We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

You think they fully investigated the numerous anomalies in the election in less than 30 days from when the counting actually stopped? That is laughable,.
That's required, under the Constitution. There is a time limit.

And if you saw the election being stolen and that's why you are contesting the results, then you would have the proof to present in court, that would be EVIDENCE showing you won....otherwise, you are shit out of luck! EVIDENCE, is required within the time period, actual proof presented before the court of law.....

You still do not have, actual proof Trump won, three years later.... Speculation is not acceptable in a court of law.
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You think they fully investigated the numerous anomalies in the election in less than 30 days from when the counting actually stopped? That is laughable,.
It's not so laughable when you realize that nearly all of these "anomalies" could be debunked with a minimum amount of effort.

How hard is it to debunk "fraud" when the allegation came from someone that said they saw it in a dream?

Has ANYONE been convicted of "insurrection"???

Wake up Nazi​

Ex-Leader of Proud Boys Sentenced to 22 Years​

Oath Keeper who guarded Roger Stone before Jan. 6 attack gets over 4 years in prison​

Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner​

Trump said in a speech. Proud Boys. Stand back and stand by. Months later he told them to storm the Capitol. No? Am I missing something? Sounds like a coordinated effort.
It tells me the Supreme Morons are pansy-ass snowflakes who are too chicken to do their jobs.
If it was closer they would have gone along. A lot of Republicans would have went along but it was so obvious Biden won and Team Trump was lying their asses off.

One great example is Bob Barr. He was going along with the coup but at some point realized history would judge those who went along with Trump and he went back to being patriotic.

God Bless Mike Pence. He's a wacko but a true patriot.

You Trumpsters just don't realize you're Nazi's. Modern day Nazi movement.
Biden lied with regards to his contacts, which is of course an integral piece to the Hunter/Joe puzzle. Do you disagree?
Meeting some of Hunter's business partners at an event or on the phone at a dinner, is not necessarily being involved in his son's business.... It could have simply been a meaningless and not a memorable event.... And was the question in context, about Biden while VP vs after he left office....?

Was Biden Vice President or a Candidate when he made the claim? What was he responding to? I've seen the response, but not the context of the question being asked of him?

I think we need to know more, before concluding he outright lied....

And it could be that he did, but I don't know that yet, not without further questions answered.
It's not so laughable when you realize that nearly all of these "anomalies" could be debunked with a minimum amount of effort.

How hard is it to debunk "fraud" when the allegation came from someone that said they saw it in a dream?

I remember USMB Republicans said that poll watchers filled out sworn affidavits an to them those affidavits are as good as proof that election fraud occurred. Because NO ONE would lie in a sworn affidavit. Of course everyone on team Trump is a big fat liar. That was proven in the Dominion lawsuit.

So anyways, the one affidavit I found funny was a guy said he saw too many overseas votes going to Biden. All of them went to Biden. Only one problem with that. He was looking at the Biden pile of votes. They had already been separated. And even if not. Just because you believe the military votes Republican doesn't make it so. So that and every other affidavit filled out were complete horse shit.
Sealy? If you think Joe didn't know EXACTLY what Hunter was doing then you're extremely naive! You honestly think you wouldn't know about it if someone in your family just made 50 million? Come on...you know Joe's dirty. Just admit it and move on!
What was Hunter doing?
The Democrats tried stealing the election by hiding the counting of ballots in the state of FL. They only wanted recounts in heavy Democrat districts where they could steal votes during the recount.

Remember "Hanging Chads"?

They were desperately trying to weasel their way into a win by fiddling with butterfly ballots. They tried pulling the shit they pulled in GA and AZ but GOP pollwatchers broke into the counting rooms and stopped them from doing it.

Bush went to the Supreme Court and said that most of the state was being screwed out of their vote by slanted recount process....and the Supreme Court agreed.

That put an end to the attempted steal of the 2000 election.
hiding the counting of ballots LIE ONE
They only wanted recounts in heavy Democrat districts

You mean where Jeb threw away votes? Where Jeb used hanging chads as a reason to throw out votes? Yes I remember hanging chads. Katherine Harris purposely chose cheaper paper and was warned. SHE KNEW hanging chads would happen and that would be her justification for throwing out votes, but only in Democratic places. In Republican places they simply brushed off the hanging chads.

Butterfly ballots just showed that a lot of people who thought they voted for Gore voted for Buchanan. Can't fiddle with that. Just noticed that. Pretty clever. Man you guys used many tactics to steal 2000. You (Carl Rove) were clever enough that the SUpremes went along. This Supreme Court would have went along too if it was closer.

Yes we know the Supreme Court agreed with Bush's version of what happened. Such bullshit. I remember wondering why we didn't storm the capitol chanting hang Al Gore when he certified the votes for Bush. LOL
I remember USMB Republicans said that poll watchers filled out sworn affidavits an to them those affidavits are as good as proof that election fraud occurred. Because NO ONE would lie in a sworn affidavit. Of course everyone on team Trump is a big fat liar. That was proven in the Dominion lawsuit.

