We Are Close to The End: “The Con Job Is Up”


Sep 11, 2013
We Are Close to The End: “The Con Job Is Up”

Mac Slavo
November 5, 2013

We’ve seen decades of manipulation in the monetary, financial and economic systems of this country. And while most people have fallen hook, line and sinker for the recovery narrative touted by the establishment, the reality is a stark contrast to what they’re being told.

As Jay Taylor notes, we must first admit we’ve been conned. Then we absolutely must take steps to protect ourselves from the geo-political disaster to come.

Of course the masses of people don’t get it… they don’t believe it. They’re content to take at face value what they’re told by the mainstream media…

More: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/we-are-close-to-the-end-the-con-job-is-up_11042013
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How much you want to bet that with a woman heading up the FED and a multi-racial President, that the Globalists will implement their failure while distracting lib-tards John Perkins style....

John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqIHKWd9rSc]John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"Extended Interview 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

I would reccommend everyone watch this video to see what the Globalists are doing here in America.

No point in being clueless when the imposion happens and martial law occurs !!!!!!!!!!
Just like before the 2008 collapse, there was a MAJOR stock runup like we see today.
From July 2006 to Oct 2007 we saw a 20% increase in valuation...nuts...insane..way overpriced.
This year alone we have seen a 17% increase in the DOW...all because of the governments $85,000,000,000 monthly buy up. F*cking insane.
When people ask, "why on earth would you need a high powered rifle"? I say talk to me after confronting someone who hasn't eaten in 4 days and can't feed their children.

I'm very worried about our economic situation, and I'd say 95% of Americans are ill prepared (including myself).
When people ask, "why on earth would you need a high powered rifle"? I say talk to me after confronting someone who hasn't eaten in 4 days and can't feed their children.

I'm very worried about our economic situation, and I'd say 95% of Americans are ill prepared (including myself).

It won't be that catastrophic.
We have had it too good for the past 30 years - all based on a fantasy land economy built on debt. Both public and private. At least 80% of the population was outspending their paychecks for several-several years in a row. Insane.
America is in a transitional period, not revolutionary. Transitional.
Gone will be 4 bedroom houses with a 2 car garage for people only making $90k a year..and the garage is filled with two vehicles exchanged very 2-3 years.
Gone will be $3,000 vacations banged out on a credit card.
Gone will be 55 inch TV's, XBox, 2 laptops and the newest cell phones for your AVERAGE household.
IN will be multiple families living under one roof.
IN will be husband and wife sharing one vehicle.
IN will be backyard gardens again.
IN will be hand-me-down clothes between siblings again.
We will be fine, we just won't get everything we wanted TODAY anymore.
People will have less money, and less available credit to buy crap they don't need.
When people ask, "why on earth would you need a high powered rifle"? I say talk to me after confronting someone who hasn't eaten in 4 days and can't feed their children.

I'm very worried about our economic situation, and I'd say 95% of Americans are ill prepared (including myself).

It won't be that catastrophic.
We have had it too good for the past 30 years - all based on a fantasy land economy built on debt. Both public and private. At least 80% of the population was outspending their paychecks for several-several years in a row. Insane.
America is in a transitional period, not revolutionary. Transitional.
Gone will be 4 bedroom houses with a 2 car garage for people only making $90k a year..and the garage is filled with two vehicles exchanged very 2-3 years.
Gone will be $3,000 vacations banged out on a credit card.
Gone will be 55 inch TV's, XBox, 2 laptops and the newest cell phones for your AVERAGE household.
IN will be multiple families living under one roof.
IN will be husband and wife sharing one vehicle.
IN will be backyard gardens again.
IN will be hand-me-down clothes between siblings again.
We will be fine, we just won't get everything we wanted TODAY anymore.
People will have less money, and less available credit to buy crap they don't need.

I would like to think it's transitional, but honestly I don't believe it is.

