We all know that Trump is wanting an impeachment charge...give it to him Nancy

If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
I am so fed up with leaders of the democratic party holding their breathes waiting on a Nixon repeat once the facts come to light. You want the facts to come to light, hold a news conference, detailing word for word the 400 page Mueller report in a nut shell and let the impeachments began. But to wait on people like me to read this shit and then scream for justice??? Give me a fuckin break, democrat leaders. 60% of the american people know this man is guilty as hell of obstructing justice, of lying, of bribing, intimidating wittness'es, etc. What fuckin more do we need to know???

We sent you ass ho's to Washington, to represent the people. Now you want us to make decisions for you? Your getting a 6 figure salary, do your gotdamned jobs and stop waiting on the american stupid to do it for you. This is not the era of Nixon, you have the tapes, its called the Mueller report. This is not the era of Clinton, the GOP impeached the president and TOOK OVER BOTH THE CONGRESS AND THE SENATE...they still won!!!!

Please stop being fuckin cowards, stop it.!!
Or, they read the report and REALLY think there is no crime! But I would love the spectacle of impeachment.
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.

I pity Nancy.

On the one hand, she could begin the impeachment process and have it wind up like the Mueller investigation did, only $30 million cheaper for taxpayers, or she can sit back and continue to say Trump is a KGB agent of Putin while doing nothing.

As bad as those options are, the later seems probably to be the best for her.

You have to understand, the democrat party is full of spineless liars that only know how to sling poo around like the monkeys they are.
If she does nothing, dem's will pay the price 2020....and that is fact. We are sick and tired of the play it safe dem's, sick of it.

And if she placates the rabid base that is demanding blood, the Independents will turn on the democrats in the next election. Plus, if she tries to take out Trump and fails, she'll be in his cross hairs. She's in a tough spot.
And if she does NOTHING, THAN WHAT?
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
The day I go to jail for wanting that lying sack of dog shit Trump to be impeached is the day I will own this country with a law suit and you and yours will be paying me. Its time you thin skinned cowards get over yourselves and realize you do not own this country or me.
Ahhhh you just mad people talk differently then you.. still not a reason
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.

I pity Nancy.

On the one hand, she could begin the impeachment process and have it wind up like the Mueller investigation did, only $30 million cheaper for taxpayers, or she can sit back and continue to say Trump is a KGB agent of Putin while doing nothing.

As bad as those options are, the later seems probably to be the best for her.

You have to understand, the democrat party is full of spineless liars that only know how to sling poo around like the monkeys they are.
If she does nothing, dem's will pay the price 2020....and that is fact. We are sick and tired of the play it safe dem's, sick of it.

And if she placates the rabid base that is demanding blood, the Independents will turn on the democrats in the next election. Plus, if she tries to take out Trump and fails, she'll be in his cross hairs. She's in a tough spot.
And if she does NOTHING, THAN WHAT?

Then, if they focus on legislation instead of get-Trump 24/7, she has a chance of holding the Independents. If she insists instead on chasing him for two years, likely not.

But it all comes down to how strong her rabid base is. If they're strong enough, the democrats get wiped out in 2020 as the base stays home.
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
As long as the Right keeps pedaling stupid, the Left will be alright. This last election proved that.

Orange man bad, people good.

I thought this was your mantra.
I've got some way better than that.
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
As long as the Right keeps pedaling stupid, the Left will be alright. This last election proved that.
You guys are so divided .. you can’t win a national election
There is insufficient popular support for impeaching Trump.

And even if Trump were removed from office via the impeachment process, Pence would become president – Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse. Replacing one corrupt, failed Republican administration with another will in no manner benefit the Nation.

There is insufficient popular support for impeaching Trump - as of yet. So, let the investigation begin.

But we know the Senate would never, ever convict, so you are safe from Pence, even if the House impeaches.

There is another, mostly overlooked aspect to that whole sordid saga, on top of making it clear that corruption on Trump's level doesn't get a pass in a country governed by laws: As Democratic support for impeachment ramps up, Dems might lose support if they don't. So, given the House investigation yields sufficient evidence to impeach, and Dems can gather enough popular support for it, let McConnell's Senate hold that shit bag in the form of a failure to convict. It makes clear that the (once) GOP is the party of Trump, the party of corruption, the party of looking the other way. I, for one, can't see anything wrong with that.
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.

I think we should lock your dumb ass away just because I don't like you and you piss me off. Is that okay too, shitforbrains?
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
As long as the Right keeps pedaling stupid, the Left will be alright. This last election proved that.
You guys are so divided .. you can’t win a national election
You're right. Not with cheating; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.

I pity Nancy.

On the one hand, she could begin the impeachment process and have it wind up like the Mueller investigation did, only $30 million cheaper for taxpayers, or she can sit back and continue to say Trump is a KGB agent of Putin while doing nothing.

As bad as those options are, the later seems probably to be the best for her.

