We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Nope. This issue was already decided. States can't just drop someone from the ballot. I hope some dem states do drop Trump and then get their Electoral Votes disqualified.

Democrats’ dangerous effort to bar Trump from ballot with 14th Amendment​

Perhaps the most dangerous movement is an effort to extend the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot. Democrats, and some Republicans, have insisted that the 14th Amendment prevents Trump from running, given his support for “insurrection or rebellion.” Yet, Trump has not been charged with incitement, let alone insurrection or rebellion.

In support of barring Trump from the ballot, it’s been falsely claimed that the New Mexico Supreme Court relied on the 14th Amendment as the basis for upholding the removal of a local official from office for participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

It is telling that New Mexico District Judge Francis Mathew began his decision in the case with a long quotation from Judge Peter Stenger Grosscup, who in 1894 cracked down on union organizers as rebels and insurrectionists.

Grosscup not only declared union organizers to be insurgents but also added (as Mathew approvingly quoted) that “every person who knowingly incites, aids, or abets them, no matter what his motives may be, is likewise an insurgent.” Grosscup called for federal troops to put down union organizers and later resigned under allegations of improper conduct.

None of this seems to penetrate Democrats’ rage. In pursuing Trump, progressives are citing the same legal authority once used to justify imprisoning socialists and union organizers. And like their anti-free speech predecessors, they’re blind to the implications of these arguments.

p.s. The USSC always has the last word, cite Bush v Gore and the hanging chads election.
Have you been using Turley to guide your betting on high profile legal cases?
Nope. This issue was already decided. States can't just drop someone from the ballot. I hope some dem states do drop Trump and then get their Electoral Votes disqualified.

Democrats’ dangerous effort to bar Trump from ballot with 14th Amendment​

Perhaps the most dangerous movement is an effort to extend the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot. Democrats, and some Republicans, have insisted that the 14th Amendment prevents Trump from running, given his support for “insurrection or rebellion.” Yet, Trump has not been charged with incitement, let alone insurrection or rebellion.

In support of barring Trump from the ballot, it’s been falsely claimed that the New Mexico Supreme Court relied on the 14th Amendment as the basis for upholding the removal of a local official from office for participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

It is telling that New Mexico District Judge Francis Mathew began his decision in the case with a long quotation from Judge Peter Stenger Grosscup, who in 1894 cracked down on union organizers as rebels and insurrectionists.

Grosscup not only declared union organizers to be insurgents but also added (as Mathew approvingly quoted) that “every person who knowingly incites, aids, or abets them, no matter what his motives may be, is likewise an insurgent.” Grosscup called for federal troops to put down union organizers and later resigned under allegations of improper conduct.

None of this seems to penetrate Democrats’ rage. In pursuing Trump, progressives are citing the same legal authority once used to justify imprisoning socialists and union organizers. And like their anti-free speech predecessors, they’re blind to the implications of these arguments.

p.s. The USSC always has the last word, cite Bush v Gore and the hanging chads election in FL.
They're trying to get red states to do it.

I'd love it if CA, NY, and NJ all tried it.

That would be sweet.
They have to take off political assassination tendencies and look at fact that is available. That takes discipline, and it is required of people who in any
we dont have such disciplines, there s no 'complaint' dept, human resources, ethics committee, and/or other public 'leash' for vetting our powers that be here

You pointed out that Trump had 500 LLC's compared to Biden's 12...like that was in some way sinister! You're a moron.
You are so fucking dim.

I was making the point that LLCs aren't evidence of ANYTHING.

Those who insist they are have a 25X problem.
You are so fucking dim.

I was making the point that LLCs aren't evidence of ANYTHING.

Those who insist they are have a 25X problem.
You were making the point that Trump having over 500 LLC's compared to Biden's 12 was somehow meaningful and the moment I read that post I knew that you were full of crap when you claimed to have an MBA! I'm laughing watching you try to rewrite history now! You suddenly realized that you'd posted something moronic and now you're trying to walk it back!
You were making the point that Trump having over 500 LLC's compared to Biden's 12 was somehow meaningful and the moment I read that post I knew that you were full of crap when you claimed to have an MBA! I'm laughing watching you try to rewrite history now! You suddenly realized that you'd posted something moronic and now you're trying to walk it back!
Did you notice that "SHELL COMPANIES!!!!" is in caps, followed by several exclamation points?

Did you give that any thought?

If not, search "SHELL COMPANIES!!!" and The5thHorseman.

See how many hits you get.

Fucking mollusc.

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