The lay of this world is so incredibly new compared to how things operated 100 years prior and earlier; we have zero precedents for what happens when things start to get turned off. I don't believe people (generally speaking, of course) have the ability or know how to do things for themselves anymore, which makes a real collapse all the more catastrophic.

Again, 100 years ago if the a town was cut off from the rest of the world (for whatever reason), I'm confident they'd get by. Nowadays, not so much. We have no idea what will happen when this gigantic supply chain receives a major shock.

I just feel like something is coming. We're not being propped up with an economy that is simply aging, and transitioning, we're being propped up on nothing at all (the Fed printing money). Take that away, you have nothing beneath you and the collapse will be quite large.
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When people ask, "why on earth would you need a high powered rifle"? I say talk to me after confronting someone who hasn't eaten in 4 days and can't feed their children.

I'm very worried about our economic situation, and I'd say 95% of Americans are ill prepared (including myself).

It won't be that catastrophic.
We have had it too good for the past 30 years - all based on a fantasy land economy built on debt. Both public and private. At least 80% of the population was outspending their paychecks for several-several years in a row. Insane.
America is in a transitional period, not revolutionary. Transitional.
Gone will be 4 bedroom houses with a 2 car garage for people only making $90k a year..and the garage is filled with two vehicles exchanged very 2-3 years.
Gone will be $3,000 vacations banged out on a credit card.
Gone will be 55 inch TV's, XBox, 2 laptops and the newest cell phones for your AVERAGE household.
IN will be multiple families living under one roof.
IN will be husband and wife sharing one vehicle.
IN will be backyard gardens again.
IN will be hand-me-down clothes between siblings again.
We will be fine, we just won't get everything we wanted TODAY anymore.
People will have less money, and less available credit to buy crap they don't need.

I would like to think it's transitional, but honestly I don't believe it is.

The lay of this world is so incredibly new compared to how things operated 100 years prior and earlier; we have zero precedents for what happens when things start to get turned off. I don't believe people (generally speaking, of course) have the ability or know how to do things for themselves anymore, which makes a real collapse all the more catastrophic.

Again, 100 years ago if the a town was cut off from the rest of the world (for whatever reason), I'm confident they'd get by. Nowadays, not so much. We have no idea what will happen when this gigantic supply chain receives a major shock.

I just feel like something is coming. We're not being propped up with an economy that is simply aging, and transitioning, we're being propped up on nothing at all (the Fed printing money). Take that away, you have nothing beneath you and the collapse will be quite large.

Oh don't get me wrong, it will be bad when it finally happens. And the longer the government continues to extract taxpayer dollars to funnel to the central banks and corporations...greater and greater concentrating wealth - the worse it will be when the jig is up.
Buut - there are many people living in homes twice the size they need...what people did 50 years ago and more - will happen again. People will rent out rooms, multiple families will live together, people will grow produce in their yards again...people will do what they have to do. I do not expect "Armageddon". Things will be rough for damn sure, and some people will even die...most because they can't afford healthcare to get well.
We can live without 450 TV channels, XBoxs. smart phones, Satellite radios, 3000sq ft homes, 55 inch HDTV's and on and on and on.
Maybe people will play cards again.
With the US being the best of the worst and consumer of last resort it is the necessary safety valve for the rest of the world. iamwhatiseem did nail the basic points for the US as a whole but not all places in the US.

KevinWestern is exactly right about IL, that state has been in the financial toilet since 2005 I believe it is. I have no idea where rebeltarian is from but if from CA or a Californicated state he may well be exactly right for his location as well.

Red states are growing three times faster than blue states.

Banks are quietly moving to Salt Lake City because of Utah's tax rates.

The employment from fracking is almost entirely a red state phenomenon.

Concentration on innovation is causing a net loss of jobs in high-tech, not just IT but all forms of high tech.

Improved robotics is doing away with manufacturing and service jobs mostly in blue states.

We probably are headed for a very short civil war but not a collapse.
When people ask, "why on earth would you need a high powered rifle"? I say talk to me after confronting someone who hasn't eaten in 4 days and can't feed their children.

