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We already know know Trump can't rein in govt spending, so what plan do the Dems have to lower spending?

I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There is no plan from the Democrats . There is no plan from any quarter. We may have to sell off Yellowstone to get close to balancing the books.

The current Republicans are not fiscally responsible. The last president to balance the budget was Bill Clinton, every since then the deficit has increased and not president, not even Bush or Obama, has balanced the budget.

The federal debt went up under Clinton, the success of the budget was because Clinton and Gingrich worked with each other across the aisle. No one is crossing an aisle now or in the future. The last President to lower the federal debt was Coolidge and that is a long time ago in a land far, far away.

The Democrats have the New Green Deal that will add to the debt, no matter who wins in November there are some cold harsh realities that will send the debt higher and quicker than ever. Covid-19 and it's damage is just starting.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There is no plan from the Democrats . There is no plan from any quarter. We may have to sell off Yellowstone to get close to balancing the books.

The current Republicans are not fiscally responsible. The last president to balance the budget was Bill Clinton, every since then the deficit has increased and not president, not even Bush or Obama, has balanced the budget.
Clinton didn't balance the budget, Gingrich and the republicans did while the democrats kicked and screamed about it. Clinton wanted to spend all those windfall taxes from the "dot.com" boom on ore permanent programs. The only thing Clinton did was to see that he wasn't going to be able to stop the republicans and run to get in front of the parade.

When Clinton left office he left with a budget surplus, which Bush messed up.

When Clinton left office he left the nation on the verge of a recession and a month after he left, we hit the recession and then in September 9-11 hit us. Clinton was far from a fiscal hero and Bush didn't help.

The truth is if the President is a Democrat and Congress is held by Republicans, they do well in keeping each other in check.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

Good luck with that. The American people clearly don't care, so why should they?
Reining in government spending is not in the DNA of a Dim. They mistakenly believe they can continue spending without recourse, taxing everyone and it will be alright, however as Margaret Thatcher so eloquently stated “until there isn’t any money left”. When the incentive to work, assume risk, and receive a reward for such, is striped away then what do you have? The problem with socialism, fascism, and communism, is that it only serves a very small select group with absolute control. The new era of feudalism and cast system are Once again knocking at the door.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
On Joe Biden's web page is the Green New Deal, the same Green New Deal he publicly lied his ass off about during the debate, claiming it was not HIS plan...despite it being on his web site as HIS plan.

Now even having the WH in-hand yet, Pelosi has been giving interviews in front of her $24k freezer eating gourmet ice cream instead of working on a virus relief bill as 46% of all black-owned / 31% of all Latino-owned / 26% of all Asian-owned, and 25% of all women-owned small businesses ceased to exist. She has continued to block virus relief funding because she is holding out for TRILLIONS in new debt to be added to the legislation for funding for Democrat-only 'pet'-projects like the Green New Deal & stealing the Senate (making DC a state, adding more states, etc...)

The Green New Deal Biden says is not his plan but sits on his web page as his plan does indeed declare that every building in the United States must be either torn down and re-built or be brought up to 'Global Warming-compliant standards. Biden tried to claim this was not in his plan, but Wallace said he studied his plan on his web site and that it definitely has this in his plan.

Let's forget how this idea is insane and how mush money (if you can imagine that high) this would cost.

California wants to eliminate the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035. The Green New Deal calls for the complete elimination of the internal combustion engine and all use of fossil fuels....which means fracking is gone, every product currently made from fossil fuels (and there is a lot) is gone, and every US job that has to do with oil production to anyone that has a gas station will lose their jobs / businesses, putting MILLIONS of Americans out of work...

These MILLIONS of out-of-work Americans will suddenly be on tax-payer-funded social programs.....but the millions of out of work Americans will put an impossible strain on all the Americans remaining with a job.

And YES, the cost of the Green New Deal is approx. $100 TRILLION dollars.

Welcome to Joe's plan.

Welcome to Venezuela...or Cuba.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Neither party has any self-control when it comes to spending.

I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.

You are fooling yourself if you think the middle class isn't going to have to pay anyway around it.
It was fun watching the pseudocons whine and whine and whine about Obama's spending and then falling dead silent when Trump took over and immediately doubled the deficit.

I don't know how they can stand the stench of their own hypocrisy. I honestly don't.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.

You are fooling yourself if you think the middle class isn't going to have to pay anyway around it.
There are six ways for a country to handle debt. The United States almost always chooses inflation.

Stand by for inflation.
Look folks. We DEMAND our politicians spend and spend and spend.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

We get the politicians we deserve.
Reining in government spending is not in the DNA of a Dim.
It always cracks me up when a tard blames only the Democrats for deficit spending. :lol:

How quickly you all forget that Trump and the Republican Congress doubled the deficit to a trillion dollars BEFORE Covid.
Reining in government spending is not in the DNA of a Dim. They mistakenly believe they can continue spending without recourse, taxing everyone and it will be alright, however as Margaret Thatcher so eloquently stated “until there isn’t any money left”. When the incentive to work, assume risk, and receive a reward for such, is striped away then what do you have? The problem with socialism, fascism, and communism, is that it only serves a very small select group with absolute control. The new era of feudalism and cast system are Once again knocking at the door.

