We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Allegations of anomalies had been addressed by the appropriate courts and many recounts had occurred.

You think they fully investigated the numerous anomalies in the election in less than 30 days from when the counting actually stopped? That is laughable,.
List the LAWS that Trump broke, GO!!!!!!
These HOLLOW indictments are nothing but ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!!
It's amazing how you pathetic ASSHOLES freaked out over your PRETEND Russia Russia Russia ELECTION INTERFERENCE, but now that's EXACTLY what YOU are actually fucking doing!
The utter hubris of you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies is over the top!

They are a Cult.
Rational arguments, facts, and history have no effect on them.
You think they fully investigated the numerous anomalies in the election in less than 30 days from when the counting actually stopped? That is laughable,.
Or the claims were so ridiculous that it didn't take much to debunk them
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

This is for certain. You don’t have a pragmatic bone in your body. You voted for Biden over Trump despite your self-professed leanings are more toward Trump’s policies. I don’t function that way. I am not a 12 year old middle schooler worried about such nonsense and calling grown men “orange”. Grow up and tell your Democrat buddies to do the same.
Or the claims were so ridiculous that it didn't take much to debunk them

Ridiculous like a polling station in a critical state had a water main break and had to get everybody out so they could fix it, all the while counting? Ridiculous like that?
Trump colluded with Russia? Oh yeah, no, he didn’t. Nice to see that you ignored the ”fake” laptop. My how that narrative has changed.
Trump made 140 calls to the Russian embassy during his campaign to establish a backhanded to the Kremlin according to Jared Kushner.
You think they fully investigated the numerous anomalies in the election in less than 30 days from when the counting actually stopped? That is laughable,.
The Trumpy lawyers talked a big game on "Faux Not News", but sang a different tune when they faced a judge and had to produce evidence of these alleged anomalies for the cases to proceed. The rules for contesting the results were established well before the election took place.
Trump made 140 calls to the Russian embassy during his campaign to establish a backhanded to the Kremlin according to Jared Kushner.

Even if that sentence had all the words needed to make sense. it wouldn't make sense.
Trump made 140 calls to the Russian embassy during his campaign to establish a backhanded to the Kremlin according to Jared Kushner.

It sure seems like you are trying to say that Trump colluded with Russia despite an investigation that cost taxpayers 10s of millions of dollars that didn’t find evidence for that claim. Will you people ever get it? You are being conned.
Yep....he didn't break any laws, but by God they'll make some up.
You can't make all this up you retard. One charge, okay maybe. 2? Possible. 3??? Maybe but it would be obvious to the moderate/independents who decide elections.

Don't say the "liberal" media is brainwashing/lying to them. Sorry but it's those people who thank god decide elections. Sometimes they get it wrong like Gore, Kerry and Hillary but they decided after 4 years of Trump that he wasn't fit to serve. That's not going to change in 2024 dummy. Because he was never fit to serve. Now we all just know it. Only 60% of Republicans don't know it or won't accept it.
Biden lied with regards to his contacts, which is of course an integral piece to the Hunter/Joe puzzle. Do you disagree?
Show me, don't vaguely describe it.

I've demonstrated that you are an unreliable narrator.

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