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We already know know Trump can't rein in govt spending, so what plan do the Dems have to lower spending?

Hahaha hilarious. A bunch of socialists think they can balance the budget!

How many trillions is the green new deal gonna cost?

What about expanded ObamaCare?

what about their $1000/month to every American?

what about reparations?

What kind of fantasy do you DemonRats Live in?
Trump increased Obama deficits. Dems seem to have the better record.

Great, so which Democrat is going to cut Medicare and Social Security and other entitlements?
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There are two pillars of fiscal responsibility. One is to increase your revenue to meet expenses. The other is to eliminate UNNECESSARY SPENDING.

They'll cut defence the bloated and totally unnecessary defence spending budget. They'll stop construction on Trump's border wall, and eliminate the concentration camps on the border. There is a lot of pork and waste going to Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the military industrial complex.

Then they'll increase revenues. First by raising the corporate tax to 28%, and closing the loopholes which allow the most profitable company in the world, Amazon, to pay no taxes. Next they'll cancel the Trump tax cuts for the super wealthy. 80% of Trump's tax cuts went to the top 10%. That cancellation will raise the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.

Most importantly, Democrats will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and reinstate Obama's overtime mandate for low wage "managers". This will reduce the need for Section 8 housing assitance, SNAP benefits, and other income supports for low wage workers, both increasing taxes paid by working Americans, and reducing the need for income supports for minimum wage workers.

Republicans are always critical of "tax and spend" Democrats. But notice that the "tax" comes before the "spending" by Democrats. When Democrats introduce a public program, they create a means to fund the program. When Republicans create a program (MediCare Part D), they add it to the government credit card.

Republicans "cut and spend". They cut taxes for millionaires, and then spend like drunken sailors to mitigate the economic damage done to the economy by doing so. Republicans then claim that the increased revenues generated by the government spending, demonstrate the benefits to the economy of the tax cuts. Both the tax cuts, and the increased government spending, are added to the deficit.

Republicans say that the "tax cuts will pay for themselves". The Office of Budget Management has said that no tax cut in the history of the nation, has EVER paid for itself. Republicans say that "tax cuts create jobs". The Labor Department has said that tax cuts do NOT create jobs. The increases in the labor market following Republican tax cuts is because of increased government spending on the military, and infrastructure following the tax cuts, which creates the jobs.

Every large Republican tax cut and spending spree has been followed by an economic collapse, each worse than the last. Trump has the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression, and the pain and unemployement is rising, now that government payroll assistance has ended.

Americans are just starting to feel the economic pain.

The Democrats didn't do these things under Obama so what makes you think they would under Biden?

Democrats didn't do these things because Republicans held the House and the Senate, and Mitch McConnell refuses to pass any legislation to make these things possible. After November 3rd, Democrats will have the House, the Senate and the White House.

Republicans have proven over and over again that they are utterly lacking in the ability to run the country, or manage the economy. 40 years after Roosevelt's New Deal, Americans were living the "American Dream". LBJ's War against Poverty lifted millions of Americans out of poverty through opportunity and education, and the United States was the world's leading superpower with a powerhouse economy.

40 years of Republican public policy and tax codes has seen 80% of the wealth and income of the nation flowing to the wealthiest corporations and individual. That's up from 40% when Reagan took office. Republicans have created the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world - all of it upward, from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

40 years of Republican public policy and state management have reduced the standing of the USA in education, infrastructure, and standard of living versus the rest of the world. You are the only country in the first world with declining life expectancy. It's gone down in each of the past 5 years BEFORE covid19 killed more Americans than any other nation on earth.

Obama had the House and Senate from 2008-2010 and lost it because of them not doing what the public wanted. You want to try again? I tire of this Republican did this and that BS. Why are Democrats such poor victims? Reagan was the downfall of America, that's the stupid chant. Never in Reagan's 8 years did he hold both houses of Congress. The Democrats had at least the House of the Senate. Another pesky fact, since 1933, or 87 years, the Democrats have held the Presidency 48 years, the Senate 62 years and the House 66 years. The Democrats have held the Presidency, the Senate and the House for 34 years, while the Republicans have had that advantage 8 times.

So please, the Democrats have had most the power and have had the policies for a lot longer than the Republicans, yet you blame the Republicans.

Reagan and O'Neill cut the loopholes out of the tax codes and as the years have progressed both Democrats and Republicans have added them back.

Your whole diatribe is based on nothing factual, just your opinion, which with $5 will get you coffee at Starbucks.
Repubs have held more in recent years and it hasn’t been good...

