We all know that Trump is wanting an impeachment charge...give it to him Nancy

Trump the AH has made a mockery of the powers of congress All you bullshit patriots can go to hell Hopefully it comes back one day to bite you in the ass
People that have minded their own business have already been bitten on the ass. Its just that it is never enough for the people who yell the loudest. Please understand. Let your areas become scorched. We do not care as you don't.
The Democrats should have won the Senate if they wanted impeachment to mean something.
They should have, but when you have gerrymandered districts, its kinda hard, ya think? The GOP would never win an election were it not for voter suppression and gerrymandering. and of course RUSSIA
Trump the AH has made a mockery of the powers of congress All you bullshit patriots can go to hell Hopefully it comes back one day to bite you in the ass
People that have minded their own business have already been bitten on the ass. Its just that it is never enough for the people who yell the loudest. Please understand. Let your areas become scorched. We do not care as you don't.
The Punk in our WH walked out of a meeting The pussies feelings were hurt lol
Lol....I think this is the first time ever the OP is right about something!:2up:

Go Nancy.....go, go!!!:hyper::hyper::hyper:

President Trump would welcome an impeachment vote. Too bad Pelosi doesn't have the guts to put it up for a vote.

The thing is this. The lib base would be demanding that members vote "aye", but the constituents, many of whom have gone to work under Trump for the first time since 1969, aren't as interested

60% of voters plan to put this orange mf and his supporters back in the cave from whenth's they came. And unless Putin come's to the rescue, your guy is going to fuckin prison the next day.

Whatever you say s0n!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The Democrats should have won the Senate if they wanted impeachment to mean something.
They should have, but when you have gerrymandered districts, its kinda hard, ya think? The GOP would never win an election were it not for voter suppression and gerrymandering. and of course RUSSIA

But.....voter suppression is a myth. Gerrymandering = the consequences of l0siNg. And of course, the whole world knows "Russia" was fake.
Trump is the only president who has lost money as a result of being president. Both the Clinton and Obama crooked con artist thugs made hundreds millions as a result of being president.
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Trump is the only president who has lost money as a result of being president. Both the Clintons and Obama con artist thugs made hundreds millions as a result of being president.

He's certainly the only recent President who hasn't made money from the office.

And its really ironic that he's the only one that stands accused of "emoluments".

How much have the Obamas and Clintons raked in from netflix and book publishers and foreign powers as a result of their Presidencies?

Trump hasn't even enjoyed an increase in fame, he was already more famous than the other presidents before he even ran. His name has been synonymous with astounding achievements in the field of Excellence for decades before he decided to give back and run for president
The Democrats should have won the Senate if they wanted impeachment to mean something.
They should have, but when you have gerrymandered districts, its kinda hard, ya think? The GOP would never win an election were it not for voter suppression and gerrymandering. and of course RUSSIA

You do realize that the Dimowits have controlled the Senate before, right?

They controlled both Houses when Obama first took office.

Stop telling lies about gerrymandering and voter suppression.
Any one with a working brain cell can see that Trump is just begging for an impeachment charge so that he can use it for 2020. Please Nancy, please give the clown what he wants....the country is begging for it too.
I am under the impression that the House is NOT calling for Impeachment, although many members want it. They are calling not for Articles of Impeachment, but for a investigative debate on whether to enact Articles of Impeachment. Such a debate would give them more power to subpoena documentation of more kinds, I think. Few of its critics have read the Mueller report, preferring to rely on and support the Barr translation as dictated by Trump.
Trump the AH has made a mockery of the powers of congress All you bullshit patriots can go to hell Hopefully it comes back one day to bite you in the ass
Neener...neener...NEEEENER!!! Or, as our worst ever president once said, “Elections have consequences,” and you idiots will have your shot at the Big Chair again in ‘24. Feel the pain!
Trump is the only president who has lost money as a result of being president.
Sounds like you not only drank prodigious quantities of the Trump Kool-aid, you also bathe in it! Trump lost money? LOL!

But nobody cares about that except the extreme partisans! Your couple of million people who tune in CNN like a church experience. Lol.....hardly anybody!:2up:
Trump is the only president who has lost money as a result of being president.
Sounds like you not only drank prodigious quantities of the Trump Kool-aid, you also bathe in it! Trump lost money? LOL!

But nobody cares about that except the extreme partisans! Your couple of million people who tune in CNN like a church experience. Lol.....hardly anybody!:2up:
I think you are wrong, skooker. I think, since it has been tradition going back to George Washington that Presidents place their income capabilities in trust, that lots of people care. And even more disheartening is that you and your fellow Trumpers do not care when it is well known that if a Democratic President acted as Trump does, you'd turn yourself inside out screeching about it. Pretty much like how Trump mobs yell "Lock her up!" for a private server that at least a dozen Trump staff also have.
Trump is the only president who has lost money as a result of being president.
Sounds like you not only drank prodigious quantities of the Trump Kool-aid, you also bathe in it! Trump lost money? LOL!

But nobody cares about that except the extreme partisans! Your couple of million people who tune in CNN like a church experience. Lol.....hardly anybody!:2up:
I think you are wrong, skooker. I think, since it has been tradition going back to George Washington that Presidents place their income capabilities in trust, that lots of people care. And even more disheartening is that you and your fellow Trumpers do not care when it is well known that if a Democratic President acted as Trump does, you'd turn yourself inside out screeching about it. Pretty much like how Trump mobs yell "Lock her up!" for a private server that at least a dozen Trump staff also have.

But you cant go impeach a guy because you dont like him....that's not how it works or Soetero would have been gone by 2010.

Trump and Trump supporters are all in on impeachment efforts by the DUMS. Go....go!! I trust the voters!:113:

And btw....at this point, the DUMS a bit cornered because they know wants coming from Barr!! Just like Trump knows!


Oh.....and c'mon now.....100 Americans saw Soetero shit on whites for 8 years. That's how Trump got elected. Charlotte in 2015 was the kicker after Ferguson. White America didnt want the savages taking over the cities and said, "FUCK THIS!"
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I for one don’t care about the Donald’s net worth, or tax’s, I do care about my country, it’s clear today we have a hornets nest steaming with vitriol that is desperately attempting to over rule the rule of law and will of the people which pisses me off and scares the hell out of me.
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.

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