WATCH: Trump Warns Obama Can be Charged For Drone Strikes if Court Rules Against Immunity Claims

I like where this is going. The party that likes to fuck kids understands one thing - retaliation in kind.

Like a dog that keeps shitting on the carpet needs to be swatted on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.... same with shitlibs.

They send one of ours to prison for 5 years we send 50 of theirs to prison for 600 years. Tit for tat with an appropriate multiplier.

I'm here to provide solutions.
Because it's Dog Eat dog and what goes around ... comes around.
Maybe ... just maybe them Demoncrats aren't too up on Nursery Rhymes
or Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Funny ... since they live to act cartoonishly rough & ready.
Yeah,this ain't no Freddie the Freeloader { Red Skelton }
Skelton was about as All American as Trump.
Therefore no need to Grimm and Scare it.
Demoncrats have virtually over-played their luck.
This behavior by Demoncrats ain't no Karl Marx
- Dynamic principle - { the title of his dissertation for Ph.D }
It’s amazing that Trump thinks we would be threatened by the idea that Democratic presidents could be prosecuted for committing crimes.

It just goes to show how corrupt he is.
If it was ever closed in the past, it’s because presidents weren’t callous enough to break laws brazenly. Nixon did, and should have been prosecuted. He was pardoned thinking it was better for the country in the moment, and maybe it was, but excusing criminality harmed the nation by degrading the rule of law.

A tradition of looking the other way is harmful to a nation supposedly founded on laws and not men.
Like I said, don't be surprised when enough Republicans get tired of being statesmen and come looking for payback. It won't be pretty.
Yemen was sending shoe bombers into the US before Trump. Remember the USS Cole?
That was one shoe bomber that traveled through Yemen. If you like, you can link to a declaration of war, by congress, showing we were at war with Yemen.
By denying Trump immunity they would be opening up a can of worms and making the office of President impotent.

By denying Trump immunity we would argue that even the president is under the laws of the country and not above them.
By denying Trump immunity they would be opening up a can of worms and making the office of President impotent.
This is not something to be done lightly, but their partisans are wetting themselves with excitement that they might finally get the blood they've been dreaming about for so long.
By denying Trump immunity we would argue that even the president is under the laws of the country and not above them.
Quid Pro Joe could forever cement himself as a great president and simultaneously defang TRUMP! if he simply pardoned him right now. Of course, he would lose the election in a landslide as his bloodthirsty partisans would turn on him in droves.
By denying Trump immunity they would be opening up a can of worms and making the office of President impotent.
By giving Trump or any president immunity would give the president a get out of jail free card.
So, Biden can have Trump killed and that's that?
Or like Putin does, just jail them or make sure the take the window, instead of the elevator to the first floor?
Quid Pro Joe could forever cement himself as a great president and simultaneously defang TRUMP! if he simply pardoned him right now. Of course, he would lose the election in a landslide as his bloodthirsty partisans would turn on him in droves.
Agree, just like they turned on Ford.
Rightfully so.
That was one shoe bomber that traveled through Yemen. If you like, you can link to a declaration of war, by congress, showing we were at war with Yemen.
You don't know anything about Yemen.

The Legal Basis for U.S. Involvement
The United States involvement in Yemen–and the legal basis for that involvement–has been the subject of criticism for years.

We begin with the counterterrorism operations: As a matter of domestic law, the operations against AQAP rest primarily on the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), which is the central authority cited by the U.S. government for counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda and “associated forces,” including AQAP and ISIS, in Yemen. While there has been substantial debate about the importance of repealing and replacing the woefully out-of-date AUMF, there is general agreement within the executive branch that this use of the existing authority falls squarely within the use of the AUMF under multiple presidents.
By denying Trump immunity we would argue that even the president is under the laws of the country and not above them.
So future presidents could be held libel for drone attacks against civilians or using the DOJ to spy on and harass American citizens?
Harry Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan killing innocent civilians. Was he a mass murderer?
By giving Trump or any president immunity would give the president a get out of jail free card.
So, Biden can have Trump killed and that's that?
Or like Putin does, just jail them or make sure the take the window, instead of the elevator to the first floor?
Biden's DOJ is already jailing political opponents.

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