We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Kudlow is a hardcore right wing partisan ideologue.

A former President trying to overthrow a free and fair election, using his own manipulated rubes to attack our nation's Capitol during the constitutional peaceful transfer of presidential power on a lie, dwarfs this to an absurd degree. And the history books will certainly reflect that.
It was NOT a free and fair election. the dem cheating is well documented, senile joe did not win, he did not get 81 million votes, What happened in 2020 was a successful coup of the US government orchestrated by the dems, the media, china, soros, and the courrpt DC deep state criminals.

By the way, where is Epstein's guest list???????????????????????????
As a real American, I believe trump has no business holding any type of public office. If you want to call that TDS, so be it. Evidently, you think he's the sort of person that should be in government.
Trump is a successful business man who plays by the rules. he plays hard but by the rules. His adversaries respect him because he does what he says he will do. unlike senile joe who has been a liar and crook for all of his 50 years sucking the govt tit. do you think someone who has taken bribes from foreign interests and committed treason should be in government? if not, how can you support senile ole joey boy?
Trump is a successful business man who plays by the rules. he plays hard but by the rules. His adversaries respect him because he does what he says he will do. unlike senile joe who has been a liar and crook for all of his 50 years sucking the govt tit. do you think someone who has taken bribes from foreign interests and committed treason should be in government? if not, how can you support senile ole joey boy?
Even trump admits he doesn't play by the rules in business.
I agree that both parties use the filibuster to defraud the American people.

However, the filibuster is relatively new. We did not have 'Mob Rule' before the filibuster.

Having 2 Senators per State, and in the electoral college made sense in 1784. It does not make sense anymore. Presidents should be elected by popular vote. Leaving 2 Senators per State gives far too much advantage to low population States - people in high population states are unfairly under represented.
Spoken like a true Marxist.

Our country was founded as a Republic for various reasons.

You seem to have issues with those reasons.

If you want to live in a true democracy you can try living in some other country.

Stop trying to change what has worked for over 200 years for us.

I lived in Germany for awhile and I thought it was really nice. I would prefer living there rather than here, but there are limitations on anyone who wasn't born there. I never tried to buy a home because I was always renting, but I like being able to watch television programming because I'm retired and I'm taking care of my wife who has Dementia. They seem to have a decent health care system, but some of my German friends are always bitching about the government giving away their retirement to immigrants.

Many of them work 3 jobs for half the year and then go on welfare for the rest of the year. Everything is too expensive over there. But the food is much more healthy than the crap they try to feed us. Drinking wine or beer every day isn't the health hazard it is in the US. They do it because iced water is something they kind of avoid. Coffee, beer, wine, Champagne, milk and juice. No ice-water.
Spoken like a true Marxist.

Our country was founded as a Republic for various reasons.

You seem to have issues with those reasons.

If you want to live in a true democracy you can try living in some other country.

Stop trying to change what has worked for over 200 years for us.

I lived in Germany for awhile and I thought it was really nice. I would prefer living there rather than here, but there are limitations on anyone who wasn't born there. I never tried to buy a home because I was always renting, but I like being able to watch television programming because I'm retired and I'm taking care of my wife who has Dementia. They seem to have a decent health care system, but some of my German friends are always bitching about the government giving away their retirement to immigrants.

Many of them work 3 jobs for half the year and then go on welfare for the rest of the year. Everything is too expensive over there. But the food is much more healthy than the crap they try to feed us. Drinking wine or beer every day isn't the health hazard it is in the US. They do it because iced water is something they kind of avoid. Coffee, beer, wine, Champagne, milk and juice. No ice-water.

What in the world did anything I wrote have to do with Marxism? Is that just a term you throw out anytime your frustrated?

Our country was founded without the filibuster.

I don't know what your discussion of your life in Germany has to do with this thread.
Only the USSC can accurately translate the US Constitution.
Using the 14th Amendment to affect a Federal Election is in their wheelhouse.

The Constitution clearly says that the states are wholly responsible for the elections. Unless some Federal law is violated, SCOTUS has no standing on this issue.

State courts routinely interpret the Constitution.
What in the world did anything I wrote have to do with Marxism? Is that just a term you throw out anytime your frustrated?

Our country was founded without the filibuster.

I don't know what your discussion of your life in Germany has to do with this thread.
He doesnt know why he said "Marxism" either. He says it because trump says it.
It's true, Trump cult traitors. If you just make up enough craycray stories, reality itself will shift, and all your corrupt traitor leaders will beat the rap!

Not really. But it's cute how Trump cult traitors actually think that's the case. They're going to be ranting lunatic conspiracies until the day they die, and then past that. When they're down in Hell, they'll be screaming how God was corrupted by the DeepState.
Your exactly right,
every liberal has a conspiracy loving anti government relative, who will never change. been that way their whole life. We always hope they will change and are fascinated at their incredible imaginations. We need to realize that most only have their vote and their keyboard. They will never convince anyone of anything. And thank goodness it’s only 20 percent of America, so democracy will survive.
Wow....do you understand difference between a civil action and a criminal charge?

Apparently what the Taj was found liable for was not filling out paperwork according to regulations.


Does this make Trump personally a criminal?

How many chefs have died on Trump's property?
How many bags of coke were found in the Trump White House?
How many times has Trump been caught bragging about bribing foreign governments into firing prosecutors?
What in the world did anything I wrote have to do with Marxism? Is that just a term you throw out anytime your frustrated?

Our country was founded without the filibuster.

I don't know what your discussion of your life in Germany has to do with this thread.
If it went over your head, sorry bout that.

The Constitution isn't the only document that is used in the government of the United States.
The Constitution, or better yet the bill of rights, is supposed to protect us from the government.
The Constitution prevents legislators from making laws that go against it's doctrine.
The Constitution says we don't legally have to pay taxes, but the IRS doesn't care, they'll take everything if you don't.