I'm very worried about our economic situation, and I'd say 95% of Americans are ill prepared (including myself).

It won't be that catastrophic.
We have had it too good for the past 30 years - all based on a fantasy land economy built on debt. Both public and private. At least 80% of the population was outspending their paychecks for several-several years in a row. Insane.
America is in a transitional period, not revolutionary. Transitional.
Gone will be 4 bedroom houses with a 2 car garage for people only making $90k a year..and the garage is filled with two vehicles exchanged very 2-3 years.
Gone will be $3,000 vacations banged out on a credit card.
Gone will be 55 inch TV's, XBox, 2 laptops and the newest cell phones for your AVERAGE household.
IN will be multiple families living under one roof.
IN will be husband and wife sharing one vehicle.
IN will be backyard gardens again.
IN will be hand-me-down clothes between siblings again.
We will be fine, we just won't get everything we wanted TODAY anymore.
People will have less money, and less available credit to buy crap they don't need.

I would like to think it's transitional, but honestly I don't believe it is.

The lay of this world is so incredibly new compared to how things operated 100 years prior and earlier; we have zero precedents for what happens when things start to get turned off. I don't believe people (generally speaking, of course) have the ability or know how to do things for themselves anymore, which makes a real collapse all the more catastrophic.

Again, 100 years ago if the a town was cut off from the rest of the world (for whatever reason), I'm confident they'd get by. Nowadays, not so much. We have no idea what will happen when this gigantic supply chain receives a major shock.

I just feel like something is coming. We're not being propped up with an economy that is simply aging, and transitioning, we're being propped up on nothing at all (the Fed printing money). Take that away, you have nothing beneath you and the collapse will be quite large.

We need to join the secessionists when the time comes.

It will be up to the States just how much of a collapse is going to affect them.
Hey, guys. I have a whole lot of tin foil hats for sale. About a hundred in stock. $20 ea. Picks up all the good stuff in the air waves. Let me know how many you need.
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Hey, guys. I have a whole lot of tin foil hats for sale. About a hundred in stock. $20 ea. Picks up all the good stuff in the air waves. Let me know how many you need.

For one thing, a $20 tin foil hat is a fucking rip off (I can buy a whole roll for about $3, which can make me a hundred hats).

Secondly not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but will say you probably make a fine, unquestioning model citizen. I bet President Obama wishes there were many more folks like you around; he certainly would be doing much better in the polls then...

Finally, are you refuting anything specific that has been said? A sound discussion is much more valuable than hurling insults back and forth.

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The problem with you people is that you don't relish the inevitable collapse or the see the potential you have to take this country back. Bloodshed is inevitable.
Hey, guys. I have a whole lot of tin foil hats for sale. About a hundred in stock. $20 ea. Picks up all the good stuff in the air waves. Let me know how many you need.

For one thing, a $20 tin foil hat is a fucking rip off (I can buy a whole roll for about $3, which can make me a hundred hats).

Secondly not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but will say you probably make a fine, unquestioning model citizen. I bet President Obama wishes there were many more folks like you around; he certainly would be doing much better in the polls then...

Finally, are you refuting anything specific that has been said? A sound discussion is much more valuable than hurling insults back and forth.

Sorry. I see you are an expert at making your own tin foil hat.
I do not bother spending a lot of time with debunking dogma from irrational sources. If you like it, good for you. That is one of the most common traits of stupid people. They love to believe what they want to believe. It is you that should be checking out the dogma. I do not owe that to you.
But the clown starting this thread started out with quotes from Mac Slavo. The guy who makes more predictions than anyone that NEVER come true Here is a bit about the clown:
"Mac Slavo is a legend in his own mind. He spreads the legend wherever he can, though most people point, laugh and snicker"
Remember, I have really good tin hats for sale. And lots of armored gloves for all of the knuckle draggers

Cutting and pasting 42 points from some web site, as the clown starting this thread did, is FAR from honest discussion. Hell, my 10 year old grandson can cut and paste, and forget to mention the source.
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We Are Close to The End: “The Con Job Is Up”

Mac Slavo
November 5, 2013

We’ve seen decades of manipulation in the monetary, financial and economic systems of this country. And while most people have fallen hook, line and sinker for the recovery narrative touted by the establishment, the reality is a stark contrast to what they’re being told.

