We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

I like reading yours.
Keeps me up to date on Q NUTS latest nutjobbery
Here is why Republicans won't win. They will only nominate a divisive person. Someone who thinks 2020 was stolen. A pro insurrectionist. Someone who wants to fight WOKE. That would be Ron, Vivik or Trump.

I don't think Christie, Pence or Nikki will start a war against WOKE. They won't be pro woke but they won't use WOKE to divide us. And if they won't fight the WOKE war, 60% of Republicans will deem them as RINO's, pussies, not authoritarian enough. They feel like they made a mistake nominating a moderate like McCain and Romney.

Trump pretended to be a moderate when he ran the first time. He said many many things running for president that even sounded good to me. So Republicans don't realize that Trump doesn't have the illusion of being above the politics. He is the biggest trouble maker. He started fights he didn't have to start.

Oh well. This is why I'm sure Democrats will win next year. This and abortion. And young people. And blacks.
You know it' a problem. You know AA is still necessary. The day we no longer have Hunter Biden's getting hired over blacks and women, then maybe you can say AA is no longer necessary.
AA has always been systemic racism.
Selecting anyone because of their race is in direct violation of civil rights laws.
If they strictly enforced civil rights, most college teams wouldn't be able to find enough blacks that qualified entrance requirements to attend.
They have to bend the rules to get them enrolled.
They lowered the requirement to 700 SAT scores...which is borderline retarded.
The irony of it is Fani Willis is personally up to her neck in election fraud scandals.
Are you getting your news from the Onion?

AA has always been systemic racism.
Selecting anyone because of their race is in direct violation of civil rights laws.
If they strictly enforced civil rights, most college teams wouldn't be able to find enough blacks that qualified entrance requirements to attend.
They have to bend the rules to get them enrolled.
They lowered the requirement to 700 SAT scores...which is borderline retarded.
Well how do you stop whites from only hiring whites? Or rich white men who only hire their rich white friends sons? Like Hunter.
Here is why Republicans won't win. They will only nominate a divisive person. Someone who thinks 2020 was stolen. A pro insurrectionist. Someone who wants to fight WOKE. That would be Ron, Vivik or Trump.

I don't think Christie, Pence or Nikki will start a war against WOKE. They won't be pro woke but they won't use WOKE to divide us. And if they won't fight the WOKE war, 60% of Republicans will deem them as RINO's, pussies, not authoritarian enough. They feel like they made a mistake nominating a moderate like McCain and Romney.

Trump pretended to be a moderate when he ran the first time. He said many many things running for president that even sounded good to me.
I known of Trump since 1985.
Trump has always been FOS..........THEN and NOW.
That's why Cristie knows his BS firsthand, being from NJ.
People in Fl., NY and NJ know Trump has always been a FOS, bloviator.
So Republicans don't realize that Trump doesn't have the illusion of being above the politics. He is the biggest trouble maker. He started fights he didn't have to start.
That's the way, they all are, been that way since Reagan.
Create a non-existent problem, then take credit for fixing them.
Oh well. This is why I'm sure Democrats will win next year. This and abortion. And young people. And blacks.
Channel 7 News recently pointed out how they became part of the news in 2019 when Trump accused Democrats of smuggling in boxes of votes in the middle of the night. It turned out to be a Channel 7 camera man and his equipment.
Yeah.....so basically you buy into these bullshit excuses that the media dreams up because you cannot imagine that Democrats and Republicans would cheat to get Trump out of the White House.

You believed it was possible for Russians to hack the election but not the CIA.

You refuse to believe a US postal worker that testified under oath that he drove over 200,000 completed mail-in ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. You only want to believe what the corrupt media tells you. Ignore him. He's probably a white supremacist.

Who thought it was a good idea to hire BLM members to work in the counting centers? Some of them were actually wearing Tshirts with BLM on them.

