Watching the presss conference after the Russian summit


As the world's greatest negotiator, I have agreed to end all US military exercises in the Baltic states in exchange for Vladimir allowing us to recognize his right to be in Crimea.
To those that didn't see the press conference......G5000 is being sarcastic and no he did not say that.
Trump is coming out blazing. He explained why it was important to meet and hammered the democrats for partisan politics and the fact they didn't want to meet. Trump is just awesome.

He's a little weaker than usual though. Trump is trying to balance National Security issues with the entire Russian Collusion mess. It should have been put to rest, it's a problem, it keeps his hands tied. When Reagan was tough, they called him a war mongerer, when Trump tries to find common ground, he's a spy.

Putin is smart, which is why he calls out the Russian billionaire who donated heavily to Clintons campaign. I knew Putin would use this Press Conference as an opportunity to hit back, he went right after the Clinton Establishment, calling out U.S agencies in the process.

Trump must see this as a no win situation. He would rather play nice, I would have liked him to be stronger against Putin. They both have their agendas and interests but Trump should have at the very least repeated what he said behind closed doors, and the response from Putin.

The bottom line is this, and I wish the West would understand; we have to be smarter and care more about our nations, not a small sector of our nation. This means, confronting China, Russia, EU, Canada and all global socialists who exploit the U.S. Hire the best and brightest, the most patriotic, not some ass kisser or political patsy. Obama did not hire a strong administration, and Russia (among others) exploited it.

This is all covert intelligence battles. The CIA and it's allies have to win the intelligence war, this means preventing ALL foreign government interference. I will say again and again, Russia might be a problem, but China is a far greater threat. If America had to find some common ground to thwart China, I support it.
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A viewer could have gotten the impression that they were covering each other's posterior.
Moon Bat bullshit: Trump got elected, and that's impossible because Crooked Hillary was the most qualified candidate in the history of the Galaxy, therefore the only possibility is that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. LOL!

Obama fucked up our relation with Russia after the Cold War by being weak and letting them sack the store.

Trump kicked Russia's ass in Syria by destroying the mercenary battalion and attacking the airfields and coming to the summit from a position of strength with NATO increasing spending.

Moon Bats can't stand winning like that.
Dumbest question by a MSM moron. "Mr Putin do you have any compromising information on President Trump and his family?"

Putin he'd tell that doofus
Dumbest question by a MSM moron. "Mr Putin do you have any compromising information on President Trump and his family?"

Putin he'd tell that doofus
Yeah his chuckle was hilarious.....Putin's like if you were in my know.....
Essentially, they agreed to further talks, we will work with them as feasible, and the Democrats have caused and are are causing the bulk of problems between the two countries, Russian hacking notwithstanding. Makes you wonder why there is no counter charge that we hacked them, cause you know damn well we have. We just don't get caught.

As to badrapping the Democrats before the world, it should be done at every opportunity.
the Democrats have caused and are are causing the bulk of problems between the two countries, Russian hacking notwithstanding.
Explain, please, how the Democrats are responsible for annexing Crimea, assisting Assad with chemical attacks on his own people, killing its former spy in Britain with Novichuk, and hacking and propagandizing the 2016 election.

THAT is why we are not getting along with Russia so well right now.
A grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling in our elections last week. Not Mueller; not the Democrats, not some deep state imaginary made up boogeyman….ordinary citizens.

There is nothing to ask the Russians about…they did it. Given that the place is a dictatorship run by the former spy master who has invaded his neighbors and poisoned dissidents…it’s incredibly unlikely there were just these 12 folks who did it on their own. It was done at Putin’s direction.

Trump is such a pussy…

Is he going to do something about this?
A grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling in our elections last week. Not Mueller; not the Democrats, not some deep state imaginary made up boogeyman….ordinary citizens.

There is nothing to ask the Russians about…they did it. Given that the place is a dictatorship run by the former spy master who has invaded his neighbors and poisoned dissidents…it’s incredibly unlikely there were just these 12 folks who did it on their own. It was done at Putin’s direction.

Trump is such a pussy…

Is he going to do something about this?
Sure, he can allow Mueller and team to travel to Russia as Putin requested to help them question the (12) acussed

A grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling in our elections last week. Not Mueller; not the Democrats, not some deep state imaginary made up boogeyman….ordinary citizens.

There is nothing to ask the Russians about…they did it. Given that the place is a dictatorship run by the former spy master who has invaded his neighbors and poisoned dissidents…it’s incredibly unlikely there were just these 12 folks who did it on their own. It was done at Putin’s direction.

Trump is such a pussy…

Is he going to do something about this?

An indictment isn't a finding of guilt, moron

Not one of those indicted will ever see a court room.
Essentially, they agreed to further talks, we will work with them as feasible, and the Democrats have caused and are are causing the bulk of problems between the two countries, Russian hacking notwithstanding. Makes you wonder why there is no counter charge that we hacked them, cause you know damn well we have. We just don't get caught.

As to badrapping the Democrats before the world, it should be done at every opportunity.
the Democrats have caused and are are causing the bulk of problems between the two countries, Russian hacking notwithstanding.
Explain, please, how the Democrats are responsible for annexing Crimea, assisting Assad with chemical attacks on his own people, killing its former spy in Britain with Novichuk, and hacking and propagandizing the 2016 election.

Essentially because modern-day Democrats are weak in dealing with foreign powers. Had they made a strong stance when in power, it's unlikely the Russians would have felt so free to move on those issues.

That, and the fact that Democrats and their Leftist cohorts in Europe seek to sow chaos in the Western world.
Who does Trump trust more...the Intel services under obama...or Putin. I would say it's a toss up. Time will tell.

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