As Jay Taylor notes, we must first admit we’ve been conned. Then we absolutely must take steps to protect ourselves from the geo-political disaster to come.

Of course the masses of people don’t get it… they don’t believe it. They’re content to take at face value what they’re told by the mainstream media…

What people really have to understand is that the manipulation is systemic… Just by being in the system and holding dollars you are being taken advantage of.

You need to get as much as possible outside of the system.

And one way to reduce the systemic risk is to trade those fiat dollars… which are really worthless… they have nothing of intrinsic value… they are really just a con game… They need to exchange those dollars for gold and silver, real estate, diamonds… I would say other things that have tangible value, that no matter what the currency does, you still have possession and ownership of those assets.


We are close to the end…

The point is, the con job is up… the dollar could collapse very, very quickly…

Once people lose confidence, it’s going to be too late. People need to be opting out of the system now, before everybody else figures out that the system is sick and is going down.

Jay Taylor provides some key insights into how the markets are being manipulated, what to expect in coming months and years, and how to diversify yourself before the masses realize what has happened and go into panic mode.

Watch the full interview from Future Money Trends:

(Watch at Future Money Trends)

Jay offers up some non-traditional ideas, including developing the one asset that may be your saving grace in a post-collapse world: life sustaining skills that can be bartered for goods and services when confidence in our current dollar-denominated mechanism of exchange is finally lost. Taylor understand the fundamental problems plaguing the global economy and monetary systems. He’s a strong proponent of tangible goods and he’s been investing in wealth preservation assets like physical gold and silver, real estate with productive capacity, and the people who actually produce something of value for human beings, such as farmers, inventors, and gold mining firms like Brazil Resources.

Moreover, he understands where all of this leads, and it’s a situation where traditional methods of income may well dry up:

What people need to do is to get outside of the system.

People with more average means need to develop a set of life sustaining skills, so that when the system breaks down…. and unfortunately I am absolutely sure the system will break down eventually and I’m afraid sooner rather than later… People are going to want to have skills that they can trade to barter, essentially, their services for other things that are necessary.


The economy is as sick as ever… The con artists are back in town… They’ve restored confidence to the system… It seems like, to people who want to drink the establishment’s Cool-Aid, that things are looking pretty good.

…You can’t trust them…

The fact of the matter is that when this goes down – and it will – tens of millions of Americans are going to be hit with a financial sledgehammer unlike they have ever felt before. There is no hope for the majority of these people. They don’t believe it can happen, you won’t convince them, and they are doing nothing to prepare and insulate themselves for when it does.

Those paying attention will, at the very least, have a basic level of protection that includes tangible assets – food, supplies, precious metals, and a skill-set that will help us thrive when others are left with no other option but to panic.

It will happen quickly; very quickly.

Be ready for when it does.

And one way to reduce the systemic risk is to trade those fiat dollars… which are really worthless… they have nothing of intrinsic value… they are really just a con game… They need to exchange those dollars for gold and silver, real estate, diamonds… I would say other things that have tangible value, that no matter what the currency does, you still have possession and ownership of those assets.

Excellent idea! We could buy houses, no matter what the price.........what could go wrong?
We Are Close to The End: “The Con Job Is Up”

Mac Slavo
November 5, 2013

We’ve seen decades of manipulation in the monetary, financial and economic systems of this country. And while most people have fallen hook, line and sinker for the recovery narrative touted by the establishment, the reality is a stark contrast to what they’re being told.

