We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

when you use Trumpster to describe someone, it says exactly who and what you are, stop lying about being unbiased.
I love it when Trumpsters get all huffy about funny pet name people call each other, I mean Trumpyberra considers himself to be a Grand Master at the technique.
Weird.....all of the people you guys nominate said the 2016 election was stolen:

Who said 2016 was stolen and how was it stolen? You mean the massive misinformation Russians dumped on us the months leading up to the election?

That's cheating/lying/not playing by the rules. It's not right to do. But it wasn't stolen. If the voters are so stupid to believe the corporate media I guess it's their fault when abortion becomes illegal and their social security gets cut 30%.
If it went over your head, sorry bout that.

The Constitution isn't the only document that is used in the government of the United States.
The Constitution, or better yet the bill of rights, is supposed to protect us from the government.
The Constitution prevents legislators from making laws that go against it's doctrine.
The Constitution says we don't legally have to pay taxes, but the IRS doesn't care, they'll take everything if you don't.

The reason I mentioned living in Germany is because I've lived in other countries and know there are other places you can move if you don't like the laws in this country.
If you don't like America, get the fuck out.

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The filibuster has a purpose and so does the electoral college.
Both prevent the majority from stepping all over the rights of the minority.
This is why I said you sound like a Marxist.

The reason I said you're a Marxist is because you sound like one.
Marxists gain power thru populist movements.
They think pure democracy is a great thing....but it's horrific for the minority.

I'm sorry if all of that confused you.


Yet it was Trump's guru Bannon that has publicly stated that he is a 'Stalinist'.

Trump is the 'populist', Marxist dictator wannabe who tried to stop the Democratic transition of power and establish himself as dictator.

The filibuster is NOT critical to having a functioning Democracy. It is not included on the Constitution. It is based on a Senate rule that can be changed anytime.

Please feel free to go back to Germany if you don't like American Democracy. In your case North Korea would probably be more to your taste.
Who said 2016 was stolen and how was it stolen? You mean the massive misinformation Russians dumped on us the months leading up to the election?

That's cheating/lying/not playing by the rules. It's not right to do. But it wasn't stolen. If the voters are so stupid to believe the corporate media I guess it's their fault when abortion becomes illegal and their social security gets cut 30%.

According to mudwhistle, voting machines were connected to the internet via modem during the 2016 election, which inevitably means that the voting machines were hacked and the election results invalid.

I actually find that to be very believable!
Nope. This issue was already decided. States can't just drop someone from the ballot. I hope some dem states do drop Trump and then get their Electoral Votes disqualified.

Democrats’ dangerous effort to bar Trump from ballot with 14th Amendment​

Perhaps the most dangerous movement is an effort to extend the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot. Democrats, and some Republicans, have insisted that the 14th Amendment prevents Trump from running, given his support for “insurrection or rebellion.” Yet, Trump has not been charged with incitement, let alone insurrection or rebellion.

In support of barring Trump from the ballot, it’s been falsely claimed that the New Mexico Supreme Court relied on the 14th Amendment as the basis for upholding the removal of a local official from office for participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

It is telling that New Mexico District Judge Francis Mathew began his decision in the case with a long quotation from Judge Peter Stenger Grosscup, who in 1894 cracked down on union organizers as rebels and insurrectionists.

Grosscup not only declared union organizers to be insurgents but also added (as Mathew approvingly quoted) that “every person who knowingly incites, aids, or abets them, no matter what his motives may be, is likewise an insurgent.” Grosscup called for federal troops to put down union organizers and later resigned under allegations of improper conduct.

None of this seems to penetrate Democrats’ rage. In pursuing Trump, progressives are citing the same legal authority once used to justify imprisoning socialists and union organizers. And like their anti-free speech predecessors, they’re blind to the implications of these arguments.

p.s. The USSC always has the last word, cite Bush v Gore and the hanging chads election in FL.

P.S. The Bush v. Gore case was only heard by SCOTUS because there may have been a violation of the 'Equal Protection Clause' of the Constitution. A FEDERAL LAW.

Article I sec. 4:
"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature"

The fact is that in all 50 states, there will be law suits brought by either Pro or Anti Trump people to either force his disqualification or to stop his disqualification.

The outcome of those law suits will be determined by State judges. Whichever side loses will appeal to SCOTUS.

SCOTUS will not hear 50 appeals. They will either decide to hear a subset of the appeals (probably 4) which will have to be rolled into one case, or they will simply decide not to hear any of them and leave the State courts decisions stand.

On one hand, they should just leave it to the State courts per the Constitution, on the other hand it's hard to believe that they would pass up such a monumental decision.

In the end, even if they hear the appeals, they will still rule in favor of Trump's disqualification - and that means that he will be disqualified in all 50 States.
According to mudwhistle, voting machines were connected to the internet via modem during the 2016 election, which inevitably means that the voting machines were hacked and the election results invalid.

I actually find that to be very believable!
No. That's you thinking that, not me.

Seems you think that.

You also think Russia, Russia, Russia was why Hillary lost.

Yet it was Trump's guru Bannon that has publicly stated that he is a 'Stalinist'.

Trump is the 'populist', Marxist dictator wannabe who tried to stop the Democratic transition of power and establish himself as dictator.

The filibuster is NOT critical to having a functioning Democracy. It is not included on the Constitution. It is based on a Senate rule that can be changed anytime.

Please feel free to go back to Germany if you don't like American Democracy. In your case North Korea would probably be more to your taste.
There is no such thing as "American Democracy".
It's a fallacy. Unless you're talking about the Democrats.
They believe in mob-rule.

