We all know that Trump is wanting an impeachment charge...give it to him Nancy

Any one with a working brain cell can see that Trump is just begging for an impeachment charge so that he can use it for 2020. Please Nancy, please give the clown what he wants....the country is begging for it too.

They're working on it. It's their constitutional duty; Nadler echoes Mueller in Trump obstruction probe

I don't see where any more "probing" is really needed. Mueller and the Deep State have tooked into this for 4 years since Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator.

The Mule had an unlimited budget., did everything short of putting Dr. Corsi's head into a vise to get him to Lie about his President.

Came up with nothing.

However, if the libs think the case is proven, they should put it up for a vote. The Libs have majority in the House, they can get President Trump impeached this afternoon if they had any guts.
The Op is a chowder head.

If Pelousy tries to impeach Trump the Dems can kiss their asses goodbye.

She already said that there would be no impeachment try.

If she does go for it its pure desperation.

I'll be LMAO as I watch.
What the fuck are you talking about? The only reason Pelousy the coward won't impeach Trump is because wrongly so, she thinks the bitch is gonna be voted out next Nov and that the senate will never allow the bill to proceed pass the congress. The dem's can kiss their ass's good bye if they don't impeach and that's a fuckin fact. We made history putting these people in a super majority 2018 and unless they follow our demands, they will be out but it won't be because of not impeaching the clown moron
The ONLY reason they regained control in the House
was because of all the turbulence and chaos
they were creating and blaming on Trump
from the moment he won, leading up to the 2018 elections

They were able to convince voters,
they were the only ones who could and would
restore civility and functionality in Washington

People see now that was a load of crap
He didn't win. An illegal election is not winning.
Trump the AH has made a mockery of the powers of congress All you bullshit patriots can go to hell Hopefully it comes back one day to bite you in the ass

Congress has the power to impeach President Trump if they want.

Just because they don't want, doesn't say anything bad about Trump.

Right now, the House of Representatives have given up on all legislation for the people. Their sole business now is investigating the Trumpster. What do they have , like 20 investigations against him? Trump isn't forcing them to do that,they are doing it on their own.
PAY thru the nose Polak
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.

And, notwithstanding Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he would not play golf at all, the White House has done preliminary work for Trump’s visit to his resort on the west coast of Ireland next month, according to Irish media and government sources, even though no official meeting with Irish leaders is planned in the capital, Dublin.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced that Trump would meet with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Shannon, just 30 miles by air from Trump’s golf resort in Doonbeg. It will be the first time Trump will visit a foreign country — with the staggering footprint of personnel and equipment that entails — for the main purpose of playing golf, though an official purpose was layered on after the fact.

“It’s obviously an incredible waste of money,” said Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen. He then quipped: “Of course, the more time he spends golfing, the less time he spends governing, the better.”

The $102 million total to date spent on Trump’s presidential golfing represents 255 times the annual presidential salary he volunteered not to take. It is more than three times the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Trump continually complains about. It would fund for six years the Special Olympics program that Trump’s proposed budget had originally cut to save money.

While Republicans and Trump himself frequently criticized former President Barack Obama for his golf outings, Trump has spent more than twice as many days on the links, to date, as Obama did at the same point in his first term. And because Trump has insisted on dozens of trips to New Jersey and Florida to play at his resorts there, taxpayers are spending more than three times as much as they did for golf by the same point in Obama’s term.

People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Trump the AH has made a mockery of the powers of congress All you bullshit patriots can go to hell Hopefully it comes back one day to bite you in the ass

Congress has the power to impeach President Trump if they want.

Just because they don't want, doesn't say anything bad about Trump.

Right now, the House of Representatives have given up on all legislation for the people. Their sole business now is investigating the Trumpster. What do they have , like 20 investigations against him? Trump isn't forcing them to do that,they are doing it on their own.
PAY thru the nose Polak
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.

And, notwithstanding Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he would not play golf at all, the White House has done preliminary work for Trump’s visit to his resort on the west coast of Ireland next month, according to Irish media and government sources, even though no official meeting with Irish leaders is planned in the capital, Dublin.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced that Trump would meet with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Shannon, just 30 miles by air from Trump’s golf resort in Doonbeg. It will be the first time Trump will visit a foreign country — with the staggering footprint of personnel and equipment that entails — for the main purpose of playing golf, though an official purpose was layered on after the fact.