It hasn't been good since the 30's. We tax and spend and then spend more. We can't seem to spend fast enough. Washington is the rich making laws for the rich, then throw crumbs at the masses and they think it is great. We need to rid ourselves of spenders and taxers. We need responsible leadership and neither party has supplied that for decades.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

No one has a plan, because the American people are unwilling to take the hit.

The bottom line is, entitlements MUST be cut. And they won't be. The moment they try and cut Social Security, or Medicare, the public will have a toddler level temper tantrum, until things get so bad that they have no choice.

We've had two specific chances to tackle this problem, and the public simply doesn't care about math, and facts.... they "feel" like they deserve these things, and therefore they'll vote anyone into office who will tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not.

The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

Bush got rolled on this. People opposed it, and it was shot down.

The second chance was Greece.

Greece had the exact same problem. People warned Greece that their pension system was completely unsustainable. They warned them over and over, there isn't money for all these benefits. They warned them in the 1990s, all the way until the pension system ran out of money, the health care system ran out of money, the mass transit system ran out of money, the education system ran out of money, the government went into default, and nearly the entire country fell into ruins.

That was our warning shot. That was the sign from G-d in the sky, warning people this does not work.

And we didn't learn anything.

So I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but at this point if we had two clear chances to fix the system, then I don't know could possibly happen in the future, that will prevent a future crash. I don't know what will have to happen in this country, to make people wake up and realize that socialism doesn't work because you run out of other people's money.

My guess is, that what will have to happen, is that we will either have a crisis in the bond market, and that will wake people up (a crisis in the bond market means people refuse to lend money to the US government), or we will have insane inflation, that will harm the economy and result in a depression.

And there is a chance that we actually have default. That is still a possibility, where everything tied to government just gets cut, and we'll see retirees outside banks, on the ground crying. We'll see hospitals closed, with patients on the steps outside, like we did in Greece.

That is a real possiblity, but I wager one of the other two things will happen. Who knows. We'll see.
How about we actually collect taxes from people like trump?

Blame Congress, not the rich, they just follow the laws.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

No one has a plan, because the American people are unwilling to take the hit.

The bottom line is, entitlements MUST be cut. And they won't be. The moment they try and cut Social Security, or Medicare, the public will have a toddler level temper tantrum, until things get so bad that they have no choice.

We've had two specific chances to tackle this problem, and the public simply doesn't care about math, and facts.... they "feel" like they deserve these things, and therefore they'll vote anyone into office who will tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not.

The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

Bush got rolled on this. People opposed it, and it was shot down.

The second chance was Greece.

Greece had the exact same problem. People warned Greece that their pension system was completely unsustainable. They warned them over and over, there isn't money for all these benefits. They warned them in the 1990s, all the way until the pension system ran out of money, the health care system ran out of money, the mass transit system ran out of money, the education system ran out of money, the government went into default, and nearly the entire country fell into ruins.

That was our warning shot. That was the sign from G-d in the sky, warning people this does not work.

And we didn't learn anything.

So I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but at this point if we had two clear chances to fix the system, then I don't know could possibly happen in the future, that will prevent a future crash. I don't know what will have to happen in this country, to make people wake up and realize that socialism doesn't work because you run out of other people's money.

My guess is, that what will have to happen, is that we will either have a crisis in the bond market, and that will wake people up (a crisis in the bond market means people refuse to lend money to the US government), or we will have insane inflation, that will harm the economy and result in a depression.

And there is a chance that we actually have default. That is still a possibility, where everything tied to government just gets cut, and we'll see retirees outside banks, on the ground crying. We'll see hospitals closed, with patients on the steps outside, like we did in Greece.

That is a real possiblity, but I wager one of the other two things will happen. Who knows. We'll see.
How about we actually collect taxes from people like trump?

Blame Congress, not the rich, they just follow the laws.
The rich buy Congress. Quite the mess eh?
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

No one has a plan, because the American people are unwilling to take the hit.

The bottom line is, entitlements MUST be cut. And they won't be. The moment they try and cut Social Security, or Medicare, the public will have a toddler level temper tantrum, until things get so bad that they have no choice.

We've had two specific chances to tackle this problem, and the public simply doesn't care about math, and facts.... they "feel" like they deserve these things, and therefore they'll vote anyone into office who will tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not.

The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

Bush got rolled on this. People opposed it, and it was shot down.

The second chance was Greece.

Greece had the exact same problem. People warned Greece that their pension system was completely unsustainable. They warned them over and over, there isn't money for all these benefits. They warned them in the 1990s, all the way until the pension system ran out of money, the health care system ran out of money, the mass transit system ran out of money, the education system ran out of money, the government went into default, and nearly the entire country fell into ruins.

