Way to Go Joe !!

Trump would cripple Russia's own energy sector how? Bomb their pipelines?

And one other thing, Trump was the catalyst for all this. His cry baby apology tour at the summit over Russia's election interference, showing how weak and unsupportive he was with Ukraine by asking for favors to dig up dirt on Biden, Trumps own praise of Putin in this invasion, proves just how easy Trump made this for Putin. Trump was the triggering mechanism for this invasion.
That's what hatred of democrats buys. I would have done the same.
remind me again how many countries russia invaded when the gop was in charge? oh zero…gotcha
WTF? Russia annexed Osetia from Georgia in 2008 during Bush W presidency.

Do you know nothing?

Bush sent the miltary when putin invaded, he backed out

Seems like rightwingers wouldn't have much to post if it wasn't for blatant bullshit.

after 50-plus rounds of negotiations, Russia doesn’t want to abide by its own obligations. And today after 12 years of the invasion and occupation of 20 percent of Georgia’s territory, it still continues the process of creeping annexation, which includes the incorporation of local, so-called institutions into the Russian federal structures and also attempting to eradicate any Georgian heritage in the occupied region.
It only took you 13 months to:

Lose Afghanistan
Lose Ukraine and peace in Europe
Have oil over a hundred bucks a barrel
Have inflation over 7%
Crash the stock market
Hand out free masks at the end of the pandemic

Taterhead delivers !!
Yeah but he solved the supply chain conundrum….
Sorry bout that,

1. The Libtards stole the election and totally, screwed the pooch on Russia.
2. While Trump laughs a lot.
3. I would too.
4. Putin will kill, murder and rape while he takes over Ukraine.
5. Innocent people shall die, unwarranted.
6. There is nothing to do but sit back and watch this fucking train wreck happen.
7. Ole Joe is a Super Failure.
8. Just because I report it, doesn't mean I'm all mean, its just truth.


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