WATCH: Unhinged Trump fan tells ‘terrorist’ Muslim Uber driver that ‘they’ll deport you soon’

Another thing about muslims...they won't kill a cockroach....little wonder their countries are filthy.

correction: they can kill a roach if they do it "humanely".....:lol:

Not true. They can kill insects which are pests threatening the life, safety or health of a Muslim

Not true....there are not only shia and sunni sects but sub-sects that don't believe in killing vermin.

You said "muslims," not every sect of Muslim

Big deal eh?

If you say so.

I always like people who say if I respond to you I'm making a big deal of it and if you respond to me you're not

I have no idea what you're talking about.
A Donald Trump fan was caught on camera yelling obscenities at a Muslim Uber driver and telling him that he would soon be deported once Trump was officially sworn in as president.

The Washington Post reports that Chris Cody, a St. Johns University adjunct professor who speaks Arabic, was taking an Uber ride in Queens this past weekend when his driver started talking about a man in another car who accosted him and yelled racial slurs at him. The driver, who is Muslim, filmed the man’s racist tirade and gave Cody permission to share it with the Post.

“Trump is president, assh*le!” the man shouted out at the driver, who is a Muslim man. “So you can kiss your f*cking visa goodbye, scumbag. They’ll deport you soon. Don’t worry, you f*cking terrorist.”

Watch the video of the deplorable Trump voter here:

WATCH: Unhinged Trump fan tells ‘terrorist’ Muslim Uber driver that ‘they’ll deport you soon’

I saw THOUSANDS of UNHINGED Hillary Clinton fans rioting all over America.

Hillary has not even denounced them, so she is them. She is a rioter.

Those are protesters, not rioters. And you haven't seen anything yet, you're gonna see millions on inuaguration day.

I hope everyone comes out to support Trump on his inauguration day as our DULY ELECTED POTUS. it's nice to see so many liberals who DID NOT VOTE, now decide to involve themselves in political discourse.

Apparently, they were too lazy to go to the ballot, but they are finding the time to riot. Maybe they should re-prioritize their lives.
A messageboard question about if you can kill insects or not isn't proof that the religion is against it. Give me something out of the Quaran. I gave you a link for Buddhist thought, and I can give you even more if you want. Where is your link to prove your point?

I don't quote the Koran, shithead. My youngest son was in Desert Storm and he told me they don't kill roaches in Kuwait.

Interesting...............not only was I there for Desert Storm, but I have also been to Jiddah Saudi Arabia and Dubai UAE, all of which are Muslim dominated nations, and I never heard anything like that. So you believe hearsay and second hand information? Just like your messageboard link proves nothing, neither does the word of your youngest. Prove where Islam says that they are not to kill insects.
Interesting...............not only was I there for Desert Storm, but I have also been to Jiddah Saudi Arabia and Dubai UAE, all of which are Muslim dominated nations, and I never heard anything like that. So you believe hearsay and second hand information? Just like your messageboard link proves nothing, neither does the word of your youngest. Prove where Islam says that they are not to kill insects.

Read my post again, shithead.....
The Dems have everything you want in a political party in the UNITED STATES.....except.....


...hmmm....for a group that never misses a chance to tell you they are smarter than you are, they have made some really STUPID choices.
Interesting...............not only was I there for Desert Storm, but I have also been to Jiddah Saudi Arabia and Dubai UAE, all of which are Muslim dominated nations, and I never heard anything like that. So you believe hearsay and second hand information? Just like your messageboard link proves nothing, neither does the word of your youngest. Prove where Islam says that they are not to kill insects.

Read my post again, shithead.....

All your link does is show people asking about it. Give me something definitive from someone who actually can speak for Islam, not messageboards and second hand stories from your youngest. Shit..............people ask stupid questions about Christianity all the time on other messageboards, like is it okay to drink alcohol, or can you dance on Sunday?
I hope everyone comes out to support Trump on his inauguration day as our DULY ELECTED POTUS. it's nice to see so many liberals who DID NOT VOTE, now decide to involve themselves in political discourse.

Apparently, they were too lazy to go to the ballot, but they are finding the time to riot. Maybe they should re-prioritize their lives.

I'm sure Soros will bus thousands of the unemployed dirtbags to D.C. and put them in tents in some park where they will take dumps on patrol cars and other patriotic actions. Who'd blame the cops if they went Kent State on them?
Interesting...............not only was I there for Desert Storm, but I have also been to Jiddah Saudi Arabia and Dubai UAE, all of which are Muslim dominated nations, and I never heard anything like that. So you believe hearsay and second hand information? Just like your messageboard link proves nothing, neither does the word of your youngest. Prove where Islam says that they are not to kill insects.

Read my post again, shithead.....

All your link does is show people asking about it. Give me something definitive from someone who actually can speak for Islam, not messageboards and second hand stories from your youngest. Shit..............people ask stupid questions about Christianity all the time on other messageboards, like is it okay to drink alcohol, or can you dance on Sunday?