That was our warning shot. That was the sign from G-d in the sky, warning people this does not work.

And we didn't learn anything.

So I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but at this point if we had two clear chances to fix the system, then I don't know could possibly happen in the future, that will prevent a future crash. I don't know what will have to happen in this country, to make people wake up and realize that socialism doesn't work because you run out of other people's money.

My guess is, that what will have to happen, is that we will either have a crisis in the bond market, and that will wake people up (a crisis in the bond market means people refuse to lend money to the US government), or we will have insane inflation, that will harm the economy and result in a depression.

And there is a chance that we actually have default. That is still a possibility, where everything tied to government just gets cut, and we'll see retirees outside banks, on the ground crying. We'll see hospitals closed, with patients on the steps outside, like we did in Greece.

That is a real possiblity, but I wager one of the other two things will happen. Who knows. We'll see.
How about we actually collect taxes from people like trump?

Blame Congress, not the rich, they just follow the laws.
The rich buy Congress. Quite the mess eh?

Yep, and we don't stop it.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There are two pillars of fiscal responsibility. One is to increase your revenue to meet expenses. The other is to eliminate UNNECESSARY SPENDING.

They'll cut defence the bloated and totally unnecessary defence spending budget. They'll stop construction on Trump's border wall, and eliminate the concentration camps on the border. There is a lot of pork and waste going to Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the military industrial complex.

Then they'll increase revenues. First by raising the corporate tax to 28%, and closing the loopholes which allow the most profitable company in the world, Amazon, to pay no taxes. Next they'll cancel the Trump tax cuts for the super wealthy. 80% of Trump's tax cuts went to the top 10%. That cancellation will raise the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.

Most importantly, Democrats will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and reinstate Obama's overtime mandate for low wage "managers". This will reduce the need for Section 8 housing assitance, SNAP benefits, and other income supports for low wage workers, both increasing taxes paid by working Americans, and reducing the need for income supports for minimum wage workers.

Republicans are always critical of "tax and spend" Democrats. But notice that the "tax" comes before the "spending" by Democrats. When Democrats introduce a public program, they create a means to fund the program. When Republicans create a program (MediCare Part D), they add it to the government credit card.

Republicans "cut and spend". They cut taxes for millionaires, and then spend like drunken sailors to mitigate the economic damage done to the economy by doing so. Republicans then claim that the increased revenues generated by the government spending, demonstrate the benefits to the economy of the tax cuts. Both the tax cuts, and the increased government spending, are added to the deficit.

Republicans say that the "tax cuts will pay for themselves". The Office of Budget Management has said that no tax cut in the history of the nation, has EVER paid for itself. Republicans say that "tax cuts create jobs". The Labor Department has said that tax cuts do NOT create jobs. The increases in the labor market following Republican tax cuts is because of increased government spending on the military, and infrastructure following the tax cuts, which creates the jobs.

Every large Republican tax cut and spending spree has been followed by an economic collapse, each worse than the last. Trump has the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression, and the pain and unemployement is rising, now that government payroll assistance has ended.

Americans are just starting to feel the economic pain.

The Democrats didn't do these things under Obama so what makes you think they would under Biden?

Democrats didn't do these things because Republicans held the House and the Senate, and Mitch McConnell refuses to pass any legislation to make these things possible. After November 3rd, Democrats will have the House, the Senate and the White House.

Republicans have proven over and over again that they are utterly lacking in the ability to run the country, or manage the economy. 40 years after Roosevelt's New Deal, Americans were living the "American Dream". LBJ's War against Poverty lifted millions of Americans out of poverty through opportunity and education, and the United States was the world's leading superpower with a powerhouse economy.

40 years of Republican public policy and tax codes has seen 80% of the wealth and income of the nation flowing to the wealthiest corporations and individual. That's up from 40% when Reagan took office. Republicans have created the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world - all of it upward, from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

40 years of Republican public policy and state management have reduced the standing of the USA in education, infrastructure, and standard of living versus the rest of the world. You are the only country in the first world with declining life expectancy. It's gone down in each of the past 5 years BEFORE covid19 killed more Americans than any other nation on earth.

Obama had the House and Senate from 2008-2010 and lost it because of them not doing what the public wanted. You want to try again? I tire of this Republican did this and that BS. Why are Democrats such poor victims? Reagan was the downfall of America, that's the stupid chant. Never in Reagan's 8 years did he hold both houses of Congress. The Democrats had at least the House of the Senate. Another pesky fact, since 1933, or 87 years, the Democrats have held the Presidency 48 years, the Senate 62 years and the House 66 years. The Democrats have held the Presidency, the Senate and the House for 34 years, while the Republicans have had that advantage 8 times.

