WATCH: Trump Warns Obama Can be Charged For Drone Strikes if Court Rules Against Immunity Claims

So future presidents could be held libel for drone attacks against civilians or using the DOJ to spy on and harass American citizens?
And that's where we're headed. As of right now, the usual suspects are wetting themselves with glee watching states strike a candidate from their ballots without a trial. I wonder how they will handle the thousands who will write in the stricken candidate's name? It would be galling to them to see those votes being tallied on the TV screen election night. They do have to accept write-ins, don't they?
So future presidents could be held libel for drone attacks against civilians or using the DOJ to spy on and harass American citizens?

American citizens? Yes I believe they should be barring due process.
American citizens? Yes I believe they should be barring due process.
It would be instructive to see a certain former president standing trial for selling assault rifles to Mexican cartel members, one of which rifles ended up killing an American. One would see an immediate 180 turn as democrat partisans ran for the hills.
It would be instructive to see a certain former president standing trial for selling assault rifles to Mexican cartel members, one of which rifles ended up killing an American. One would see an immediate 180 turn as democrat partisans ran for the hills.
How about throwing the president who LIED us into a war to the jackels?

Got WMD's?

That was Trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives, tens of thousands of American wounded.

And you're complaining about under a dozen causalities.

You're like the Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, and don't care about who dropped the ball before 9-11 which killed thousands.
It would be instructive to see a certain former president standing trial for selling assault rifles to Mexican cartel members, one of which rifles ended up killing an American. One would see an immediate 180 turn as democrat partisans ran for the hills.

No argument there.
Saying "bullshit" doesn't change the FACTS.
No one has been able to produce any credible proof that any fraud occured on any level anywhere that would have changed the outcome of the election.
Your candidate lost...fair and square.
Saying "bullshit" doesn't change the FACTS.
No one has been able to produce any credible proof that any fraud occured on any level anywhere that would have changed the outcome of the election.
Your candidate lost...fair and square.
Go F-Curve yourself.
It's also childish to try and prosecute the person running against you in an election.
Not if a Grand Jury rules that it has seen ample credible evidence to indict him on felony charges.
Which is the situation Trump finds himself in...on several fronts.
Right, we are suppose to listen to you, about how a billionaire thinks and acts.

If you were just a little bit right, Trump would not be a successful billionaire, or hollywood star, or president.

That was about the stupidest thing you have said yet
You realize that Trump INHERITED the equivalent of about $5 billion.
And now Trump is worth about $3 billion.

That's successful?
Go F-Curve yourself.
You sound just like one of Trump's freakish attorneys.
This is why they keep getting laughed out of court.
Their responses to the VERY SERIOUS charges Trump is facing don't contain much more substance than your ridiculous reply here.
And that is why your orange cat turd king is going to jail.
It would be instructive to see a certain former president standing trial for selling assault rifles to Mexican cartel members, one of which rifles ended up killing an American. One would see an immediate 180 turn as democrat partisans ran for the hills.

George Bush tried the same thing.
Maybe if I knew what you were talking about exactly.
Your side seems to nit-pick every little American casualty under Obama, as if it was a crime. Going fast and furious against him, while ignoring the decider starting a war "because he tried to kill my dad".

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