We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

The story is from Jan 10 2020.

And here's a simple fact, rules only apply to those who follow the rules.

Once again....they've been finding voting machines that can be accessed via cell phone.

Mic drop.

You've apparently never owned a mic if you'd drop one.

By 2020 almost all modems had been removed.

We KNOW that Russians hacked the voting systems in 2016. The Republican (Trump appointed) election security chief said that the 2020 elections were secure.

Despite the best effort by the MAGA idiots, there is no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.

Gently places mic in it's case.
We should also eliminate the filibuster. Without that politicians would have to do what they promise instead of just blaming the other party.
The filibuster was designed to prevent the majority from abusing their power.
Government is designed to have checks and balances to slow down abuse.

Politicians are always going to blame the other party, but we have the option to boot them out if they keep making specious arguments and excuses for not doing their jobs.
The filibuster was designed to prevent the majority from abusing their power.
Government is designed to have checks and balances to slow down abuse.

Politicians are always going to blame the other party, but we have the option to boot them out if they keep making specious arguments and excuses for not doing their jobs.

Democracy was invented to make sure that the majority does rule. It's the court system's responsibilty to prevent a dictatorship of the majority.

The Constitution does not include the filibuster and for most of U.S. history the filibuster did not exist.

For as long as the filibuster exists politicians can make outrageous promises to get extremists and idiots to vote for them, then be sure that they will never fulfil those promises and they can pretend to 'fight the good fight' and never win.

Get rid of the filibuster and politicians will have to live up to their promises and own the results. Then the public can decide whether to re-elect them or not.
You've apparently never owned a mic if you'd drop one.

By 2020 almost all modems had been removed.

We KNOW that Russians hacked the voting systems in 2016. The Republican (Trump appointed) election security chief said that the 2020 elections were secure.

Despite the best effort by the MAGA idiots, there is no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.

Gently places mic in it's case.
Now your credibility is no better than your average liberal.
You spouted a few lib talking-points which ignores the facts.

You said almost all modems, which is an admission that some still remained, but how many only the hackers and voting machine manufacturers know.

I'm sure the Russians hacked some voting systems in 2016, but they said the extent that it changed the vote isn't something they can verify. Most of the rigging the Russians did was no different than the rigging the media does with their slanted news coverage. And you can't say who they helped. My guess is they were more likely trying to help the person who would screw up America (Hillary), not Trump. They even admitted that they knew Trump never colluded with Russia before the Mueller Investigation, but they needed it to set the table for his removal.

The primary reason Hillary lost is because she alienated at least half of America with her deplorables comment. She felt that if she rigged the debates and used audio-recordings about grabbing pussies that she could destroy Trump. Her problem was that she's hated more than anyone. Too many people knew Trump for decades. Too many people remember Hillary since her husband was POTUS. Her denials over her server rubbed some voters the wrong way. Her destruction of evidence did the same.

She tried to fake an illness and it didn't garner the sympathy vote. She just lost to a better campaigner.
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the real question is why haven't they already done that? Are they all part of the crooked DC cabal? It may be time for a revolution or secession. This country seems to be on its last legs.
This is GLOBAL !!!! What we are seeing is the implementation of Agenda 2030/50. This is no bs, it is real and Trump is standing in their way, so they will cook up ANY CHARGE to stop him. Why do you think we have morons installed as president IN ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES ? To work for AG 2030.

Look up World Government Summit on you tube to see their open discussions.

The Democrats have the stupidest constituents by a long shot as they have no clue of any policies of the person they vote for. Example is Chicago and NYC,,,,The minorities are going crazy over Bidens Open border policy to the point of fights; THEY VOTED FOR OPEN BORDERS AND IT WAS KNOWN THAT BIDEN IS PUSHING OPEN MIGRATION before the vote, yet these people voted for him.

They call Trump a Racist yet Trump had a BLACK GIRL FRIEND (Kara Young) for 2 years and almost cost him his marriage.
What if I go in person and vote and they do these things to me?

We need a Democrat and Republican together oveseeing the entire operation.