So please, the Democrats have had most the power and have had the policies for a lot longer than the Republicans, yet you blame the Republicans.

Reagan and O'Neill cut the loopholes out of the tax codes and as the years have progressed both Democrats and Republicans have added them back.

Your whole diatribe is based on nothing factual, just your opinion, which with $5 will get you coffee at Starbucks.
Repubs have held more in recent years and it hasn’t been good...

It hasn't been good since the 30's. We tax and spend and then spend more. We can't seem to spend fast enough. Washington is the rich making laws for the rich, then throw crumbs at the masses and they think it is great. We need to rid ourselves of spenders and taxers. We need responsible leadership and neither party has supplied that for decades.
I think we have had more good times than you think. Deficits really didn’t get out of control till Reagan. We had a chance after Clinton.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

No one has a plan, because the American people are unwilling to take the hit.

The bottom line is, entitlements MUST be cut. And they won't be. The moment they try and cut Social Security, or Medicare, the public will have a toddler level temper tantrum, until things get so bad that they have no choice.

We've had two specific chances to tackle this problem, and the public simply doesn't care about math, and facts.... they "feel" like they deserve these things, and therefore they'll vote anyone into office who will tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not.

The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

Bush got rolled on this. People opposed it, and it was shot down.

The second chance was Greece.

Greece had the exact same problem. People warned Greece that their pension system was completely unsustainable. They warned them over and over, there isn't money for all these benefits. They warned them in the 1990s, all the way until the pension system ran out of money, the health care system ran out of money, the mass transit system ran out of money, the education system ran out of money, the government went into default, and nearly the entire country fell into ruins.

That was our warning shot. That was the sign from G-d in the sky, warning people this does not work.

And we didn't learn anything.

So I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but at this point if we had two clear chances to fix the system, then I don't know could possibly happen in the future, that will prevent a future crash. I don't know what will have to happen in this country, to make people wake up and realize that socialism doesn't work because you run out of other people's money.

My guess is, that what will have to happen, is that we will either have a crisis in the bond market, and that will wake people up (a crisis in the bond market means people refuse to lend money to the US government), or we will have insane inflation, that will harm the economy and result in a depression.

And there is a chance that we actually have default. That is still a possibility, where everything tied to government just gets cut, and we'll see retirees outside banks, on the ground crying. We'll see hospitals closed, with patients on the steps outside, like we did in Greece.

That is a real possiblity, but I wager one of the other two things will happen. Who knows. We'll see.
How about we actually collect taxes from people like trump?

Because it doesn't work. It's never worked in all human history. The French tried it.

The wealth tax in France, resulted in hundreds of thousands leaving France.

Wealthy are leaving NYC.

Wealthy are leaving California.

Rich left Venezuela.

And I could list thousands of other examples. Why did Apple open a major branch in Ireland? Because at the time the US corporate tax rate was 35%, and Ireland's was 12.5%. So they moved operations there instead of elsewhere.

The idea of making other people pay for what you want.... has never worked in all human history.

Name one country with massive welfare programs, that does not tax the poor and middle class to pay for it?

Seriously, if your system worked, why has not a single country done it? Why are the poor and middle class of Denmark paying 40% to 60% of their income in taxes? Why didn't they just make all the super rich in Denmark, like Lars Larsen the muilti-billionaire retail store businessman, pay for everything? Why are people flipping burgers paying 40% of their income in taxes in Denmark?

Because your system doesn't work. Never has. Never. Not one time. Every single dollar that is paid out in government benefits, at some point come from the employees.

Just like how they say "employer side tax", is not paid by employers. It's paid by employees. Employers simply pay employees less in wages, to pay the "employer side tax". Employees pay the taxes. No the rich.

The rich will never pay more in tax. If the tax rate is too high, they hide their money.

Screenshot_2020-10-02 tax rate vs effective tax rate - Google Search.png

One of the most well known graphs in economics. The amount of money collected, verses the marginal tax rates.

Notice a pattern there? When they jacked up the taxes on the rich, the amount of actual money collected was never significantly higher, than when the rates were lower.

Your system doesn't work. If there is any conclusive, undeniable fact, in economics... it is that your system of "Make others pay for it" does not work. Never has. Never will.

If you want more and more social programs, and social spending, you will have to drastically increase taxes on the poor and middle class. Trying to get it from the rich, just won't work. We've tried that throughout the world, for a hundred years. Doesn't work.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

No one has a plan, because the American people are unwilling to take the hit.

The bottom line is, entitlements MUST be cut. And they won't be. The moment they try and cut Social Security, or Medicare, the public will have a toddler level temper tantrum, until things get so bad that they have no choice.

