We Are All Cherokees Now

Warren is a rich, white broad. That's her real heritage, she should be reveling in it, owning it. Instead of pretending to be a squaw, she needs to be associating with the Paris Hiltons and Kim Kardashians of this world and the rest of her actual peeps. Quit pretending.
Grandma Will Scalp Us

Also well-rehearsed is her Sweet Old Lady image. Underneath all that is a bitter and vicious Liberal, probably even nastier than hillary.
"Sweet Old Lady" image? What have you been smoking? I would NOT want Elizabeth Warren bearing down on me for any political argument, I'll tell you that right now, and I'm 100% sure that neither would you.

I would take Pocahontas Warren on in a debate ANY day of the week. I wouldn't even bring anything personal into the fray. I would be the quintessential gentleman..... and have her tongue-tied and flustered in minutes. She would need another face-lift after I was finished with her. Why is that? Because if she didn't know how this debt slavery/fiat currency works? She soon would and if she defended it? I would expose that as well. YOU may think she is hot snot on a silver platter when in actuality, she is nothing but cold boogers on a paper plate.
Well, we'll never get to test your braggadacio, so live with that fantasy if you like.
Most of those arguing against Warren simply do not know American history and the great American land rushes that brought non-Native Americans for settlement in Oklahoma Indian Territory. A territory populated by Native Americans was flooded with 10's of thousands of sellers in formal sanctioned races for free land until eventually over a hundred thousand white men claimed free farms. Who do you think they married and created families with?
Was it a great American land rush when the Indians first came to America? I mean the scientific consensus said that those who crossed the bearing straight from Africa and settled on down in Canada, the US before it was called that, Mexico and on down, were all from said Africa. So the way I see it everyone here all over the world is African, but those living in the United States have the -American ending. How come some people(liberals) are MORE equal than others?
Holy shit, Jim, you really need to brush up on your history. The original N.A.'s (that we know of) crossed the Bering Straight from ASIA. Of course, at one point we all came from Africa, but that was a couple hundred thousand years ago.

"Of course, at one point we all came from Africa, but that was a couple hundred thousand years ago"\

DAMN! You really ARE an old lady. On the plus side, seems you are not any worse the wear. So what is your secret?

It wasn't quite so warm back then. That's all I'm telling.

Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?
Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!



SPEAKING AS AN ACTUAL NATIVE AMERICAN, perhaps the only one on this board ....



:lmao:OK...It's actually really funny...

As a native American, I find I patently offensive that something like E. Warren would suborn that appellation in order to subvert the system provided to help persons of this nature to overcome white privilege.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.
Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!



SPEAKING AS AN ACTUAL NATIVE AMERICAN, perhaps the only one on this board ....



:lmao:OK...It's actually really funny...

As a native American, I find I patently offensive that something like E. Warren would suborn that appellation in order to subvert the system provided to help persons of this nature to overcome white privilege.

Yes I am sure you do....the whole thing is insane and I hope you understand that this OP is a satire trying to highlight how ridiculous it all is.

Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.
Sounds like she has all the requirements of a democrat politician, she checks all the boxes: a lying psychopathic sack of shit
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.
Sounds like she has all the requirements of a democrat politician, she checks all the boxes: a lying psychopathic sack of shit

I simply cannot imagine what she hoped to gain from this....surely she knows that she would need crossover voting to make any kind of successful bid for the white house. Who the hell are her advisers...they sent her straight off a short bridge to hell....they must be working for the other potentials...LOL.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.
Sounds like she has all the requirements of a democrat politician, she checks all the boxes: a lying psychopathic sack of shit

I simply cannot imagine what she hoped to gain from this....surely she knows that she would need crossover voting to make any kind of successful bid for the white house. Who the hell are her advisers...they sent her straight off a short bridge to hell....they must be working for the other potentials...LOL.
Shes locked up the fake Indian vote
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.
Sounds like she has all the requirements of a democrat politician, she checks all the boxes: a lying psychopathic sack of shit

I simply cannot imagine what she hoped to gain from this....surely she knows that she would need crossover voting to make any kind of successful bid for the white house. Who the hell are her advisers...they sent her straight off a short bridge to hell....they must be working for the other potentials...LOL.
Shes locked up the fake Indian vote

I mean other than that...what the hell was she even thinking? She got a black eye out of this once before but I guess because she won her Senate Seat she figured that the rest of the nation was a crazy as MOONBATACHUSETTS. Man...did she ever get stomped this time.