I believe a lot of cheating happens in red states. How do you know?
The only cheating in red states that you hear about benefits Biden.
Explain that.
Why would a red state cheat to deliver the White House to a Democrat?
Democracy was invented to make sure that the majority does rule. It's the court system's responsibilty to prevent a dictatorship of the majority.

The Constitution does not include the filibuster and for most of U.S. history the filibuster did not exist.

For as long as the filibuster exists politicians can make outrageous promises to get extremists and idiots to vote for them, then be sure that they will never fulfil those promises and they can pretend to 'fight the good fight' and never win.

Get rid of the filibuster and politicians will have to live up to their promises and own the results. Then the public can decide whether to re-elect them or not.
Considering the fact that we're not a democracy but a Republic, where we're allowed equal representation, I think it's a good thing. Mob-rule is okay for some, but not for us.
The only democracy we have is elections. That's where our democracy ends. This is why there's only 2 Senators per state regardless of the population. It prevents more populous states from trampling all over the rights of flyover country. You can get away with that in the House, but the Senate can prevent that from happening.
The filibuster is a Senate rule that can be changed by a 2/3rds vote to invoke cloture. That means you have to have enough of a consensus to want to change the rules and end the debate. Harry Reid tried using filibusters to prevent court nominations. This is where the majority party came up with the Nuclear Option. Lots of pissing and moaning over that.
You'll need a 2/3rds majority to remove the filibuster, but you'll never get enough of a consensus to pass that amendment because both parties use the filibuster.
You've apparently never owned a mic if you'd drop one. By 2020 almost all modems had been removed.
We KNOW that Russians hacked the voting systems in 2016. The Republican (Trump appointed) election security chief said that the 2020 elections were secure. Despite the best effort by the MAGA idiots, there is no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election. Gently places mic in it's case.
Russians hacked what voting systems? Bullshit. Give him his mic back.
Getting back on topic:

If ANY state removes the GOP nominee from their ballots in 2024, that state's Electoral College votes should be disqualified by the USSC.
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Now your credibility is no better than your average liberal.
You spouted a few lib talking-points which ignores the facts.

You said almost all modems, which is an admission that some still remained, but how many only the hackers and voting machine manufacturers know.

I'm sure the Russians hacked some voting systems in 2016, but they said the extent that it changed the vote isn't something they can verify. Most of the rigging the Russians did was no different than the rigging the media does with their slanted news coverage. And you can't say who they helped. My guess is they were more likely trying to help the person who would screw up America (Hillary), not Trump. They even admitted that they knew Trump never colluded with Russia before the Mueller Investigation, but they needed it to set the table for his removal.

The primary reason Hillary lost is because she alienated at least half of America with her deplorables comment. She felt that if she rigged the debates and used audio-recordings about grabbing pussies that she could destroy Trump. Her problem was that she's hated more than anyone. Too many people knew Trump for decades. Too many people remember Hillary since her husband was POTUS. Her denials over her server rubbed some voters the wrong way. Her destruction of evidence did the same.

She tried to fake an illness and it didn't garner the sympathy vote. She just lost to a better campaigner.

There's no doubt that Hillary was a lousy candidate. However, a large part of the reason so many people detested her was due to the massive Russian campaign to discredit her on social media. Pizzagate?

Saying that there was no collusions between Trump and the Russians (proven) does not mean that the Russians didn't hack the election systems. They did not need Trump's cooperation. All they needed was to know that Trump was Pro-Russian

Considering that Trump won by less than 2% in six states - 3 of which were by less than 1%. Hillary won the popular vote by a large margin - so she did not alienate herself from "at least half of America"

All that Russian hackers needed to do was to change the vote in a handful of key election districts to ensure that Trump would win the electoral college. They succeeded.

Once again, thanks for providing an argument proving that the Russians hacked the 2016 election and that Trump was never legally elected!
Getting back on topic:

If ANY state removes the GOP nominee from their ballots ion 2024, that state's Electoral College votes should be disqualified by the USSC.