“It’s obviously an incredible waste of money,” said Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen. He then quipped: “Of course, the more time he spends golfing, the less time he spends governing, the better.”

The $102 million total to date spent on Trump’s presidential golfing represents 255 times the annual presidential salary he volunteered not to take. It is more than three times the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Trump continually complains about. It would fund for six years the Special Olympics program that Trump’s proposed budget had originally cut to save money.

While Republicans and Trump himself frequently criticized former President Barack Obama for his golf outings, Trump has spent more than twice as many days on the links, to date, as Obama did at the same point in his first term. And because Trump has insisted on dozens of trips to New Jersey and Florida to play at his resorts there, taxpayers are spending more than three times as much as they did for golf by the same point in Obama’s term.

People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?
Congress has the power to impeach President Trump if they want.

Just because they don't want, doesn't say anything bad about Trump.

Right now, the House of Representatives have given up on all legislation for the people. Their sole business now is investigating the Trumpster. What do they have , like 20 investigations against him? Trump isn't forcing them to do that,they are doing it on their own.
PAY thru the nose Polak
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.

And, notwithstanding Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he would not play golf at all, the White House has done preliminary work for Trump’s visit to his resort on the west coast of Ireland next month, according to Irish media and government sources, even though no official meeting with Irish leaders is planned in the capital, Dublin.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced that Trump would meet with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Shannon, just 30 miles by air from Trump’s golf resort in Doonbeg. It will be the first time Trump will visit a foreign country — with the staggering footprint of personnel and equipment that entails — for the main purpose of playing golf, though an official purpose was layered on after the fact.

“It’s obviously an incredible waste of money,” said Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen. He then quipped: “Of course, the more time he spends golfing, the less time he spends governing, the better.”

The $102 million total to date spent on Trump’s presidential golfing represents 255 times the annual presidential salary he volunteered not to take. It is more than three times the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Trump continually complains about. It would fund for six years the Special Olympics program that Trump’s proposed budget had originally cut to save money.

While Republicans and Trump himself frequently criticized former President Barack Obama for his golf outings, Trump has spent more than twice as many days on the links, to date, as Obama did at the same point in his first term. And because Trump has insisted on dozens of trips to New Jersey and Florida to play at his resorts there, taxpayers are spending more than three times as much as they did for golf by the same point in Obama’s term.

People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?

If that is all the shit you want to believe, it is fine with me.
Congress has the power to impeach President Trump if they want.

Just because they don't want, doesn't say anything bad about Trump.

Right now, the House of Representatives have given up on all legislation for the people. Their sole business now is investigating the Trumpster. What do they have , like 20 investigations against him? Trump isn't forcing them to do that,they are doing it on their own.
PAY thru the nose Polak
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.

And, notwithstanding Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he would not play golf at all, the White House has done preliminary work for Trump’s visit to his resort on the west coast of Ireland next month, according to Irish media and government sources, even though no official meeting with Irish leaders is planned in the capital, Dublin.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced that Trump would meet with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Shannon, just 30 miles by air from Trump’s golf resort in Doonbeg. It will be the first time Trump will visit a foreign country — with the staggering footprint of personnel and equipment that entails — for the main purpose of playing golf, though an official purpose was layered on after the fact.

“It’s obviously an incredible waste of money,” said Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen. He then quipped: “Of course, the more time he spends golfing, the less time he spends governing, the better.”

The $102 million total to date spent on Trump’s presidential golfing represents 255 times the annual presidential salary he volunteered not to take. It is more than three times the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Trump continually complains about. It would fund for six years the Special Olympics program that Trump’s proposed budget had originally cut to save money.

While Republicans and Trump himself frequently criticized former President Barack Obama for his golf outings, Trump has spent more than twice as many days on the links, to date, as Obama did at the same point in his first term. And because Trump has insisted on dozens of trips to New Jersey and Florida to play at his resorts there, taxpayers are spending more than three times as much as they did for golf by the same point in Obama’s term.

People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?

The Global War on Terror was launched by the Axis of Evil, not President Bush. The economy tanked during President Bush's reign, yes.

But I have never heard what the libs say he did to actually tank it. I saw it as more a crisis is high risk, subprime loans that Liberals forced banks to make.
PAY thru the nose Polak
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.