As Jay Taylor notes, we must first admit we’ve been conned. Then we absolutely must take steps to protect ourselves from the geo-political disaster to come.

Of course the masses of people don’t get it… they don’t believe it. They’re content to take at face value what they’re told by the mainstream media…

More: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/we-are-close-to-the-end-the-con-job-is-up_11042013

And one way to reduce the systemic risk is to trade those fiat dollars… which are really worthless… they have nothing of intrinsic value… they are really just a con game… They need to exchange those dollars for gold and silver, real estate, diamonds… I would say other things that have tangible value, that no matter what the currency does, you still have possession and ownership of those assets.

Excellent idea! We could buy houses, no matter what the price.........what could go wrong?
NO, NO, NO. I have a hundred tin hats. Buy tin hats!!!!
Educate??? Really. That entails impartially looking at issues. So, you are not interested in educating. You are interested in indoctrinating. You need to look up the terms. And WONDER at the difference.

But you are good for some comedy.
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So what I always ask when I see these "end is neigh" type threads, how are you guys positioning your finances to be ready? This is an economics forum, lets hear it.

Does anyone actually walk the walk and take action, or does the belief in the coming collapse only inspire action as far as moving fingers over a keyboard? Did you cash out your 401k? Bury gold in the yard? What is the plan?
Hey, guys. I have a whole lot of tin foil hats for sale. About a hundred in stock. $20 ea. Picks up all the good stuff in the air waves. Let me know how many you need.

For one thing, a $20 tin foil hat is a fucking rip off (I can buy a whole roll for about $3, which can make me a hundred hats).

Secondly not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but will say you probably make a fine, unquestioning model citizen. I bet President Obama wishes there were many more folks like you around; he certainly would be doing much better in the polls then...

Finally, are you refuting anything specific that has been said? A sound discussion is much more valuable than hurling insults back and forth.

Sorry. I see you are an expert at making your own tin foil hat.
I do not bother spending a lot of time with debunking dogma from irrational sources. If you like it, good for you. That is one of the most common traits of stupid people. They love to believe what they want to believe. It is you that should be checking out the dogma. I do not owe that to you.
But the clown starting this thread started out with quotes from Mac Slavo. The guy who makes more predictions than anyone that NEVER come true Here is a bit about the clown:
"Mac Slavo is a legend in his own mind. He spreads the legend wherever he can, though most people point, laugh and snicker"
Remember, I have really good tin hats for sale. And lots of armored gloves for all of the knuckle draggers

Cutting and pasting 42 points from some web site, as the clown starting this thread did, is FAR from honest discussion. Hell, my 10 year old grandson can cut and paste, and forget to mention the source.

Hi Rsher, I asked you a direct question - what so far specifically (that has been said) do you refute and believe is "crazy", etc?

Why not try answering it? :)
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... when I see these "end is neigh" type threads, how are you guys positioning your finances to be ready?
Lot's of folk don't save for retirement either even though they're convinced that will happen too.

My personal expectations are for seeing more of what's happened in the past --that times world peril met by the enormous force for good that there is in America's 'trust in God'. What's ironic now is I know that my expectations have occasionally been for naught, so I'm also living in a manner that the total economic collapse of the U.S. wouldn't cramp my lifestyle too much.
We'll be fine. If you're spending your time thinking the entire economic world will fully collapse - you're day dreaming. When everyone lost their shirts in the great depression, most everyone got a shirt back.

When (not even close to) everyone lost their shirts from the latest collapse, most of them got their shirt back.

Most people don't "hear about a fake recovery from the media," no, most people go outside and can see it with their eyeballs.

This whole conspiracy theorist tripe about "all your sheep listen to the MEDIA!!!!" bullshit is one gigantic P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N.

It is THEY who listen to CONSPIRACY THEORIST media, 9/11 truthers, etc. and bite on it hook line and sinker. Why? Because their brains think that the world is a cartoon, and it's more "fun" to believe the farcified suspenseful version of reality.

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