WTF is the matter with you....nevermind I know. Adult muslims asking what's allowed indicates to me there are differences of opinion in islam about what goes and what doesn't. The imam in the link says one thing, another imam won't agree....that's why sunnis and shia kill each other every chance they get. Now're boring me.
Interesting...............not only was I there for Desert Storm, but I have also been to Jiddah Saudi Arabia and Dubai UAE, all of which are Muslim dominated nations, and I never heard anything like that. So you believe hearsay and second hand information? Just like your messageboard link proves nothing, neither does the word of your youngest. Prove where Islam says that they are not to kill insects.

Read my post again, shithead.....

All your link does is show people asking about it. Give me something definitive from someone who actually can speak for Islam, not messageboards and second hand stories from your youngest. Shit..............people ask stupid questions about Christianity all the time on other messageboards, like is it okay to drink alcohol, or can you dance on Sunday?

WTF is the matter with you....nevermind I know. Adult muslims asking what's allowed indicates to me there are differences of opinion in islam about what goes and what doesn't. The imam in the link says one thing, another imam won't agree....that's why sunnis and shia kill each other every chance they get. Now're boring me.

You could say the same things about the various sects of Christianity. Some will let you drink alcohol, others say its a sin. Some say you can dance with the opposite gender, some say you can't. But, they still use the same Bible, which says the same thing. Show me where it's a tenant in Islam to not kill insects, but you can't because there isn't any.
A Donald Trump fan was caught on camera yelling obscenities at a Muslim Uber driver and telling him that he would soon be deported once Trump was officially sworn in as president.

The Washington Post reports that Chris Cody, a St. Johns University adjunct professor who speaks Arabic, was taking an Uber ride in Queens this past weekend when his driver started talking about a man in another car who accosted him and yelled racial slurs at him. The driver, who is Muslim, filmed the man’s racist tirade and gave Cody permission to share it with the Post.

“Trump is president, assh*le!” the man shouted out at the driver, who is a Muslim man. “So you can kiss your f*cking visa goodbye, scumbag. They’ll deport you soon. Don’t worry, you f*cking terrorist.”

Watch the video of the deplorable Trump voter here:

WATCH: Unhinged Trump fan tells ‘terrorist’ Muslim Uber driver that ‘they’ll deport you soon’

I saw THOUSANDS of UNHINGED Hillary Clinton fans rioting all over America.

Hillary has not even denounced them, so she is them. She is a rioter.

Those are protesters, not rioters. And you haven't seen anything yet, you're gonna see millions on inuaguration day.

I hope everyone comes out to support Trump on his inauguration day as our DULY ELECTED POTUS. it's nice to see so many liberals who DID NOT VOTE, now decide to involve themselves in political discourse.

Apparently, they were too lazy to go to the ballot, but they are finding the time to riot. Maybe they should re-prioritize their lives.

Oh, they voted. Democrats came out in droves. What, you didn't hear? Clinton's now leads the popular vote by 1,598,268. The narrative that democrats didn't get out to vote is proving to be totally false.
You know, if the pollsters are so upset that they got it wrong, it wasn't because Hillary lost the popular vote, the polls were correct on that. They got it wrong because they didn't poll the electoral college.

And, in this day and age of instant communication and technology, the electoral college has long outlived it's usefulness.
A Donald Trump fan was caught on camera yelling obscenities at a Muslim Uber driver and telling him that he would soon be deported once Trump was officially sworn in as president.

The Washington Post reports that Chris Cody, a St. Johns University adjunct professor who speaks Arabic, was taking an Uber ride in Queens this past weekend when his driver started talking about a man in another car who accosted him and yelled racial slurs at him. The driver, who is Muslim, filmed the man’s racist tirade and gave Cody permission to share it with the Post.

“Trump is president, assh*le!” the man shouted out at the driver, who is a Muslim man. “So you can kiss your f*cking visa goodbye, scumbag. They’ll deport you soon. Don’t worry, you f*cking terrorist.”

Watch the video of the deplorable Trump voter here:

WATCH: Unhinged Trump fan tells ‘terrorist’ Muslim Uber driver that ‘they’ll deport you soon’

I saw THOUSANDS of UNHINGED Hillary Clinton fans rioting all over America.

Hillary has not even denounced them, so she is them. She is a rioter.

Those are protesters, not rioters. And you haven't seen anything yet, you're gonna see millions on inuaguration day.

I hope everyone comes out to support Trump on his inauguration day as our DULY ELECTED POTUS. it's nice to see so many liberals who DID NOT VOTE, now decide to involve themselves in political discourse.

Apparently, they were too lazy to go to the ballot, but they are finding the time to riot. Maybe they should re-prioritize their lives.

Oh, they voted. Democrats came out in droves. What, you didn't hear? Clinton's now leads the popular vote by 1,598,268. The narrative that democrats didn't get out to vote is proving to be totally false.

Yes, the San Francisco transgenders, queers and transvestites love you. I'm so sad they can't overturn the election. Not ...

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