So anyways, the one affidavit I found funny was a guy said he saw too many overseas votes going to Biden. All of them went to Biden. Only one problem with that. He was looking at the Biden pile of votes. They had already been separated. And even if not. Just because you believe the military votes Republican doesn't make it so. So that and every other affidavit filled out were complete horse shit.
That’s another thing. A lot of the affidavits aren’t lies, they’re just people who don’t know what they’re seeing and they were programmed to think everything was fraud. I remember one was from a republican who saw someone move boxes into a room. That’s it. No idea what was in the boxes. They just thought it was weird so it added to the list of affidavits alleging fraud.
I was worried a few years ago Michigan had a Republican governor and both state houses were controlled by Republicans. I remember reading how Republicans realized they can do more damage at the state level. And I felt like Democrats would disappear in Michigan. Gerrymandering and all that.

Then we elected a Democrat Governor. We passed laws to break up gerrymandering because while Michigan is a pretty blue state, it's ridiculous that Republicans control both houses. They no longer control either house. Back to normal.

Michigan set up an independent commission to draw the congressional district boundaries ... it's a new system so maybe 2030 won't be such a clusterfuck as 2020 has been ...
That’s another thing. A lot of the affidavits aren’t lies, they’re just people who don’t know what they’re seeing and they were programmed to think everything was fraud. I remember one was from a republican who saw someone move boxes into a room. That’s it. No idea what was in the boxes. They just thought it was weird so it added to the list of affidavits alleging fraud
You're gaslighting yourself.
Just look at the first 3 pages of the Georgia indictment.

You people are fucking idiots.

No ... they're all goodie-two-shoes ... haven't spent any quality time in a courtroom ... those of us who have been indicted a few dozen times know where to look for such information ...

... others pee their pants and run hide behind their expensive lawyer's skirts ...
I'll try that at my trial. Sorry but I will only allow 12 flaming woke libs on the jury.

Now is when you guys find out how diverse our country is. A jury pool.

Sorry but you won't find Hunter or Don Jr. on the jury pool And all the MAGA's are in jail.

Easy to check their facebook pages to disquality any trumpbots from the jury.
Wow.....America is diverse....and I didn't know it. :auiqs.jpg:

Have you ever been to another country?

You'll discover that America has always been the most diverse country, or one of the most diverse countries on the planet.

And you think I didn't know this absolute fact.

FYI, diversity, in the context that the left uses it, is just another word for racial discrimination against whites.

Diversity, according to Barack Obama, is exactly the opposite of what MLK wanted, where you're judged by your ideas, not your appearance, gender, race, or political affiliation.
Federal Mugshots don’t have to be released. Trump didn’t even get one. Remember?

I don’t get you guys. Trump is charged with crimes and the Indictments lay out which crimes and how they were broken. You guys declare it to be fake before you read it. The arguments you guys use are just laughable.

Ok. So Trump is in the process and has the same rights as any other defendant. Although usually people charged under the espionage act are held without bail. Trump is out on his own recognizance.

Somehow that is a crime. Somehow the idea that he might be guilty is a political crime. He should never be charged for any crime. Because. Um. He’s Trump.

However when Hunter is charged how dare they let him out on Bail. You want Biden charged while he is the sitting president. Which is hilarious.

You want Trump to have immunity while he is a former President but don’t want to talk about Biden having Immunity while he is a sitting President.

I’m starting to wonder what scares you all more. Is it that Trump might actually be a criminal? Or is it that you backed a guy who is a criminal?
Teabaggers backed a criminal.
Trump and his crime ridden family tradition for decades.
You can't make all this up you retard. One charge, okay maybe. 2? Possible. 3??? Maybe but it would be obvious to the moderate/independents who decide elections.

Don't say the "liberal" media is brainwashing/lying to them. Sorry but it's those people who thank god decide elections. Sometimes they get it wrong like Gore, Kerry and Hillary but they decided after 4 years of Trump that he wasn't fit to serve. That's not going to change in 2024 dummy. Because he was never fit to serve. Now we all just know it. Only 60% of Republicans don't know it or won't accept it.
Yep...not fit to serve, yet for some reason back when Trump was in office I could buy leaf lettuce for under $2. Now It's hard to find any under $4. Gas prices have doubled or tripled. Diesel is nearly twice the price of gas. I paid almost $300 yesterday for groceries and I didn't by any steaks. I can't find a box of cat litter for under $11. Most of them are in the 20s. Almost every item is $4 or over.

This is Joe Biden's doing. Both Obama and Biden did everything they could to raise the costs of everything. The costs of Hostess pastries doubled under Obama.

Trump was usually the first person up in the morning. He worked hard for us. And the only reason you say he wasn't fit to serve is because your mind has been poisoned against him. You'd rather have that POS Biden in office.

Gore, Kerry, and Hillary are not good people. They are pure evil. The only reason you like liars like Obama, Biden, Gore, Kerry, and Clinton is because they're Democrats, and you have the false belief that Democrats are good people. You think their obvious lies are acceptable because they support whatever ideology you support.
If it was closer they would have gone along. A lot of Republicans would have went along but it was so obvious Biden won and Team Trump was lying their asses off.

One great example is Bob Barr. He was going along with the coup but at some point realized history would judge those who went along with Trump and he went back to being patriotic.

God Bless Mike Pence. He's a wacko but a true patriot.

You Trumpsters just don't realize you're Nazi's. Modern day Nazi movement.
God Bless Mike Pence. :auiqs.jpg:
I think most of the Republican districts had newer electronic voting machines vs the democrat precincts in 2000.
2000 the primary issue was FL and Butterfly Ballots. Hanging Chads. Not voting machines.
According to Democrats, the people of FL would pick a Republican but Democrats claimed they meant to vote for a Democrat.
They actually said they were too stupid to properly fill out a GD paper ballot.

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