ways we can combat outsourcing

now that its over we know biden didnt talk to them and ran out in the middle of the night without telling them we were leaving,,

yep, we do know that, we know Biden fucked up his part of it. Again, we agree on Biden, not sure why you feel the need to keep going back to him....well really I do...anything to cover for your god's fuck ups.
Outsourcing has been a major issue since the mid 1900's. Major American companies make a habit of sending jobs to Mexico, China and other countries with lax labor protectiins and low minimum wage. Nike and Apple have both knowing used sweatshops and even forced labor to make their products in the past.

If we are going to stop outsourcing we need to take away the incentives that lead to it.

1: Ban sweatshop produced goods.
The first step is to ban the import and sale of goods produced in sweatshops ,with the requirement that the importing company shows verifiable proof that the products were not produced in sweatshops. We already do this with minerals, gems and precious metal (ie "blood diamonds). Jewelers are required to have proof that t gems they sell are mined in legimate mining operations.

2: Tax outsourcers at 50% or more
Republicans like to reward outsourcing with massive tax cuts. They claim that taxes are the only reason for outsourcing and cutting taxes will cause the companies to bring thee jobs back to the US(it never works.) I have a different idea. We make any American based company which produces more than a certain percentage of the goods they sell in the US outside of the US, pay a minimum tax of 50%.

3: Enforce labor laws internationally
This is simple. We require US based companies to pay federal minimum wage and offer the same benefits to workers in forein workplaces as they do in the US. If apple or GM owwn a factory in China, they have to treat those workers the same as they do in the US, and they have to show verifiable proof that they do so before products from those factories can be sold in the US
I won't purchase any Nike or Apple products. As soon as the slave labor was exposed I banned them from my shopping list.
Sadly most conservatives lack the self discipline to do the same. MANY on here have iPads, iPhones and Nikeys in their closets.
Fake outrage from ALL OF THEM
I won't purchase any Nike or Apple products. As soon as the slave labor was exposed I banned them from my shopping list.
Sadly most conservatives lack the self discipline to do the same. MANY on here have iPads, iPhones and Nikeys in their closets.
Fake outrage from ALL OF THEM

what phone do you use that was not made with "slave labor"?

What computer do you use that did not mostly come from China?
yep, we do know that, we know Biden fucked up his part of it. Again, we agree on Biden, not sure why you feel the need to keep going back to him....well really I do...anything to cover for your god's fuck ups.
I go to biden because we know for a fact what he did,, as for trump we can only guess since he wasnt there for the last 8 months of the issue,,
I go to biden because we know for a fact what he did,, as for trump we can only guess since he wasnt there for the last 8 months of the issue,,

No, we know what Trump did as well. We know what he did prior to Jan 20th, 2021. That is the only part I am talking about
the reason thats the only part youre talking about is if you talked about the rest you would look like a bigger idiot,,

I am talking about that part because we agree on the rest and it is sort of a waste of time to keep talking about where we are in agreement.

but hey, I get it. I am not allowed to say anything bad about your god or you will call me names. Its cool. This discussion has rans it course and football is about to start, need to add more wood to the ribs.

have a great afternoon.
I accept your surrender.
I guess you could provide proof trump was going to run out in the middle of the night and not tell the afgans or give them some support to hold off the taliban while they got a foothold, or that he intended to leave enough weapons for a middle size country to the taliban,, OH and biden also surrender a military airbase for them,,

wheres your proof on this??
I am talking about that part because we agree on the rest and it is sort of a waste of time to keep talking about where we are in agreement.

but hey, I get it. I am not allowed to say anything bad about your god or you will call me names. Its cool. This discussion has rans it course and football is about to start, need to add more wood to the ribs.

have a great afternoon.
as usual,, when the rubber hits the road and you actually have to produce something other than feelings you run away,,
Outsourcing has been a major issue since the mid 1900's. Major American companies make a habit of sending jobs to Mexico, China and other countries with lax labor protectiins and low minimum wage. Nike and Apple have both knowing used sweatshops and even forced labor to make their products in the past.

If we are going to stop outsourcing we need to take away the incentives that lead to it.

1: Ban sweatshop produced goods.
The first step is to ban the import and sale of goods produced in sweatshops ,with the requirement that the importing company shows verifiable proof that the products were not produced in sweatshops. We already do this with minerals, gems and precious metal (ie "blood diamonds). Jewelers are required to have proof that t gems they sell are mined in legimate mining operations.

2: Tax outsourcers at 50% or more
Republicans like to reward outsourcing with massive tax cuts. They claim that taxes are the only reason for outsourcing and cutting taxes will cause the companies to bring thee jobs back to the US(it never works.) I have a different idea. We make any American based company which produces more than a certain percentage of the goods they sell in the US outside of the US, pay a minimum tax of 50%.

3: Enforce labor laws internationally
This is simple. We require US based companies to pay federal minimum wage and offer the same benefits to workers in forein workplaces as they do in the US. If apple or GM owwn a factory in China, they have to treat those workers the same as they do in the US, and they have to show verifiable proof that they do so before products from those factories can be sold in the US

Outsourcing is good for our economy as long as it's driven by companies making their own decisions.

What we have to stop is companies that leave because the Democrats drove them out with your stupid obsession with screwing American companies
Mr. Trump would and could never protect America because he is too busy protecting Trump and his fragile super ego. Trump is a loser and will stay that way until death.

This is just your hack partisan leftist bull shit
Wealthy people don't give a shit about protecting America they care about increasing their wealth at any cost.

Here's an interesting fact for you. The rich aren't all the same, you're just a hate filled leftist demagogue

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