We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

And you're a lying asshole.

I spent many an election deployed overseas and had to vote absentee on numerous occasions.
I also voted absentee in CA for years after I joined the military until I could establish residency in another state.

Funny thing happened in elections under Obama.....he put some dyke in charge of the military vote and one of their airlift jets carrying ballots crashed and burned a bunch of them up. Now they seem to have a habit of forgetting to send out ballots to deployed troops in time for the elections.
This is the funny thing about Republicans not liking mail in voting. They do it too. Probably more than we do assuming old people vote Republican.

I can't wait for the day we can all vote via our email. And if someone hacks in and votes for you, they can quickly figure out which one of you is the real Sealybobo.
This is the funny thing about Republicans not liking mail in voting. They do it too. Probably more than we do assuming old people vote Republican.

I can't wait for the day we can all vote via our email. And if someone hacks in and votes for you, they can quickly figure out which one of you is the real Sealybobo.
What if they don't give a shit if you're the actual voter?

What if they decide that you can't tell if you voted or not and just forget to register your vote for you?
How is it that dictators can say they got 100% of the vote?
Easy, they cheat.
If you put your people in charge of counting, then you're always going to win.
What if they don't give a shit if you're the actual voter?

What if they decide that you can't tell if you voted or not and just forget to register your vote for you?
How is it that dictators can say they got 100% of the vote?
Easy, they cheat.
If you put your people in charge of counting, then you're always going to win.
What if I go in person and vote and they do these things to me?

We need a Democrat and Republican together oveseeing the entire operation.

I believe a lot of cheating happens in red states. How do you know?
Here's a little nugget in the NBC story you seem to have ignored:

Here's another few nuggets that you ignored:

The articles you posted was written long before the 2020 elections.

Per the article below:

"Last year, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission added a ban on modems to a set of voluntary guidelines that many states use as the basis for their voting system testing programs."

So, we know:
1. Modems were removed before the 2020 election
2. Modems were in many voting machines during the 2016 election.
3. It would require expert hacking to penetrate the firewalls, cell phone networks and voting machines
4. Only a significant hacking organization like a foreign government could hack enough voting machines to change the outcome of the elections.

Thanks for providing such a strong argument proving the Russians hacked the voting machines during the 2016 elections and that Trump was NEVER the legal winner of the 2016 election.
In every way.

But I was joking. He said you were spouting nonsense and you said "tell me something I don't know". LOL.
He's never going to admit openly that I ever made a valid point.
He did admit this, but that was mostly by accident.
He's just going to try to distract everyone looking at this thread by bringing up something I didn't mention or might have overlooked.
The only time one of these pukes gets on here is to trash anyone who's talking about a topic that they need to squash.
They use ridicule on posters here.
In most cases it works, unless you know that they're paid to do it.
They're called Non-governmental agents.
Obama introduced the tactic.
Flooding message-boards with experts that have insider knowledge on specific topics.
Some of them work for the CIA in some capacity as analysts. They're usually pretty smart, but they're dishonest.
Their job is to piss on anyone who isn't spewing the party-line.
It's more effective when they can get three of them doing it at once.
What if I go in person and vote and they do these things to me?

We need a Democrat and Republican together oveseeing the entire operation.

I believe a lot of cheating happens in red states. How do you know?
The party they belong to is no guarantee.

Both Democrats and Republicans can be crooked.

You need to look outside the box and come to the conclusion that we're being manipulated.
He's never going to admit openly that I ever made a valid point.
He did admit this, but that was mostly by accident.
He's just going to try to distract everyone looking at this thread by bringing up something I didn't mention or might have overlooked.
The only time one of these pukes gets on here is to trash anyone who's talking about a topic that they need to squash.
They use ridicule on posters here.
In most cases it works, unless you know that they're paid to do it.
They're called Non-governmental agents.
Obama introduced the tactic.
Flooding message-boards with experts that have insider knowledge on specific topics.
Some of them work for the CIA in some capacity as analysts. They're usually pretty smart, but they're dishonest.
Their job is to piss on anyone who isn't spewing the party-line.
It's more effective when they can get three of them doing it at once.
No I'm sorry but it was Russians who flooded Facebook with anti Hillary fake news.
He's never going to admit openly that I ever made a valid point.
He did admit this, but that was mostly by accident.
He's just going to try to distract everyone looking at this thread by bringing up something I didn't mention or might have overlooked.
The only time one of these pukes gets on here is to trash anyone who's talking about a topic that they need to squash.
They use ridicule on posters here.
In most cases it works, unless you know that they're paid to do it.
They're called Non-governmental agents.
Obama introduced the tactic.
Flooding message-boards with experts that have insider knowledge on specific topics.
Some of them work for the CIA in some capacity as analysts. They're usually pretty smart, but they're dishonest.
Their job is to piss on anyone who isn't spewing the party-line.
It's more effective when they can get three of them doing it at once.

You have a fanciful imagination!
Here's another few nuggets that you ignored:

The articles you posted was written long before the 2020 elections.

Per the article below:

"Last year, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission added a ban on modems to a set of voluntary guidelines that many states use as the basis for their voting system testing programs."

So, we know:
1. Modems were removed before the 2020 election
2. Modems were in many voting machines during the 2016 election.
3. It would require expert hacking to penetrate the firewalls, cell phone networks and voting machines
4. Only a significant hacking organization like a foreign government could hack enough voting machines to change the outcome of the elections.