What standing does SCOTUS have in determining elections in any state? Is there a Federal law that's been violated?
Considering the fact that we're not a democracy but a Republic, where we're allowed equal representation, I think it's a good thing. Mob-rule is okay for some, but not for us.
The only democracy we have is elections. That's where our democracy ends. This is why there's only 2 Senators per state regardless of the population. It prevents more populous states from trampling all over the rights of flyover country. You can get away with that in the House, but the Senate can prevent that from happening.
The filibuster is a Senate rule that can be changed by a 2/3rds vote to invoke cloture. That means you have to have enough of a consensus to want to change the rules and end the debate. Harry Reid tried using filibusters to prevent court nominations. This is where the majority party came up with the Nuclear Option. Lots of pissing and moaning over that.
You'll need a 2/3rds majority to remove the filibuster, but you'll never get enough of a consensus to pass that amendment because both parties use the filibuster.

I agree that both parties use the filibuster to defraud the American people.

However, the filibuster is relatively new. We did not have 'Mob Rule' before the filibuster.

Having 2 Senators per State, and in the electoral college made sense in 1784. It does not make sense anymore. Presidents should be elected by popular vote. Leaving 2 Senators per State gives far too much advantage to low population States - people in high population states are unfairly under represented.
Kind of. Don't forget that Trump imprisoned her for whistle blowing.
From your linked story:

Working for NSA contractor Pluribus International Corporation, Winner printed the document – labeled “TOP SECRET” – that explained how Russian military intelligence officials hacked at least one supplier of voting software and tried to break into more than 100 local election systems before the polls closed in 2016.

So no votes were affected. "Tried to break into" means they failed, duh.

She transmitted classified documents....guilty. Time served, now out.
What standing does SCOTUS have in determining elections in any state? Is there a Federal law that's been violated?
Only the USSC can accurately translate the US Constitution.
Using the 14th Amendment to affect a Federal Election is in their wheelhouse.
From your linked story:

Working for NSA contractor Pluribus International Corporation, Winner printed the document – labeled “TOP SECRET” – that explained how Russian military intelligence officials hacked at least one supplier of voting software and tried to break into more than 100 local election systems before the polls closed in 2016.

So no votes were affected. "Tried to break into" means they failed, duh.

She transmitted classified documents....guilty. Time served, now out.
Trump’s government was lying about Russian threats to our elections. She blew the whistle on the lying.
There's no doubt that Hillary was a lousy candidate. However, a large part of the reason so many people detested her was due to the massive Russian campaign to discredit her on social media. Pizzagate?

Saying that there was no collusions between Trump and the Russians (proven) does not mean that the Russians didn't hack the election systems. They did not need Trump's cooperation. All they needed was to know that Trump was Pro-Russian

Considering that Trump won by less than 2% in six states - 3 of which were by less than 1%. Hillary won the popular vote by a large margin - so she did not alienate herself from "at least half of America"

All that Russian hackers needed to do was to change the vote in a handful of key election districts to ensure that Trump would win the electoral college. They succeeded.

Once again, thanks for providing an argument proving that the Russians hacked the 2016 election and that Trump was never legally elected!
Hillary won the popular vote because they kept counting after the election in CA for several days to give her the popular vote.

Russians have been trying to influence our politics since before I was born. If anything, they probably tried to help Hillary and it wasn't enough. Then after she lost they started "Plan B", Operation Crossfire-Hurricane.
Blaming her loss on Russian hackers. Total Bullshit.

With the help of some opposition-research by the Hillary Campaign and the Lincoln Project, they used the Steele Dossier to create a fake scenario that Trump was colluding with the Russians. They got some Anti-Trump FISA judge to accept it and allow search warrants to spy on his campaign in 2016, and they sprang it on Trump as soon as he took office. FBI Director Comey was in on it, and he sent FBI agents to interrogate Michael Flynn claiming it was part of the transition. Instead they used their questioning to arrest him for whatever offenses they felt they could indict him on. Michael Flynn was going to be Trump's National Security advisor....and he was about to clean house in the CIA. They couldn't have that.
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What standing does SCOTUS have in determining elections in any state? Is there a Federal law that's been violated?
SCOTUS doesn't determine winners or losers.
They simply enforce/follow the constitution.

Judge Roberts refused to take up the issue because he was being blackmailed, according to testimony by James Clapper.

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