Shortly after the polls closed dozens of poll workers and poll watchers witnessed vans full of ballots being dropped off after COB at central counting centers....and that nearly 100% of the ballots were for Biden. They heard their supervisors telling them to backdate thousands of ballots that missed the deadline. That witnessed thousands of boxes of completed mail-in ballots that were never mailed to anyone because they weren't folded. They witnessed supervisors telling poll workers to ignore signatures. They argued with poll workers that said duplicate ballots were being counted, or box after box of mail-in ballots that were in numerical sequence as if somebody just printed them off to be counted. Mail-in ballots go out to different addresses but were all received in pristine condition in perfect numerical sequence.

Nothing to see here folks.
Seems to me the problem seemed to be the fact that too many people didn't know how to follow directions.

It wasn't because of somebody cracking open sealed voting machines and changing the votes by putting a zip drive into the machine. It wasn't because they lied about the machines being tied into the internet or being extremely easy to hack. It was because Grandma couldn't push a metal rod thru a hole puncher. It wasn't because they made the machines able to count and recount the same stack of ballots over and over again. It's about a system that allows people to cheat and nobody can do anything about it to stop them.
The people running the machines is really what's important. Not just the machines themselves.

Doubtful. These machines are designed to be secure. They are inspected by election officials from both parties, who are also present at all times.

While there may be a USB port on some of these machines, it's doubtful that it could be used to hack the machines. They are at least password protected and only load firmware .bin files or have embedded operating systems. They probably do not connect to the internet at all- there would be no reason to design them to connect to the internet.

These are not like your home PC at all.
I known of Trump since 1985.
Trump has always been FOS..........THEN and NOW.
That's why Cristie knows his BS firsthand, being from NJ.
People in Fl., NY and NJ know Trump has always been a FOS, bloviator.

That's the way, they all are, been that way since Reagan.
Create a non-existent problem, then take credit for fixing them.

View attachment 825557
Chris Cristie is hated in New Jersey.
Most of the voters were glad he's not governor anymore because he was no better than Bill DeBlasio.
And I wouldn't take that fat-ass's word for diddly-squat.
He's as dishonest as the day is long.
He's one of those Lib RINO Republicans that Democrats put in office to they can piss everyone off and turn the voters to the Darkside. They tried doing that in TN and it didn't work. The only reason it works in CA, NY, NJ, and other Blue states is because they keep flooding them with illegal voters.

Sure, Trump has an ego, but he doesn't have to fake caring about the voters like Biden or Obama does.
The primary reason Hillary lost is because she can't fake caring about us. She lies about everything and hates everyone.
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I wouldn't know.
Yes you do.
ALL day long.

"It wasn't because of somebody cracking open sealed voting machines and changing the votes by putting a zip drive into the machine. It wasn't because they lied about the machines being tied into the internet or being extremely easy to hack. It was because Grandma couldn't push a metal rod thru a hole puncher. It wasn't because they made the machines able to count and recount the same stack of ballots over and over again. It's about a system that allows people to cheat and nobody can do anything about it to stop them".

With NO fucking proof.
Yet you do.

Weird. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah..............funny and scary, at the same time.
Now your politicians are believing the same.
Doubtful. These machines are designed to be secure. They are inspected by election officials from both parties, who are also present at all times.

While there may be a USB port on some of these machines, it's doubtful that it could be used to hack the machines. They are at least password protected and only load firmware .bin files or have embedded operating systems. They probably do not connect to the internet at all- there would be no reason to design them to connect to the internet.

These are not like your home PC at all.

The machines are only as secure as the person running them.
If the person running them is dishonest, the machines aren't going to be secure.
Anyone who knows I.T. knows backdoors and hacks that work on their equipment.
No computer system is impervious to hacking.
Yes you do.
ALL day long.

"It wasn't because of somebody cracking open sealed voting machines and changing the votes by putting a zip drive into the machine. It wasn't because they lied about the machines being tied into the internet or being extremely easy to hack. It was because Grandma couldn't push a metal rod thru a hole puncher. It wasn't because they made the machines able to count and recount the same stack of ballots over and over again. It's about a system that allows people to cheat and nobody can do anything about it to stop them".

With NO fucking proof.

Yeah..............funny and scary, at the same time.
Now your politicians are believing the same.
The only proof I need is eye-witness testimony that's been all over the internet for over a month.

