Wayne on Liberals in the Military

There's been a Marine insitution longer than there's a been a United States (or even a Confederate States) of America.

Likewise there was a national guard, longer than there was a United States.

What did the Black militants say about power?

Something about political power coming from the barrel of a gun?
In Germany we had something similiar with correctly cleaning/camouflagin/cleaning/camouflagin our tanks/self propelled Howitzers.
Kinda Zen too
Amazingly enough, a lot of the dirty lil jobs that the services are famous for made sense once you got enough rank to see a bigger picture. I am still not a fan of painting or raking rocks for its' own sake. But, beautification projects did instill a small additional amount of pride. Most would not admit to it, but you could read the expressions as they visited other units and mentally compared the surroundings.

Now, training repetition such as the camoflage of gear or cleaning is a different animal. I gun drilled my drivers until they could easily match an 0331 in any clime and place. I also pt'd the snot out of my guys in NBC gear.
In the words of my First Sergeant "Area Beautification is your second proffession. If you can't shoot a rifle you better be able to cut some grass when you get out because thats all you bastards will be good for."

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