Trump isn't a Dem but...........

I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.

You are fooling yourself if you think the middle class isn't going to have to pay anyway around it.

The middle class always pays.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.
Congress controls all spending. See article I of the Constitution. The Pres submits a budget for each fiscal year, but Congress has the final say. The Pres can veto any law passed by Congress, but the veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.

Which hasn't happened. Trump has signed off on every penny of debt.

Now the (D)'s say they will raise the taxes on the rich, along with many other things does need done to address the debt but they likely won't.

Trump fiscally is a disaster that is the good news, the bad news is he is probably better than the New Green Deal Democrats. Dems will raise taxes on the rich and find a shortfall, so debt will go up or the middle class will pay.

You are fooling yourself if you think the middle class isn't going to have to pay anyway around it.
There are six ways for a country to handle debt. The United States almost always chooses inflation.

Stand by for inflation.

No way we can inflate away $30 trillion in debt.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There are two pillars of fiscal responsibility. One is to increase your revenue to meet expenses. The other is to eliminate UNNECESSARY SPENDING.

They'll cut defence the bloated and totally unnecessary defence spending budget. They'll stop construction on Trump's border wall, and eliminate the concentration camps on the border. There is a lot of pork and waste going to Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the military industrial complex.

Then they'll increase revenues. First by raising the corporate tax to 28%, and closing the loopholes which allow the most profitable company in the world, Amazon, to pay no taxes. Next they'll cancel the Trump tax cuts for the super wealthy. 80% of Trump's tax cuts went to the top 10%. That cancellation will raise the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.

Most importantly, Democrats will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and reinstate Obama's overtime mandate for low wage "managers". This will reduce the need for Section 8 housing assitance, SNAP benefits, and other income supports for low wage workers, both increasing taxes paid by working Americans, and reducing the need for income supports for minimum wage workers.

Republicans are always critical of "tax and spend" Democrats. But notice that the "tax" comes before the "spending" by Democrats. When Democrats introduce a public program, they create a means to fund the program. When Republicans create a program (MediCare Part D), they add it to the government credit card.

Republicans "cut and spend". They cut taxes for millionaires, and then spend like drunken sailors to mitigate the economic damage done to the economy by doing so. Republicans then claim that the increased revenues generated by the government spending, demonstrate the benefits to the economy of the tax cuts. Both the tax cuts, and the increased government spending, are added to the deficit.

Republicans say that the "tax cuts will pay for themselves". The Office of Budget Management has said that no tax cut in the history of the nation, has EVER paid for itself. Republicans say that "tax cuts create jobs". The Labor Department has said that tax cuts do NOT create jobs. The increases in the labor market following Republican tax cuts is because of increased government spending on the military, and infrastructure following the tax cuts, which creates the jobs.

Every large Republican tax cut and spending spree has been followed by an economic collapse, each worse than the last. Trump has the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression, and the pain and unemployement is rising, now that government payroll assistance has ended.

Americans are just starting to feel the economic pain.
I curious to know this because despite COVID 19 federal spending must still be curbed and fiscally responsible.

There are two pillars of fiscal responsibility. One is to increase your revenue to meet expenses. The other is to eliminate UNNECESSARY SPENDING.

They'll cut defence the bloated and totally unnecessary defence spending budget. They'll stop construction on Trump's border wall, and eliminate the concentration camps on the border. There is a lot of pork and waste going to Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the military industrial complex.

Then they'll increase revenues. First by raising the corporate tax to 28%, and closing the loopholes which allow the most profitable company in the world, Amazon, to pay no taxes. Next they'll cancel the Trump tax cuts for the super wealthy. 80% of Trump's tax cuts went to the top 10%. That cancellation will raise the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.

Most importantly, Democrats will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and reinstate Obama's overtime mandate for low wage "managers". This will reduce the need for Section 8 housing assitance, SNAP benefits, and other income supports for low wage workers, both increasing taxes paid by working Americans, and reducing the need for income supports for minimum wage workers.

Republicans are always critical of "tax and spend" Democrats. But notice that the "tax" comes before the "spending" by Democrats. When Democrats introduce a public program, they create a means to fund the program. When Republicans create a program (MediCare Part D), they add it to the government credit card.

Republicans "cut and spend". They cut taxes for millionaires, and then spend like drunken sailors to mitigate the economic damage done to the economy by doing so. Republicans then claim that the increased revenues generated by the government spending, demonstrate the benefits to the economy of the tax cuts. Both the tax cuts, and the increased government spending, are added to the deficit.

Republicans say that the "tax cuts will pay for themselves". The Office of Budget Management has said that no tax cut in the history of the nation, has EVER paid for itself. Republicans say that "tax cuts create jobs". The Labor Department has said that tax cuts do NOT create jobs. The increases in the labor market following Republican tax cuts is because of increased government spending on the military, and infrastructure following the tax cuts, which creates the jobs.

Every large Republican tax cut and spending spree has been followed by an economic collapse, each worse than the last. Trump has the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression, and the pain and unemployement is rising, now that government payroll assistance has ended.

Americans are just starting to feel the economic pain.

The Democrats didn't do these things under Obama so what makes you think they would under Biden?

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