We've had two specific chances to tackle this problem, and the public simply doesn't care about math, and facts.... they "feel" like they deserve these things, and therefore they'll vote anyone into office who will tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not.

The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

Bush got rolled on this. People opposed it, and it was shot down.

The second chance was Greece.

Greece had the exact same problem. People warned Greece that their pension system was completely unsustainable. They warned them over and over, there isn't money for all these benefits. They warned them in the 1990s, all the way until the pension system ran out of money, the health care system ran out of money, the mass transit system ran out of money, the education system ran out of money, the government went into default, and nearly the entire country fell into ruins.

That was our warning shot. That was the sign from G-d in the sky, warning people this does not work.

And we didn't learn anything.

So I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but at this point if we had two clear chances to fix the system, then I don't know could possibly happen in the future, that will prevent a future crash. I don't know what will have to happen in this country, to make people wake up and realize that socialism doesn't work because you run out of other people's money.

My guess is, that what will have to happen, is that we will either have a crisis in the bond market, and that will wake people up (a crisis in the bond market means people refuse to lend money to the US government), or we will have insane inflation, that will harm the economy and result in a depression.

And there is a chance that we actually have default. That is still a possibility, where everything tied to government just gets cut, and we'll see retirees outside banks, on the ground crying. We'll see hospitals closed, with patients on the steps outside, like we did in Greece.

That is a real possiblity, but I wager one of the other two things will happen. Who knows. We'll see.
How about we actually collect taxes from people like trump?

Because it doesn't work. It's never worked in all human history. The French tried it.

The wealth tax in France, resulted in hundreds of thousands leaving France.

Wealthy are leaving NYC.

Wealthy are leaving California.

Rich left Venezuela.

And I could list thousands of other examples. Why did Apple open a major branch in Ireland? Because at the time the US corporate tax rate was 35%, and Ireland's was 12.5%. So they moved operations there instead of elsewhere.

The idea of making other people pay for what you want.... has never worked in all human history.

Name one country with massive welfare programs, that does not tax the poor and middle class to pay for it?

Seriously, if your system worked, why has not a single country done it? Why are the poor and middle class of Denmark paying 40% to 60% of their income in taxes? Why didn't they just make all the super rich in Denmark, like Lars Larsen the muilti-billionaire retail store businessman, pay for everything? Why are people flipping burgers paying 40% of their income in taxes in Denmark?

Because your system doesn't work. Never has. Never. Not one time. Every single dollar that is paid out in government benefits, at some point come from the employees.

Just like how they say "employer side tax", is not paid by employers. It's paid by employees. Employers simply pay employees less in wages, to pay the "employer side tax". Employees pay the taxes. No the rich.

The rich will never pay more in tax. If the tax rate is too high, they hide their money.

View attachment 396130

One of the most well known graphs in economics. The amount of money collected, verses the marginal tax rates.

Notice a pattern there? When they jacked up the taxes on the rich, the amount of actual money collected was never significantly higher, than when the rates were lower.

Your system doesn't work. If there is any conclusive, undeniable fact, in economics... it is that your system of "Make others pay for it" does not work. Never has. Never will.

If you want more and more social programs, and social spending, you will have to drastically increase taxes on the poor and middle class. Trying to get it from the rich, just won't work. We've tried that throughout the world, for a hundred years. Doesn't work.
Worked fine for us when we did it. Works fine in Scandinavia. People like Trump shouldn’t be paying 0 or almost nothing.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

No one has a plan, because the American people are unwilling to take the hit.

The bottom line is, entitlements MUST be cut. And they won't be. The moment they try and cut Social Security, or Medicare, the public will have a toddler level temper tantrum, until things get so bad that they have no choice.

We've had two specific chances to tackle this problem, and the public simply doesn't care about math, and facts.... they "feel" like they deserve these things, and therefore they'll vote anyone into office who will tell them what they want to hear, whether it is true or not.

The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

Bush got rolled on this. People opposed it, and it was shot down.

The second chance was Greece.

Greece had the exact same problem. People warned Greece that their pension system was completely unsustainable. They warned them over and over, there isn't money for all these benefits. They warned them in the 1990s, all the way until the pension system ran out of money, the health care system ran out of money, the mass transit system ran out of money, the education system ran out of money, the government went into default, and nearly the entire country fell into ruins.

That was our warning shot. That was the sign from G-d in the sky, warning people this does not work.

And we didn't learn anything.

So I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but at this point if we had two clear chances to fix the system, then I don't know could possibly happen in the future, that will prevent a future crash. I don't know what will have to happen in this country, to make people wake up and realize that socialism doesn't work because you run out of other people's money.

