We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Did you notice that "SHELL COMPANIES!!!!" is in caps, followed by several exclamation points?

Did you give that any thought?

If not, search "SHELL COMPANIES!!!" and The5thHorseman.

See how many hits you get.

Fucking mollusc.
Like I said. You're in full "walk it back" mode now! If you'd like to provide the post, be my guest. I don't jump through hoops for internet posers like you, 5th!
I am what I am.

MBA, 7/24/65/79, CAIA.

Said George Costanza!
Let’s see, the riots, one of which took place in Portland where the rioters took over a city block and a police station for a couple of days, were in response to what they perceived was an injustice. They burned and destroyed public and private property. This was all over the country, not just in Oregon. They also looted across the country because we all know that a nice flat screen TV soothes the soul and rights any wrongs. They should have all been punished to the extent of their crimes, but most weren’t. Those that were received slaps on the wrist and many were likely bailed out the same night.

The riots that took place in Washington where the rioters invaded the US Capitol building was in response to a perceived injustice. The injustice was regarding the security and sanctity of our elections. Whether their perception was right or wrong, the target of their dissatisfaction was much more significant to our country. They went too far and didn’t handle their discontent correctly, but there was ZERO possibility that these protestors were going to take over our government. That is farcical . They also didn’t burn other cities around the country or have mass looting. They should, however, all be punished to the extent of their crime, which for most amounted to destruction of public property and trespassing., but many of these rioters are still held today and some receiving several year sentences.

These were two different things alright, but only in the sense of how they were handled by law enforcement at both the local and federal levels. The only reason YOU and people like you can’t see this is because you sympthatize with the cause of the Portland rioters and looters and not with the cause the Jan 6th rioters were protesting. It all boils down to the same thing…protect the ideology at all costs, even if that means being completely disingenuous.
Absolutely right 👍.... Mac having the truth told to him like this, uhhhhh ummmmm has just got to hurt deeply... 😂
And there ya go.

I say it, they jump in to illustrate it for me.
It illustrates that you support excessive punishment, which goes against the 4th Amendment.

Fourth Amendment​

The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government. It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law.

Amendment IV​

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Read this, you fascist. Read it. What does it mean?
How about the death penalty for questioning a stolen election.
Line everyone up against a wall an shoot them because they dared to question the fact that Biden stole the presidency.
Why not do the same with anyone who refused to get a vaccine.
That would help you ingrates decrease the excess human population.
It illustrates that you support excessive punishment, which goes against the 4th Amendment.

Read this, you fascist. Read it. What does it mean?
How about the death penalty for questioning a stolen election.
Line everyone up against a wall an shoot them because they dared to question the fact that Biden stole the presidency.
Why not do the same with anyone who refused to get a vaccine.
That would help you ingrates decrease the excess human population.
"Hey Mac, I'm curious, what is your actual opinion on this issue?"

That's how a normal adult would do it.
"Hey Mac, I'm curious, what is your actual opinion on this issue?"

That's how a normal adult would do it.
Sorry, but that weak-ass argument is pretty fake and pathetic.
We've seen it for years from you, and we're not buying it anymore.
It's clear you're not sitting on the fence.
You're constantly revealing your ideology at the same time you're denying it.

It's why he is in a bunch of trouble.
He broke and continued to break the Constitution's Take Care Clause while President. And that disqualifies him from running again.... :dunno:

Take Care Clause says the President has to follow and execute all Laws, unless he has a question of unconstitutionality, which he objects to under the law, and the court then decides. He can't just dismiss the laws and procedures of the nation and congress....he must follow them and make certain others do too....until the law is changed by congress and a president signs it.
A lot of people are rightly concerned.

Sorry, but that weak-ass argument is pretty fake and pathetic.
We've seen it for years from you, and we're not buying it anymore.
It's clear you're not sitting on the fence.
You're constantly revealing your ideology at the same time you're denying it.

Wingers hate those of us who can think for ourselves.

Whatever you, DON'T ask me for my actual opinions on the actual issues. Health care, immigration, culture, race. Then I'd be forced to shove your ignorance down your throat.

Believe what you want, Trumpster. It's what you folks do. It's the BEST you can do.

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