Warren is a rich, white broad. That's her real heritage, she should be reveling in it, owning it. Instead of pretending to be a squaw, she needs to be associating with the Paris Hiltons and Kim Kardashians of this world and the rest of her actual peeps. Quit pretending.
Grandma Will Scalp Us

Also well-rehearsed is her Sweet Old Lady image. Underneath all that is a bitter and vicious Liberal, probably even nastier than hillary.
"Sweet Old Lady" image? What have you been smoking? I would NOT want Elizabeth Warren bearing down on me for any political argument, I'll tell you that right now, and I'm 100% sure that neither would you.

I would take Pocahontas Warren on in a debate ANY day of the week. I wouldn't even bring anything personal into the fray. I would be the quintessential gentleman..... and have her tongue-tied and flustered in minutes. She would need another face-lift after I was finished with her. Why is that? Because if she didn't know how this debt slavery/fiat currency works? She soon would and if she defended it? I would expose that as well. YOU may think she is hot snot on a silver platter when in actuality, she is nothing but cold boogers on a paper plate.
Well, we'll never get to test your braggadacio, so live with that fantasy if you like.

No brag, just fact. It wasn't that hard to put the pieces together but it does require tenacity and a desire to break out of the left versus right paradigm. There is LOTS of information out there but you have to look for it. The internet has been a double-edged sword for the controllers. On one hand, they get a feel for those that are dissidents and potential malcontents that will not "go along" with what they have planned. While on the other, the information and free flow of ideas has increased to such a dangerous level for them that they are trying trying to plug the dyke by censoring the internet via various methods like shadow-banning and outright deleting material that they don't want out there.

I work on high speed mailing equipment that moves extremely fast off of rolls that weigh anywhere from 1200 to 2200 pounds that are slit down the middle and then cut into sheets after the barcode is read and designating how many pages that particular account has. It then is folded and stuffed into an envelope along with a BRE (return envelope) and whatever particular insert/brochure for that particular account at speeds up to 20K an hour. Moving paper at that speed has many variables like the quality and weight of it and not all of it is within specs of the manufacturer...so there is a lot of "engineering done on the fly" and often there is very little documentation (if any) to go by when variables change.

Why am I telling you all this? Because attention to detail when repairing this equipment means the difference between making the mailing date or having to pay Fed-Ex to overnight it to make the deadline. Twenty plus years of having to be so disciplined and spot even the most minute aberration in the flow of paper is what prepared me for the intense research I have done and laboriously turning over and looking under not only stones but pebbles as well. It's been like trying to put a 5,000 piece puzzle together without the cover to look at. I don't have every single piece put in place but I have enough of them together to see what it will eventually look like and it doesn't bode well for us serfs...I can tell ya that much.

Bottom line is that someone like me would never be given a platform to confront those like Warren or McConnell in front of a huge audience because at the end of the day, they know just enough, been told just enough by their "handlers" to keep the wool pulled over our eyes.
I mean other than that...what the hell was she even thinking? She got a black eye out of this once before but I guess because she won her Senate Seat she figured that the rest of the nation was a crazy as MOONBATACHUSETTS. Man...did she ever get stomped this time.


The only reason why she won in Massachusetts was because Scott Brown got tempted to try and appeal to Hard Core Ultraliberalism and abandoned his base. The libs stabbed him in the back after pledging their fealty to him.
How gone deaf do you have to be?

I bet she cheered when she saw the 1/1024 NA.
1/64th still isn't much and isn't enough to equality for any benefits.
Not to mention the fact that no North American DNA was used in the test.
North and South American Native American DNA are the same, so that is a non-starter.
She never asked for any benefits.
Sorry....but the point that escapes you is that the benefits she applied for doesn't cover South American Natives. Those people have to apply as foreign exchange students.

Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!


You are off a little! You forgot other tribes we can belong to, lol. Maybe Hokey Pochahantas forgot where she came from.

Here, let me help her, lolololol------>
One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.
Sounds like she has all the requirements of a democrat politician, she checks all the boxes: a lying psychopathic sack of shit

I simply cannot imagine what she hoped to gain from this....surely she knows that she would need crossover voting to make any kind of successful bid for the white house. Who the hell are her advisers...they sent her straight off a short bridge to hell....they must be working for the other potentials...LOL.
Shes locked up the fake Indian vote

I mean other than that...what the hell was she even thinking? She got a black eye out of this once before but I guess because she won her Senate Seat she figured that the rest of the nation was a crazy as MOONBATACHUSETTS. Man...did she ever get stomped this time.


The exact same crazy right wingers are ranting a little louder. Big deal. They were already nuts.

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