authoritarian aims will somehow prevent HONEST Presidents from acting on behalf of the American people.

The lowest moment in American history, was the day Donald Trump was elected. The American people won't be fooled again.
So Benedict Donald can be charged for his bungling the Doha Accords and allowing the Taliban to not comply with 6 out of 7 of the conditions of that agreement while forcing our military to comply with all 8 of our conditions? Recall the Accords timeline was 135 days after the signing. Somewhere in the middle of July 2020. His terms force the Afghans into a 5 to 1 prisoner swap and they had to release 5,000 Taliban fighter. Benedict Donald contiued the withdrawal all throughout 2020 and in November, after flip flopping on a complete withdrawal, he ordered our troop level be cut to 2500 by Jan 15th 2021 just days before the Biden term began.
Now you're catching on. Open this door and subsequent administrations will be seeing legal problems previous ones never did.
Now you're catching on. Open this door and subsequent administrations will be seeing legal problems previous ones never did.
Disallowing Benedict Donald's claim of absolute immunity maintains the status quo, it doesn't open any doors. However, there are many doors Benedict's claim would open, all of them bad, if the courts somehow agrees with him.
Disallowing Benedict Donald's claim of absolute immunity maintains the status quo, it doesn't open any doors. However, there are many doors Benedict's claim would open, all of them bad, if the courts somehow agrees with him.
Who's Benedict Donald and which foreign power did he betray the US to?

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