The reason I mentioned living in Germany is because I've lived in other countries and know there are other places you can move if you don't like the laws in this country.
If you don't like America, get the fuck out.


The filibuster has a purpose and so does the electoral college.
Both prevent the majority from stepping all over the rights of the minority.
This is why I said you sound like a Marxist.

The reason I said you're a Marxist is because you sound like one.
Marxists gain power thru populist movements.
They think pure democracy is a great thing....but it's horrific for the minority.

I'm sorry if all of that confused you.
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It's getting even worse, Democrats are floating the 14th amendment as a way to preclude Trump from running. All it takes is a couple of far lefties to declare Trump incapable of running.
Intolerable. They have a leader who walked out on heroes before the benediction. They didn't have fifty million dollars to pay the asshole or else he would have stuck around. Biden stinks to infinity.
Nine different members of the Biden family are getting checks but Joe doesn't know a thing about it? If you're going to lie...at least tell a lie that isn't laughable on it's face!
We all know it's a lie, but Biden's only response it for us to prove it.

Then he raids another guy's home that tries to prove it.
Nine different members of the Biden family are getting checks but Joe doesn't know a thing about it? If you're going to lie...at least tell a lie that isn't laughable on it's face!
Hey when it comes to Trump, they will do back flips as they twist and turn to find their newest false narratives.

They truly make fools of themselves, but leftist need to have character before normal behavior begins to seem normal to them again (most don't)...

Hopefully normal behavior will find it's way back into their leftist brainwashed thick skulls, otherwise if they would just allow it too.
Here is why Republicans won't win. They will only nominate a divisive person. Someone who thinks 2020 was stolen. A pro insurrectionist. Someone who wants to fight WOKE. That would be Ron, Vivik or Trump.

I don't think Christie, Pence or Nikki will start a war against WOKE. They won't be pro woke but they won't use WOKE to divide us. And if they won't fight the WOKE war, 60% of Republicans will deem them as RINO's, pussies, not authoritarian enough. They feel like they made a mistake nominating a moderate like McCain and Romney.

Trump pretended to be a moderate when he ran the first time. He said many many things running for president that even sounded good to me. So Republicans don't realize that Trump doesn't have the illusion of being above the politics. He is the biggest trouble maker. He started fights he didn't have to start.

Oh well. This is why I'm sure Democrats will win next year. This and abortion. And young people. And blacks.
Weird.....all of the people you guys nominate said the 2016 election was stolen:

A prominent financial reporter, Mr. Kudlow, presents a case that claims the biggest scandal in American history is a current President of the United States who is trying to eliminate his strong political opponent in the 2024 election by jailing his chief opponent. Here is his imaculately-researched case that can only be fixed by impeachment of the current president, his weaponized DOJ supporters, and his sell-out of America to China co-scandal to the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America. Regardless of your party, you need to reconcile in favor of the Constitution or become the weakest member due to the continuation of a Communist pursuit of powerful ownership by the Feds over every aspect of human life in America, where people can be thrown into jail or executed by whim of the Party in charge, and by design President Biden's Democrat Party that can incarcerate political opponents by whim. We're in dangerous territory, but I'll let one of the best fiscal reporters in America explain the upside down world of today's White House. I hope it sinks in to both sides of the aisle, as hearing this will be the best hour you ever spent understanding how to survive this crisis without destroying the Constitution intelligent men of the eighteenth century, our Founders, delivered a plan, which if respected, will restore the nation to some semblance of reality of dealing with prices of cars being $48,000, gas prices high, to be lowered for a short time before the election, then restored to its double or triple price before Joe Biden sold out America to the Communist Chinese for $5 million dollars for himself, and $5 million dollars for his son, Hunter Biden. Do you want to become a subservant of the person in power's demands? Please take an hour of your precious time to hear out Mr. Kudlow's research and commentary.

Biden, as usual, blames other people for his actions of pay to play,
in an unprecedented scandal to jail his formidable political opponent of our 247 year American History.
It's never been done before, and I hope it never happens again.

Yep covering two administration and the same two have attacked the past administration
The Constitution clearly says that the states are wholly responsible for the elections. Unless some Federal law is violated, SCOTUS has no standing on this issue. State courts routinely interpret the Constitution.
Nope. This issue was already decided. States can't just drop someone from the ballot. I hope some dem states do drop Trump and then get their Electoral Votes disqualified.

Democrats’ dangerous effort to bar Trump from ballot with 14th Amendment​

Perhaps the most dangerous movement is an effort to extend the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot. Democrats, and some Republicans, have insisted that the 14th Amendment prevents Trump from running, given his support for “insurrection or rebellion.” Yet, Trump has not been charged with incitement, let alone insurrection or rebellion.

In support of barring Trump from the ballot, it’s been falsely claimed that the New Mexico Supreme Court relied on the 14th Amendment as the basis for upholding the removal of a local official from office for participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

It is telling that New Mexico District Judge Francis Mathew began his decision in the case with a long quotation from Judge Peter Stenger Grosscup, who in 1894 cracked down on union organizers as rebels and insurrectionists.

Grosscup not only declared union organizers to be insurgents but also added (as Mathew approvingly quoted) that “every person who knowingly incites, aids, or abets them, no matter what his motives may be, is likewise an insurgent.” Grosscup called for federal troops to put down union organizers and later resigned under allegations of improper conduct.

None of this seems to penetrate Democrats’ rage. In pursuing Trump, progressives are citing the same legal authority once used to justify imprisoning socialists and union organizers. And like their anti-free speech predecessors, they’re blind to the implications of these arguments.

p.s. The USSC always has the last word, cite Bush v Gore and the hanging chads election in FL.
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