I wouldn't just make this shit up without proof, you mindless fuck.
Yeah.....so basically you buy into these bullshit excuses that the media dreams up because you cannot imagine that Democrats and Republicans would cheat to get Trump out of the White House.

You believed it was possible for Russians to hack the election but not the CIA.

You refuse to believe a US postal worker that testified under oath that he drove over 200,000 completed mail-in ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. You only want to believe what the corrupt media tells you. Ignore him. He's probably a white supremacist.

Who thought it was a good idea to hire BLM members to work in the counting centers? Some of them were actually wearing Tshirts with BLM on them.

Shortly after the polls closed dozens of poll workers and poll watchers witnessed vans full of ballots being dropped off after COB at central counting centers....and that nearly 100% of the ballots were for Biden. They heard their supervisors telling them to backdate thousands of ballots that missed the deadline. That witnessed thousands of boxes of completed mail-in ballots that were never mailed to anyone because they weren't folded. They witnessed supervisors telling poll workers to ignore signatures. They argued with poll workers that said duplicate ballots were being counted, or box after box of mail-in ballots that were in numerical sequence as if somebody just printed them off to be counted. Mail-in ballots go out to different addresses but were all received in pristine condition in perfect numerical sequence.
You believe any conspiracy theory even debunked ones. Yes, the media is lying to you. Same way they lied to me when Bush stole Florida. I get it.

I didn't say Russia hacked anything. Trump colluded with Putin. We just can't connect them like we can Trump with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers via Roger Stone. A guy who was involved in stealing 2000 and whom Trump pardoned.

Ever black person in Detroit is a BLM supporter. So they can't vote for Biden?

You ended with another debunked conspiracy theory. Sorry Rudy.
Chris Cristie is hated in New Jersey.
I know and not just NJ.
That wasn't the point.
Cristie knows Trump almost like Cohen knows Trump.
Most of the voters were glad he's not governor anymore because he was not better than Bill DeBlasio.
And I wouldn't take that fat-ass's word for diddly-squat.
Of course you wouldn't but..........you sure take Trump's word.
He's as dishonest as the day is long.
I agree.
He's one of those Lib RINO Republicans that Democrats put in office to they can piss everyone off and turn the voters to the Darkside. They tried doing that in TN and it didn't work. The only reason it works in CA, NY, NJ, and other Blue states is because they keep flooding them with illegal voters.
Still..........No proof.
Sure, Trump has an ego, but he doesn't have to fake caring about the voters like Biden or Obama does.

The primary reason Hillary lost is because she can't fake caring about us. She lies about everything and hates everyone.
You believe any conspiracy theory even debunked ones. Yes, the media is lying to you. Same way they lied to me when Bush stole Florida. I get it.

I didn't say Russia hacked anything. Trump colluded with Putin. We just can't connect them like we can Trump with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers via Roger Stone. A guy who was involved in stealing 2000 and whom Trump pardoned.

Ever black person in Detroit is a BLM supporter. So they can't vote for Biden?

You ended with another debunked conspiracy theory. Sorry Rudy.
You think that CNN or some news station issuing a false story is a valid debunking. A denial without explanation by the administration isn't a debunking.

All you need is for someone to lie to you about the facts and you'll believe them 100%.

The source matters more to you than the facts.

And you think you can get away with linking every shitforbrains butt-reaming asshole conservative when he breaks the law to Trump....but you can't link Joe Biden to his own crackhead son who travels with him all over the world and lives in the White House dropping bags of coke.

God you're pathetic.

The machines are only as secure as the person running them.
If the person running them is dishonest, the machines aren't going to be secure.
Anyone who knows I.T. knows backdoors and hacks that work on their equipment.
No computer system is impervious to hacking.
AND you're certain this happened?

Arizona 'audit' finds Biden won (by more votes) and no ...​

Arizona Mirror
https://www.azmirror.com › 2021/09/23 › arizona-aud...

Sep 23, 2021 — After months of work and some $6 million spent, a so-called audit that Trump supporters claimed would show that the election had been stolen ...

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