Watching 60 Minutes And it’s scary!!

You can't make this stuff up. Ca. Gov Gavin Newsome went to El Salvador allegedly to try to fix the crisis in Central America while people are shitting on the streets and living in cardboard boxes and under tarps on L.A. streets. Ca. continues to violate Federal Law by giving sanctuary to illegals while it's gov is worried about El Salvador. Is the world upside down or what?
So what will you with migrants that are walking in as I type this?

Process them. They're REFUGEES, and they're refugees because of American policies. You made this mess, you clean it up!

Process them?

Not a bad idea.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.

(1) thread title references 60 Minutes aka CBS
(2) NO link = that is just wrong
(3) as far as recent culture is concerned CBS is the enemy of the AmeriKKKan people, according to Trump so, why would anyone believe anything from CBS that so many USMB members have stated is suspect & BS?
(4) thread FAIL .............
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.

(1) thread title references 60 Minutes aka CBS
(2) NO link = that is just wrong
(3) as far as recent culture is concerned CBS is the enemy of the AmeriKKKan people, according to Trump so, why would anyone believe anything from CBS that so many USMB members have stated is suspect & BS?
(4) thread FAIL .............

Why don't you tattle to the Mods and have the post removed? A lot of responses for your so called "FAIL". Learn to read.

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