We are into our fourth week. How come it's worse today than on day one?

Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
I predicted this shit on day one, the thread is out there, check it out. You can not reform a bipolar narcissistic maniac by giving him power...anyone with a working brain cell knew Trump would be a night mare and that electing him to white house would get you shit like this. When people show you who they really are....you gotta believe them. And he showed nothing but a arrogant know it all on day one and that's what we're getting and his white neo nuts love him for it.

awwww poor lil snowflake is butt hurt. read more fake news you'll feel better and mommy will be by with warm milk and cookies and a fresh pacifier
Amazing how scandal free the Obama Administration was sandwiched between The Bush disaster and the Trump debacle.

I wish Trump was humble enough to step down and invite Obama back....LOLOLO
Yup...totally agree. There's a prison cell with Hussein Obama's name written on it!
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
You're depressed because it's looking like President Trump will be living in the White House for 8 years. Americans are tiring of the Left's antics and will take it out on democrat candidates.
Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.
President Trump has exceeded my expectations. He is delivering what he promised during the campaign. The Left is resisting and slowing the change but change will come because The President is a winner and he is persistent.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
It's dark. So dark.

The stench. The ovens. Glowing red. The fires they burn. Bodies forced into the orange embers.

Smoke visible in the dark night.

It's dark. So dark. It's dark.

The screams in the night from the persecuted citizens.

It's dark. So dark. It's dark.

The children. What of the children?

They starve in the streets.

Oh woe. It's dark. It's so dark.

The food is gone. Not a blade of grass remains.

It's so so dark. So dark. It's dark.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
Two a day huh? List them. List the lies. I'll wait....
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
I bet you weren't embarrassed for eight years, while your treasonous train wreck of a president lied, bullied, bombed, and looted his way through his regime.

Fuck off whiner.

No one's vote is going to have any impact on the bombing, that's just who we are, war is business, amd we'll allow society to erode totally before we redirect our attention homeward.

When we are finished bombing the world we can then focus dropping bombs on the American people.

Priorities. So much to do. So little time.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

"How come it's worse than on day one?"

Tip of the iceberg, will get much, much worse until the Resistance ends this charade

We'll give you 8 years.
Amazing how scandal free the Obama Administration was sandwiched between The Bush disaster and the Trump debacle.

I wish Trump was humble enough to step down and invite Obama back....LOLOLO
Boy, are you going to be forever disappointed.
Libtards need to pace themselves or they are going to blow a artery in their brain, if there is one in them. Half the country isn't going to allow an impeachment and the cowardly republicans won't dare try to get on the good side of the Press.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

It is worse because you are a left wing moron who hates America.....Trump has had a successful first month.......everyone he meets with loves what he wants to do...from the unions to the retail association......it is just going to keep getting worse and worse for you....especially since he is fixing our relationship with one of our greatest allies...Israel....

buckle up buttercup...it is going to be a long 8 years for you...

For actual Americans.....we won't get tired of winning....
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.

Even anti-Trumper, Ben Shapiro has nice things to say about Trump....
Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.
President Trump has exceeded my expectations. He is delivering what he promised during the campaign. The Left is resisting and slowing the change but change will come because The President is a winner and he is persistent.
Yessirreeee............. Really exceeded your expectations. LOL The dumb ass orange clown has written EO's that are meaningless, or unconstitutional. And now we see that he and his aides were in close contact with Russian intel agencies The whole election cycle. What was the quid pro for the support the Russians gave him?
Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.
President Trump has exceeded my expectations. He is delivering what he promised during the campaign. The Left is resisting and slowing the change but change will come because The President is a winner and he is persistent.
Yessirreeee............. Really exceeded your expectations. LOL The dumb ass orange clown has written EO's that are meaningless, or unconstitutional. And now we see that he and his aides were in close contact with Russian intel agencies The whole election cycle. What was the quid pro for the support the Russians gave him?

Wow....every single letter and word in your post is a lie.....

The EOs were legal and Constitutional...the left wing judges were out of line and out of order.......the actual investigators stated they don't know if Manifort, the guy who used to be with Trump, even knew if some of the Russians he did business with as a private citizen were agents of the Russian Government....and that there is no evidence of any cooperation or collusion between Trump's people and the Russians...

But please keep lying...it is all you have....
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

It is worse because you are a left wing moron who hates America.....Trump has had a successful first month.......everyone he meets with loves what he wants to do...from the unions to the retail association......it is just going to keep getting worse and worse for you....especially since he is fixing our relationship with one of our greatest allies...Israel....

buckle up buttercup...it is going to be a long 8 years for you...

For actual Americans.....we won't get tired of winning....
My goodness, and the orange clown's shit tastes like New York steak, right? LOL
Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.
President Trump has exceeded my expectations. He is delivering what he promised during the campaign. The Left is resisting and slowing the change but change will come because The President is a winner and he is persistent.
Yessirreeee............. Really exceeded your expectations. LOL The dumb ass orange clown has written EO's that are meaningless, or unconstitutional. And now we see that he and his aides were in close contact with Russian intel agencies The whole election cycle. What was the quid pro for the support the Russians gave him?

Wow....every single letter and word in your post is a lie.....

The EOs were legal and Constitutional...the left wing judges were out of line and out of order.......the actual investigators stated they don't know if Manifort, the guy who used to be with Trump, even knew if some of the Russians he did business with as a private citizen were agents of the Russian Government....and that there is no evidence of any cooperation or collusion between Trump's people and the Russians...

But please keep lying...it is all you have....

Here....the part of the story the democrat press won't tell the uninformed...


The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.


Mr. Manafort, who has not been charged with any crimes, dismissed the officials’ accounts in a telephone interview on Tuesday. “This is absurd,” he said. “I have no idea what this is referring to. I have never knowingly spoken to Russian intelligence officers, and I have never been involved with anything to do with the Russian government or the Putin administration or any other issues under investigation today.”

He added, “It’s not like these people wear badges that say, ‘I’m a Russian intelligence officer.’”


And it is not unusual for American businessmen to come in contact with foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwittingly, in countries like Russia and Ukraine, where the spy services are deeply embedded in society. Law enforcement officials did not say to what extent the contacts might have been about business.

Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.
President Trump has exceeded my expectations. He is delivering what he promised during the campaign. The Left is resisting and slowing the change but change will come because The President is a winner and he is persistent.
Yessirreeee............. Really exceeded your expectations. LOL The dumb ass orange clown has written EO's that are meaningless, or unconstitutional. And now we see that he and his aides were in close contact with Russian intel agencies The whole election cycle. What was the quid pro for the support the Russians gave him?

Wow....every single letter and word in your post is a lie.....

The EOs were legal and Constitutional...the left wing judges were out of line and out of order.......the actual investigators stated they don't know if Manifort, the guy who used to be with Trump, even knew if some of the Russians he did business with as a private citizen were agents of the Russian Government....and that there is no evidence of any cooperation or collusion between Trump's people and the Russians...

But please keep lying...it is all you have....
The judges have been upheld. And by the time it gets to the Supreme Court, the orange clown may well be in jail.

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