You have to understand, the democrat party is full of spineless liars that only know how to sling poo around like the monkeys they are.
If she does nothing, dem's will pay the price 2020....and that is fact. We are sick and tired of the play it safe dem's, sick of it.

Sure, so you will vote for Trump then?


You have no other options that to vote for them and they know it. They don't care about people like you.
I didn't vote for Hillary and I show as hell will never, can never ever ever vote for a white bitch that hates my black ass. He's the only human being on the planet, I absolutely despise!!
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants

Your ignorance is overwhelming. Anti-government rants are covered under “freedom of speech” and are in no way illegal.

Treason is defined in your criminal code as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of declared war”. Unless your helping the Taliban, there’s no potential for a treason charge.

The impeachment is because Trump is a criminal who conspired with your enemies, not because Democrats lost the election. Even if Trump is impeached and removed from office, Pence would be President and Republicans would still control the Senate.

Mueller didn’t say “no collusion”, he said there was”insufficient evidence” to convict on conspiracy. Not “no evidence”, just not enough evidence. But there is more than enough evidence of obstruction which is ongoing.
No you have no evidence you had a defensive mueller who had his ass handed to him for two year by trump daring him to find him guilty of anything.. and the end result was I don’t know what to say but here congress lol
He was up set with the investigation so that’s obstruction hahah
You can’t over throw the government because your feelings are hurt..
grow up

Well here you are repeating all of Trump’s lies. Donald Trump will be impeached for obstruction of justice. The entire world watched him do this in real time so don’t pretend it didn’t happen. This has nothing to do with “hurt feelings”. The only feelings that are hurt or are those of Trump and fools like you who believe his lies.

Dangling pardons, intimidating witnesses, threatening their families via Twitter, and all the while undermining the FBI and the CIA with his lies and his false accusations.

Now we have this bullshit about an attempted coup. A coup is an armed revolution seeking to forcefully overthrow the government. The investigation of a sitting president for illegal activities possibly leading to impeachment is not a coup. But keep ranting on about things that never happened while ignoring the very real Russian interference that did.

If Trump’s feelings are hurt now wait until the testimony of his impeachment trial. He’s a liar he’s a thief and he’s a comman enabled by ignorant Russian trolls like you.

Keep dreaming. They have shit on Trump. Sucks for you. You will deal with him till 2024. I love it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As good as it would feel to impeach the Fat Bastard, impeaching over his obstruction right now would not pass the Senate and would set a bad precedent as Republicans would impeach over every internet conspiracy theory
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
Don't be stupier than you have...

Oh, it's you.

Never mind, too late.
Lol I’m stupid .. you want to impeach because your feelings are hurt ha
Yes. You're stupid.

It's easy to tell because you believe that nonsense.
Who’s your president?
The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Oh wow, that's funny right there. I don't care who you are.
Don't be stupier than you have...

Oh, it's you.

Never mind, too late.
Lol I’m stupid .. you want to impeach because your feelings are hurt ha
Yes. You're stupid.

It's easy to tell because you believe that nonsense.
Who’s your president?
The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Oh wow, that's funny right there. I don't care who you are.
Ok Laughing Boy, just what do you find funny about it?
How do we "all know that Trump is waiting for an impeachment charge"? This is all left wing bull shit designed to impact the dismal showing of the democrat party clown car candidates. What the timid transgender angry incoherent left can't seem to grasp is that they aren't dealing with a president like Bush who tried to take every side in a political fight and cringed from controversy. Democrats are confronted with a President with a set of balls and they can't seem to deal with that concept.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
As long as the Right keeps pedaling stupid, the Left will be alright. This last election proved that.
You guys are so divided .. you can’t win a national election
You're right. Not with cheating; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

Yea I’m rural areas not urban cities moron
If I hear one more time, the reason why the cowardly Dem's will not start an impeachment inquiry I'm gonna scream. See this is the problem I have with people in this country...we live toooo gotdamn much in the past..Watergate and Clinton was decades ago, Nancy. No internet, no 25 hour news, times have changed. Praying for Trump is not enough, dear...we need to impeach the bitch and call it a day, even if the senate passes, at least we can say we tried.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
As long as the Right keeps pedaling stupid, the Left will be alright. This last election proved that.
You guys are so divided .. you can’t win a national election
Can you blame the other party for being divided when the other party is nothing but a gigantic pay to play scheme. Trump and his campaign were nothing but one big RICO operation with pay to play. And you idiots voted for that shit.
You can’t impeach because you lost an election lol .. careful you might find your self in jail for treason if you keep up your rants
We had a proven illegal election. Not a real election.
Cool story
As long as the Right keeps pedaling stupid, the Left will be alright. This last election proved that.
You guys are so divided .. you can’t win a national election
Can you blame the other party for being divided when the other party is nothing but a gigantic pay to play scheme. Trump and his campaign were nothing but one big RICO operation with pay to play. And you idiots voted for that shit.

Cool story

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