My guess is, that what will have to happen, is that we will either have a crisis in the bond market, and that will wake people up (a crisis in the bond market means people refuse to lend money to the US government), or we will have insane inflation, that will harm the economy and result in a depression.

And there is a chance that we actually have default. That is still a possibility, where everything tied to government just gets cut, and we'll see retirees outside banks, on the ground crying. We'll see hospitals closed, with patients on the steps outside, like we did in Greece.

That is a real possiblity, but I wager one of the other two things will happen. Who knows. We'll see.
How about we actually collect taxes from people like trump?

Because it doesn't work. It's never worked in all human history. The French tried it.

The wealth tax in France, resulted in hundreds of thousands leaving France.

Wealthy are leaving NYC.

Wealthy are leaving California.

Rich left Venezuela.

And I could list thousands of other examples. Why did Apple open a major branch in Ireland? Because at the time the US corporate tax rate was 35%, and Ireland's was 12.5%. So they moved operations there instead of elsewhere.

The idea of making other people pay for what you want.... has never worked in all human history.

Name one country with massive welfare programs, that does not tax the poor and middle class to pay for it?

Seriously, if your system worked, why has not a single country done it? Why are the poor and middle class of Denmark paying 40% to 60% of their income in taxes? Why didn't they just make all the super rich in Denmark, like Lars Larsen the muilti-billionaire retail store businessman, pay for everything? Why are people flipping burgers paying 40% of their income in taxes in Denmark?

Because your system doesn't work. Never has. Never. Not one time. Every single dollar that is paid out in government benefits, at some point come from the employees.

Just like how they say "employer side tax", is not paid by employers. It's paid by employees. Employers simply pay employees less in wages, to pay the "employer side tax". Employees pay the taxes. No the rich.

The rich will never pay more in tax. If the tax rate is too high, they hide their money.

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One of the most well known graphs in economics. The amount of money collected, verses the marginal tax rates.

Notice a pattern there? When they jacked up the taxes on the rich, the amount of actual money collected was never significantly higher, than when the rates were lower.

Your system doesn't work. If there is any conclusive, undeniable fact, in economics... it is that your system of "Make others pay for it" does not work. Never has. Never will.

If you want more and more social programs, and social spending, you will have to drastically increase taxes on the poor and middle class. Trying to get it from the rich, just won't work. We've tried that throughout the world, for a hundred years. Doesn't work.
Worked fine for us when we did it. Works fine in Scandinavia. People like Trump shouldn’t be paying 0 or almost nothing.
Yeah, worked fine from 1932 through 76 or 80

All the dems need is Biden and 51 votes in the Senate.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.

You are fooling yourself if you think the middle class isn't going to have to pay anyway around it.

The middle class always pays.

Not in Canada, where I live. The rich pay here.


Not seeing much of a difference between the two as far as middle class goes. I think you believe what your government spoon feeds you.

Your sources are the Fraser Insitute. The Fraser Institute makes the Heritage Foundation look like a commie front. They're very popular with fools like you, because they give you false information about Canadian politics. The Fraser wants to completely eliminate public health care and public education.

They conduct studies using specious methods. They surveyed Canadian doctors asking what percentage of their patients went to the USA for treatment. None of the multiple choice answers available was 0%. The lowest percentage available was "Under 1%". The Fraser then with great fanfare, published a study which falsely claimed that 30,000 Canadians were going to the USA every year for treatment, claiming their survey of Canadian doctors showed that just under 1% of Canadians went to the USA for treatment.

Several posters on this forum have repeatedly cited this study as proof that the US health care system is "better" than ours. Unbiased studies have routine said that somewhere around 15,000 Canadians seek treatment in the USA each year. Most of those who seek treatment are people who have become sick or injured while travelling to the USA on business or vacation. We also have a lot of Snowbirds wintering in Arizona and Florida.

I do have another friend who suffered a heart attack while in Florida, on business. They got him emergency treatment and flew him home by air ambulance for treatment in Toronto. He's a Manulife Insurance Vice -President, and the first thing his wife said to me was "Why would we get him treated in the US when we live around the corner from the Schulich Heart Centre on the Sunnybrook Hospital Campus.

And one of the women on my charter vacation to Aspen skiing broke her ankle on the slopes and got treatment. Happened on her first day there. I felt sorry for her.

In Canada, the top 10% of wealth Canadians don't get 80% of the income and wealth of the nation. They get 40%. In Norway, it's 50%. In the USA, it's 80%. Norway and Canada both have a higher standard of living, better healthcare, better education, and more opportunities for working people than the USA.