Thanks for providing such a strong argument proving the Russians hacked the voting machines during the 2016 elections and that Trump was NEVER the legal winner of the 2016 election.
The story is from Jan 10 2020.

And here's a simple fact, rules only apply to those who follow the rules.

Once again....they've been finding voting machines that can be accessed via cell phone.

Mic drop.
The party they belong to is no guarantee.

Both Democrats and Republicans can be crooked.

You need to look outside the box and come to the conclusion that we're being manipulated.
I agree we are. But by whom? The corporations and politicians who serve them.

We need to take money out of politics. Overturn Citizens United.

They love to blame gen x'ers, poor minorities, unions, liberals, anyone but the people responsible for the sad state of our middle class. The corporations and anti labor politicians.

And they divide us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism. Without those you'd have no reason to vote GOP.
The story is from Jan 10 2020.

And here's a simple fact, rules only apply to those who follow the rules.

Once again....they've been finding voting machines that can be accessed via cell phone.

Mic drop.

'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet​

A team of election security experts used a “Google for servers” to challenge claims that voting machines do not connect to the internet and found some did.

I don't like them either. Let's go back to paper ballots and counting the old fashion way. You can have a sorting machine but I want a democrat and republican to overlook them and make sure all of biden's votes go to Biden

And not just in blue and swing states. I want Democrats to be allowed to fully oversee these red states that supposedly never vote blue. One in particular. I suspect Kansas should turn blue next year.

Here is why Republicans won't win. They will only nominate a divisive person. Someone who thinks 2020 was stolen. A pro insurrectionist. Someone who wants to fight WOKE. That would be Ron, Vivik or Trump.

I don't think Christie, Pence or Nikki will start a war against WOKE. They won't be pro woke but they won't use WOKE to divide us. And if they won't fight the WOKE war, 60% of Republicans will deem them as RINO's, pussies, not authoritarian enough. They feel like they made a mistake nominating a moderate like McCain and Romney.

Trump pretended to be a moderate when he ran the first time. He said many many things running for president that even sounded good to me. So Republicans don't realize that Trump doesn't have the illusion of being above the politics. He is the biggest trouble maker. He started fights he didn't have to start.

Oh well. This is why I'm sure Democrats will win next year. This and abortion. And young people. And blacks.
Your reasoning is all valid, the GQP base is in control and wants a bunch of unhinged MTG's running around DC, but I'm just not sure. Younger voters yes, black voters probably, and the GQP as a party repulses a lot of people. I just don't know if the Dems will be able to get out the vote, especially with Biden fading in public view.
Your reasoning is all valid, the GQP base is in control and wants a bunch of unhinged MTG's running around DC, but I'm just not sure. Younger voters yes, black voters probably, and the GQP as a party repulses a lot of people. I just don't know if the Dems will be able to get out the vote, especially with Biden fading in public view.

Joe Biden breaks Obama's record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate​

I agree we are. But by whom? The corporations and politicians who serve them.

We need to take money out of politics. Overturn Citizens United.

They love to blame gen x'ers, poor minorities, unions, liberals, anyone but the people responsible for the sad state of our middle class. The corporations and anti labor politicians.

And they divide us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism. Without those you'd have no reason to vote GOP.
The reason there is so much money in our elections is because running a campaign is way too expensive.
They probably think the only solution to that is make them taxpayer funded.
The real solution is stop campaigning year-round.
They should only be allowed to campaign for 6 months.
The president shouldn't be allowed to us Air Force One to attend fundraisers.
Bill Clinton complained that all he was allowed to do was go to fundraisers all over the country.
Press Secretaries should never be allowed to express political opinions during briefings.
Their job is to inform the public thru the media.
Presidents should never be allowed to influence the courts or comment on Supreme Court decisions.
Presidents never should influence investigations or who gets investigated.

Election day should be one day.
Absentee ballots must be received by midnight on election day. No backdating.
All ballots counted at polling locations on the spot and all ballots must carry a serial number so they can be tracked to the voter.
Election results should never be announced until all of the ballots are counted.
Election officials must not have a political affiliation, and should be selected using a background check including their phone records, surfing habits, and their bank accounts inspected.
And everyone must use proper I.D. to vote.
No Hector Gonzales from Columbia voting because he got a license to drive a vehicle while waiting for his asylum application to go thru.
If you want to reduce cheating, this is what you need to do.
The party they belong to is no guarantee.

Both Democrats and Republicans can be crooked.

You need to look outside the box and come to the conclusion that we're being manipulated.

Your argument, based solely on hypotheticals, without any proof seems to be:

1. No election system could ever be secure
2. Democracy is hopeless, let's not even try.
3. We should give up and let the orange clown be our dictator for life.

I agree we are. But by whom? The corporations and politicians who serve them.

We need to take money out of politics. Overturn Citizens United.

They love to blame gen x'ers, poor minorities, unions, liberals, anyone but the people responsible for the sad state of our middle class. The corporations and anti labor politicians.

And they divide us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism. Without those you'd have no reason to vote GOP.

We should also eliminate the filibuster. Without that politicians would have to do what they promise instead of just blaming the other party.
Your argument, based solely on hypotheticals, without any proof seems to be:

1. No election system could ever be secure
2. Democracy is hopeless, let's not even try.
3. We should give up and let the orange clown be our dictator for life.

Now you're getting desperate.

Friggen hilarous :auiqs.jpg:

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