Wayfair Employess Plan Walkout Today Over Providing Beds to Children

It isnt the company, but a SIGNIF8CANT percentage of left-wing employees.

Societies never advance under liberalism

Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility

They don't want the detainees to sleep in beds?

fox so called news isn't the most reliable and honest so I didn't read their story.

I did a search on it to get a more fair and balanced reporting of it.

Wayfair employees walk out after company's sales to migrant children holding facility

It is not about not wanting children to have beds.

It's about the fact that the employees have a conscience. Here are their words;

After discovering the sale, more than 500 workers wrote to Wayfair management asking them to stop doing business with BCFS. "The United States government and its contractors are responsible for the detention and mistreatment of hundreds of thousands of migrants seeking asylum in our country -- we want that to end. We also want to be sure that Wayfair has no part in enabling, supporting, or profiting from this practice," reads their letter, posted on Twitter.

The CEO refused so the employees walked out.

I support the employees. They are doing the right thing.

If one of those BCFS contacted me to buy my work, I would politely tell them I'm just way too busy to be able to handle their order.

Lesson here....never hire SJWs. Lousy employees

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