We Are All Cherokees Now

Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be President.

The fact that you think she did NOT get preferential treatment for checking the box speaks to you, not me. Harvard claimed she was NA

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

"The fact that there never have been Asian Americans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, Latinos, Latinas and women of color [on the faculty] is a subject of major concern," said Wilkins, who is black.

Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Why are you liberal morons going down with this ship? She is a liar. Don’t embrace her. Chastise her for shitting on actual NA.

She is a white lady who went to Harvard, she is not a victim.

Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be President.

The fact that you think she did NOT get preferential treatment for checking the box speaks to you, not me. Harvard claimed she was NA

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

"The fact that there never have been Asian Americans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, Latinos, Latinas and women of color [on the faculty] is a subject of major concern," said Wilkins, who is black.

Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Why are you liberal morons going down with this ship? She is a liar. Don’t embrace her. Chastise her for shitting on actual NA.

She is a white lady who went to Harvard, she is not a victim.

If the right didn't fear her and her support, you wouldn't be making such a stir over nothing.
Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be President.

The fact that you think she did NOT get preferential treatment for checking the box speaks to you, not me. Harvard claimed she was NA

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

"The fact that there never have been Asian Americans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, Latinos, Latinas and women of color [on the faculty] is a subject of major concern," said Wilkins, who is black.

Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Why are you liberal morons going down with this ship? She is a liar. Don’t embrace her. Chastise her for shitting on actual NA.

She is a white lady who went to Harvard, she is not a victim.

If the right didn't fear her and her support, you wouldn't be making such a stir over nothing.

It’s comedy to me.

I don’t fear Liz Warren. I take her as the perfect liberal. Full of shit.

She is the perfect liberal.
Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?
You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be President.

The fact that you think she did NOT get preferential treatment for checking the box speaks to you, not me. Harvard claimed she was NA

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

"The fact that there never have been Asian Americans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, Latinos, Latinas and women of color [on the faculty] is a subject of major concern," said Wilkins, who is black.

Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Why are you liberal morons going down with this ship? She is a liar. Don’t embrace her. Chastise her for shitting on actual NA.

She is a white lady who went to Harvard, she is not a victim.

If the right didn't fear her and her support, you wouldn't be making such a stir over nothing.

It’s comedy to me.

I don’t fear Liz Warren. I take her as the perfect liberal. Full of shit.

She is the perfect liberal.

Sure, I believe you. She has you all stirred up because you aren't afraid of her. That's funny.
Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!



SPEAKING AS AN ACTUAL NATIVE AMERICAN, perhaps the only one on this board ....



:lmao:OK...It's actually really funny...

As a native American, I find I patently offensive that something like E. Warren would suborn that appellation in order to subvert the system provided to help persons of this nature to overcome white privilege.
Pedophile Pow-Wow

As shown in John Wayne's The Searchers, most interbreeding comes from Indians kidnapping White children, after killing their fathers and raping and killing their mothers, and raising them to becoming willing wives of these savages. "White Privilege" is a slander invented by the few Whites who would have wound up nobodies without their Birth Privileges.
How gone deaf do you have to be?

I bet she cheered when she saw the 1/1024 NA.
1/64th still isn't much and isn't enough to equality for any benefits.
Not to mention the fact that no North American DNA was used in the test.
North and South American Native American DNA are the same, so that is a non-starter.
She never asked for any benefits.
Sorry....but the point that escapes you is that the benefits she applied for doesn't cover South American Natives. Those people have to apply as foreign exchange students.
Reparations for Evolution's Sore Losers

How can they be foreign if, as we've been told by those paid to insult us, America was stolen from them by the Indians who later got it stolen by Those Horrible White People?
You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be President.

The fact that you think she did NOT get preferential treatment for checking the box speaks to you, not me. Harvard claimed she was NA

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

"The fact that there never have been Asian Americans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, Latinos, Latinas and women of color [on the faculty] is a subject of major concern," said Wilkins, who is black.

Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Why are you liberal morons going down with this ship? She is a liar. Don’t embrace her. Chastise her for shitting on actual NA.

She is a white lady who went to Harvard, she is not a victim.

If the right didn't fear her and her support, you wouldn't be making such a stir over nothing.

It’s comedy to me.

I don’t fear Liz Warren. I take her as the perfect liberal. Full of shit.

She is the perfect liberal.

Sure, I believe you. She has you all stirred up because you aren't afraid of her. That's funny.

Your moral compass is so fucked.

You are defending someone who got victim status from lying about being a victim.
How gone deaf do you have to be?

I bet she cheered when she saw the 1/1024 NA.
1/64th still isn't much and isn't enough to equality for any benefits.
Not to mention the fact that no North American DNA was used in the test.
North and South American Native American DNA are the same, so that is a non-starter.
She never asked for any benefits.
Sorry....but the point that escapes you is that the benefits she applied for doesn't cover South American Natives. Those people have to apply as foreign exchange students.
Reparations for Evolution's Sore Losers

How can they be foreign if, as we've been told by those paid to insult us, America was stolen from them by the Indians who later got it stolen by Those Horrible White People?
Hispanics are a mixture of Spanish and indigenous natives.
They are a byproduct of rape and pillaging during European colonialism.

Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

No no no no no no no NO NO NO NO!! Your imaginary "she had some American Indian ancestry" is NOT the standard for claiming to be an American Indian! Lizzy Cheekbones, bored white housewife, had no business whatsoever claiming to be an American Indian and checking that box. She defrauded the University by claiming to be an American Indian

Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

No no no no no no no NO NO NO NO!! Your imaginary "she had some American Indian ancestry" is NOT the standard for claiming to be an American Indian! Lizzy Cheekbones, bored white housewife, had no business whatsoever claiming to be an American Indian and checking that box. She defrauded the University by claiming to be an American Indian

This will go down as one of the biggest blunders in political history.
Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

No no no no no no no NO NO NO NO!! Your imaginary "she had some American Indian ancestry" is NOT the standard for claiming to be an American Indian! Lizzy Cheekbones, bored white housewife, had no business whatsoever claiming to be an American Indian and checking that box. She defrauded the University by claiming to be an American Indian

This will go down as one of the biggest blunders in political history.

Yeah I'll guarantee you some office staffer got fired. This demagogues never do anything like this without some kind of a strategy huddle ahead of time. She must have gone back to the office and stabbed somebody in the eye with a scissors after she saw the results of this massive implosion.

Mrs. Warren claimed to be a Squaw and was able to monetize the claim big time through the Affirmative Action program. If Liberals don't give a shit about rich white broads using affirmative action to get rich, at least we know that that all their whining about helping destitute minorities is disingenuous.

Exactly how did her ancestry effect her financial goals?
It got her a $360,000/yr teaching gig at Harvard, moron.

You think Harvard would hire anybody with American Indian ancestry to teach? You know that's stupid, don't you?
She was given preference over people who were far more qualified, moron.
You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be President.

The fact that you think she did NOT get preferential treatment for checking the box speaks to you, not me. Harvard claimed she was NA

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

"The fact that there never have been Asian Americans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, Latinos, Latinas and women of color [on the faculty] is a subject of major concern," said Wilkins, who is black.

Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Why are you liberal morons going down with this ship? She is a liar. Don’t embrace her. Chastise her for shitting on actual NA.

She is a white lady who went to Harvard, she is not a victim.

If the right didn't fear her and her support, you wouldn't be making such a stir over nothing.

It’s comedy to me.

I don’t fear Liz Warren. I take her as the perfect liberal. Full of shit.

She is the perfect liberal.

Sure, I believe you. She has you all stirred up because you aren't afraid of her. That's funny.
Mrs. Warren claimed to be a Squaw and was able to monetize the claim big time through the Affirmative Action program. If Liberals don't give a shit about rich white broads using affirmative action to get rich, at least we know that that all their whining about helping destitute minorities is disingenuous.

Exactly how did her ancestry effect her financial goals?
It got her a $360,000/yr teaching gig at Harvard, moron.

You think Harvard would hire anybody with American Indian ancestry to teach? You know that's stupid, don't you?
She was given preference over people who were far more qualified, moron.

You know it suddenly dawn's on me that there may be aggrieved parties who could file a lawsuit based on hiring discrimination.

I wonder if that's why Harvard had those records under ten feet of concrete.

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Mrs. Warren claimed to be a Squaw and was able to monetize the claim big time through the Affirmative Action program. If Liberals don't give a shit about rich white broads using affirmative action to get rich, at least we know that that all their whining about helping destitute minorities is disingenuous.

Exactly how did her ancestry effect her financial goals?
It got her a $360,000/yr teaching gig at Harvard, moron.

You think Harvard would hire anybody with American Indian ancestry to teach? You know that's stupid, don't you?
She was given preference over people who were far more qualified, moron.

Mrs. Warren claimed to be a Squaw and was able to monetize the claim big time through the Affirmative Action program. If Liberals don't give a shit about rich white broads using affirmative action to get rich, at least we know that that all their whining about helping destitute minorities is disingenuous.

Exactly how did her ancestry effect her financial goals?
It got her a $360,000/yr teaching gig at Harvard, moron.

You think Harvard would hire anybody with American Indian ancestry to teach? You know that's stupid, don't you?
She was given preference over people who were far more qualified, moron.

There no proof the Loopy kunt is American Indian...
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


That's Trump water skiing on libtard tears...…..

Come November 6th the lake of tears will be much deeper....
Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

It must have or she wouldn't have done it nor would she have touted the fact.

NOW, let me ask YOU a question. Let's say someone whose great-grandfather had a white father and a black mother and that great grandfather married a white girl that produced a white woman that became her grandmother that gave birth to son that became her father that married a white woman that became her mom...now, could or should that girl that had a half black great-grandfather be allowed to claim that she is African American???? Yes or no?????

So how did that check mark, which has been proven to be accurate, change her career? Your hypothetical person could certainly claim mixed heritage, but not 100% African American or 100% Caucasian. Are you trying to say Warren claimed to be 100% American Indian? When do you think she did that?

Oh, sure, 1024th equals Native American. Yeah, thanks for playing. Even Alaskan Natives don't recognize that miniscule particle as legitimate. Any one of us could apparently claim that much affinity. Spare me. The bitch is a lying sack of shit who pretends so she can cash in on her "heritage". Are really so stupid?

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