We already have a Dream Act...It's called "The Immigration Process"

My husband and I are dual. The legal process is brutal but worth it. Mind you, we had an advantage with my husband being sponsored by a mega company to get to Saturn in Tennessee and of course all our relatives down south. And my past history in rock working both sides of the border.

And by the way it pisses me clean off reading about the lottery system PPG had to prove that my husband and his team that came down from Canada to launch waterborne paint at Saturn could do a job that NO AMERICAN could do.

They freaking jumped thru hoops to get him there.Paid a fortune. And I find out all these years later Democrats just opened the doors to pigs like that terrorist and a family freaking chain?

Oh I'm pissed.
My great grand parents immigrated to America legally. They were the original DREAMERS. Ellis island and all that. So I am a child of the original REAL actual dreamers. But I feel sorry for wetback babies that are just the by product of a broken culture and broken ideology.
McConnell promised Flake a vote on “Dream” amnesty, yet there is no such promise to vote on Tom Cotton’s Raise Act, which would end chain migration and the diversity lottery. The Raise Act is not just an economic issue, it’s a national security issue.
The US immigration system is heavily family oriented, and professional skills are way down on the list. It may cost a fortune to get a skilled professional into the USA, and it is a very slow process, but to immigrate as a family member is quick and cheap.
McConnell promised Flake a vote on “Dream” amnesty, yet there is no such promise to vote on Tom Cotton’s Raise Act, which would end chain migration and the diversity lottery. The Raise Act is not just an economic issue, it’s a national security issue.

McConnell only promised a vote IF the Senate comes to an agreement on DACA which I doubt they will!
Now get your asses in line, do it the right way and stop taking from legal American Citizens.

Contrary to your belief I can assure you that 100% of them wants to get in line but it’s more complicated than that.
In order to get in line. They have to go back to their countries, apply whatever paperwork which will take several years maybe 8 or 10. Or NEVER.
At the same leaving the family and jobs at the same time.
Now get your asses in line, do it the right way and stop taking from legal American Citizens.

Contrary to your belief I can assure you that 100% of them wants to get in line but it’s more complicated than that.
In order to get in line. They have to go back to their countries, apply whatever paperwork which will take several years maybe 8 or 10. Or NEVER.
At the same leaving the family and jobs at the same time.

If those are the rules then you have to follow the rules! If I want to go live in France, Mexico, Japan, Canada, etc. I CANNOT make up my own rules!! I need to follow the rules of those nations!
If your parents sneak you into DisneyWorld without paying, is it Disney' fault when you are booted out, or is it your parent's fault?
Now get your asses in line, do it the right way and stop taking from legal American Citizens.

Contrary to your belief I can assure you that 100% of them wants to get in line but it’s more complicated than that.
In order to get in line. They have to go back to their countries, apply whatever paperwork which will take several years maybe 8 or 10. Or NEVER.
At the same leaving the family and jobs at the same time.

No, not 100%

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