We are Now The Enemy

Our president has decided NOT to share intel on where the enemy is or what they maybe building. That places us on the OTHER side of France and Russia in destroying Islamic State.

That is world class treason on a international stage and MAY also violate our NATO agreement. Now granted we and the world KNEW this man was/is a liar so how about the NATO agreement to SHARE intel? What could they do? Well to start the COULD refuse to tell us any info on those "Syrian Refugees" coming INTO this country.

They of course would still be vetted by Obama and HIS employees which does NOT make me feel anymore secure about them. They COULD refuse any intel on arms shipments OR bomb making materials being covertly brought into this country.

It would seem to me at a time when sharing intel is THE most important thing to world safety and security we WOULD be leading the group NOT avoiding it and abetting the enemy. Obama said when he was first running for president he would stand with the nation of islam. Strange that the ONLY promise he has NOT screwed up on.

The only ones aiding the enemy are you and your fellow rwnjs. Wtf is wrong with you?

too 14 is a tard. He types in all caps for crying out loud. Might as well use crayons.

It's called BOLD idiot NOT caps idiot. Done for my vision. You don't like it? F#ck off.
Perhaps it is time the military stepped up and took over the government on a temporary basis.....until his term is up. If done, we might actually see significant progress against Islam and also see an end to the huge influx of Muslims.

There's is no such thing as temporary coup. When that happened you don't get to choose which big rock will fall to your head. It's not like faucet that you can just turn it in or off. Everything will be stand still or shut the whole supply system in America will be shut. That includes banking, agriculture, groceries, currency devaluation etc.... But you and your sympathizer are advocating such apocalypse. That makes you an enemy of America. Worst than ISIS.
Last I checked, I wasn't an enemy of America. I have absolutely NO intention of attacking our government, or blowing myself up in the name of some unreal deity. I support my country, which Obama doesn't. Thousands of Christians are being terrorized in the Middle-East and all we do is bring in a few, while flooding in Islamists; Islamists who would like nothing more than to create an Islamic nation here.

Calling for a military coup makes you an enemy of America.
If the American military takes over? How so?

Coup is a coup by military or revolution is the same. That can collapse the entire system of America. No decent people will let that happen.
Perhaps it is time the military stepped up and took over the government on a temporary basis.....until his term is up. If done, we might actually see significant progress against Islam and also see an end to the huge influx of Muslims.

So you're calling for a military coup?
I'm saying that the person at the helm at this time is not a friend of "secular" freedom when he brings in Islamists by the tens of thousands regularly. And, I would like to see him step down peacefully and be replaced with someone who would stop the flow of Islamists into the country. If the military were to step in temporarily, that's great. They would know how to tackle the overall problem we are having. If another politician would step in to the office, that would be fine too. A coup is a violent thing and that is one thing I absolutely do not want. No violence, just someone else taking over that will protect secular America.

How and where you get the information Obama bring in thousands and thousands of Islamist? Why would anyone wants to destroy America? Syrian people has been coming to America since the 80s or earlier. Most or all of these people wants a better life for their family compared from what they came from. Why would of Obama step down when his popularity is better than Bush despite with all these new problems that landed in his lap?

Presidential job approval ratings from Ike to Obama
...Last I checked, I wasn't an enemy of America...
That was probably before you publicly advocated for a military coup to overthrow our popularly elected government.

...I have absolutely NO intention of attacking our government...
Perhaps, although you would (by your own declaration) support others (the US military) doing it in your place, so that you risk nothing, nor soil your own hands.

...or blowing myself up in the name of some unreal deity. I support my country, which Obama doesn't. Thousands of Christians are being terrorized in the Middle-East and all we do is bring in a few, while flooding in Islamists; Islamists who would like nothing more than to create an Islamic nation here.
Given that you support our military overthrowing our elected civilian government, and that you will not retract, nothing else that you say really matters.


My advice to you?

Retract - clearly, unmistakably, and without caveats - say that you misspoke in the heat of the moment and, that upon reflection, you can see that you were wrong.

Retract - and most folks will probably understand, even if they remain a bit skeptical for a while.

Fail to retract - and be known hereabouts as a traitor to the United States and her People and her Constitution.
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Our president has decided NOT to share intel on where the enemy is or what they maybe building. That places us on the OTHER side of France and Russia in destroying Islamic State.

That is world class treason on a international stage and MAY also violate our NATO agreement. Now granted we and the world KNEW this man was/is a liar so how about the NATO agreement to SHARE intel? What could they do? Well to start the COULD refuse to tell us any info on those "Syrian Refugees" coming INTO this country.

They of course would still be vetted by Obama and HIS employees which does NOT make me feel anymore secure about them. They COULD refuse any intel on arms shipments OR bomb making materials being covertly brought into this country.

It would seem to me at a time when sharing intel is THE most important thing to world safety and security we WOULD be leading the group NOT avoiding it and abetting the enemy. Obama said when he was first running for president he would stand with the nation of islam. Strange that the ONLY promise he has NOT screwed up on.

The only ones aiding the enemy are you and your fellow rwnjs. Wtf is wrong with you?

too 14 is a tard. He types in all caps for crying out loud. Might as well use crayons.

It's called BOLD idiot NOT caps idiot. Done for my vision. You don't like it? F#ck off.

so you can read your posts but no one else's. Understood. Makes a lot of sense

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