And, notwithstanding Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he would not play golf at all, the White House has done preliminary work for Trump’s visit to his resort on the west coast of Ireland next month, according to Irish media and government sources, even though no official meeting with Irish leaders is planned in the capital, Dublin.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced that Trump would meet with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Shannon, just 30 miles by air from Trump’s golf resort in Doonbeg. It will be the first time Trump will visit a foreign country — with the staggering footprint of personnel and equipment that entails — for the main purpose of playing golf, though an official purpose was layered on after the fact.

“It’s obviously an incredible waste of money,” said Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen. He then quipped: “Of course, the more time he spends golfing, the less time he spends governing, the better.”

The $102 million total to date spent on Trump’s presidential golfing represents 255 times the annual presidential salary he volunteered not to take. It is more than three times the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Trump continually complains about. It would fund for six years the Special Olympics program that Trump’s proposed budget had originally cut to save money.

While Republicans and Trump himself frequently criticized former President Barack Obama for his golf outings, Trump has spent more than twice as many days on the links, to date, as Obama did at the same point in his first term. And because Trump has insisted on dozens of trips to New Jersey and Florida to play at his resorts there, taxpayers are spending more than three times as much as they did for golf by the same point in Obama’s term.

People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?

If that is all the shit you want to believe, it is fine with me.
Facts proved to us that Bush took us into a fabricated war; The Secret History of ISIS

PAY thru the nose Polak
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.

And, notwithstanding Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he would not play golf at all, the White House has done preliminary work for Trump’s visit to his resort on the west coast of Ireland next month, according to Irish media and government sources, even though no official meeting with Irish leaders is planned in the capital, Dublin.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced that Trump would meet with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Shannon, just 30 miles by air from Trump’s golf resort in Doonbeg. It will be the first time Trump will visit a foreign country — with the staggering footprint of personnel and equipment that entails — for the main purpose of playing golf, though an official purpose was layered on after the fact.

“It’s obviously an incredible waste of money,” said Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen. He then quipped: “Of course, the more time he spends golfing, the less time he spends governing, the better.”

The $102 million total to date spent on Trump’s presidential golfing represents 255 times the annual presidential salary he volunteered not to take. It is more than three times the cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Trump continually complains about. It would fund for six years the Special Olympics program that Trump’s proposed budget had originally cut to save money.

While Republicans and Trump himself frequently criticized former President Barack Obama for his golf outings, Trump has spent more than twice as many days on the links, to date, as Obama did at the same point in his first term. And because Trump has insisted on dozens of trips to New Jersey and Florida to play at his resorts there, taxpayers are spending more than three times as much as they did for golf by the same point in Obama’s term.

People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?

The Global War on Terror was launched by the Axis of Evil, not President Bush. The economy tanked during President Bush's reign, yes.

But I have never heard what the libs say he did to actually tank it. I saw it as more a crisis is high risk, subprime loans that Liberals forced banks to make.
Negative. Cheney was the kingpin to manufacture a war that would later create ISIS;

The Secret History of ISIS
Some folks, with the exception of funny faces, are brain dead.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Nope. You can continue in that delusion if your want, but it's still a delusion.
A bigger delusion are republicans who think of trump as a fine man a great representative of America

Well let’s see. His approval rating is up and you keep beating a dead horse with the Russia collusion and we will have our President Trump till 2024. Your shipping is sinking fast and Americans are tired of your tactics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
People bitched about Clinton, Bush and Obama's travels, I don't care they are on call 24/7/365. It's all good to me. I had bigger issues with the way the four Presidents handle or handled issues, this is a big 0 to me.
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?

If that is all the shit you want to believe, it is fine with me.
Facts proved to us that Bush took us into a fabricated war; The Secret History of ISIS

The Islamic State was founded by Hillary Clinton and B. Hussein O through their incompetence. President Trump made that clear.