If you're going to try to compare Canada and the USA in terms of taxes, and government services, you'd better find some better sources to make your case. I'll just close with this:

Then there's this from the Pew Research Centre:

The USA has more lower income people than Europe, and more rich people than Europe, and fewer middle income people that any of them. Canada has one of the fast growing middle classes in the first world, while the American middle class is smaller than either and shrinking at both ends.
Hahaha hilarious. A bunch of socialists think they can balance the budget!

How many trillions is the green new deal gonna cost?

What about expanded ObamaCare?

what about their $1000/month to every American?

what about reparations?

What kind of fantasy do you DemonRats Live in?
Trump increased Obama deficits. Dems seem to have the better record.

Great, so which Democrat is going to cut Medicare and Social Security and other entitlements?
None. They will all expand it. Making the deficit worse.
Republicans have proven over and over again that they are utterly lacking in the ability to run the country, or manage the economy. 40 years after Roosevelt's New Deal, Americans were living the "American Dream". LBJ's War against Poverty lifted millions of Americans out of poverty through opportunity and education, and the United States was the world's leading superpower with a powerhouse economy.

As you know, or should know, President Roosevelt, extended the Great Depression by at least seven years with his Socialist economic policies.

President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty accomplished nothing, zero, zilch, nada. I HAS cost us over $21 TRILLION since it began. The poverty rate was already going down when it went into effect. The rate of poverty today is nearly identical to that when the policy went into effect.
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I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There are two pillars of fiscal responsibility. One is to increase your revenue to meet expenses. The other is to eliminate UNNECESSARY SPENDING.

They'll cut defence the bloated and totally unnecessary defence spending budget. They'll stop construction on Trump's border wall, and eliminate the concentration camps on the border. There is a lot of pork and waste going to Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the military industrial complex.

Then they'll increase revenues. First by raising the corporate tax to 28%, and closing the loopholes which allow the most profitable company in the world, Amazon, to pay no taxes. Next they'll cancel the Trump tax cuts for the super wealthy. 80% of Trump's tax cuts went to the top 10%. That cancellation will raise the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.

Most importantly, Democrats will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and reinstate Obama's overtime mandate for low wage "managers". This will reduce the need for Section 8 housing assitance, SNAP benefits, and other income supports for low wage workers, both increasing taxes paid by working Americans, and reducing the need for income supports for minimum wage workers.

Republicans are always critical of "tax and spend" Democrats. But notice that the "tax" comes before the "spending" by Democrats. When Democrats introduce a public program, they create a means to fund the program. When Republicans create a program (MediCare Part D), they add it to the government credit card.

Republicans "cut and spend". They cut taxes for millionaires, and then spend like drunken sailors to mitigate the economic damage done to the economy by doing so. Republicans then claim that the increased revenues generated by the government spending, demonstrate the benefits to the economy of the tax cuts. Both the tax cuts, and the increased government spending, are added to the deficit.

Republicans say that the "tax cuts will pay for themselves". The Office of Budget Management has said that no tax cut in the history of the nation, has EVER paid for itself. Republicans say that "tax cuts create jobs". The Labor Department has said that tax cuts do NOT create jobs. The increases in the labor market following Republican tax cuts is because of increased government spending on the military, and infrastructure following the tax cuts, which creates the jobs.

Every large Republican tax cut and spending spree has been followed by an economic collapse, each worse than the last. Trump has the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression, and the pain and unemployement is rising, now that government payroll assistance has ended.

Americans are just starting to feel the economic pain.

The Democrats didn't do these things under Obama so what makes you think they would under Biden?

Democrats didn't do these things because Republicans held the House and the Senate, and Mitch McConnell refuses to pass any legislation to make these things possible. After November 3rd, Democrats will have the House, the Senate and the White House.

Republicans have proven over and over again that they are utterly lacking in the ability to run the country, or manage the economy. 40 years after Roosevelt's New Deal, Americans were living the "American Dream". LBJ's War against Poverty lifted millions of Americans out of poverty through opportunity and education, and the United States was the world's leading superpower with a powerhouse economy.

40 years of Republican public policy and tax codes has seen 80% of the wealth and income of the nation flowing to the wealthiest corporations and individual. That's up from 40% when Reagan took office. Republicans have created the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world - all of it upward, from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

40 years of Republican public policy and state management have reduced the standing of the USA in education, infrastructure, and standard of living versus the rest of the world. You are the only country in the first world with declining life expectancy. It's gone down in each of the past 5 years BEFORE covid19 killed more Americans than any other nation on earth.

Obama had every chance to veto spending just like Trump.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Raising taxes on the rich only serves to stiff the Middle Class. With continued spending, the Democrats will simply blame Trump while they do it.