And "Defending Our Democracy" is only used as a campaign slogan to attack anyone who's MAGA.
Who said 2016 was stolen and how was it stolen? You mean the massive misinformation Russians dumped on us the months leading up to the election?

That's cheating/lying/not playing by the rules. It's not right to do. But it wasn't stolen. If the voters are so stupid to believe the corporate media I guess it's their fault when abortion becomes illegal and their social security gets cut 30%.
Yet every Democrat on TV said the 2016 election was stolen.
It was their excuse for every illegal act they pulled for the last 7 years. :iagree:

You know because Trump wasn't a real president and all......:hmpf:
Here's a perfect example of the kinds of shenanigans they were pulling because they claimed Trump wasn't legit.

No. That's you thinking that, not me.

Seems you think that.

You also think Russia, Russia, Russia was why Hillary lost.
Again, and again. Sorry if I'm being repetitive but if you are going to believe in the deep state globalists theory, you must realize the same people who rigged it for Biden rigged it for Bush. Because they wanted to invade Iraq, pass those Bush tax breaks and cause the great recession. All on purpose.

And thanks to Bill Clinton signing the 1996 Telecommunications Act, that allowed the rich to buy up all the media case anyone want to expose Bush for lying us into Iraq.

The first and only Republican to admit it is Trump.

Back then citizen Trump thought it would be wonderful if Pelosi would have impeached him for it. Back when he praised the Clinton's and Pelosi. That was before he realized he could win as a Republican.

You idiots don't realize a lot of these politicians pick a party because in that district, there is a seat open going unapposed and so they run as a Dem or GOP. From that moment on they have to cater to that liberal or conservative bunch so it's hard to be a liberal and run as a Republican unless you just go along, which they do.

For example Trump is pro choice but if you want me to appoint judges who will outlaw abortion, I'll do it.
Yet every Democrat on TV said the 2016 election was stolen.
It was their excuse for every illegal act they pulled for the last 7 years. :iagree:

You know because Trump wasn't a real president and all......:hmpf:
It wasn't stolen but Trump broke laws while running for president. Then broke more laws right from the get go. Don't you remember then speaker Paul Ryan had to make the excuse that Trump is new at this and doesn't know any better.

But then 3 years later he didn't know any better than to make that call to Ukraine. Trying to make shit up about his political opponent. Almost makes me think Putin invaded because Ukraine didn't go along.

Or, they infiltrated muslim terrorist sleeper cells and broke them up. Saved American lives.

When's the last time we had a 9-11 attack? Thank you Obama and Biden. Yea you too Trump.

If Trump got 9-11'ed he would have no doubt started WW3
Again, and again. Sorry if I'm being repetitive but if you are going to believe in the deep state globalists theory, you must realize the same people who rigged it for Biden rigged it for Bush. Because they wanted to invade Iraq, pass those Bush tax breaks and cause the great recession. All on purpose.

And thanks to Bill Clinton signing the 1996 Telecommunications Act, that allowed the rich to buy up all the media case anyone want to expose Bush for lying us into Iraq.

The first and only Republican to admit it is Trump.

Back then citizen Trump thought it would be wonderful if Pelosi would have impeached him for it. Back when he praised the Clinton's and Pelosi. That was before he realized he could win as a Republican.

You idiots don't realize a lot of these politicians pick a party because in that district, there is a seat open going unapposed and so they run as a Dem or GOP. From that moment on they have to cater to that liberal or conservative bunch so it's hard to be a liberal and run as a Republican unless you just go along, which they do.

For example Trump is pro choice but if you want me to appoint judges who will outlaw abortion, I'll do it.
Jesus....your thinking is really warped.

You don't seem to understand that every president since George Walker Herbert Bush has been in on everything.....except maybe one guy.


That's why whenever the former presidents gather....they always exclude this guy:

It wasn't stolen but Trump broke laws while running for president. Then broke more laws right from the get go. Don't you remember then speaker Paul Ryan had to make the excuse that Trump is new at this and doesn't know any better.

But then 3 years later he didn't know any better than to make that call to Ukraine. Trying to make shit up about his political opponent. Almost makes me think Putin invaded because Ukraine didn't go along.
Sure....that's what the co-conspirators wanted you to think.

Instead....what they did was overthrow the government after four solid years of claiming they were overthrowing the president that cheated to win.

The difference being they claim Trump planned a coup.....but they actually pulled one off.
Jesus....your thinking is really warped.

You don't seem to understand that every president since George Walker Bush has been in on everything.....except maybe one guy.

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That's why whenever the former presidents gather....they always exclude this guy:

View attachment 826019
Nah. Republicans protected him as much as they could. Even when they didn't want to. They had to or his supporters would not vote for them.

Even Mitch "Bet I can beat you in a staring contest) McConnell protected him on his way out.

Now I don't think Mitch wants Trump back. 40% of Republicans wish he'd go away.

You are right about one thing. Your party is in a civil war. It's the racists vs the corporatists and in the 2000's the corporatists were winning. We never dreamed the racists and conspiracy theorists would take over the party.

Trump appealed to people in 2016. Today he's not so appealing. You'll see.
That's not why...

It's the Loserstink
Don't know what that means but I think it's funny that Trump supporters truly believe Trump was the outsider who both sides want gone. It may be true but not because Trump is an outsider. He has cost Republicans seats/elections. He was a horrible leader. They liked the tax laws he passed, deregulations, appointments, executive orders. Republicans loved it all. It was he kept getting caught crossing the line.
Keep in mind everyone who was loyal to Trump went to jail. And not because the deep state globalists locked up their adversaries. Stop that shit.

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