BTW, Trump is friends of the Bush Family. Remember it was the Bushes who tried to sabotage his 2016 campaign with the Access Hollywood tapes.
The Republican party has been running an operation of profit for the very few, at the expense of thousands of our troops, and millions of innocent foreigners for decades.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Nope. You can continue in that delusion if your want, but it's still a delusion.
A bigger delusion are republicans who think of trump as a fine man a great representative of America
Trump is the answer to what America has become. He knows how to answer you. For he learned,worked and made his money in the belly of the beast. His involvement in the entertainment industry taught him everything needed to give it back. He has to keep his tweet retorts near G rated as to not offend people inclined to be so. The greatest thing he did was to show us all who the shills, frauds and sell outs are. Even so, we still vote many of the political ones into office. When you do take over, you will end up killing millions.
Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.
If you lived in NY I'd buy you dinner and a drink Exactly my feelings about Trump
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Nope. You can continue in that delusion if your want, but it's still a delusion.
A bigger delusion are republicans who think of trump as a fine man a great representative of America

Well let’s see. His approval rating is up and you keep beating a dead horse with the Russia collusion and we will have our President Trump till 2024. Your shipping is sinking fast and Americans are tired of your tactics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If polls are rising, the country should be ashamed. Who in good conscience would support a criminal? Answer, bad people who have abandoned their own country, that's who.
The Republican party has been running an operation of profit for the very few, at the expense of thousands of our troops, and millions of innocent foreigners for decades.
Now the Chinese won't be attending our colleges ,,,estimated loss 14 billion because they pay full freight Immigration is down Another pin trump stuck into Americas balloon
Except the country complained about it. Now it's all good? Lol!

The Republicans complained about Clinton, the Democrats said it is all good. The Democrats complained about Bush, the Republicans said it was all good. The Republicans complained about Obama and the Democrats said it was all good. The Democrats complained about Trump, the Republicans said it was all good. See the partisan pattern? With all that is going on, I can't believe partisan idiots on either side giving a damn about it, however partisans haven't prove to be real smart.
Except Bush sent us to a fake war and tanked the economy. That isn't good. Democrats were right. Republicans complained about Obama. What's there to complain about?

If that is all the shit you want to believe, it is fine with me.
Facts proved to us that Bush took us into a fabricated war; The Secret History of ISIS

The Islamic State was founded by Hillary Clinton and B. Hussein O through their incompetence. President Trump made that clear.

BTW, Trump is friends of the Bush Family. Remember it was the Bushes who tried to sabotage his 2016 campaign with the Access Hollywood tapes.

You didn't pay attention to the evidence provided by the CIA in the video. No one even Knew Obama in the early two thousands. Your information is 100% false and you can't prove that.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Nope. You can continue in that delusion if your want, but it's still a delusion.
A bigger delusion are republicans who think of trump as a fine man a great representative of America

Well let’s see. His approval rating is up and you keep beating a dead horse with the Russia collusion and we will have our President Trump till 2024. Your shipping is sinking fast and Americans are tired of your tactics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If polls are rising, the country should be ashamed. Who in good conscience would support a criminal? Answer, bad people who have abandoned their own country, that's who.
But yet they kiss his ass support him in whatever crap he pulls
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Nope. You can continue in that delusion if your want, but it's still a delusion.
A bigger delusion are republicans who think of trump as a fine man a great representative of America
Trump is the answer to what America has become. He knows how to answer you. For he learned,worked and made his money in the belly of the beast. His involvement in the entertainment industry taught him everything needed to give it back. He has to keep his tweet retorts near G rated as to not offend people inclined to be so. The greatest thing he did was to show us all who the shills, frauds and sell outs are. Even so, we still vote many of the political ones into office. When you do take over, you will end up killing millions.
Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.
If you lived in NY I'd buy you dinner and a drink Exactly my feelings about Trump
I don't, but I love the place. Most act like decent human beings and the food and drink is awesome. A nice Liberal place to live. Will give you a heads up the next time I am there. Thanks!
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Nope. You can continue in that delusion if your want, but it's still a delusion.
A bigger delusion are republicans who think of trump as a fine man a great representative of America

Well let’s see. His approval rating is up and you keep beating a dead horse with the Russia collusion and we will have our President Trump till 2024. Your shipping is sinking fast and Americans are tired of your tactics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If polls are rising, the country should be ashamed. Who in good conscience would support a criminal? Answer, bad people who have abandoned their own country, that's who.
But yet they kiss his ass support him in whatever crap he pulls
Unfortunately it's a cult. Once you lock yourself into that, those folks are done for. You can't bring them back. Trump is their religion. No manner of logic, facts, reason, truth, or evidence will bring them out of it. Trumps religion of criminality is the opium of his base. Nothing we can do. Trump could literally snatch their families from them and Trump would use them as martyr's, and they would let him do it. The best we can hope for with folks like this, is if Hale -Bopp swings back around for a second time to pick up all these Trump stragglers from his base.

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