Under Trump it is Trump's debt.
40 years of Republican public policy and tax codes has seen 80% of the wealth and income of the nation flowing to the wealthiest corporations and individual. That's up from 40% when Reagan took office. Republicans have created the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world - all of it upward, from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

You must have forgotten to include your reliable site and working link supporting those allegations. Why does it matter to you? You don't live in the USA.

Until you provide those facts, for the sake of argument, how does it effect ME if we have more rich people today than in decades past? How much do you say came out of my pocket over the time that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos acquired nearly a quarter of a TRILLION DOLLARS. How much wealthier would I be today had they never started Microsoft or Amazon? Try to be specific.
The first chance we had, was Bush in the 2000s. Bush was going to allow privatization of Social Security. This is what Chile does, and this what Singapore does, and it works.

Instead of a Ponzi scheme, where young people pay for old people, until the money runs out and the system implodes, everyone will have their own money, in their own account, with their own investments. Then it doesn't matter if the government runs a deficit or not, because you have your own money in your own account with your name on it.

A minor correction, President Bush was not going to privatize Social Security. That was a popular misconception used by the opponents. His proposal was to allow citizens to VOLUNTARILY invest 5% of what they pay into Social Security into a personal retirement account. It was a step in the right direction.

Galveston Texas and two or three surrounding counties joined together and opted out of Social Security during a brief window when that was possible. Their plan is head and shoulders above Social Security in every way possible.

You are 100% correct about Social Security being a Ponzi Scheme. It didn't start out that way but it is now the biggest Ponzi Scheme the world has ever seen.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.

You are fooling yourself if you think the middle class isn't going to have to pay anyway around it.

The middle class always pays.

Not in Canada, where I live. The rich pay here.


Not seeing much of a difference between the two as far as middle class goes. I think you believe what your government spoon feeds you.

Your sources are the Fraser Insitute. The Fraser Institute makes the Heritage Foundation look like a commie front. They're very popular with fools like you, because they give you false information about Canadian politics. The Fraser wants to completely eliminate public health care and public education.

They conduct studies using specious methods. They surveyed Canadian doctors asking what percentage of their patients went to the USA for treatment. None of the multiple choice answers available was 0%. The lowest percentage available was "Under 1%". The Fraser then with great fanfare, published a study which falsely claimed that 30,000 Canadians were going to the USA every year for treatment, claiming their survey of Canadian doctors showed that just under 1% of Canadians went to the USA for treatment.

Several posters on this forum have repeatedly cited this study as proof that the US health care system is "better" than ours. Unbiased studies have routine said that somewhere around 15,000 Canadians seek treatment in the USA each year. Most of those who seek treatment are people who have become sick or injured while travelling to the USA on business or vacation. We also have a lot of Snowbirds wintering in Arizona and Florida.

I do have another friend who suffered a heart attack while in Florida, on business. They got him emergency treatment and flew him home by air ambulance for treatment in Toronto. He's a Manulife Insurance Vice -President, and the first thing his wife said to me was "Why would we get him treated in the US when we live around the corner from the Schulich Heart Centre on the Sunnybrook Hospital Campus.

And one of the women on my charter vacation to Aspen skiing broke her ankle on the slopes and got treatment. Happened on her first day there. I felt sorry for her.

In Canada, the top 10% of wealth Canadians don't get 80% of the income and wealth of the nation. They get 40%. In Norway, it's 50%. In the USA, it's 80%. Norway and Canada both have a higher standard of living, better healthcare, better education, and more opportunities for working people than the USA.

If you're going to try to compare Canada and the USA in terms of taxes, and government services, you'd better find some better sources to make your case. I'll just close with this:

Then there's this from the Pew Research Centre:

The USA has more lower income people than Europe, and more rich people than Europe, and fewer middle income people that any of them. Canada has one of the fast growing middle classes in the first world, while the American middle class is smaller than either and shrinking at both ends.
We were talking about taxation rates and my two other links that you conveniently ignored showed the middle class in the US and Canada pay roughly the same rate. So if you have nothing on that part of my post, I’m good with that. The rest of your hyperbole is nothing more than trying to distract that you were wrong on taxation rates, because it doesn’t fit your agenda.

I have no issue with you living in Canada, I prefer the states over Canada, you like Canada. I like the goods and services I get in the US, you seem to not like them, then you might want to consider you and your friends not subjecting yourselves to America, since all you do is bitch about my country.
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Cutting social security and Medicare would hurt this nation worse than anything. People who are not rich but worked their butts off their when life would have nothing. If they get sick those that made the cuts would have to deal with the carnage.

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